Jay Man Misses Appointment To Fish And Wildlife Commission

September 2, 2011

A Jay businessman hoping for a seat on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission has missed out; Gov. Rick Scott appointed a Tallahassee man to the post Thursday.

Jack Floyd, a 42-year old Jay native, began to lobby for a seat on the FWC after Commissioner Rodney Barreto of Miami announced that he was not seeking re-appointment.

Scott announced Thursday that he did not choose Floyd for the non-compensated position, instead naming Charles “Chuck” Roberts to the FWC.

Roberts, 58, of Tallahassee, has been the president of C.W. Roberts Contracting Inc. since 1976. He succeeds Barreto and was appointed for a term beginning September 1, 2011, and ending August 1, 2016.

Roberts served on the governing board of the Northwest Florida Water Management District from 1989 to 2001. He also was director of the Florida Transportation Builders’ Association for 20 years and chairman from 1996 to 1997, as well as the director of the Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida for 10 years. He was appointed to serve on the Liberty County School Board for one year in 1978.

The appointment is subject to confirmation by the Florida Senate.

Pictured: Thursday,  Gov. Rick Scott (left) appointed Charles “Chuck” Roberts (left) to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. Photo for NorthEcscambia.com, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Jay Man Misses Appointment To Fish And Wildlife Commission”

  1. 429SCJ on September 3rd, 2011 4:29 pm

    Jack I would not worry, pretty soon we will not be letting much of anything, get away that we can cook and eat.

  2. 429SCJ on September 2nd, 2011 11:15 pm

    This administration seems to be the perfect enviroment for skullduggery. Mr Floyd congradulations for having the public interest and motivation to throw your hat in the ring.

  3. Dave Grix on September 2nd, 2011 6:37 pm

    There are a LOT of people in my industry that are HOPING he is not only a man of common sense, but one that will address the decade plus problem of the FWC refusing to establish the “adequate due process” required by Article IV, Section 9 of the Florida Constitution.

    What do I mean by “common sense?” Does anyone think that forcing the commercial fishermen to use a net that is FWC Proven to waste 98% of the fish they catch is “common sense” when they admit that constitutionally they can reduce the waste to 3%? ALL under an amendment whose ONLY purpose is to “PREVENT unnecessary killing, overharvest and waste?” Didn’t think so! What is worse is the fact that there is no due process to challenge this stupidity.

    No lies, all has already been proven over and over. Judge Sauls (Bush/Gore) and 1st DCA Chief Judge Edwin Browning Jr. called the FWC a danger to the rights of the common citizen… especially if allowed to spread to other forms of government.

  4. friction against the machine on September 2nd, 2011 10:41 am

    One thing u can count on in politics……the right man for the job seldom gets the job……

  5. Jack Floyd on September 2nd, 2011 8:39 am

    I would like to bestow my heart felt thanks for all of the support and confidence throughout my candidacy for appointment to the FWC Commission. I made it to the final tier of the selection process, thanks to the support of the Florida Panhandle.
    I have spoken with Mr. Roberts on the telephone and congratulated him on his appointment. As a successful business man and avid outdoors man he brings a common sense offering to the Commission.
    I will continue my candidacy for the upcoming appointment, in January. I would to ask everyone to join me in supporting Mr. Roberts in his new role, as well as his fellow commissioners, in our efforts to procure Florida’s wildlife and natural resources.

    Thanks again for your support!

    Jack Floyd

  6. Mary Blair on September 2nd, 2011 6:49 am

    The best man for the job, was & is Jack Floyd. It doesn’t make sense to me to appoint someone who isn’t from here & doesn’t live here to a position for here. Sorry Jack.

  7. Nathan Findley on September 2nd, 2011 5:59 am

    You Florida Folks Don’t Have Much For A Gov. Who Is This Rick Scott Person Anyway ? Ain’t Much In My Book !!!!!!