Want To Learn Extreme Couponing?

September 15, 2011

The Molino Park Elementary School PTA Will present an coupon class tonight.

The class will be taught by Molino Park teacher Becky Hatch. The class will follow a 6 p.m. Title I meeting at the school.

Thursday is also the last day to pre-order PTA hoodies, zip-up jackets and sweatpants. Membership in the Molino Park PTA  is $5 for individuals, $8 for families (including two  adults), $4 for grandparents, and $25 for corporate sponsors.


4 Responses to “Want To Learn Extreme Couponing?”

  1. just saying on September 15th, 2011 5:50 pm

    I am a coupon user and I am very organized when it comes to my trips to the store. I make a list, have the coupons already sorted BEFORE I get to the store and once in line they are placed by the scanner so the cashier can scan them before totaling the transaction. Not all coupon users are bad people who hold up the line. And it really helps save money so please don’t bash all coupon users. With the price of things going up and people not getting raises it makes sense to save as much as possible. The key to being a “good” coupon user is ORGANIZATION!

    I too use to get annoyed with coupon users but once I got the hang of it and got organized I was ‘converted’. :-)

  2. coupon queen on September 15th, 2011 4:20 pm

    perhaps if you dont need to use coupons you should use the express lane or something. most people do need to save money. I normally have at least 10 coupons and it takes about 3 minutes to scan them all. i say if you are in a big hurry, dont go to the grocery store so you can get mad at people not moving fast enough to suit you. please go when you are not in a hurry. It is worth 3 minutes to me to save $20 or more. If you cant understand that,…..well….. sorry!!!!!

  3. no on September 15th, 2011 9:05 am

    no because can you imagine how long the lines will be in grocery stores if everyone started doing this?

  4. voice123 on September 15th, 2011 7:41 am

    This sounds good and it will help parents in many ways and maybe get them talking more to each other I remember when I was small everyone knew each other now people dont talk as much to each other.