Pre-Kindergarten Kids Will Face Tougher Test Standards

September 21, 2011

Standards for determining how well voluntary pre-kindergarten students are prepared for school were toughened Tuesday in Florida.

The State Board of Education voted to increase the benchmark used to rate how well a pre-school program prepares students for school from 85 percent of students passing readiness tests to 70 percent.

Kindergarteners who have been in voluntary pre-k, which can be offered through private schools, child care centers and public schools, are given kindergarten readiness tests. If fewer than 70 percent of a pre-school’s students are not deemed ready on two kindergarten tests than the pre-school program is labeled low performing and it has two years to try to improve, or it might lose state funding.

The change may result in a large increase in the number of pre-kindergarten providers considered low-performing. Out of 6200 pre-kindergarten programs, 2600 would be low-performing, according to the Department of Education.

Michael Grego, the interim public schools chancellor, told House members Tuesday that the tests are very basic and that most pre-school programs should be able to teach students the information.

“When you look at this assessment of the identification of 10 letters of which you have to identify five, it’s fairly basic information,” Grego said.

By The News Service of Florida


3 Responses to “Pre-Kindergarten Kids Will Face Tougher Test Standards”

  1. Confused--- on September 21st, 2011 9:39 pm

    So now we are testing the small children. What next? Testing the toddlers to see if they will be ready for pre-school. Ridiculous to say the least.

    When are the people who make the laws going to realize that as long as we pay children to have more children the situation is only going to get worse? Stop the hand-outs, require people to take responsibility for their children and you will have grown up, working, married people reproducing. Education begins at home. Always has — always will!

  2. ugh on September 21st, 2011 9:52 am

    I think the school system needs a lot of over haul. I know first hand they don’t help the kids in the no kids left behind act. all schools care about is FCAT scores so they can get more money. it’s all bull crap. glad i don’t have to deal with them any more.

  3. 429SCJ on September 21st, 2011 8:12 am

    Good Stuff! Catch Up is a difficult game, for educators and students to play. I am sure, that as our students academic levels rise, so will the Nation.