Auxiliary Trooper Kills Naked Home Invader Armed With Bow And Arrow

October 11, 2011

An auxiliary Florida Highway Patrol trooper shot and killed her neighbor, who was naked and armed with a bow and arrow, after a home invasion Monday night in Escambia County.

Sean Harris, 24, of the 4200 block of Lynn Ora Drive, was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital where he died around 9:45 p.m.

Auxiliary Trooper Tabbatha Nussbaumer was in the shower in her upstairs bedroom in the Scenic Heights neighborhood area when her her 9-year-old son ran in and told her a man he didn’t recognize was in the house. Nussbaumer exited her room and was confronted by Harris, who was at the bottom of the stairs holding a bow and arrow.

Nussbaumer told Pensacola Police that Harris asked her where the money was located. In an effort to get the suspect out of her house and away from her son, she told him it was in her truck parked on the street. As she exited the front door, Harris followed, removed his clothes and approached her as she was at her vehicle, which was parked in the street.

Police said Nussbaumer removed a handgun from the truck, turned around and faced Harris, who was standing a few feet from her. She said that as Harris advanced toward her, she fired one shot.

When police arrived, Harris was found lying nude in the street. He had been shot once in the lower abdomen.

Court documents indicated that his mother told police that Harris might be on drugs, and that he told the ambulance crew that he had used cocaine.

The Pensacola Police Department has asked the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to handle the investigation into the shooting.

“The FDLE has agreed to this request,” said Chief Chip W. Simmons. “We believe that  under the circumstances, it was appropriate for FDLE to conduct the investigation because Tabbatha Nussbaumer is a former Pensacola Police officer.”


54 Responses to “Auxiliary Trooper Kills Naked Home Invader Armed With Bow And Arrow”

  1. justme on October 16th, 2011 6:28 pm

    she did the right thing ….if he would have robbed her and hurt her and her child ,,,then what , he would have been out and walking the streets 6 mo, from now doing it again ….good job girl …

  2. good citizen on October 14th, 2011 5:41 pm

    I guess you all missed the real point. The LEO is short one bullet and I think we need to replace it. She demonstrated that she is trained, calm, and effective. Give her some more bullets.

  3. hmm on October 14th, 2011 9:55 am

    As usual, the entire point missed…Was there a home invasion?

  4. SW on October 13th, 2011 4:10 pm

    If someone threatens me or my family with harm, I will do everything within my power to stop that person…everything.

    Good job, Trooper.

  5. molino jim on October 13th, 2011 1:50 pm

    David—you’re right on target (sorry for the pun).

  6. Heartless on October 13th, 2011 12:44 pm

    Do the crime, Do the time. Jail or Hell !!, It’s your choice.

  7. David Huie Green on October 13th, 2011 12:04 pm

    ” How did this man hold a bow and arrow (it takes both hands) and take off his clothes at the same time?”

    It looks like we’d need more information to answer that question. For example, if he were wearing a tuxedo, that might be very difficult. Conversely, if he were shirtless and wearing sweat pants, that should be easier.

    Further, it doesn’t take an hour to draw back an arrow and release it. If the distance between the lady and the gentleman were such that she couldn’t run away before he shot, it wouldn’t matter if he didn’t have the arrow drawn back all the time, would it?

    Now for the real question: Would any of this happened if he hadn’t invaded the home and threatened the inhabitants? (I’m assuming all reports are accurate. There doesn’t seem to be anyone disputing them.)

    David for avoiding
    doing things
    which get one shot
    and not messing up the house

  8. hmm on October 13th, 2011 9:39 am

    Are there any bowhunters on here? How did this man hold a bow and arrow (it takes both hands) and take off his clothes at the same time? I know there are unknown details, but it is virtually impossible to remove any clothing while holding a bow and arrow in the position to shoot anything. If he had on a shirt, he would actually have to put the bow down to remove it. Granted, his removal of clothing may have happened while she was retrieving her gun, but would not a trained leo be able to react to this? Even I, not trained in law enforcement would recognize the significance of this person allowing me to walk to my car (on the street) and allowing a 9 year old to remain in the house. Google the address. The houses are on top of each other. Once on the street, why not scream, run to other side of car? One scream would more than likely be heard by half the neighborhood. I have a feeling there is much more to this story..

  9. molino jim on October 12th, 2011 8:02 pm

    For those who were concerned about the number of shots fired— please ask yourself if this had been your wife or daughter or mother how many time would you want them to fire. As to him striping it did not say what he had on at the time. Shorts and t’shirt could be removed very easy. She did what she had to do to protect both her self and her son. Please don’t try to put a spin on it.

  10. Selena Stevenson on October 12th, 2011 5:01 pm

    R.I.P Sean, no lie I just saw u Sunday @ your uncles girlfriends house. This is so confusing to me. If you were here the first thing I would ask you is why u would so such a foolish crime, this is so confusing, you mother is devastated to. You seemed normal last time I saw you , y this? Miss you, to bad you aren’t here 4 me to tell u 2 learn from your mistakes. YOU R IN A BETTER PLACE ~Rest In Peace Sean Harris~

    Your fam, Selena J Stevenson

  11. DJC on October 12th, 2011 2:19 pm


  12. Gembeaux on October 12th, 2011 11:05 am

    My heart goes out to the lady who shot the man. No LEO wants to kill someone, and it’s something she’ll have to live with for the remainder of her days. Unarmed or not, the man posed a serious threat; she wasn’t only protecting herself, she was protecting her son, too. (BTW, I’m not going to allow anyone to harm my family; I will take a life to save them. It doesn’t matter his mental state – the harm he could potentially inflict would have the same result no matter what.)

  13. Really? on October 12th, 2011 10:20 am

    If you ask me, sounds like someone was playing cowboy and indian and got upset. Seriously, he had to put down his bow and arrow to even strip naked. She actually turned her back on a man armed with a bow and arrow to dig in her vehicle for a gun? Things just don’t add up with this story.

  14. big red man on October 12th, 2011 8:50 am

    I agree with most of these post like everyone else. If this individual broke into her resident armed with a crossbow demanding money, he got what be deserves. However how did he get in? Was he on drugs? If he was was a neighbor; he should’ve known she was a law enforcement officer and had access to guns. Why a crossbow for his weapon of choice. Why would he strip naked? I really hope this is true for the statements given by the victim and this is not a cover up for something else. A lot of detail are left out. I know its an investigation ongoing and the media will get the basics. But it sounds kinda fishy to me. Just my opinion.

  15. Big Bopper on October 12th, 2011 8:38 am

    You can make some of the people happy sometimes,
    but you can’t make all of the people happy all the time.

    If that is the whole of the story then for me:
    Good Job Trouper – one less violent nut in the world.

  16. Staff Sergeant G on October 12th, 2011 7:53 am

    The people here saying that she shouldve shot at his arm or leg obviously have never been put in that situation, you dont have time to think about things like that , all you care about is terminating the threat and staying alive… also, not everyone on the planet is a freakin sniper, it aint as easy as you would think in the heat of the moment…… so would I be a bad person for shooting a teenager(in the chest and head) in Iraq that was sprinting towards my convoy with a bomb strapped to his chest? or should i have taken the time to aim towards his knees and risk missing so he could blow up one of my trucks and kill several of my brothers? NEGATIVE…if she had aimed for his legs or arms and missed she might have a hole the size of an arrow in her chest right now, you aim center mass because you are more likely to hit something… dont judge about something youve never been through people… Sean Harris got exactly what he deserved, he went to a house with a FHP car parked outside (incredibly stupid) with a deadly weapon and bad intentions… I applaud Trooper Nussbaumer for what she did and Id like to shake her hand… one more bad guy off the streets

  17. Sara on October 12th, 2011 6:37 am

    Why is everyone going on @ how to spell his name?? Who gives a flip? A man is dead & a woman and her children are probably traumatized by the whole thing. He was definitely armed & dangerous so I believe she did the right thing to protect herself and her children. But I’m sure she is upset @ taking a human life.

  18. trained on October 12th, 2011 6:29 am

    for all yall thats doubting this officer…..she was doing what she was trained to do. within a few feet of someone threatening your life we are trained to shoot twice from the hip at center mass. good thing she kept her head and remembered her training.

  19. Jane on October 12th, 2011 5:13 am

    I am not reccommending that people go around shooting each other, however, you have the right to protect yourself and your family. She removed the threat from her son (who did the correct thing by informing his mother,,,good job, son), and kept her head in a bad situation. Anytime someone threatens you with violence they take the chance that the you will react in a way to save your life or that of your family. Sane people don’t enter someone’s home with a weapon without taking the chance that the inhabitant will fight back.

  20. Everett on October 12th, 2011 1:44 am

    I’ve always said if we start dropping these “would be thieves” where they stand a lot of this behavior will cease.

  21. My point of view on October 12th, 2011 1:23 am

    A couple people have brought up the point that this assailant undressed on the way to the vehicle and that this should have been a definitive sign of a mental issue. Perhaps, but my first thought as I read the story was that he was going to rape her. And as I read these comments, I thought how he could have pushed her into the vehicle and raped her and then who knows. So kudos is due for either having a plan or keeping her head cool enough to think of how to proceed!

    Another thing, I am not LEO but I do have my concealed weapons permit for my own protection. Who knows this about me? Only my immediate family and closest friends. Most of the time I keep my gun in my vehicle. I don’t have children at home that I am concerned about, but I can’t take it into my office, most of my time is in my car, and I travel too far on too many country roads to even think about not having it with me! Who knows where I keep it? Only the one person I live with. So if I don’t make myself a target by leaving the doors to my vehicle unlocked or advertising there are any contents of my car worth stealing, why shouldn’t I feel comfortable keeping my gun locked securely there versus my home?

    Finally, when learning about handling a gun and carrying a gun for protection, I was taught to (a) never pull out my gun unless I intend on using it/pulling the trigger, (b) there is always a possibility on killing someone when you are using it with intent (versus showing off or thinking you are going to scare someone), (c) aim for center mass because you are more likely to land a shot, and (d) keep shooting until there is no longer a threat. I even carry an extra magazine loaded and ready because you never know when you might make a wrong turn and are surrounded by thugs looking from easy prey!

    I can’t imagine using my gun in any other way than this. I was not raised around guns but our society has changed so much from when I was a kid that I can’t imagine not having a gun to protect myself now!

    Thank you for letting me exercise another of my Constitutional rights and speaking my mind! I appreciate William’s hard work exercising some of those other Constitutional rights – like freedom of the press. I am just thankful that William runs with a lot more class in comparison to other “news” outlets!

  22. A Woman's Perspective on October 12th, 2011 12:40 am

    A couple people have brought up the point that this assailant undressed on the way to the vehicle and that this should have been a definitive sign of a mental issue. Perhaps, but my first thought as I read the story was that he was going to rape her. And as I read these comments, I thought how he could have pushed her into the vehicle and raped her and then who knows.

    Another thing, I am not LEO but I do have my concealed weapons permit for my own protection. Who knows this about me? Only my immediate family and closest friends. Most of the time I keep my gun in my vehicle. I don’t have children at home that I am concerned about, but I can’t take if into my office, most of my time is in my car, and I travel too far on too many country roads to even think about not having it with me! Who knows where I keep it? Only the one person I live with. So if I don’t make myself a target by leaving doors unlocked or advertising the contents of my car, why shouldn’t I feel comfortable keeping my gun locked securely there versus my home?

    Finally, when learning about handling a gun and carrying a gun for protection, I was taught to (a) never pull out my gun unless I intend on using it, (b) always intend on using it to kill (versus showing off or thinking you are going to scare someone), (c) aim for center mass because you are more likely to land a shot, and (d) keep shooting until there is no longer a threat. I can’t imagine using my gun in any other way than this. I was not raised around guns but our society has changed so much from when I was a kid that I can’t imagine not having a gun to protect myself now!

    Thank you for letting me exercise yet another one of my Constitutional rights – speaking my mind.

  23. RC on October 12th, 2011 12:07 am

    wow, comments never cease to amaze me, of course she should have shot him ! He was definately a threat to her and her 9 yr old SON ! Good work woman !

  24. sktmax on October 11th, 2011 11:34 pm

    I see we got alot of detectives on here….ignorant ones at that. If an unknown armed man enters your house, you can stand around and figure out what kind of threat he poses, and get yourself killed if you want to. This woman did more than most men would. I say good job lady!

  25. joe on October 11th, 2011 10:43 pm

    why would a law enforcement officer shoot a person in the lower abdomen? I thought they were supposed to imoblize not kill unless they were in danger. what is going on here this story does not add up. if he took time to stop and take his clothes off was he really a threat to her? just wondering as this is really odd…..

  26. Who Knows on October 11th, 2011 9:46 pm

    The article states that the guy stripped outside, it never said anything about him being nude to begin with so I don’t think there was second guessing or questioning that something was going on other than the fact that the guy must have had an imbalance somewhere. Just going to rob someone with a bow & arrow is a little off-balance.
    No one was there but the guy, the woman and her son, so most everyone I can assume is “second guessing”.
    I suppose no one should be allowed to wonder at how it all happened….like how did the guy force his way into the home? ie…break a window, etc.
    And certainly the woman should protect herself & most of all her son…

  27. billy on October 11th, 2011 9:40 pm

    God bless you Ms nussbaumer. And I pray for the Harris family too.

  28. Terri Sanders on October 11th, 2011 9:39 pm

    Jim Bobby,had she shot to wound him,his second chance would have been a day in court,6 months in jail,out for good behavior,then back on the street to terrorize others.
    he didn’t deserve a second chance when he entered her home with a lethal weapon.Glad she didn’t stop to ask him how good a shot he was!What a great idea to get him out of her house where he could have taken her and or her child hostage.Way to go officer! you saved our judicial system a ton of money.I am sorry for his family,but when we make decisions we need to be held accountable.Mental illness has become a standard excuse for criminal behavior.

  29. molino jim on October 11th, 2011 7:53 pm

    I have know Tab a long time and know what her training has been as far as use of a gun. My concern was with one of the second guessers was the way they made it sound as if “could there have been more to it with his being nude”. The other was why the gun was in her vehicle. What would have been the end result if she would have had to get the gun from a lock box that was where her child could not reach it. Most law enforcement officers are trained to fire a double tap. She is a small woman and I have no way of knowing what size fellow the bad guy was. I am allowed to feel she did what she felt she had to do at the time.

  30. John Daniels on October 11th, 2011 7:06 pm

    I knew Sean. He was a strange guy sometimes, but I never knew him to be a violent person at all. I personally believe killing another person in self-defense should be the last resort. How about a shot to his arm, leg, shoulder, hand, foot, etc.. before shooting him right in the gut. RIP Sean.

  31. renegade on October 11th, 2011 6:42 pm

    Way to go girl!!! Shoot em….Shoot em….

  32. 429SCJ on October 11th, 2011 5:38 pm

    This is certainly one for Pensacola’s history book.

  33. Molino Res on October 11th, 2011 5:19 pm

    I knew Tab years ago when we worked together. Way to be thinking on your feet girl. My prayers are with you and your family!

    Dynamite comes in small packages ;-)

  34. Irish Guy on October 11th, 2011 5:17 pm

    The spelling of “Sean” is the Irish was of spelling the name. It can either be “Sean” or “Shawn”. So yes, “Sean’ is one of the correct spellings of the name.

  35. David Huie Green on October 11th, 2011 5:07 pm

    “If she had shot twice, for no reason other than to shoot him twice, I would hope she would be held to account.”

    Generally speaking, you shoot people to kill them or to stop them. Any time you fire a weapon, you run the risk of killing someone. If you are only shooting to wound, you better be an extremely good and steady shot or be ready to die yourself. It is best if you only kill the one threatening you or others. If you believe it takes more than one shot to stop them, you might well be justified. Normal people don’t do it lightly, just as she didn‘t.

    Every armed robber is running the distinct danger of hurting or killing others. That’s why they’re armed in the first place.

    For that matter, if there is only one living witness and that witness says, “He looked like he was about to turn the arrow toward me so I felt I had to shoot again,” what reasonable jury would even consider a finding of guilt? As to the distant possibility he might have been mentally unbalanced, that makes him more dangerous, not less.

    David for stopping armed robbery
    by any means necessary

  36. Cameron on October 11th, 2011 4:59 pm

    Jim Bobby: Self-defense experts recommend that a woman fire TWO shots in quick succession into the abdomen area and then back away and be prepared to fire the remaining rounds if necessary.

  37. David Huie Green on October 11th, 2011 4:53 pm

    Sean is the original spelling. (It is Gaelic for John.) Later variations like Shaun and Shawn were most closely related to educational level. People had heard the name but not seen the spelling so they did the best they could.

    David uncle of Sean Yancey Green,
    a great American

  38. ??? on October 11th, 2011 4:45 pm

    Sorry Molino Jim…one more thought…since when does being a little inquisitive constitute “second guessing”? Wish I had been a lot more inquisitive in my lifetime, also.

  39. William on October 11th, 2011 4:34 pm

    >>Is that the “correct” spelling of the name “SEAN”?

    That’s the way Pensacola PD is spelling it.

  40. ??? on October 11th, 2011 4:33 pm

    To Molino Jim….It reads….not making accusations….maybe it’s just the way the article was worded….but boy, I wish I had done a lot more 2nd guessing in certain instances in my life….it’s not always a bad thing…..

  41. mary on October 11th, 2011 4:22 pm

    Is that the “correct” spelling of the name “SEAN”?

  42. Jim Bobby on October 11th, 2011 4:04 pm

    @molino jim: I hope you were joking about how she should have shot him twice. Given the guy was a little off the rocker and he did invade this lady’s residence. She had every right to defend herself, but advocating unnecessary violence isn’t going to help anything. If she had shot twice, for no reason other than to shoot him twice, I would hope she would be held to account. He deserved a second chance (only one bullet) and a day in court to answer for his crimes. Defense is one thing, proactive vigilantism is another.

  43. molino jim on October 11th, 2011 2:53 pm

    For Oversight and ???—-It’s always great to read all of the second guessers. I know the shooter and she did what was right—-go for center mass. Only mistake was not double tapping.

  44. Josh on October 11th, 2011 1:49 pm

    Cupid, noooo!!

  45. Nikki on October 11th, 2011 12:31 pm

    Good job Tab.

  46. Selselsel on October 11th, 2011 12:20 pm

    Way to go, Officer Nussbaumer!! I salute citizens that aren’t afraid to protect themselves! I hope that his family won’t decide to sue because his “rights” were violated or some garbage like that! They will try to find SOMETHING to justify placing the blame where it doesn’t belong! Case in point…..the Victor Steen case. Our tax dollars being wasted!

  47. ???? on October 11th, 2011 12:09 pm

    I’m sure all will be explained in more detail later, but what does that mean, “he asked her where the money was located”? Not just where is your money located…but the money…
    Not making accusations…
    Also, I think this guy’s elevator didn’t quite reach the top floor….a bow and arrow and then strip naked?

  48. Sue on October 11th, 2011 11:55 am

    You go girl!!

  49. Really... on October 11th, 2011 11:55 am

    Hey Oversight, Really?…She did a great job gettin that dirt bag outta the house away from her child…

  50. Molino-Anon on October 11th, 2011 11:47 am

    Good for her to keep her head and take care of business. Glad the victims are alright and hope it didn’t shake the little boy up to much.

    Prayers with the family.

  51. Oversight on October 11th, 2011 11:46 am

    Something doesn’t quite sound right with this scenario; she exits the shower and he removes his clothes in the street? And another thing, I wouldn’t have had to go to my car to get a gun either. By the way, leaving a loaded hand gun in your car is just asking to have it stolen, especially for those who live in Thugville, AKA Pensacola.

  52. Man on October 11th, 2011 11:13 am

    Maybe this will be a lesson to the thieves in the world. Crime does not pay.

  53. Dan on October 11th, 2011 11:11 am

    Now THAT’S “Gun Control” !!!!

  54. Hanky on October 11th, 2011 11:01 am

    Dont Bring a Bow to a Gun Fight