Pizza Delivery Driver, 19, Murdered Outside Domino’s

September 26, 2011

Escambia County homicide investigators are working through a number of leads in the Saturday night murder of a 19-year-old pizza delivery driver.

Tyler John Hinkle, a 2010 West Florida High School graduate, was attacked outside the Domino’s Pizza at 27 North Navy Blvd. at around 10:40 p.m. Saturday night. Hinkle  (pictured) was able to walk into the restaurant to seek help from co-workers before he collapsed, according to deputies.

“Tyler was stabbed in the chest by an unknown assailant”, said sheriff’s office spokesman Deputy Chris Welborn. “He was transported to Baptist Hospital by ambulance but he succumbed to his injuries, shortly after arriving at the emergency room.”

Investigators say there were no witnesses at the time of the attack and they have not yet identified a suspect. They believe robbery was a motive in the death of Hinkle. Friends said that Hinkle had just returned to the pizza restaurant after making a delivery.

“We are asking anyone with information concerning this case to contact us,” said Welborn.

Anyone who may have information related to this case is asked to contact the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


28 Responses to “Pizza Delivery Driver, 19, Murdered Outside Domino’s”

  1. jeff george on September 27th, 2011 9:53 pm

    what a handsome young man. this is a babaric act.inhuman to say the least. this killer was most likely needing drugs. this county this state aND THIS COUNTRY IS AWASH WIth drugs and addicts……………..

  2. hawghead on September 27th, 2011 6:18 pm

    If you do the research you will see that Pensacola’s crime rate has risen since Hurricane Katrina….We got a lot of refugees here from New Orleans and they brought along all the crime with them……sad but true….

  3. ms on September 27th, 2011 5:48 pm

    prayers to the family. May God give you a special healing during this time.

  4. jw on September 27th, 2011 3:06 pm

    “Yea, it ain’t fair, you died to young, like a story that had just begun, but death tore the pages all away”

    God’s wrath on whoever did this!

    RIP Tyler

  5. pm on September 27th, 2011 1:26 pm

    @ Angela — You are so right and wish i could help the situation but like you i tried and watched the downward spiral of our community and country for the last 25 years. Just glad my kids are grown. there was no –NO — reason for this young man to die like this. My friends and i try to make sense of all this but to no avail. the word downward spiral no longer applies to these trying times — we are in free-fall and if something isn’t done besides “Operation Clean Seeps” and a slap o the wrist for these monsters we will all have to pay dearly. May God Bless and keep Tyler and his family.

  6. RGH on September 27th, 2011 1:22 pm

    This is so sad; my condolences to the family. Domino’s should be posting a reward to help bring the killer to justice.

  7. jag on September 27th, 2011 12:50 pm

    Wonderful and insightful comment, Angela… I wish you could shout it on the housetops and everyone who needs it would hear it.

    I too am very sad for this family and hope they will be able to deal with their heartache in the months to come.

  8. Interested on September 27th, 2011 9:44 am

    That was so well said Angela all I can say is, ” I second that”.

    “I’d say part of NO LA came here after Katrina and decided to stay. They brought their barbaric ways and crime with them.” Don’t blame N.O. for the local mentality. This is the worship of the “gangsta” mentality and music found right here in Pensacola neighborhoods. I taught for a while at a local high school and found many long time residents are teaching their kids to hate “the man” while allowing those kids to worship gangsta rappers. When an entire classroom of kids think it odd that a woman waits to have a baby until after school, marriage, and career–something is amiss. When kids are proud that their “baby daddy” has a rap sheet 15 pages long or is in prison-something is wrong. When a 2nd or 3rd gen. teen mom on welfare gets excited on her 17th b-day because she now is old enough to apply for section 8 and have her own apartment-just like her mom-something needs to change. What do you expect of kids raised like that? Instead kids need to be taught to work hard in order to succeed, good morals, and instead of bucking the system-obey the law. Put pride back into good behaviors and shun the bad behaviors rather than accept them as normal!

  9. Bry4 on September 27th, 2011 2:37 am

    R.I.P Tyler, its like yesterday at school all of us just cracking up and waiting to graduate. Can’t believe your gone. You were taken away from your family and friends to soon, you were one cool, laid back guy. Don’t understand why what happened, happened. This town seems to be getting out of control, something needs to be done about these people in this town. They have no business being here and no purpose, we’d be better off with these robbers/murderers gone. Hoping and praying the man gets caught and gets what he deserves!!!!!. Prayers to the family and friends. Class of 2010. Rest In Peace Tyler.

  10. OldMarine on September 26th, 2011 7:30 pm

    Thugs are Sub Human

    RIP , Bright Young Man

  11. John on September 26th, 2011 7:21 pm

    I hope they catch the scumbag who done this. It scares me to know that my children could have to deal with a spineless individual like this murderer. I hope justice is served with this person and that they get what they deserve. If our government would give the death penalty to scumbags like this murder our nations murder rate would be cut in half. That is a way to save money Rick Scott!!!

  12. chris1 on September 26th, 2011 7:06 pm

    Reply to Angela on September 26th, 2011 12:28 pm .

    Its too late. Just carry and avoid the animals.
    TV has warped the next generations. Once the giveaways start they can never be stopped.

  13. Renee on September 26th, 2011 3:46 pm

    R.I.P Tyler… I hope whoever did this to this young man come forward…what is the world coming to a hard working man doing the right thing and now is gone and left a family . God bless the faimly of Tyler I don’t know him . But by looking at his picture he seen like a GREAT young man . Prayers are with the family and friends . REST IN PEACE Tyler.

  14. Angela on September 26th, 2011 12:28 pm

    “I’d say part of NO LA came here after Katrina and decided to stay. They brought their barbaric ways and crime with them.” Don’t blame N.O. for the local mentality. This is the worship of the “gangsta” mentality and music found right here in Pensacola neighborhoods. I taught for a while at a local high school and found many long time residents are teaching their kids to hate “the man” while allowing those kids to worship gangsta rappers. When an entire classroom of kids think it odd that a woman waits to have a baby until after school, marriage, and career–something is amiss. When kids are proud that their “baby daddy” has a rap sheet 15 pages long or is in prison-something is wrong. When a 2nd or 3rd gen. teen mom on welfare gets excited on her 17th b-day because she now is old enough to apply for section 8 and have her own apartment-just like her mom-something needs to change. What do you expect of kids raised like that? Instead kids need to be taught to work hard in order to succeed, good morals, and instead of bucking the system-obey the law. Put pride back into good behaviors and shun the bad behaviors rather than accept them as normal!

  15. The vapor on September 26th, 2011 11:50 am

    Hmm.. Sad thing.
    It seems the anti gun crowd are only appalled about gun crimes. It seems knife crimes are ok…

    Now if the driver had a gun…

  16. Tiffany on September 26th, 2011 11:17 am

    Prayers to Tyler’s family and friends…and may the creature to did this to him be found quickly and burned alive!!

  17. WhyWhyWhy on September 26th, 2011 11:15 am

    Why did you have to KILL him for what?? $30 maybe???? Please look at his family and explain. . .

  18. Rita on September 26th, 2011 10:59 am

    What a sweet looking young man, and to be killed while working. So senseless. God please be with his family.
    To the perpetrator … mercy!!

  19. sadams on September 26th, 2011 9:37 am

    RIP Tyler!
    I remember going to school with you, we’d always throw jokes at each other and then just laugh at how dumb our jokes really were. You didn’t deserve this, no one does.
    The Hinkle family is in my love and prayers, and we’ll miss you Hinkle!!

  20. Louise on September 26th, 2011 9:24 am

    I’d say part of NO LA came here after Katrina and decided to stay. They brought their barbaric ways and crime with them. God bless this young man’s family. May God through His mercy give them comfort. RIP Tyler

  21. Debby Hopkins on September 26th, 2011 9:16 am

    RIP Tyler,
    I only knew you for a few years but I remember you being kind and always smiling.
    It is a shame here is a Young Man trying to be honest and work.Then another person kills this young man. Pensacola needs to wake up and stop all this killing,Think of this you took a life away from his family love ones and for what???MONEY!!!!GREED !!!! I ask God now to be with this family and thru the hurt that this crime will bring for the months to come.My prayers and thoughts are with the family.

  22. Dan on September 26th, 2011 8:18 am

    What a terrible tradgedy. I hope this heinous act is
    quicly solved by the ECSO and swift justice is applied
    to those involved.

    My prayers are with Tyler and his family!

  23. D Morales on September 26th, 2011 7:38 am

    Thoughts and prayers to this young man’s family.

  24. Angi B. on September 26th, 2011 7:23 am

    My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Tyler.

  25. 429SCJ on September 26th, 2011 6:58 am

    My prayers are with this young mans family. We need our open carry law. We are expected to live and work among these beast, defenseless. There will never be enough prisons to lock them all up, as long as their reproduction rates, exceed the incarceration rate.

  26. Susan on September 26th, 2011 6:43 am

    RIP Tyler, you are missed already.

  27. Fishhook240 on September 26th, 2011 6:11 am

    Are we in New Orleans. Pensacola may be a little city but we have the biggest crimes. Two to three times a week someone gets it. If you closes your eye and just listened to the news you would swear you were in a New Orleans/ Detriot or so on
    “Just my Thoughts”

  28. Everett on September 26th, 2011 1:37 am

    A real shame. Here was a 19 yr old trying to work an honest job to support himself. Keep his family in your thoughts and prayers as this will be a difficult time for them.