Just Out On Bond, Pharmacy Burglary Suspect Busted At Walmart

September 12, 2011

Just after being released from jail on bond after being caught red handed burglarizing a pharmacy, Michael Dunlavy is back behind bars after allegedly trying to steal items from a Walmart.

Dunlavy was arrested after deputies found him inside Kim’s Pharmacy in Cantonment about 1:30 Friday morning and released from jail on $11,000 bond. A short time later, he was busted at Walmart on Pensacola Boulevard after a loss prevention officer allegedly saw him take a knife and place it in his pocket before placing a large television set and a scanner in a shopping cart and head out of the store. The incident was also caught on the store’s security camera.

Dunlavy, 23 ,was returned to the Escambia County Jail where he was booked on a charge of grand theft with bond set at $2,500.

When arrested Friday morning, Dunlavy gave deputies an address on Highway 164 in McDavid. When arrested Sunday, told deputies he had a new address on Forehand Lane in Cantonment.

For more on the Kim’s Pharmacy burglary, click here for an earlier story..


33 Responses to “Just Out On Bond, Pharmacy Burglary Suspect Busted At Walmart”

  1. Stephy Lopez on September 13th, 2011 3:54 pm

    The future of America!!!

  2. Interested on September 13th, 2011 7:17 am

    Your right Sandra I also see this kid hanging over the rail on that
    bridge in Deliverance.

    What I don’t understand is why this guy was even given bail the second
    time. What was this judge thinking of with a repeat offender, next
    time he is liable to knock someone in the head to get what he wants,
    is the what the judge is waiting for, there has to be some drugs involved
    somewhere on this,

  3. William on September 13th, 2011 6:52 am

    >>AND what is the “Family Offence” charge??

    787.03 Interference with custody.

  4. dad on September 13th, 2011 6:39 am

    Mary, it must be love. LOL

  5. mary on September 13th, 2011 4:59 am

    wondering WHY some1 would bail this guy out not once but twice in 2 days?? AND what is the “Family Offence” charge?? Why are they not giving this money to the kids so they can eat??? This guy even beats out 1 of my X’s..I thought he was a low life..I dont know how low can this guy go?? But they just keep WASTING money to get him out….WHY OH WHY????

  6. idunno on September 13th, 2011 2:26 am

    Lock up the banjos boys…….he’s out again!!!! So funny & yet so sad.

  7. SHO-NUFF on September 12th, 2011 11:29 pm


    ” Is it just me or does he look like the banjo player on “deliverance”?”

    You nailed it Girl!! I was “fixin” to say the same thing til I saw your post! Too Funny, and sad also. Bet some of His KinFolk are closer to him than he thinks they are…….

  8. bryan on September 12th, 2011 9:53 pm

    yea and guess what he just got bonded out again!!! lets see what he does next!!!!

  9. Dan on September 12th, 2011 9:17 pm

    Some people never learn !

  10. mary on September 12th, 2011 6:28 pm

    1st let me say to all the peeps that are soo worried about “spell check”..sometimes you type too fast when you “just have to say something” I have done it many times….2nd..if his record goes back to 06..then he has been involved w/the law since 18..so I’m sure he has a “juvy” record also….& How old was he when he started having kids…GEEZ!!!

  11. Mike Hall on September 12th, 2011 4:54 pm

    What we have is a problem with the legal system. Is it that the system needs a major reworking or that an IDIOT in robes keeps bonding this guy AT ALL.

    He has extensive records in Escambia Fl. among those includes several PETTY and FELONY thefts starting in 2007 forward to yesterday.

    In 2006 in Santa Rosa county he was charged with GRAND THEFT $300 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN $5,000.

    He was bonded out on each offense. Guess he really has NO RESPECT and COMPLETE CONTEMPT for the Courts and Judges since he does not care what they do since they are dumb enough to just let him go on bond. He must see it the cost of learning to steal. Still doesn’t have it down yet but the dim wits in the court system will give him at least a couple more chances to get it right.

  12. Gembeaux on September 12th, 2011 4:53 pm

    Love that steely-eyed glare! Obviously, this is one tough cookie!

    @Sandra: Sandra, Sandra…oh, my! I’d recommend reviewing your own posts before throwing stones. (Here’s a hint or two: motion picture titles are capitalized; people appear IN movies, not ON them; apostrophes represent omitted parts of words, as in the apostrophization of them: ‘em.)

    By the way, when I’m searching for information on a news item, I always got to NorthEscambia.com before wasting my on Pensacola’s Gannett rag! I think Mr. William is doing a fantastic job, and I can certainly overlook any minor “error”, although I’m missing your reference in this story.

  13. mary on September 12th, 2011 4:33 pm

    I wonder if he is going to claim “mental illness”? Either way I dont see a judge going too light on him after the walmart inncident..hopefully he gets the same judge for both..but keep the charges seperated… How do you feel after kissing the money GOOD BYE after bailing him out after the pharmacy inncident or are you out there trying to bail him out again??? Just remember he is now getting to watch TV (if all are good) & mite not be what he wants..he has a place to lay his head down(I wouldnt call it a bed & pillow) & 2 WARM(if lucky) meals A day & a pnut butter sandwich & a meat(?) sandwich & 2 cookies…@23 this ..will not call him a man…person should be locked up & wait till he tries to steal from some1 in jail/prison…& Yes Jay Leno couldnt find a better “STUPID CROOKS” GOOD LAUGHS!!

  14. mirror on September 12th, 2011 4:26 pm

    Dear Sandra,
    I think you need that app also. lol

  15. Sandra on September 12th, 2011 3:15 pm

    For Christmas, Santa please bring William a shiny new spellcheck app that he can add to his absolutely wonderful in all other respects website. Oh and Santa, could you then visit all of the wonderful commenters on here and sprinkle some “make em use the spellcheck device” dust on em. Thanks…i’been really good this year. Sandra

  16. Jim W on September 12th, 2011 2:48 pm

    Here is a prime example of what drugs will do to a person. This is a troubled young man and he may get some help. All be it behind bars. He is certainly headed that way about as fast as one can go.

  17. huh on September 12th, 2011 1:45 pm

    Guess he needed that Tv to feed his children too…he is just a LOOSER…kelly, whoever you are, you need to get away from him NOW before you are taken down with him!

  18. cantonment on September 12th, 2011 1:11 pm

    Where are the folks that were commenting on what a fine upstanding citizen he is when he broke into Kim’s? Maybe they finally woke up to realize what a waste this creep is.

  19. Goodness on September 12th, 2011 12:48 pm

    Well…he had to steal the knife…how else was he going to open the TV box ??

  20. barrineau on September 12th, 2011 12:47 pm

    I am beginning to see a pattern there…

  21. Baebae on September 12th, 2011 12:45 pm

    The thief made a comment on the drug store deal…bet he wont make one this time…whats the deal…You have to wonder ..he gave a new address this time…guess he was out shopping for furniture and electronics for his new residence… Any guesses where his NEXT RESIDENCE will be …some people are “STOOPID”

  22. Oversight on September 12th, 2011 12:30 pm

    You can’t fix stupid!

  23. dad on September 12th, 2011 12:21 pm

    Kelly, this sweet guy made another mistake. I’m sure he is sorry. Will you please go bail him out again?

  24. Laughing At You on September 12th, 2011 11:53 am

    I’m waiting on the person who was defending him the other day on here to say something now. Which won’t surprise me if they did, these lowlife type will stand up for each other till the end. It’s like when the donkey dragger Matt Ramsey was on here every week for supplying our communtiy with meth his family was saying how much of a great guy he was and that he was so loveing.

  25. Sandra on September 12th, 2011 11:53 am

    Is it just me or does he look like the banjo player on “deliverance”?

  26. Citizen on September 12th, 2011 11:49 am

    If he made $11,000 bond, then he certainly can make $2,500 bond and be back on the streets and at it again. I am sure we will be reading about him again in the next day or two.

  27. Chrome on September 12th, 2011 11:40 am

    I can’t wait till next monday to see if he shows up on The Tonite Show (Jay Leno) , on the segment of America’s Most Stupid Criminals…

  28. REF on September 12th, 2011 11:40 am

    Well mr dunlavy if being dumb was a crime you would be locked up forever.. You didn’t learn from your little pharmacy break in last week.. Two burglaries in just a few days an busted for both of them maybe you should change avenues an do what most people do instead of stealing try WORKING for your family!!!

  29. donnie on September 12th, 2011 11:29 am

    Sorry dude, looks like you just weren’t cut out for the theft business. We see you are trying, and we admire that, however your best just isn’t enough. You were caught INSIDE a pharmacy, then trying to stal a knife from walmart?!? You should move on to other crimes like smuggling contraband into jailhouses since you cant seem to stay out of them.

  30. 429SCJ on September 12th, 2011 11:06 am

    Driven by such determination, this young man. I would suggest focusing some of that energy into task, like cleaning up your yard for instance.

  31. Walnut Hill Michael on September 12th, 2011 10:25 am

    Ok….I can understand wanting the tv for the 7 kids…..but the knife…..what kind of message is he sending?

  32. David Huie Green on September 12th, 2011 10:21 am

    give him points for consistency

  33. Anna on September 12th, 2011 10:13 am

    Sounds like he really wants to be locked up and will keep trying until they put him in there and throw away the key. Can’t handle real life…working for a living.. _