Labor Day: 24,000 In North Escambia Area Out Of Work

September 5, 2011

On Labor Day, the latest unemployment data showed that  24,094  people are out of work in our three county area — a decrease of over 1,000 since last year.

In Escambia County (Fla.), the latest employment data for shows 10.5  percent of the workforce unemployed, steady from the previous month. That translates to 14,833 unemployed in the county.

In Santa Rosa County, the unemployment rate was at 10.2 percent, up from 9.7 percent the month prior. That equals 7,481 unemployed persons.

In Escambia County (Ala.), 11.9 percent of workers were out of a job, down from 12 the month before. There were 1,780  unemployed in the county.

Pictured top: This graphic shows the unemployment rate over the last 10 years in the three county North Escambia area. Click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Labor Day: 24,000 In North Escambia Area Out Of Work”

  1. David Huie Green on September 8th, 2011 6:08 pm

    “Correct me if I am wrong, but unemployment percentage is based on the percent of people that are currently drawing an unemployment check.”

    Sorry but actually it’s based on the number who are seeking employment.


    “- – many people think that you have to receive unemployment insurance (UI) benefits in order to be counted as unemployed, which is not the case. So, to clear up any confusion it’s useful to review how the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) determines the unemployment rate.

    “Every month, the government contacts 60,000 scientifically-selected households and asks a range of questions about the employment status during the previous week of everyone in the household age 16 and older. We call this (using all the creativity imparted by our economics degrees) the “Household Survey”. BLS uses the answers to this survey to determine the labor market status of the each member of the household, and by extension, of the whole country. The “labor force” consists of all workers who did have jobs—the “employed”—plus all those who did not have jobs, but were actively looking for work and available to take it if offered—the “unemployed”. The headline unemployment rate is the number of unemployed workers divided by size of the labor force.”

    I hope this helps.

    David for full employment
    (under the idle hands and devil’s workshop concept)

  2. Jane on September 5th, 2011 5:49 pm

    By the way, sometimes we need to do something to help God help us!!!

  3. Jane on September 5th, 2011 5:48 pm

    As long as there is no industry of any sort here, there will be no jobs. There are companies out there that would relocate here if the right offers were made. Maybe Escambia County needs to take a clue from Alabama who catered to these companies and got them there, so more people who wanted to work could. What I see here is colleges turning out people who go somewhere else to work, and a lot go to Alabama. I also see seniors on fixed incomes who can’t insure their homes, have to make choices between medicine and food, and can’t afford to cool/heat their homes. County Commissioners need to start catering to companies to help get jobs in here. And don’t say it is the recession…it has been this way for over 30 years!!!

  4. scoot on September 5th, 2011 10:57 am

    I have faith in the Lord. It just bothers me to see all the people that are struggling each day. One day we will get straightened out maybe, just how much damage is it going to cause in the meantime. What is it doing to eldery people living on a fixed income.

  5. 429SCJ on September 5th, 2011 9:59 am

    Keep faith in the Lord Scoot and try to avoid the pitfalls that you encounter daily. My prayers are with you and all struggling with this government/economy.

  6. scoot on September 5th, 2011 8:23 am

    Correct me if I am wrong, but unemployment percentage is based on the percent of people that are currently drawing an unemployment check. If this is true. The numbers are way higher than our gov is reporting. The bad economy has been ongoing for years now. I know of people that has drawn all their unemployment until it was depleted. According to our gov, they have returned to work. There’s know way of giving an accurate rate w/o treating it like a census, door to door. I think we could say that the unemployment is at least 20%. I have never in my life seen so many men walking down the road with a back pack as I do now. Our leaders best do something quick and do it right for a change.