County Hopeful For $500,000 Grant To Furnish Molino Library

October 7, 2011

Escambia County is ranked number two for a half million dollar state grant for books and furnishings for the new Molino Branch Library, but there’s a chance that might not be good news.

The county has applied for the grant for several years and has been ranked in the top three for the cash before, but the Florida Legislature has not appropriated any funding for the state library construction grants.

Escambia County will provide a $512,000 match from existing Local Option Sales Tax funds for furniture, fixtures, equipment, computers and books if the $500,000 grant materializes during the next fiscal year.“It is subject to funding by the legislature.  The resubmission was encouraged by State Division of Libraries who believes the legislature may provide some funding this year,” Escambia County Administrator Randy Oliver said Thursday.  “This is a great opportunity to make a valuable resource better.”

In the event the state does not come through with the half million dollar grant, Oliver said the county has identified some existing furniture, fixtures and equipment for the Molino Branch Library.

Ten projects have been ranked for $4,997,000 in public library construction grant applications, if the legislature provides funding for fiscal year 2012-2013. A $500,000 request from Gilchrist County is ranked number one, followed by the $500,000 for the Molino Branch Library at number two.

A $2.95 million project was recently awarded to Birkshire Johnstone, LLC to renovate the old Molino School into a community center, museum and library, and to construct a new building to house offices for the tax collector and property appraiser.

Pictured top: A conceptual drawing of the Molino School after renovation. This end of the old Molino School will be converted into a library. file photos, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “County Hopeful For $500,000 Grant To Furnish Molino Library”

  1. 429SCJ on October 10th, 2011 9:33 pm

    I remember seein a check issued by Molino State Bank once. I guess the dark ages came to Molino at some point, and took everything away. The library would be a renaissance of sorts for Molino.

  2. Molino Lady on October 9th, 2011 8:05 pm

    Compared to the spending of money in the county this is a small amount. We are delighted to have this much needed service coming to the middle of the county. Having public computer access alone will be a handy learning tool for many. Only one library is ahead of us to receive this grant and the state gave several in times past. They gave none for libraries last year. At least the building will be done! Watch for the ribbon cutting soon.

  3. Sam D on October 7th, 2011 8:13 pm

    This would be so nice not to have to go downtown.

  4. Trish on October 7th, 2011 3:34 pm

    TO TAXPAYER: “Molino doesn’t need this”, evidently you are not a library user yourself. The library is for children AND adults. Evidently you are unaware of what libraries offer to county residents. Cards are free, go check it out!

  5. Taxpayer on October 7th, 2011 1:05 pm

    this seems like allott of money to spend for something that molino doesn’t really seem to need, i don’t think the youth in molino are going to really spend their off time there. I think they could better spend taxpayer money elsewhere.

  6. MolinoMomma on October 7th, 2011 8:23 am

    We so need this…..fingers crossed!!

  7. Jane on October 7th, 2011 4:58 am

    It would be wonderful if they got the grant…Molino needs this and the building has been empty way too long!