Suspect’s Tight Pants Call 911; Cantonment Trio Busted For Burglary

September 2, 2011

A suspect’s too-tight pants called 911 during a burglary, landing three Cantonment men behind bars.

Micheal Joshua Smith, 20; Matthew Alex Nuvoli, 19; and Timmothy Luke Riley, 28, are all facing felony burglary of a vehicle and burglary of an unoccupied structure charges in connection with the incident on Flagler Drive in Ensley.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office received an unknown 911 call from Flagler Driver. Responding deputies discovered the Cantonment trio had gone through a Mercedes Benz parked under a carport. The men told deputies they knew no one was home, so they “had just been hanging out drinking beer”, according to a Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

Deputies determined that the original 911 call that led to the arrests had been made from Smith’s cellphone. Smith told deputies that his cellphone was in his pants pocket, and it will sometimes call 911 on its own if his pants are too tight.

Riley was also charged with resisting arrest without violence in connection with the incident. Deputies said he jumped a fence and tried to run from them, but he slipped and fell in a ditch.

All three were released from the Escambia County Jail on bond.


27 Responses to “Suspect’s Tight Pants Call 911; Cantonment Trio Busted For Burglary”

  1. Baebae on September 5th, 2011 9:51 pm


  2. 429SCJ on September 4th, 2011 5:14 pm

    A 6 year deployment to someplace like Somolia, Afganistan or the 38th parallel, would give these young men a new outlook on life. I would like to see a cost and effectiveness study, for such a program. The American Foreign Legion. Low pay and lots of adventure. Cost Effective?

  3. Kosher Dave on September 3rd, 2011 10:37 pm

    With looks and smarts like these guys have, its a wonder why they wasn’t out picking up the ladies.

    Awesome Mustache Tim!!!!!

  4. Donnie on September 3rd, 2011 2:26 pm


  5. Donnie on September 3rd, 2011 2:25 pm

    They look like the South Park guys lol

  6. a mother...(not theirs) on September 3rd, 2011 12:18 pm

    At one time, these young men were a bundle of innocent love and joy….and maybe their mother had hopes and dreams and aspirations for them…thru the years things have apparently changed and they have gone down the wrong path in life.
    My suggestion for any parent, whether a single parent struggling to raise your child(or children) or a couple struggling with bills and kids and life….plug into a local church, surrender to the Lord and let HIS WORD AND HIS LOVE guide you thru this maze of parenting…..”Train up a child in the way he(she) should go and when they are old they will not depart from it”….let that be your goal and dream for your child. Then, you can honestly say you did give it every effort….

  7. Interested on September 3rd, 2011 10:10 am

    The first thing I thought was Larry, Darryl, and Darryl.
    Then I saw everything under the sun was already covered.
    I guess if your that stupid crime is your only option and sending
    them to jail to stay is our only option.

    Be very proud of yourself. To many people see what others do
    especially in their families and it’s monkey see monkey do, like
    they don’t go to church, know the Bible OR know right from wrong.
    Sometimes it is also easier to just go along with peer pressure than
    to buck against it. I say GOOD FOR YOU! Your comment put
    the smile on my face today. I really don’t see anything funny about
    these three clowns.

  8. Sarah on September 3rd, 2011 8:33 am

    I thought to myself how stupid can one be. Like I told my sister one time because she was taking up for her daughter when she stole money from her grandmother, and I quote “you all are as dumb as rocks, put all your minds together in a bag and your lucky to come out with a stone”. These guys must be related to my sister and her husband because they are stupid. No lets get serious I can’t stand a crook that’s what my sisters family is and so are these guys. EVER HEARD OF GET A JOB!!!! To Holly321 I got a kick out of your post, so funny, lol…..

  9. not saggin on September 3rd, 2011 5:49 am

    look people don’t be so hard on em at least we know they did not trip over their pants because they were saggin

  10. Me on September 2nd, 2011 7:33 pm

    Thank you for the explanation William, I did not know they all had gps.

  11. too funny on September 2nd, 2011 1:07 pm

    thanks, guys…i needed a good laugh today….

  12. William on September 2nd, 2011 12:06 pm

    >>How could anyone tell where the 911 call was made from if it came from the suspects cell phone?

    Cellphones provide GPS coordinates when they 911, and they are often very accurate. The 911 operator knows exactly where the cellphone is, down to maybe a few yards, if the system works properly.

  13. Me on September 2nd, 2011 11:59 am

    How could anyone tell where the 911 call was made from if it came from the suspects cell phone? Maybe I missed something.

  14. EMD on September 2nd, 2011 11:29 am

    “They Walk Among Us”

    Sounds like a crazy sitcom.

    They may be up for “The Darwin Award.”

  15. Davastating Dave on September 2nd, 2011 11:00 am


    Ditch the tight pants, stop trying to be so sexy!

  16. Atmore G on September 2nd, 2011 10:56 am

    The THREE STOOGES live again!!

  17. Kitty Moore on September 2nd, 2011 10:30 am

    I hate a thief. When you add stupid, you have a problem. They should be put away for our safety, and theirs. YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID.

  18. my2cents on September 2nd, 2011 9:58 am

    Just goes to show, Karma really does exist! Too Funny….

  19. uh? on September 2nd, 2011 9:46 am

    too hilarious!

  20. Rita on September 2nd, 2011 8:21 am

    Another goodie for Jay Leno!!! Can’t stop laughing!!

  21. Edge on September 2nd, 2011 7:50 am

    Here’s your sign…….
    I got a good kick out of this story this AM. Thanks!

  22. Lynn Hoskins on September 2nd, 2011 6:00 am

    LOL Holly…and their mugshots just scream ‘intellgence’ :o

  23. David Huie Green on September 2nd, 2011 5:49 am


  24. dad on September 2nd, 2011 5:45 am

    Maybe that’s why so maybe thug wannabees wear the saggy pants. Finally a answer!

  25. 429SCJ on September 2nd, 2011 5:35 am

    Riley, with that large cranium, must have been the master mind.

  26. dsgh on September 2nd, 2011 1:44 am

    someone should send this in to one of those dumb criminals shows

  27. Holly321 on September 2nd, 2011 1:28 am

    Wow….He “butt dials” 911, while breaking the law….Hilarious