Pharmacy Burglary, Walmart Theft Suspect Back In Jail

September 22, 2011

Michael Dunlavy is back in the Escambia County Jail. He’s the man busted earlier this month allegedly trying to steal items from Walmart just out of  jail on bond after being caught red-handed burglarizing a pharmacy.

Judge Nicolas Geeker granted a State Attorney’s Office request to revoke Dunlavy’s bond and return him to jail.

Dunlavy was arrested September 9 after deputies found him inside Kim’s Pharmacy in Cantonment about 1:30 a.m. . He was released from jail on $11,000 bond. A short time later, he was arrested at Walmart on Pensacola Boulevard after a loss prevention officer allegedly saw him take a knife and place it in his pocket before placing a large television set and a scanner in a shopping cart and head out of the store. The incident was also caught on the store’s security camera.

Dunlavy is scheduled to appear in court September 30 for an arraignment hearing.

After the pharmacy arrest, Dunlavy gave deputies an address on Highway 164 in McDavid. When arrested at Walmart, he told deputies he had a new address on Forehand Lane in Cantonment.


10 Responses to “Pharmacy Burglary, Walmart Theft Suspect Back In Jail”

  1. sam on July 2nd, 2012 2:55 pm

    actually NO! the state wont help ME pay for OUR kids which there is only 2 of he has never paid me but neither has the state and btw see how LONG of time he did? Might as well have been NONE he is out and with a druggie female danger to society now. can u believe divorce judge granted him joint custody too!!! 3 months after these crimes

  2. Everett on September 24th, 2011 2:27 am

    If he is in jail for an extended time guess who takes over financially helping his kids-US who work and pay taxes. Maybe this is what he planned to do all along.

  3. creekbather on September 23rd, 2011 3:47 pm

    by leaving him in jail,you may be taking the burden off of someone who realy wouldnt want to shoot him,,, but may have to. , and if he gets into my stuff i dont know him , i ”l l guarantee you , i’ll pop him.

  4. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2011 10:18 am

    “he made 2 stupid mistakes hes a good person and always will be”

    By stupid mistakes, you mean that he got caught, right? Stealing without getting caught isn’t a mistake; it’s a money maker.

    But at least he’s a GOOD person. How do you know he will always be a GOOD person? What if your definition grows to include not hurting other people as a requirement for being good?

    David amused by sub-prime thinking,
    hoping the GOOD person doesn’t try to rob
    the right person — a BIG mistake

  5. mary on September 23rd, 2011 5:28 am

    @ kelly..girl you need to look up his court records…this is not just “stupid mistakes” son went to middle school & knew him from that school & said he was nothing but trouble back then…i’m beginning to wonder who you are & what kind of record you mite have,,,as for “he hasnt hurt anyone”…yeah he has..he is a loser from the word GO!

  6. kelly on September 22nd, 2011 9:27 pm

    i hate how people talk crap about people on here.. he want b in there for that long yall act like he was a harm to others far from it.. he made 2 stupid mistakes hes a good person and always will be not everyone is perfect love u michael

  7. Bry4 on September 22nd, 2011 5:06 pm

    it is about time they havnt gave him a bond and are keeping him in jail till court. ive known him for right at 6 years sadly. he has always been a thief and getting into trouble, but hes always got away with it. hopefully with all these charges with in a short amount of time he will actually be put in jail and given a long sentence to learn a lesson. NOT THAT HE WILL even if hes in prison for 10 years he wouldnt learn.

  8. mary on September 22nd, 2011 12:18 pm

    I’m glad to hear the State Attorney’s office /Judge Geeker realized that this person should be locked up till he goes to court…he would probably have been arrested again!!!

  9. bwayne on September 22nd, 2011 9:21 am

    Perfect example of failure to match skills with chosen career.

  10. 429SCJ on September 22nd, 2011 5:04 am

    I know everybody will sleep better tonight.