Defeated Century Mayoral Candidate Crying Foul

October 12, 2011

The challenger in Tuesday’s election for Century mayor is crying foul and throwing out multiple allegations, saying he plans to protest his loss to incumbent Mayor Freddie McCall.

Final unofficial totals showed McCall was reelected with 61 percent of the vote — 292 votes to Hawkins’ 186 votes.  McCall received 150 absentee votes, while Hawkins received 30. It’s the absentee votes where Hawkins said the election was flawed.

Hawkins told shortly after the final totals were announced that he plans to file complaints with the Florida Secretary of State and the governor’s office over the absentee ballots for McCall.

“I know there’s been problems with absentee ballots,” Hawkins said. “That’s what I’m questioning, I’m challenging…is that election process. If it’s not fair, it’s not fair.”

He claimed three people attempted to vote in person Tuesday at Century City Hall, but they were told they had already voted absentee when, in fact, that had not.

“I don’t mind losing; I’m not a sore loser,” he said. “But I like to be beat fair and square. And this was not fair at all. I can’t compete against a man that has everything from the city at his disposal, so he’s paving streets, putting up speed breakers as special favors and also letting people’s water bills slide.”

Hawkins also claimed that no results from the absentee ballots were provided Tuesday night as Escambia County Supervisor of Elections David Stafford watched over Century’s canvassing board as votes were counted.

“They haven’t given the absentee ballot scores, how many people voted absentee ballot, when absentee ballots is what killed us in every election,” he said.

However, the absentee ballot results were clearly posted on the front door of the Century Town Hall right after they were tabulated.

For complete results from Tuesday’s election in Century, click here.

Pictured: Defeated Century mayoral candidate Henry Hawkins writes down vote totals as they are announced Tuesday night. photo, click to enlarge.


30 Responses to “Defeated Century Mayoral Candidate Crying Foul”

  1. Jennifer on October 16th, 2011 12:36 am

    I think its so sad that we have over 1000 people registered to vote but only 400 or so actually voted..that’s absentee and at the polls….how sad…just goes to show that most of the citizens of Century could care less either way..and although i voted I can’t really say that i blame them, nothing has, is or will ever change. So considering the amount of citizens that actually voted… to the candiates that won..I say.what did you actually win ????? a few votes of the few people that you called the elections office and ordered absentee ballots for then filled out for them because they do not have the mental capacity to understand what you were doing especially if you are stuffing a few bucks in the pockets..

  2. Century Lady on October 16th, 2011 12:27 am

    Hawkins should let the fact that he lost go. He didn’t like that he lost City council either. These things happen. What has been for the good of Century? I live in Century and i am looking for something that has been done to lift up Century. Has anyone tried to bring jobs to Century. The schools have been taking away from Century.There are drugs being sold at a rapid pace. If someone wanted to help Century look at these things. Speed Breakers and Water Bills are not going to break Century, not that it is right, anymore than what it is already broken

  3. just tired on October 14th, 2011 9:47 pm

    The citizens of Century just got hoodwinked again. Rev. Hawkins’ allegations are not as farfetched as some of you may think. If you talk to the right Century residents, you might just be surprised at what you find out, but I’m depending on GOD to bring the truth out.

  4. OldMarine on October 14th, 2011 7:24 pm

    Don’t go away mad!

    Just go away , the people have spoken

  5. Baebae on October 14th, 2011 6:05 pm

    Yes..he is a sore looser

  6. flomaton resident on October 14th, 2011 8:26 am

    As a resident of flomaton and friend to the Mcall Family…Congrats to you Freddie.

  7. t on October 13th, 2011 8:46 pm

    Your best leaders are usually the ones who are the best at being servants. We need to pick selfless leaders and we need people of integrity to run for office. People with good core values and good attitudes. Lord knows “public office” will consume a good man or woman. We need people who are willing to eat Humble pie. If we all donated a little time and gave a little more we’d make our community better.

  8. Hmmmm on October 13th, 2011 3:27 pm

    @ Century “YEAH THATS WHAT THIS TOWN IS GOING TO BE LIKE VERY SOON “JAY and FLOMATON” But atlest jay and flomaton have schools. Theyre tring to take away the community center,have already taken away the schools.What do we have here in century????Nothing!!!!! Take your money and put a racetrack on flomaton????No, I dont think so.That could have been in century but thats how you can tell the world is not like it use to be.All kind of wrong things going on.But everyone will pay for what they do thats wrong.SAD,SAD,SAD:) Dont speak so soon about things you dont know about”

    Take your own advice “Dont speak so soon about things you dont know about”
    The Race Track was already in Flomaton Mr McCall stepped in when it closed, yes it’s in Flomaton but look at all the folks that come through Century and stop in Century and spend their money when they stop.
    It would have cost millions to build a new track in Century and then he would have had to compete with the track in Flomaton if someone else opened it i think it was a good decision on his part..
    So like I said take your own advice, Get your facts before you start flapping your gums!!!

  9. Joesph on October 13th, 2011 6:59 am

    If they want to really do something for century they would clean up the drugs,hell everyone knows where they are being sold they just over look it…Hudson hill,hudson hill road,are just a couple of places they should start.Then have to start with the small fish to get the big one’s!

  10. 24/7 on October 13th, 2011 12:57 am

    Would Mr. Hawkins cry foul if it was the other way around and he had gotten more of the absentee votes. I don’t think so. He is just a sore looser. Aparently the people have spoken and they didn’t want him to represent there interest. So take your loss like a man.

  11. CENTURY on October 12th, 2011 7:25 pm

    YEAH THATS WHAT THIS TOWN IS GOING TO BE LIKE VERY SOON “JAY and FLOMATON” But atlest jay and flomaton have schools. Theyre tring to take away the community center,have already taken away the schools.What do we have here in century????Nothing!!!!! Take your money and put a racetrack on flomaton????No, I dont think so.That could have been in century but thats how you can tell the world is not like it use to be.All kind of wrong things going on.But everyone will pay for what they do thats wrong.SAD,SAD,SAD:) Dont speak so soon about things you dont know about

  12. Century Resident on October 12th, 2011 6:50 pm

    When Hawkins was on the council, he NEVER voted for the good of the town. His vote most often was in opposition with all the rest of the council. If the others voted yes on an issue, he voted no and visa versa. Why is he crying now because his “promised” votes went the other way? Mr. Hawkins, if you really care about Century get out and volunteer and get involved with making it a better town without a pity party. Please take your loss with dignity! Century needs workers that are not just on town payroll.

  13. Hmmmm on October 12th, 2011 6:23 pm

    Did someone say “CRY BABY”?
    So So Sad!!!!
    Who all would he have put the blame on when he screwed up if he had got elected?

    @ oversight’s comment -move to another town like Jay or Flomaton. Don’t send him to Alabama!!!! Y’all keep him down in Florida!!! LOL…

  14. DS on October 12th, 2011 6:20 pm

    I am at a lose for words. Do you really want to start another war in your town? I do not understand why people cannot work together for the good of the city. Why doesn’t Mr. Hawkins go to the Mayor and ask what he can do to help the town? There is enough work for everyone. Stop the bickering and work together to make Century a better place to live and work. The Mayor cannot do all the work. Come on Century for once pull together and get the work done. If you don’t like something then work together to change it. I love Century and hate to see all this mess going on.

  15. ArmyCptswife on October 12th, 2011 4:12 pm


    Do you really think the supervisor of elections ( David Stafford) is in with Mr. McCall and committed voter fraud? Do you think Mr. McCall orchestrated this himself and David Stafford is oblivious? I think that this is, once again, another case of blame for not winning. It’s a shame that even under the direct eye of the Supervisor of Elections that some would cry foul. I do wish everyone would just work toward a better Century.
    My mother worked so hard to beautify Century, even using her own money. She planted flowers, wanted decorations for holidays, tried to fix up the park on 29. She would tell anyone “this is my town”, and she really meant it. I wish everyone else felt that way, and wanted to work toward a better town!!!!

  16. Oversight on October 12th, 2011 2:42 pm

    Hawkins’ quote from the article: “I can’t compete against a man that has everything from the city at his disposal, so he’s paving streets, putting up speed breakers as special favors and also letting people’s water bills slide.”

    Really, you’ve got to be kidding, right? McCall let’n little ol’ water bills slide? Say it ain’t so! Hawkins is just grabbing at straws while his ship is sinking or should I say sunk because the election is a done deal.

  17. Jessica on October 12th, 2011 1:11 pm

    I agree with hawkins. REVOTE!!! im sure mccall slipped all them “absentee” ballots in, or got sum1 else to do it for him. We need a new mayor! JUST LOOK AT CENTURY!!!!!!!! Its sad.

  18. Bob on October 12th, 2011 1:09 pm

    Dear Mr Hawkins; Welcome to Escambia County politics, Now if you really want to get into dirty politics you need to qualify for a County Commissioners spot.

  19. Trish on October 12th, 2011 10:25 am

    To ArmyCptswife: I completely agree, what people say to your face and how they vote are two different things. At my job I will listen to anyone and their opinions, sometimes I nod , shake my head or say yes. Sometimes they may make a good point in voting their way; but in reality I don’t agree with them but I am not going to say it and start an argument. They have their opinion and I have mine.

    Good for those people who voted what they believed and not because someone came to their door trying to sway their vote. I also don’t believe in telling anyone how they need to vote, unfortunately a lot of people don’t do their research and vote the way they are told by a friend. If you don’t understand who is running and what they stand for then don’t vote. All you are doing is being someone elses puppet.

  20. 429SCJ on October 12th, 2011 9:58 am

    Look on the bright side Mr Hawkins, you threw your hat in the ring, and it did not bankrupt you. I suggest you got out for lunch and then take a drive in the country.

  21. calls'em as I see's 'em on October 12th, 2011 9:10 am

    Waiting for David to tell us how you say “sore LOSER” diplomatically….Sorry can’t think of a nice way to say it……………….

  22. OldMarine on October 12th, 2011 7:50 am

    people may know him better than you think.

    he doest take rejection well at all so who would be honest about telling him they do not want him around?

    instead they did it with their voteand he dosnt like that ether

  23. ArmyCptswife on October 12th, 2011 7:29 am


    I know first hand watching my mother run for council, what people say to your face and do at the polls can be two different things!!! No offense, but it’s just a fact. Very few people are going to be honest and say to your face”I wouldn’t vote for you”. They are going to be polite with a smile and continue on their path… I would say stay involved and continue to help the community. Show the people you want to help make Century a better place. Century truly needs more UNITY!

  24. ArmyCptswife on October 12th, 2011 7:23 am

    Seems to me that he is being a sore loser. He lost, period. Even if the three votes were counted, that he claims were not, he would have still lost. Military people, such as my family, have the right to vote absentee. Century is my home of residence, and I plan to keep it that way. I just wish that some of the people would grow up.
    My mother was accused of buying votes with watermelons during one election! That was the most absurd thing I have ever heard. Please grow up and work for a better town. Even if you lost, you can still help if you truly wanted to. That would show character and grace to everyone. God Bless

  25. EJ on October 12th, 2011 6:06 am

    “He claimed three people attempted to vote in person Tuesday at Century City Hall, but they were told they had already voted absentee when, in fact, that had not” So give him three (3) votes and see if it changes the outcome. No? Then be a man and stop the crying.

  26. Pam on October 12th, 2011 5:58 am

    Now I am not crying as I gave it my all to try to win this election. I went door to door and personally gave out at least 500 fliers and everyone that spoke to me said that they wanted the incumbent out of office and that they hope I make it in. I agree with the Mayoral candidate something is wrong with the absentee votes. Century really does need a cleaning up and it needs to begin in the city hall building.

  27. Oversight on October 12th, 2011 5:52 am

    Hawkins is a sore looser and is having trouble dealing with being rejected by the voters of Century. He needs to get over this and move on like to another town – how about Jay or Flomaton!

  28. aaron on October 12th, 2011 5:18 am

    He would not be who he is if he was not crying about something.

  29. Everett on October 12th, 2011 1:33 am

    Hawkins says
    “I don’t mind losing; I’m not a sore loser,”

    Why doesn’t he going ahead and play the race card also. Yeah it’s the man that kept you down on this election.

  30. BM on October 12th, 2011 1:22 am

