Panhandle Republican Designated Next Senate President

September 20, 2011

Sen. Don Gaetz, a former school superintendent and hospice executive from the Panhandle, was formally recognized as the Senate president-in-waiting on Monday.

Gaetz, a Republican from Niceville, was honored in a Senate floor ceremony in front of family and friends, including his son, state Rep. Matt Gaetz. R-Fort Walton Beach.

Gaetz will succeed Senate President Mike Haridopolos, R-Merritt Island, for the 2013 session and preside for two terms, assuming Republicans maintain a majority in the chamber. They currently hold a 28-12 majority in the Senate. The vote by Senate Republicans was unanimous as expected.

Gaetz said the economy will be the focus of his time in charge.

“Unemployment is the ill wind that parches the souls of our families,” said Gaetz, adding that for too long officials have looked to Washington to solve problems. He said he would reject that, looking to Florida lawmakers to solve Florida problems.

Gaetz harkened to a sign above a door at his high school that said “No place worse than second place,” in saying that he wants the state to be first in the country in attracting jobs.

Gaetz also pledged to take up the Republican mantra that “sprawling expensive government has failed,” and that the state shouldn’t leave policy to “bureaucrats” whose “absurd rules stifle innovation.”

“Florida must become the cradle of common sense solutions,” Gaetz said. “…Florida must be the state that’s known for fair play and rational regulations.”

Gaetz also pledged to make education a top priority, and particularly higher education. He listed a long line of problems in the state’s efforts to attract jobs that he said were rooted in a lack of well trained college graduates in the sciences. Florida can’t afford for colleges to focus on things that don’t make it stronger in the sciences, he said.

Republican Sen. Greg Evers, who represents the northern portion of the western Panhandle, said he welcomes Gaetz as Senate president.

“It is wonderful to see a fellow legislator from the Northwest Florida delegation be given such an honor, and I trust that his instincts, prior experience and strong leadership will guide us in the right direction to achieve the sound and conservative legislation our State needs,” Evers said Monday afternoon. “I look forward to seeing his leadership be the voice for the issues ailing our communities and I am ready to be a voice in support.”

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.


3 Responses to “Panhandle Republican Designated Next Senate President”

  1. Kathy on September 21st, 2011 8:52 am

    He is a wealth businessman, and that will be is job to stop any sort of regulation that impedes his profits. Outside of that assuring poverty reaches more peoples door step and starving the very poor will be sufficiently time consuming for him and his son.

  2. Fairlane63 on September 20th, 2011 8:18 am

    Jane– He actually voted FOR the original septic tank inspection bill. I don’t think he really wants people to know that– might conflict with his “conservative” image…

  3. Jane on September 20th, 2011 4:37 am

    So far I haven’t been overly impressed with his record. I want to see how this works out. He didn’t work too hard to repeal the septic tank inspection law. He may be a good businessman so maybe he’ll be good at this….hmmmmmmmmmmm.