Where Were You On 9/11?

September 9, 2011

Where were you September 11, 2001? What were your thoughts as you watched the Twin Towers burn in New York? As the Pentagon was hit? As the world stopped and watched the horror?

Share your memories, your thoughts and feelings. We will compile your stories and submissions into a special feature that we will publish on Sunday.

Please keep your submissions under about 300 words. Email your submission along with any photos you might have to news@northescambia.com or post in the comments section below. Your comments on this story will *not* appear today; they will be compiled into our story on Sunday. Please include your name, your community of residence at a phone number (not for publication).

If you were actually in New York or at the Pentagon on 9/11, feel free to write something longer, and we would love talk to you — just contact us at news@northescambia.com.


2 Responses to “Where Were You On 9/11?”

  1. Christa Pellicci on September 11th, 2011 8:33 pm

    It was the year. of 2001, I remembered wakeing up at 10:00a.m that Morning, I was about 21 years old at that time, and i had No Class. I came downstairs My Mom&Marie Inger, were watching the News! when the 2nd Plan, hit the South,

    Tower! they were, saying it was an accident, but it really. wasen’t the two buildings were caught on fire, i was getting Nervous and prayeing my grandma Frances Pellicci was praying on her rosary beads for those people to be okay,

    She had her aid, Eslyn Walker with her, i went to my cousin Ginas house, my Aunt fran, was their were praying&crying and that Night, we Lit a Candle and sayed. a Prayer for the Victims&their Familys, to Live in Peace! and will allways,

    Look back! and Remember that Unfaithfull day of the terriost attacks on 9/11 our Old Neighbor Steve Cherry was Killed, at the South, tower! i felt bad for his wife and two twin sons a year. later. she got remarried, on September 12th 2001.

    We rose the American, Flag, the United that we Stand, and bye listening to George W. Bushes words, God Bless America,

  2. William on September 9th, 2011 8:30 am

    Comments on this story will *not* appear today; they will appear in a story that we will publish Sunday, 9/11.