Our View: Honor A Bratt Hero, LCpl. Travis Nelson, By Renaming Park

September 2, 2011

NorthEscambia.com is calling on our communities and the Escambia County Commission to step up and honor LCpl. Travis Nelson, the little boy from Bratt  that dreamed of becoming a Marine.

LCpl. Nelson lived his dream, making it from Highway 4 in Bratt to the front lines in Afghanistan where he lost his life at just 19 to defend the freedom of his family, friends and all Americans back home. He was the first service member from the Bratt or Walnut Hill area killed in action since 1969.

His parents, Beckie and Scott Nelson, have established a scholarship fund that will benefit local young men and women that are in the ROTC at Northview or Pace high school, or  in the Young Marines of Pensacola. We call upon you to do your part to ensure the success of this scholarship program. Make your donation today, whether it be a handful of change or a fistful of dollars that can make a difference in a local student’s future. Click here to read more about the scholarship and how to donate.

The Nelson family is also asking Escambia County permission to place a monument at the Bratt Community Park on Highway 4, just two doors down from where Travis Nelson grew up. While we are sure that Escambia County will approve the request, we are asking for more.

Since it was completed over a year ago, there has never been a formal dedication or even naming of the Bratt Community Park, other than a sign erected by the county.

NorthEscambia.com is calling upon the Escambia County Commission to officially dedicate the park as “The Travis M. Nelson Bratt Community Park” in honor of our local hero. It’s a fitting way to honor the Marine from Bratt who went to his grave fighting for his country. It’s also a fitting example to the young people of our communities that a little boy (or girl) from Bratt can follow their dreams, no matter where it takes them, and make a real difference in the lives of Americans everywhere.

Pictured: Parents Scott and Beckie Nelson of Bratt remember their son, Marine LCpl. Travis Nelson, shortly after learning that he had been killed in action in Afghanistan. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Our View: Honor A Bratt Hero, LCpl. Travis Nelson, By Renaming Park”

  1. Pfc Neal Schiesske on September 4th, 2011 10:51 pm

    You motivated me endlessly buddy I was in bootcamp when I found out. You will never be forgotten.

  2. cw on September 4th, 2011 10:19 am

    Thank you LCpl Travis nelson i thank you for my freedom i will never forget you
    i was one of the 100 + of people standing on the side of the road in Honer of you
    you will never be forgotten i Live in molino i hope thay name the park with travis name and to travis family so sorry for your lost

  3. Mickey Powell on September 3rd, 2011 9:00 am

    This is where we give and not take. We as veterans do appreciate this Marines giving.

    Mickey Powell

  4. liz on September 2nd, 2011 3:56 pm

    What a wonderful idea! God bless his family. I will contact Commissioner White myself. He has always taken time to listen and follow through.

  5. Jerry and Judy Nelson Lacy on September 2nd, 2011 12:46 pm

    A wonderful idea….We will support your effort all the way. Community, lets stand up and do it….

  6. C= on September 2nd, 2011 12:00 pm

    Renaming the park is an awesome idea!! Travis paid the ultimate price for our country so that we could be free to go to a park without worrying about our safety so why not name it after him in his honor!

  7. Frank on September 2nd, 2011 6:41 am

    I hope the County will step farward on this worthy recognition. (Not that i expect Kevin White to follow through on anything)

  8. George Mask on September 2nd, 2011 6:28 am

    This is a small way to honor him for what he did for the country. I’m a 100 percent behind this. He gave all and we should give something back. This sounds like a great idea to me. Who ever thought of it “Give a pat on the back” Kevin White needs to get behind this and help push it thru the commission. I don’t see a problem with it and hope it gets done.

  9. Fallen Hero Benefit on September 2nd, 2011 3:35 am

    Mr. & Mrs. Nelson, I have no words to say to help ease your pain just prayers. Since the day I learned of Travis’s death, I have prayed even harder to God, begging Him to end this war and bring our men and women home, it hurts to hear about a Soldier getting killed, it hurt even more knowing he was from our own community, for you see my son also is serving in the United States Army, so when we loose one Soldier its like loosing your own because we are all military families. If anyone is deserving of such an Honor as having a park named after them your son, Marine LCpl Travis Nelson is. I thank Him and will forever be in debt to Him for my freedom. I love you all and your family will never be forgotten. May God continue to Bless and comfort you. Sincerely Sarah Ogle