Teen, 16, Seriously Injured In Vehicle Vs. Go-Kart Crash

September 10, 2011

A 16-year boy is facing charges after being  seriously injured in a collision between a car and his go-kart Saturday afternoon in Molino.

Jacob Scott Munro of Molino was headed east on Bet Raines Road on his go-kart  about 3:45 p.m. when he traveled through a stop sign into the path of a Toyota Prius driven by Sophia K. Awadh, 48, of Pensacola.  Munro collided with the side of the Toyota, causing the go-kart to rotate and partially eject him.  Adwadh continued through a ditch and came to a stop in a nearby yard.

Munro was airlifted by LifeFlight to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola in serious condition.

Munro was charged with violation of right of way and operating a low speed vehicle without proper equipment, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Awadh was not charged in connection with the crash.

The Molino Station of Escambia Fire Rescue and Escambia County EMS also responded to the crash.

Pictured above: A 16-year old is moved to LifeFlight by first responders Saturday afternoon in Molino. Pictured below: The boy’s go-kart apparently collided with this car at the intersection of Bet Raines Road and Nicholson  Drive.  NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


45 Responses to “Teen, 16, Seriously Injured In Vehicle Vs. Go-Kart Crash”

  1. dnutjob1 on September 13th, 2011 3:49 pm

    What one of us has not at some time in our little lives done something we wish we had’nt, some of us were lucky, I was raised by a single mom and she did just fine, but a parent can not be with a teenage child at all times, there comes a time when you have to hope that what you have taught them has gotten through. We all have accidents even as (OH MY) adults and we learn from them (we hope.) I hope for this young mans speedy recovery and I hope the family doesnt read all of these hurtful posts on here.

  2. barbara thomas on September 12th, 2011 11:26 pm

    Lynn, thank you my dear friend.

  3. barbara thomas on September 12th, 2011 11:07 pm

    second of all. the picture of the vehicle is not the side of the car the go cart hit. the hwy patrol said their was very little damage where the go cart hit. If the driver of the car had not been speeding she possibly could have stopped. If Jacobs brakes had not failed (because he had been working on them) he possibly would have stopped,rather than going through the stop sign. I’m sure he did not set out to cause this accident, he is a very respectful kid

  4. barbara thomas on September 12th, 2011 10:59 pm

    first of all, the accident did not occur at bet raines and 95A, the accident occured at bet raines and nicholson rd. so I don’t see how people on 95A seen anything.but they sure can make remarks and judge .

  5. Lynn on September 12th, 2011 10:48 pm

    Jacob and his family have my prayers during this troubling time. I would like to say to all of the people who are asuming that his parental guidance is lacking that you obviously do not know his mother or his grandparents or other extended family. This family has more love and more values than you can possibly imagine. All this was is a simple accident and we should be thanking God that no one was injured more.. Hopefully Jacob will make a full recovery, cars can be replace and so can go carts but people cannot.
    Please remember as you so casually sling your comments on NE.com that the next accident could happen to your child and you could be the parent with your child in the hospital, in pain… reading such hurtful and negitive things. I wonder why people are not pouring out love and prayers to both parties in this accident instead of critisim.
    Kim, Jacob, Barbara, and Family hang tough we love you!

  6. Just18 on September 12th, 2011 8:15 pm

    You guys are all talking about how this child and his parents are irresonsible. About what should or could have happened. Not about the incident with child himself. How do you think he feels about all of this stuff. Do you understand how he must FEEL. Yes he was imature, reckless, and it Could Have been worse. But thats the thing, it could have been. He is in the Hospital in pain thinking about that. Why should he be punished anymore?

  7. molinoresident on September 12th, 2011 7:17 pm

    To jjones- you have obviously never been to Molino. Your comment is very sad and immature. This kid is my cousin and what he did was STUPID, but nobody is perfect and im glad he is ok.

  8. Jane on September 12th, 2011 6:02 pm

    I see children and adults driving go-karts, lawn mowers, and golf carts on 95A (and other roads). A friend of mine was killed while mowing on the side of the road. This horrifies me every time I see it, and I hope people, young and old will learn not to do this on busy (and not-so-busy) roads. Look at it this way: it doesn’t matter if you are right or wrong…the larger vehicle gets less damage and someone gets hurt or killed!!

  9. PSU1Earl on September 12th, 2011 4:32 pm

    Feeling bad for the kid and the other driver, but he was lucky it was only a Prius… Next time it may be a F350, then it may not turn out so well…

  10. daphne on September 12th, 2011 4:16 pm

    molino has always been like this 4-wheeler riding go-cart etc. so dont make a big deal out of it and i wasnt just jacobs fault is was both jacob is my best friend i have known him for a very long time so thanks 4 reading(:

  11. Jessica on September 12th, 2011 3:37 pm

    ***kids r gonna b kids yall grown folks should be grown and its never been a problem to ride a 4wheeler or whatever on the road…. grow up***

    Really? It isn’t a problem at all when a careless child causes an accident on a major highway, almost killing himself. Not a problem at all. I guess had the driver been killed, then it would be a problem?

    Hopefully the parent and child has learned this behavior is foolish and dangerous and will handle vehicles with more care in the future. He is lucky to be alive. Let’s all learn from this and teach our children proper safety measures and supervise them closer.

  12. nunnya on September 12th, 2011 12:12 pm

    kids r gonna b kids yall grown folks should be grown and its never been a problem to ride a 4wheeler or whatever on the road…. grow up

  13. ABC on September 12th, 2011 12:44 am

    WHOA HERE FOLKS, What is happening to our community? no it is not legal to ride a gasoline operated scooter, fourwheeler or Go cart on the public road, unless it bares a license tag, and I dont think they will give you one for a gocart or, a lawn mower,little scooter, or a fourwheeler, but adults do it, so the kids copy the adults. BESIDES WHAT IS GOING ON IN OUR COMMUNITY? Back when we were raising our teenagers,. neighbors, and friends intervened if they saw these kids doing something wrong, speeding or misbehaving and then informed the parents of what they saw happening, no parent can have eyes in the back of their head wether they are home or at work, teenagers are always trying something, its part of growing up, and if you dont believe it you are not realistic, IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD. havent you ever heard that?
    I believe our community has grown beyond those days, and it is very very sad, I am blessed that my children grew to be responsible, decent adults, however they none were perfect angels nor were they bad kids in their teen years, we were just blessed to have neighbors and friends in Molino who cared enough to snatch em up give them a good talking to and then report it to us… as we did with theirs, if necessary. Growing pains are hard times for kids and they are going to try all that they can………. its human nature………….. Lets just Thank God Jacob is alive as well as the lady in the vehicle. and these parents whose children have go carts. scooters and four wheelers etc. will tighten up on these kids riding them on the streets, the police cant be every where,

  14. 429SCJ on September 12th, 2011 12:02 am

    Kid will be kids, most make it, some do not. This one was lucky. Parents.

  15. me on September 11th, 2011 11:18 pm

    How different these comments would be…… if we were reading about him in the obituary column.

  16. John Doe on September 11th, 2011 9:11 pm

    Lucky kid. Good thing he didn’t run that sign with a C and C Hauling or logging truck barreling down on him. Would have been a very different outcome. Years ago you could maybe ride a horse down 95A, but you couldn’t pay me to ride a bike or jog now on that road.

  17. Skye on September 11th, 2011 6:31 pm

    I am praying for you Jacob , and wish i could come and see you but mama wont bring me unfortunatlyy . But its good to hear your okayy . !! ..
    && to all of these people , molino is molino , it’s been this way for years , so let it be , and yall’s noises outta our home town , worry about your ownn ,. love you jacobbb . :D

  18. msd on September 11th, 2011 4:03 pm

    well to jj jones would you like your kids riding around with a 14 year old driving and let her kill one of them and see how you feel.im sorry but a 14 year old should stay at home and drive in the yard.its real cute to see a 14 yr.old drive a with a jeep full of kids and smoking like they are an adult.maybe it will be one of your kids she has a wreck with and see who thinks its cute.i dont.

  19. joshhammond on September 11th, 2011 1:39 pm

    Praying for my bro jacob

  20. Molino Res on September 11th, 2011 1:29 pm

    I live on the road where this happened. Jacob’s grandmother said he had just gotten the go-cart fixed and had not used it in a year. I don’t know. We have a huge problem here with kids on 4 wheeler’s, go cart, gators and any thing else they can make go, including reckless driving of motor vehicles. I don’t mind the kids riding these things even though it’s illegal my issue, frustration and concern is their disregard for their own safe and disrespect for others. I have attempted to ask these kids to slow down but they are blatantly rude and disrespectful. I’ve spoke to law enforcement about them and never get any results. I don’t know who Jacob is or if I’ve ever seen him ride, I’m speaking about my experiences with the kids around here. I don’t have an issue with go-carts and four wheelers, in fact my kids have them but they are not allowed to ride on the roadway because of the dangers of doing so. I guess what I’m trying to say is if parents want to allow their children to do these activities they need to be willing to supervise them and enforce their rules in regards to them. It would be nice too if law enforcement would enforce the laws reference them as well. But honestly if the kids would just be respectful and safe I wouldn’t even have issue with them riding them.

  21. joe on September 11th, 2011 12:18 pm

    wow, some people just do not understand rules and laws. to say “kids are just being kids” or “they were only having fun”, is ignorant. this is “all fun” until someone gets hurt or killed. parents have a role in this as that is where the life lessons and sense of value comes from. if the parent is not around than the child must learn the values elsewhere, or nowhere. sad that a kid was hurt but more troubling that many laws were broken. this could have been much worse!

  22. Sam on September 11th, 2011 12:09 pm

    Wow! There are certainly a lot of people out here who have forgotten what it was like to be 16. Although it was a long time ago, I have not. This kid was operating A GO-CART. Not car jacking and not stealing a car for a joy ride. I remember at 16 – safety was not fore front in my mind and YES – I rode a go cart with no helmet. Cut this kid some slack – for crying out loud! It was an accident! I am willing to bet – after all this is a memory – he will be a stickler for safety rules. A speedy recovery to you Jacob! Please watch for cars! Next time you not be so lucky!

  23. ???? on September 11th, 2011 11:31 am

    Thought it was illegal to operate a go-cart on a public street, road, sidewalk, etc. If it’s not in FL it should be….

  24. Alice on September 11th, 2011 11:27 am

    Hopefully this young man will make a full recovery. This was an accident, plain and simple. Accidents can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere, sometimes it is bad decisions,other times it is just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am sure this young man did not get on his go-kart and say, I’m gonna go ride on hwy 29. If if were your son or daughter you be defending them, it was an accident, and like most it could have be avoided with the if only and what if’s.
    Any parent that says my child would never do such, or they are angels. Trust me, they ALL do foolish things , most of them try foolish things. After all, they are indestructible, right?
    Shame on anyone who blames the parents, we can not have control our our kids, especially this age, 24/7. Mine have all grown up, gotten college educations and doing well. But, trust me, they got into plenty of things and tried plenty of things. Some I knew about, some I didn’t.
    The people with harsh words probably don’t have teenagers, or they have their heads stuck in the sand too far!
    Don’t be so quick to cast stones! It was an accident, hopefully the drive is okay.
    Hopefully the 16 year old will recover. And hopefully he has learned another lesson in life.

  25. tallyho on September 11th, 2011 10:24 am

    It does not make any difference wheather you are a single parent or married parent. No matter how hard it is you still have to be a responsible parent. Like in Bratt where five kids are out damaging park equipment and one was nine and the others were not over sixteen. Why was a nine year old doing out that time of night. Do you as a parent ever ask where is my child at,and what is he doing, are you to scared to ask your child. Remember you are the parent not his friend. To liberal are do not care that is the problem. All kids one time are the other are not going to be saints. Respect from your kids is the key. This is so dumb to here kids are going to be kids. The same thing happened in the Tate problem, the first thing said was kids are going to be kids. Dumb!!!! I hope the child is going to be alright.

  26. Kathy on September 11th, 2011 9:58 am

    Parents are responsible for they children, after all the adults decided to have them. Be it they are 3 years old or 16 years old. I see four wheelers, and go karts on our road all the time with young and not bright kids driving them. As long as parents fail to supervise, teach and instruct as well as most importantly discipline there will be accidental shootings, accidents like this one and more human suffering. Parents appear to think children can make adequate decisions of safety on their own. More like parents don’t want to take their precious time to provide the supervision they need to provide, or worse yet too afraid their kid won’t love them so they continue to be their friend.

  27. Terri Sanders on September 11th, 2011 9:38 am

    I raised four kids in Molino.There is a different way of living in the rural areas.Yes kids ride go carts on the road,boys drive tractors on the road,some laws are loosly obeyed and others ignored.It is no different in Pensacola.you just don’t hear of things like this becasue they are not news worthly for the PNJ. With all the woods around this kid could have been in the woods riding,trespassing maybe but he sure wouldn’t be facing charges,long recuperation time.His ankle will be messed up for life.The point is he ran a stop sign,I am glad he was on a go cart and not in a car.Hopefully this will be a valuable lesson to him when he does get behind the wheel.

  28. jjones on September 11th, 2011 9:20 am


  29. molino jim on September 11th, 2011 8:49 am

    Sorry for the kid and his family. With that said how about the driver of the car who will have to remember this for a long long time. You try to drive safe and someone runs into you or cause you to run into them. As I said—sorry for the pain the kid is going through—but also more sorry for the driver of the car.

  30. msd on September 11th, 2011 8:37 am

    molino is an area where there is kids drive cars without license,no tag speed on 95a.where is the cops when you need them.no parents that work hard cant watch kids every minute.god bless him and his mother.anybody that works 2 jobs is trying to support her family.he was just being a kid.i know one mother that lets her daughter drive all over the place at 14 and haul kids around in her jeep.she got to be the one crazy person.waiting on a wreck to happen.cops need to watch 95a more often.on bet raines rd.someone shot a horse a couple of days ago and these kids around here are getting out of hand.something needs to be done with these wild kids around here.

  31. Grave Digger on September 11th, 2011 7:51 am

    I am surprised the Prius wasn’t totaled. After all, they are practically the same size.

  32. bigbill1961 on September 11th, 2011 1:38 am

    There sure are a lot of judges in here. Why are the parents to blame? This kid (being a typical kid having fun), made a poor decision. It is not time to judge, it is time to pray for his recovery. And to tallyho…parents should be fined?…really? You should be fined for operating a keyboard without a spelling license.

  33. Cheyenne on September 10th, 2011 11:11 pm

    I’m so sorry Jacob. I love you to death . I will see you tomorrow.

  34. carrie on September 10th, 2011 11:08 pm

    All I have to say is that I’m a praying for Jacob, and for all of you Self righteous parent who children have never done anything wrong think about the parents who are raising their children by themselves and would have to work two jobs to keep food on the table, shoes on there feet and clothes onthere back and a roof over there heads, you can’t watch them all the time, I had a hard core experience. So I do defend the parent and before you judge the parent I think you should know the parent! And kids will be kids you can’t make anything else out of them but KIDS! This Mother is going through enough and don’t need you lack of judgement! all she wants is her child to be ok like any good parent would want. Praying for Jacob to get better!

  35. tallyho on September 10th, 2011 10:26 pm

    Things do not just happen, They are caused! Parents should be fined for letting the teenager on the rode with a unlisened vehilcle. The same if it was a four wheeler. Just a kid you say.They are not suppose to be on the right away. What if you were the driver of a vehicle and you killed some one and it could of been this teenager and that person has to live with it? Parents do not care what there kids do anymore. I hope the boy will be alright and the parents learn from this.

  36. Tina P on September 10th, 2011 10:16 pm

    Praying for this young man and his family. Please when you post and use God capitalize it. Thanks.

  37. mkayla on September 10th, 2011 9:53 pm

    jacob im so sorry im praying for you <3
    this should not have happened i love you!

  38. whitepunknotondope on September 10th, 2011 9:26 pm

    … and Tara and Barbara don’t jump up and defend his parents, because they FAILED.

  39. whitepunknotondope on September 10th, 2011 9:25 pm

    I lost a very good friend many years ago to a go-kart collision with a car in Pensacola. Go-karts are death machines when on the roads, people! Parents need to wake up and assume some responsibility! Don’t let your children ride go-karts unless they’re at Fast Eddie’s or some place like that.

  40. Tara on September 10th, 2011 9:17 pm

    the 16 yr old is my nephew and he was just being a normal teenage boy and things happen i just thank god that his injuries arent worse than what they could have been just keep him in your prayers :)

  41. Molino Res on September 10th, 2011 9:09 pm

    That go cart and several other ATV type vehicles have been a problem in this area. Complaints to FHP and Deputies go un-responded to and unfortunately an incident has been a long time coming. Hope that the young man will fully recover.

  42. barbara thomas on September 10th, 2011 9:07 pm

    the sixteen year old who was involved in the go kart accident is my grandson.he had just gotten the go kart fixed after about a year being set up. he will be going into surgery in the morning to put screws into his ankle. he is pretty banged up and scared. but by the grace of god he will live. please keep prayers coming for jacob and his mom kim.

  43. livinginmolino on September 10th, 2011 8:15 pm

    I live down 95A…..I travel between 95A and Hwy 29 by way of Bet Raines. I pray that the you man is ok…… But I’ve seen that go cart several times on Bet Raines and on 95A. Hopefully his parents will get rid of that go-kart. Kids just don’t understand that go-karts should not be in the road. They are no match for a 3000 LB automobile.

  44. Rhonda on September 10th, 2011 7:16 pm

    Praying for this young boy and his family. Does anyone know the status of this ? Will continue to Pray !

  45. carrie on September 10th, 2011 5:31 pm

    Praying really hard for my little friend.