Man Charged With Exposing Himself To Children Headed To School Bus Stop

September 16, 2011

A Santa Rosa County man was arrested Wednesday for allegedly exposing himself to five children as they walked to a school bus stop.

Brian Lee Brown, 38, was allegedly standing naked in the doorway of the shed where he lives, touching himself, as the first children walked past to their bus stop on Auburn Road in Pace. Brown told deputies that when he woke up he opened the door of the shed where he lives to get dressed.

“Brown stated that he didn’t expect children to be walking past his shed towards the bus stop. Brown stated that he didn’t mean to expose himself to the children, and stated that he ‘is not a pervert’,” according to a press release from the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office.

Brown is facing five counts of lewd or lascivious behavior and was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail without bond.


17 Responses to “Man Charged With Exposing Himself To Children Headed To School Bus Stop”

  1. David Huie Green on September 19th, 2011 9:31 am

    “get him REMOVED.”

    They did. “- – was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail without bond.”

    David still liking sheds
    (some drapes, a few flowers, – - – )

  2. Polythenepam on September 18th, 2011 9:13 pm

    There is obviously a reason for this situation, that would be, no one cares enough to get in him in a house or mission shelter so they let him stay in a shed then whine because they have someone who is mentally ill living in a shed. Your first clue that there is something wrong with him is that he is living in a shed. If he refused help then call the code enforcement or the police. He is either trespassing, or he is violating codes requiring basic sanitation, get him REMOVED.

  3. David Huie Green on September 18th, 2011 1:48 pm

    “And if someone is living in a shed why aren’t the neighbors helping this person or getting them moved out of the shed one way or the other?”

    Assuming most people to be reasonable people, there is probably a reason this situation exists. Maybe they offered and he declined help. Maybe they helped him get in the shed in the first place; there are many who aren’t comfortable in a regular house and won’t sleep other than in a tent or a box. This might even be a nice shed, I’ve seen some turn sheds and barns into permanent dwellings. (I’ve also seen old juke joints turned into homes.) This could be energy-efficient housing, and the future for all of us.

    David considering basic needs

  4. Polythenepam on September 18th, 2011 8:54 am

    If those children live in a neighborhood where someone is living in a SHED why aren’t the parents escorting their children to the bus stop and waiting with them untill the bus arrives, or escorting them even if they live in a great neighborhood? And if someone is living in a shed why aren’t the neighbors helping this person or getting them moved out of the shed one way or the other? This isn’t a third world country for crying out loud.

  5. Samantha on September 17th, 2011 10:15 pm

    Yes..this is totally rational because the first thing I want to do when I wake up in the morning is open my front door butt naked and just soak up all of GOD’s creation. I’m telling’s not the same with clothes on. Maybe he just needed a nice breeze?

    I’m totally being sarcastic BTW…not to be confused with actually agreeing that this man is in his right mind.

    On a serious note, if you are standing outside naked, try slamming the door shut to let them no it was “just an accident.” Don’t just stand there scratching yourself…really? Who does that? BAD MENTAL IMAGE!! Excuse me while I go erase my brain now.

    This man does need punishment. This is just unacceptable really. No excuse. You are a grown man..if you don’t know where all your body parts are enough to know how to get dressed in the dark, then chances are you never will. I’m just saying. Grow up, man. Get a job. This way, you won’t have an excuse to open your door in the nude while poor children are passing by just so you can “get dressed.”

    Samantha-against perverts and an ample fan of David Huie Green. Is that your real name? :P

  6. EMD on September 17th, 2011 11:35 am

    David Huie Green

    + Cuttie

    L O L

  7. David Huie Green on September 17th, 2011 10:14 am

    “Do you really think playing detective and speculating on this man’s criminal record is being responsible?
    “Let the courts handle this. For all we know you could have fabricated that entire record because this man once did something to you that made you resentful.”

    I’m not trying to be responsible or playing detective or speculating on his criminal record. What I say here has nothing to do with the actions or inactions of the courts. Nor does it deal with whether or not he committed this particular crime.

    I’m just responding to the thought that maybe this was his first offense.

    And while I don’t know the gentleman and don’t resent him, it IS possible I’m lying and have made the whole thing up. You can check it out yourself by checking online with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for his record. Then report back on my veracity if you disagree.

    The below will give you every Brian Brown they have on record. Just check the ones listed as Brian Lee Brown to see what they have to say about him.

    David for informed discussion

  8. DUHHHHH on September 17th, 2011 9:27 am

    cutti, his record is on the internet, go read it yourself. David does know what he’s doing and he knows what he’s talking about. you MUST be related to this creep or you wouldn’t be defending him or his record.

  9. hmmmm on September 17th, 2011 9:05 am

    to Cutti:

    you can view public records very easily to find all the charges against this man.
    No one has to make up stuff.

  10. Cutti on September 16th, 2011 8:56 pm

    @David Huie Green

    Do you really think playing detective and speculating on this man’s criminal record is being responsible?

    Let the courts handle this. For all we know you could have fabricated that entire record because this man once did something to you that made you resentful.

  11. David Huie Green on September 16th, 2011 8:44 pm

    “This man if having no previous record may be stating the truth in this case.”

    Assorted driving violations through the years. First felony 16 years ago around the age of 22.

    Charged with sexual battery on a child under 16 back in 1999 but pled down to battery. Let’s see, that was 12 years ago so he would have been around 26 so not a child himself.

    Charged with battery two years later but must have been innocent because they dropped the charges.

    Charged with burglary, dealing with stolen goods. giving false information while pawning stolen goods back in 2006, must have been innocent since they decided not to prosecute.

    Charged with battery again four years ago, agreed he was guilty — adjudication withheld.

    Charged again with battery the next year, agreed he was guilty — suspended sentence.

    Now he stands naked facing the road while touching himself and doesn‘t notice the children standing in front of him? This late in the game, why bother to arrest him?

    David for safe children

  12. 429SCJ on September 16th, 2011 5:44 pm

    A lie detector examination, would reveal more.

  13. Jkraemer on September 16th, 2011 5:03 pm

    May have been a stupid mistake. The genuine and the perverted use the same excuses. This man if having no previous record may be stating the truth in this case. Just because he lives in a shed does not automatically make him a pervert. Most perverts live in houses like the rest of us. Homeless or poor in itself does not equal pervert.

  14. Gembeaux on September 16th, 2011 9:28 am

    @MolinoMomma – He lives and sleeps IN the shed.

  15. ok on September 16th, 2011 8:56 am

    If he lives in the shed, and it can be seen from the
    street, then he knew when he opened that door naked anyone (including children in the A.M.) could be walking by, so why expose himself to anyone.

    The lie doesn’t wash!

  16. MolinoMomma on September 16th, 2011 7:58 am

    Why would he have to OPEN the door of his shed (where he lives) to get dress if he was asleep. Was he sleeping outside naked???? I say put ALL pervs on a deserted island!!!!

  17. 429SCJ on September 16th, 2011 5:40 am

    Thats what they all say, after they are caught.