ECAT Strike Over

September 21, 2011

Union leaders said Wednesday night that the strike against ECAT is over and a tentative deal has been made with management. That means the public transportation buses will roll Thursday morning.

In a letter to ECAT General Manager Ken Gordon, the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1395 president offered to return to work immediately. Union President Mike Lowery requested an unconditional return to work for all striking workers.
Veolia has accepted the offer and will allow the ATU members who participated in the strike to return for their regular assignment effective 12:01 am, September 22, 2011.

An earlier version of this story is below.

Thousands of Escambia County residents are without a ride today after the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 voted Tuesday night to implement a public transportation strike.

The Escambia County Area Transit buses are idle today as the Amalgamated Transit Union and ECAT, managed and operated by private company Veolia Transporation, work to come to terms on a new contract.

Gary Rauen, ATU International vice president, said bus drivers have worked for more than a year without a contract, and well over that time without a raise. He said the union’s issues with the county include salaries, insurance, sick days and working conditions. Rauen said ATU has tried unsuccessfully to come to terms on a contract for over year with no results.

Mike Ake, regional vice president for Veolia, said the transportation company and the union have an existing labor contract in effect through September 30.

“Thus, this is an illegal course of action by the Union; they are engaging in an illegal strike, and we will welcome any employee that wishes to come to work,” Ake said in a written statement. “We are surprised and extremely disappointed that the Union has taken this course of action against the citizens of Escambia County.”

“We apologize to our ridership and the citizens of Escambia County for this inconvenience, but please know that this situation has been fully caused by the Union,” Ake’s statement continued.  “Our goal is to restore as much service as we can, as quickly as we can. We have already begun running limited service. We remain willing to meet with the Union to continue our negotiations, and we thank our ridership for their patience as we continue working on restoring bus service.”

The last ECAT strike began in November 2005 and lasted for 77 days into early 2006.

ECAT’s routes encompass the entire length of Escambia County from Century to Pensacola Beach, with North Escambia buses from Century, Molino and Cantonment connected to routes across Pensacola. In late 2010, older, larger buses on the North Escambia “Route 60″ were replaced with smaller, more fuel efficient buses (pictured below).

Pictured top: One of  10 green ECAT buses rolled last September. Pictured inset: One of the small, more fuel efficient business used on ECAT’s North Escambia routes. Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


39 Responses to “ECAT Strike Over”

  1. unbelievable on September 23rd, 2011 10:49 am

    @ jeeperman. No driving a bus does not require a degree, but it does require a CDL, something that a majority of the drivers out there would not be able to get. It also requires annual or biannual health screens and random drug checks, another thing that alot of people would not be able to pass. As for the company, if there were so many people that wanted to do this job or that could replace the workers, they wouldnt have had their supervisors driving the bus when the employees went on strike. The employees probably came back to the table because the company agreed to negotiate fairly.

  2. eab on September 22nd, 2011 12:03 pm

    Oversight said…”It looks like the union and its workers made a near fatal blounder when they decided to strike because from the comments here there isn’t public support for it.”

    I said…The comments here pretty much reflect the attitudes of most of the country when it comes to economic issues, “Everyone needs to be cut or get used to getting by with less except for me”. That kinda sums up the way people have been looking at things.

    I think when, as someone seemed to imply earlier, we start looking at cable/satellite TV as a necessity (utility) instead of a luxury, we are in rough shape. How many people could use that extra $40-$80 dollars a month for *real* needs?

  3. pa on September 22nd, 2011 6:24 am

    The union is rediculous!!!!! give the job to people who actually want and need to work.
    So you have’nt got a raise in over a year. BOO HOO. Most of us have not got a raise in over 2 or 3 years. NOW QUIT COMPLAINING AND GET TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!.

  4. Oversight on September 22nd, 2011 5:17 am

    “Union leaders said Wednesday night that the strike against ECAT is over and a deal has been made with management.”

    I wonder what’s in the deal – keep your job with the current package? It looks like the union and its workers made a near fatal blounder when they decided to strike because from the comments here there isn’t public support for it.

  5. 429SCJ on September 22nd, 2011 4:50 am

    The union officers, must have read our comments, here on North Escambia.Com,

  6. Ant on September 21st, 2011 10:53 pm

    Unions are formed for the well being of the MEMBERSHIP of that union!

    That being said, I am a union member myself. As a union member, I expect the union that represents me to to the company I work for! If the public has an issue, they need to take it up with the COMPANY (ECAT), not the union or the membership. The company agreed to having a bargained contract. Strikes MIGHT be a part of that.

    I understand that this is a hardship for the public but does this issue stem from a issue that is written into the agreed contract?

    As far as raising prices, you really think that the company will NOT raise prices. ANY company will raise prices, ANY chance they can!

    I work for a major utility in this area (not the power or gas or cable company…. you can figure it out), I hear from every customer I go to how horrible my company is. It takes years to learn the trade I do to a proficient level, but without my union’s contract with my nationwide company, I would be paid minimum wage.

    The days of company’s being run by people who care are over! Most company’s hire hotshot college grads who have never really worked a day in their life, born holding a whole set of silver spoons. NUMBERS rule the business world, not caring, feelings, or common sense.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not say these people do not deserve a raise due to a personal hardship you may have. They are using a tool that has be given to them by their company!!!!!!

    If your company treats you fairly without a union or a contract, I am happy you are one of the lucky ones.

    If you do not like the way a company is treating you…..start a union there! If not, just let that company keep screwing you!

  7. dnutjob1 on September 21st, 2011 10:27 pm

    booger, “unless you drive a bus dont comment” really ?I help pay to subsidize the bus system , yes subsidize. ECAT does not generate money, it looses money and every taxpayer has a right to comment on this subject. When so many are going without and loosing everything, we should be holding onto our jobs, if you cant handle the job find another, oh I forgot thier arent any. One more reason not to push your luck.

  8. rmd on September 21st, 2011 8:09 pm

    thats right booger,until you do the job dont complain.we need more jobs in pensacola and all every worries about is bringing in tourist and the beach.if the county would give more tax breaks or some of that land they have we might have more industries come in.they spent all that money on a sports complex when they dont have money for no raises.they have it they just dont want to give it to county low paying workers.people out there you need to vote in new meat.get rid of the rich and hire someone that knows what its like to live from pay day to payday.

  9. lsh on September 21st, 2011 8:02 pm

    everyone deserves a raise in the county.if we strike we get amny people think county workers are lazy but some of us do work thank you.upper managememt get all the raises,not us little people.when a hurricane comes who respones first we do.we have to leave our damage and our family to clear the roads.most of us quit the union cause they did us no good.we could by more groceries with what they went up to.unions cant fight the commissioners and they should know it.we were wasting our money.if the union helps ecat great.groceries,gas,ele.bills are going up and we dont get one red cent and hadnt had a raise in years.ecat has had a raise since county workers.atleast the bus drivers get to stay home if a bad storm comes.county workers dont.if you dont show up you get fired.

  10. only Me on September 21st, 2011 4:54 pm

    What is up with these people. No county employee has gotten a raise in this county for what, the last 5 years. (other than by promotion). What more are they offering to justify more pay. My word of advice is to remember what happened to the Air Traffic Contollers when they tried to mess with President Reagan.

  11. Frank on September 21st, 2011 4:41 pm

    eab… I conceed, out of my frustration, GP is a utility not gov. BUT my point stands…HOW ARE WE to servive?
    (and let me say i make a comfortable living and NO RAISEin 6 years)
    over 10% unemolyment and how many Governments have laid off?

    I visited the CO, Inspection ofrfice that as far as I know has NOT laid of a single soul?

    Everyone KNOWS the building industry has collapsed, SO AGAIN???


    When Gov, & Utilities increace rates and go along like thier heads in the sand!


  12. eab on September 21st, 2011 3:30 pm

    Frank said…”10% ECUA
    10% Gulf Power
    10% ESP
    Teachers 3%
    City employees?
    county employees?
    = ONLY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE’S getting a raise.

    Raise last 6 years PRIVATE SECTOR 0% = ??????

    I said…Well, there are a couple of things wrong with it, Frank. For one thing, while Gulf Power rates are largely regulated by the government, they are not a government entity. And are you certain that no one in the private sector has received a raise in the last 6 years?

    I suspect a lot of us agree with you in principle (including me) but the way you have it stated is a mite inaccurate.

  13. angie on September 21st, 2011 3:24 pm

    HELLO nobody is getting raises right now be thankful u even have a job right now!! How greedy can u get i have been at the same job for many years and i cant remember the last time i had a raise or a vacation. BE THANKFUL U ARE WORKING AT ALL!!

  14. eab on September 21st, 2011 3:23 pm

    jeeperman said…”Unions had a place 60 or 80 years ago. They forced changes in labor laws”

    I said…(laugh) Jeepers, jeeperman.Those laws will probably change right back if the unions aren’t around anymore. Now *that’s* business 101, duh.

  15. Frank on September 21st, 2011 3:22 pm

    10% ECUA
    10% Gulf Power
    10% ESP
    Teachers 3%
    City employees?
    county employees?
    = ONLY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE’S getting a raise.

    Raise last 6 years PRIVATE SECTOR 0% = ??????

  16. booger on September 21st, 2011 3:13 pm

    They (the bus drivers) need to stand for whats right. Our ancestors fought for the unions, if you don’t fight for it, you will loose it.
    What they need to do is raise the cost of riding the bus. I don’t use the bus, so I don’t see where I need to fund it. I know of people who get on it just to ride around. People that use it for transportation to and from work, will just have to be resourceful and find another ! UNIONS ARE VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!! DON’t be mad just because you don’t belong to one.
    So, leave the drivers along, they do have a right to fight for better pay and working conditions. Unless you drive a bus, don’t comment. You need to walk a mile in their shoes, by the way; I am NOT a bus driver!!!!

  17. jeeperman on September 21st, 2011 2:39 pm

    @Tish and unbelievable:
    “They don’t want profits to go down, they want to pay employees a little as they can get away with.”
    That is Business 101. And until the pool of people they want to employee at the pay offered dries up, they are not going to pay more, duh.
    Unions had a place 60 or 80 years ago. They forced changes in labor laws.
    Now they are only bloodsuckers of dues paying members.
    Fire all of the strikers and hire new employees, driving a bus does not require a degree in anything.

  18. tish on September 21st, 2011 1:19 pm

    @ tish I am pretty sure that ECAT operates in the red and is a public service ,more or less. I make minimum wage support a kid and can’t afford car insurance much less an actual car. How much does a cab ride cost? too much. How long of a walk/bike is it to work? too far…I am worth much more than I get paid but do I complain about my work conditions/pay? sure I do but I am not going to selfishly screw other people so that I can get mine.

  19. Oversight on September 21st, 2011 12:42 pm

    unbelievable wrote: “…and [drivers] have to work overtime in order to make a decent living,…”

    ECAT drivers receive overtime pay?! That’s just crazy because commercial drivers can only work a certain number of hours anyway especially those who are in the people transportation business. Besides, other county employees only get compensation time when they work over, so is this a special ECAT perk?

    Fire all the greedy dirty rat rascals, and hire someone who will appreciate a job with benefits.

  20. ProudArmyParent on September 21st, 2011 12:08 pm

    Hmmm, from what I understand no one is getting a raise this yr anywhere. Have these people not heard our country is in a bad way. Let’s all work together to get US out of it. Why give a raise to the bus drivers, all that does is make the cost of the ride on the bus go up. Then the riders have to go to their bosses for a raise. And the circle goes around and around! Stop being GREEDY people work together! Appreciate the job you have, you can be REPLACED. There are hundreds maybe even thousands that would like to see you job open so they can take your place.

  21. Yo on September 21st, 2011 12:07 pm

    Screw the union!! I will drive. I will go to the bathroom when needed though you cannot stop that. It is human nature to use the bathroom. Unless you put a seat on the bus that has a hole and empties onto the street then I can drive the whole shift without stopping

  22. Bjay on September 21st, 2011 11:56 am

    The union and the employees broke their contract early and are not showing up for work. They should be fired! There is no other way to look at it. If you dont like your job then quit and stop complaining. Give those jobs to the people who want to work!

  23. Tish on September 21st, 2011 11:16 am

    Sorry, I have to throw this in. Do any of you realize that ECAT has had a study to determine how long it should take a bus to get from point A to point B? Example: going from the stop close to my home to Century in the morning the driver is given a time of 23 minutes (not exact numbers but close). Leaving Century going back to the same stop (same number of miles) they must make the trip in 15 minutes. Excuse me, but going from my house to Century in my car, doing the legal speed limit takes 20 minutes. So the drivers are expected to basically FLY down highway 29. How safe is that???? But, we must remember that the company is all about the bottom line isn’t it!

  24. Tish on September 21st, 2011 11:01 am

    All of you need to get a grip! I have to agree with a lot of what unbelievable said. Don’t criticize until you walk in their shoes. Reality check, most of you would not last doing that job because of the constant bickering of the unhappy riders. And how many of you can really wait a longggggggggggggggggg time to go to the bathroom? Want coffee in the morning, oh sorry because that would mean by whatever time when you are on a route you will need to answer the call of nature. Can’t just pull over to a convience store. Has anyone wondered how much of a profit this company is making from having the contract to run the bus system? Probably not! You can bet your rear end all they care about it the bottom line of making money, how unique that is. They don’t want profits to go down, they want to pay employees a little as they can get away with.

    Yes jobs are scarce but you would have to be stupid to think the companies don’t hold that over your head. “Oh, sorry we could not give you a raise in 4 years, but you are lucky to have a job” Really meaning………. I have you over a barrel, you follow my rules for the company making more profit or leave (knowing full well that the employee will take their crap because they have no real choice).

    That is not even taking into account how many qualified people there are to do any given job. Not just experience, but background checks, drug checks, how long they actually spent on a job, driving record, and all of the other things employeers look at. When we have needed a new employee (north end of the county) you may be shocked to know with the high unemployment no one wants to apply for the job. But then they are expected to show up, be drug free, be responsible, be courteous, and actually work while they are here. So don’t think all of those poor unemployeed people are worthy or can do a job.

    I have never belonged to a union but it would be nice to have someone stand up for me since I do the job of two people, have not had a raise in almost 5 years and constantly see where money is wasted on other things. But then I am just a worker bee, don’t make the big bucks, expected to give all and not complain about anything!

  25. Bob on September 21st, 2011 10:48 am

    This is a small scale of what has happened to our country. Look at what the union has done to GM and Chrysler. They have lobbied for benefits that will be paid down the road eventually bankrupting major companies and it all trickles down to the end user, That being the working class. Union bosses do not care for the workers as much as themselves, Big bucks, corruption and deceit is what unions stand for. Hire new drivers ASAP and put the show on the road. One monkey don’t stop the show.

  26. unbelieveable on September 21st, 2011 9:44 am

    @ unbelievable. How is that different than the majority of the people who depend on the drivers to get back and forth from work everyday?

  27. Devastating Dave on September 21st, 2011 9:31 am

    I thought we didn’t have unions in Florida? Oh well, socialists everywhere. Fire them all and start over. Thousands without a ride? Try thousands without a job. Just watch the long lines form for these jobs.

  28. YELLARHAMMER on September 21st, 2011 8:51 am

    Replace them put them on the unemployment roles. There are other people who would appreciate a good cushy job as there. Until the people that ride these rides pay what it cost to operate without subsidies shut them down.

  29. Safebear on September 21st, 2011 8:44 am

    The drivers get a raise, the rate to ride goes up, then people can’t afford the trip. Thanks Unions for making inflation possible. The people riding probably haven’t had an increase in their salary and how many people who ride those buses are trying to get somewhere to find a job.

  30. KD on September 21st, 2011 8:39 am

    Let me get this straight. ECAT drivers received a 4% pay raise in 2008 when businesses and industries were tanking and millions of people were losing their jobs? I took a 10% pay CUT in 2008 to keep my job and don’t regret it. Every morning when I get up, I’m thankful I still have a job to go to. The only people that I sympathize with here are the poor, elderly and restricted citizens who have no choice but to rely on public transportation to get to work or appointments. I think unions are useless and employers should have the option to fire employees who choose not to work. There are more than enough qualified, unemployed drivers out there that would be thankful for the opportunity to serve Escambia County and it’s citizens.

  31. Danalee on September 21st, 2011 8:35 am

    Being a county worker that hasnt had a raise in 5 years, has over 1,000 hours of leave that I am not able to take because we are “short handed” and forced to go to training on my “off days”……… I say these people need to get over it!!!!! Everyones hurting. Let them go and give the job to others that might respect the fact that they have a job! I cant help but think these people have cost thousands of people that depend on them to lose jobs, late for doctors apt, ect. Well no raise since 06 for me. Wonder what will happen if I “striked” Id be REPLACED!

  32. Amber R on September 21st, 2011 8:02 am

    how much do they make ?

  33. EJ on September 21st, 2011 7:33 am

    Ah yes, THE UNIONS. Doing their part during these extremely difficult times. following their leader’s mantra, we ALL MUST pay our fair share. That’s right, the unions are not included in that “ALL”. They are above ALL that, they’re UNION. I’m sure there are many, many replacement drivers sitting on the sidelines just begging for an opportunity to go to work. Give the J O B to someone willing to work. To hell with the unions.

  34. unbelievable on September 21st, 2011 7:21 am

    You know what kills me about some of you people…..if you had to work on a job for 3 years without a raise, have no time to go to to the bathroom due to conflicts with route schedules, and have to work overtime in order to make a decent living, you would be upset as well. So many people think that driving a bus is easy but they dont realize the importance of having people’s lives in your hand. This is not a job that everyone can do because you have to be constantly aware of everything that is going on around you, not to mention you have to deal with people cussing you out complaining and being damn right rude. The drivers do not want to put the public in a bad situation, but they have to do what is best for them to have a decent living like everyone else. Remember, if it wasnt for unions, there would be no overtime pay, no weekends off, no holiday pay, and no vacations. Current economy or not, I bet the people at the top of the organization have received a raise every year plus bonuses.

  35. mary on September 21st, 2011 5:41 am

    All I have to say is…why strike??? You are damn lucky to have a job @ all!!!! the drivers should all be fired & start w/new ones..people who appreciate thier job…because they have a job!!!

  36. Oversight on September 21st, 2011 5:35 am

    “…the union’s issues with the county include salaries, insurance, sick days and working conditions.”

    Working conditions? What could possibly be the problem with that; drivers do know that they’re driving buses, right? It must be inadequate air conditioning (rolling eyes).

    As for public employees, terminate them all including the contractor for walking off the job. They shouldn’t be able to hold the public hostage in their petty fight for better everything especially in our current economy. They really should be thankful that they have a job with benefits to begin with when there are many without according to the latest unemployment figures.

  37. Well on September 21st, 2011 5:13 am

    Thousands without a ride?

    Careful, because hundreds of thousands not affected.

  38. Jane on September 21st, 2011 5:12 am

    And seniors have gone for almost 3 years with no cost of living raise (and probably this year, too)…tough times for everyone. Now they will raise the transportation costs on top of gas, water, electricity, food, etc. Sorry but I have no sympathy for the union on this one.

  39. 429SCJ on September 21st, 2011 4:38 am

    Many people in the North End depend on ECAT to travel to and from work in the Pensacola area. I respect the plight of the drivers, but the buses must roll. Is it possible to fill these empty ranks, with qualified personnel from other areas?