Teen, 17, Charged With Felony Drug Trafficking

September 12, 2011

A 17-year old Century teen has been charged with first degree  felony drug trafficking for allegedly selling hydrocodone near a local store.

Ladarrious Tamiraye Lett was caught in the act of selling 25 Lortabs by undercover officers near the Family Dollar store on North Century Boulevard, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report.

Lett was previous adjudicated as an adult in a weapons case and sentenced to nine months in the county jail. In October 2010, he was  convicted of possession of a firearm by a convicted delinquent under 24 years of age, tampering with evidence and culpable negligence. Lett, who was a 16-year old middle school student at the time, traded $40 in marijuana for .22 caliber pistol that was dumped on North Century Boulevard following a traffic stop. A deputy ran over the gun, shooting out his own tire.

Lett remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $25,000.


29 Responses to “Teen, 17, Charged With Felony Drug Trafficking”

  1. his life :) on September 18th, 2011 9:17 am

    free manman. im mad at him cause i thought he would listen but he dnt i give up and his mom give up. more ppl give up yo

  2. Everett on September 16th, 2011 12:17 am

    He’s just a bait fish in a big ocean. Find out who the source was for the lortabs. Then work your way up to the sharks.

    There are plenty of doctors overprescibing lortabs and zanex locally. The doctors know medicare, welfare, obamacare, and those fortunate to have health insurance can be billed for more pills than their patients actually need. There is very little oversight or accountability from the AMA or JAMA. The patients feels good and makes money on what they don’t need. The doctor gets a new set of golf clubs.

    This is how it works:
    The big fish has too pills. He gives them to the little fish to sell for a percentage and to keep quiet if he is caught. He certainly isn’t going to snitch.

  3. capt on September 15th, 2011 4:03 am

    At 429SCJ…I agree 100% with u I’ve always said that if we put the people that were in jail / prison in the military instead of jail maybe this would deter most them from a life of crime…and we would not be paying tax dollars (Approx.$3500) a month for them to set in jail and watch tv, when they could be severing this great country of ours

  4. 429SCJ on September 14th, 2011 6:15 am

    Even though I do not find Mayor McCall, to be a fireball of effectiveness, I do not feel that it is right to blame him, for Mr Lett’s drug dealing. These are hard times, that are going to only get worse. I still belive that a 6 year tour of military service would, be of benefit to people in Mr Lett’s situation. Who knows he might make us and himself proud. 429SCJ for the American Foreign Legion.

  5. RILEY SKAGGS on September 13th, 2011 11:04 pm

    17!!! lLook at the young mans picture. Everyone points the blame at anyone but themselves. We as a society are the ones responsible for these kind of problems! We make excuses and say what a waste; Yes what awaste…..is exactly right. Instead of parents that suffer from poverty, reaching out to their own children,they make excuses and blame goverment or whoever presents them an out from accountibilty. It is our duty as parents and as a society to raise our children to respect life and its struggles….no matter the cost! Prisons are overrun by young men who arent “bad” people, they are just young men who had no guidance or direction. Take a look at that young mans picture..its not the face of a BAD guy, its the face of another casualty of a society’s neglect! I do not condone his actions….however i understand his position and unfortunate methods of his so-called survival! Obviously the young man was conditioned at ayoung age that life on the streets was his anwser, and for those blaming the municipal goverment such as the mayor, why dont you stand up for humanity and go to the counsel meetings, the county commisoners and congress.lobby and fight to stop these young men wasting their lives and of others! Saving and preserving a persons well being and restoring some dignity to ones self-worth is worth a fight……..for us ALL. Or is it just to hard for some? I pray this kid finds God and realizes that life has meaning and a purpose for all those who are willing to fight its battles and endure its struggles…and i hope that he one day finds himself before he self destructs.

  6. anonymous on September 13th, 2011 10:22 pm

    And to all of you saying, free manman, and that we seem to have a lot of rats going around. I hope all of you crack dealers get set up, every last one of you. You are the ones making this world a bad and scary place to live in. there are plenty of ways to get jobs, if i can do it you can do it. But you have to at least put “effort” in to get a job, instead of walking in a job interview with you pants around you ankles with all of your underwear showing. You kids watch these rap videos and all they talk about is selling crack and getting money from doing illegal things. Where do you think these people are getting all of there motivation from, its all over b.e.t. I know for a fact that one of man mans brothers were selling crack to a lady whos liver was swollen up and she was dying from it and they still were selling her crack. Thats murder if you ask me.

  7. anonymous on September 13th, 2011 10:15 pm

    I am a witness to the things this young kid does. I was friends with his brother for many years whom one of his three brothers did work and try to do right. the boy had asked me to give him a ride to meet up and leave with his girl friend at the wal-mart in brewton, innocent enough right? wrong. we were pulled over for a busted head light, the police upon search of my vehicle found the big bag of crack under my truck seat that i was totally un-aware of. I was just trying to put a little extra gas in my truck and help a friends little brother out and that is how he re-pays me. If i would of known he had crack in his possession I would have never let him step foot in my truck. And the crazy thing is, his mother whom he lives with , condones all this behavior. Good thing this kid is off the street before the streets end up taking his life. I do not have high hopes for this guy, but you never know. This kid needs to find jesus, he is the only one who can save him now.

  8. Michaelforpersonalaccountability on September 13th, 2011 7:13 pm

    David Green, thanks for the comments…..maybe you can run for mayor…..a voice of reason in an unreasonable time. Again thanks……

  9. justice on September 13th, 2011 3:45 pm

    I was a witness at Whataburger in Century last Friday , as a man & his son came out the door. There were four juvenile boys standing on the sidewalk as he came out , he glanced at them as he stepped off the sidewalk. One of the boys , said to him what you lookin at?? The man stopped and said excuse me? And the boy went off cussing and yelling at the man. The police was called and all the boys ran( big talkers) into the woods in the back. The police did catch them , and they are not to go back onto Whataburger property. That’s what I’m saying…if the parents were more involved with their children this would not have happened. No parental supervision turns your children into THUG want a be’s. Teach your children right from wrong….if you learned it yourself. If you don’t teach your children respect , they will never be anything positive.

  10. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2011 12:02 pm

    “try and help these young men get a job”

    Try to help them get a job? Good idea.

    How to do it? Help them become the kind of person people would want to hire.

    What kind of person would you like to hire? Well mannered. Literate. Numerate. Competent. Hard working. Clean. Honest. Dependable. Dedicated.

    Maybe other potential employers want the same things.

    Job openings DO exist and WILL come open in the future as well. It does not matter, though, if the job seeker is unacceptable.

    We have free — to the student — public education. It can and does teach all those qualities listed above. It will even teach trades to those who are willing to learn.

    Willing to learn and to apply what they are taught – - – that’s the problem. It’s especially a problem where people’s parents, peers and mentors tell them not to listen to the teachers, don’t put on airs, and that all the jobs are going to the Mexicans and Vietnamese and every minority but them.

    Or we COULD just decide it’s all the mayor’s fault.

    David for personal value

  11. disappointed on September 13th, 2011 9:09 am

    thats exactly right, buddy. A good education means a good job; no education means sell drugs on the streets! I am in no way constituting that these people go out and sell drugs on the streets, it’s just a sad, pathetic fact in this day’s world. 16 and in middle school?? what happened to “no child left behind”?! They were all about this when i was in school and i DID have a learning disability. This sad excuse for a kid was just a slacker who spent his time smoking away his brain cells more than he did study and get good grades!!! this “man man” character does not need to be “free” he is a threat to society and he needs drug rehab before even thinking of being free to roam these god-forsaken, drug-infested streets!

  12. Buddy on September 13th, 2011 7:02 am

    Why are you blaming the Mayor, it’s the parent he was to young when he was selling drugs and not old enough to work. The parents are the one’s that are suppose to be showing right from wrong not the Mayor.
    If he didn’t go to school how does he expect to get a job if there where 20 jobs available.
    People want to blame every one else instead of being a man and taking the blame for what they do.

  13. baldhead on September 13th, 2011 5:33 am

    Another life wasted!

  14. NICKATNITE on September 12th, 2011 11:14 pm

    Just like “g” stated thats whats its going to be on the streets of century until mr.mayor steps up and atleast try and help these young men get a job.If he could atleast give them a chance to work and then thatll tell if thats what the dope problem is.He didnt sell to a undercover so whats the problem???Yeah it was one of the POLICE people that has already gotten themselves in trouble and theyre trying to get theirselve out.Whats the problem with giving people that has a record a job when ADACO in brewton alabama hires convicted felons?????Okay century is a town that has picks.Its sad to go around in ALL of the employment places around and see who works there…………………..ITS SAD!!!!!!!!Century needs help we dont have anything anymore.JOBS,SCHOOLS,LOVE,PEACE,TRUST,HOPE,JUSTICE,COMPASSION,AND MOST OF ALL “WE NEED JESUS”TO HELP US GET THROUGH THESE TOUGH SAD TIMES…………;)

  15. g on September 12th, 2011 10:04 pm


  16. unknown32 on September 12th, 2011 7:48 pm

    he should know by know .. as long as you keep doing the same thing you will always get the same results…

  17. J on September 12th, 2011 5:06 pm

    Keep dat head up lil manman! They gotta let u go sooner or later!

  18. dad on September 12th, 2011 4:50 pm

    I hate to imagine this guy as a 16 year old in classes with young middle schoolers, scary for them. Not that he is probably in school now.

  19. KnowThemToo on September 12th, 2011 4:01 pm

    The article states he “was caught in the act of selling 25 Lortabs BY undercover officers” not selling TOO undercover officers. Could have been a rat………… ya know we have seen a few of those lately……….

  20. me on September 12th, 2011 2:33 pm

    Holdin ctown down for u hold ur head up high..
    free my dawg man man

  21. Dan on September 12th, 2011 9:39 am

    17 Years Old !!!

    Well on his way to a life of crime.
    Where are his parents??

  22. VOICE 123 on September 12th, 2011 9:22 am

    16 in middle school why? I wonder if this child had any learning disabilities? This is sad a childs life is gone for what reasons we do not know.

  23. 429SCJ on September 12th, 2011 8:11 am

    LaDarrious is an old English name which means, Good Wealth, Tamiraye unknown. I am surprised, in a place as small as Century, that Mr Lett did not know the undercover buyers. This leads me to conclude he was selling to strangers. I would be curious to know how these opiates, came into Mr Lett’s possession.

  24. REF on September 12th, 2011 7:04 am

    It’s not very hard to see the trend here drugs weapons and right back on the street selling drugs again lock this worthless individual up an throw away the key before he kills somebody thats actually being productive in life …

  25. KATHY on September 12th, 2011 6:52 am

    This is Florida, he’ll get 15 years.

  26. Uptown ivey st. on September 12th, 2011 5:54 am

    Hold it down man man… They can’t hold u for long.. Keep ya head up!

  27. Oversight on September 12th, 2011 5:38 am

    Maybe he’ll get more than nine months this time because he doesn’t seem be learning from his mistakes. By the way, wasn’t he also charged with robbing the Tom Thumb in Molino and burglary in Century?

  28. Baebae on September 12th, 2011 5:12 am

    He should know that in todays world…starting up a new business can be less rewarding that it used to be…looks like he will get a good education in life where he is headed …too bad…so sad…

  29. gus on September 12th, 2011 1:19 am

    16 years old and still in middle school, really don’t think he went to school