Facebook Changes: Many Local Residents Are Not Happy

September 21, 2011

Facebook, the world’s most popular social media site with thousands of local users, has made changes for most users, and many North Escambia area users are not happy about it.

The big change is in the news feed — it no longer appears in just chronological order but is displayed based upon what Facebook sees as the most important based upon each person’s viewing habits.

Facebook explained it like this on their blog:

“When you pick up a newspaper after not reading it for a week, the front page quickly clues you into the most interesting stories. In the past, News Feed hasn’t worked like that.  Updates slide down in chronological order so it’s tough to zero in on what matters most.

Now, News Feed will act more like your own personal newspaper. You won’t have to worry about missing important stuff. All your news will be in a single stream with the most interesting stories featured at the top. If you haven’t visited Facebook for a while, the first things you’ll see are top photos and statuses posted while you’ve been away. They’re marked with an easy-to-spot blue corner.”

There’s also a new real-time news ticker that is designed to make it easier to join conversations.

Facebook said: “Ticker shows you the same stuff you were already seeing on Facebook, but it brings your conversations to life by displaying updates instantaneously. Now when a friend comments, asks a question or shares something like a check in, you’ll be able to join the conversation right away. Click on anything in ticker to see the full story and chime in – without losing your place.”

But the new changes are not sitting well with many local Facebook users. On our NorthEscambia.com publisher’s Facebook page, users have expressed their displeasure. Here’s a sampling of the comments:

  • “Don’t like it. What was wrong w/ the original????” – Teresa Andress, Molino
  • “I am confused; not good” — Diane Lowery, Cantonment
  • “Do not, do not like this new Facebook…Why not leave FB alone” – Sue Smith, Uriah, Ala.
  • “I DO NOT!! Like the new facebook!!!” — Caitlin Roley-Lovely, Bratt
  • “I don’t like it…it confused me” – Kimberly McCullough, Walnut Hill
  • “Uncalled for” – Rhonda Pridgen, Flomaton
  • “Huge dislike” – Dorreen Allen, Cantonment
  • “I do NOT like…’If it ain’t broke, then it don’t need to be fixed’” – Alan Bell, Atmore
  • “Seeing double here… looking at homepage and news then over to right is same thing…. annoying for sure” – Tricia Chastain
  • “The mobile version is very annoying!!!! Don’t like at all” – Mandy Odom, Century

A few people have also expressed cautious optimism about the Facebook changes:

  • “Give it a week and you’ll forget it was ever different” –  Clint Davis, Walnut Hill
  • “I’m not really crazy about it, but I’m addicted to FB so I will just relearn how to use this new format. By the time I get used to this format, they will change it to something else.” –  Tamara Smith, Century
  • “I’m not loving it yet… maybe when I figure it out!” – Beth Norwood, Flomaton

To join in our Facebook conversation about Facebook, head over to Publisher William Reynolds’ Facebook page at:


You can also “Like” the NorthEscambia.com Facebook page at:



26 Responses to “Facebook Changes: Many Local Residents Are Not Happy”

  1. Laughing so hard on September 22nd, 2011 10:47 pm

    I am laughing so hard at how everyone is going back and forth and even had to plug up my battery…… to my computer…… Well since i’m on here….. let me just say…. Anything you do this day and time can lead to destruction….. Not perfect and yes I wish I was….. But if you have a true relationship with Jesus Christ…. He will show you the rights and the wrongs…. and trust this when I say it……. Cell phones, txt, twitter, facebook, myspace, all of this could lead to breaking of a marriage….. but we all have thoughts and concerns about it. and years ago I wouldnt have gotten on face book to save my life and I was in my late 20’s…. But now I have found family on fb that I have never had the chance to meet and probably wouldn’t have either…… Facebook is like a short term loan….. Use it wisely and you want have these problems and if you like it great and if you don’t …don’t use it…..but no matter what the world will always find other ways to entertain you. Just don’t be so extreme…..Also facebook has really good people that you can communicate with and pray with….. and yes most of the people who are not your everyday friends….are your friends on fb and I love it….. b/c it brings a smile to my face to see photo’s of how good OLD SCHOOL friends have grown up and done so well with their life…… It is a Joy to see them with their family and adventures they take each day…… I heard a preacher say once…… Lighten up and live…. Power 88.5

  2. Michelle on September 22nd, 2011 8:23 pm

    I was just starting to get the hang of it, now I’ll have to start all over again.
    Well it is his company, and he has the right to do what he wants to it I guess!
    Can’t complain, it’s free anyway. You get what you pay for right?

  3. sktmax on September 22nd, 2011 12:25 pm

    People take facebook too serious

  4. JW on September 22nd, 2011 12:19 pm

    I say we all cancel our facebooks accounts and be done with them, what say you? you’ll have time for other stuff! sound good?

  5. Chris on September 22nd, 2011 8:59 am

    Facebook is just like Obama… “Change”, nobody likes it so they sit here and complain about it. Everything has been changing ever since the beginning of time, deal with it. If you don’t like it, get off Facebook plain and simple. All it is anyways is a competition to see who can have the most friends, pokes or the biggest farm on Farmville.

    I personally like the new way Facebook looks and the extra additions they made to it.

  6. Jane on September 22nd, 2011 6:28 am

    If I want the news, I’ll go to a news feed or northescambia.com! I DON’T WANT THIS MESS ON FACEBOOK!!! So I will use a different social media unless they get rid of this mess. It is the easiest way to make them see we don’t want it…DON’T USE IT! Use Google Plus, Twitter, etc.

  7. a harsh judge on September 21st, 2011 9:21 pm


    You are such a funny little brat, jt – I have a lot of friends who are in their 60s and 70s who use FB every day and I’ll be honest with ya – they use a lot more common sense than to make a general remark like you made. Maybe that’s because they can remember the days when they were young and stupid and brash. Whaddya think?
    PS – I think all of them probably ARE jealous of youth and some wish they had a chance to try again – they probably wouldn’t make such unwise statements like yours at your age… Well, I’m making an assumption that you’re a youngun – you might be older and not so wiser after all…

  8. Rick on September 21st, 2011 8:53 pm

    Don’t understand why it was changed, what was wrong with it? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

  9. 429SCJ on September 21st, 2011 6:41 pm

    Hello JT We are not jealous, just find it boring. If your going to meet someone, look in the real world, the lady at the autoparts, Sunday school class, wherever you go, you are interacting, if you meet someone you like, you can tell them while making eye contact and observing body language, whole differnt ball game. Rejoice in the spring of thy youth young man, and dream of muscle cars, while us old dogs are out and about!

  10. RE:drama on September 21st, 2011 4:18 pm

    I see every thing that you are saying i agree with everything except for the relationships and marriage true love has trust and if they do go off cheating .. who says they are not doing it over the phone cheating can happen every where on the phone computer facebook myspace maybe it is a good thing it has broken up some unfaitful marriages?

  11. drama on September 21st, 2011 3:29 pm

    causes way to much drama and chois…to many people use this facebook to criticize, chide, hate, ignore, pick on, bully etc. The thought that you can just go delete a friend when and if you get mad with them is absolutely ridiculous. If the poeple that want to “friend” you aren’t already or have been your friend in the past, don’t friend them. If you were really important to someone, they would be your real friend, not your cyber friend. All they want is to nose in your business and see what your saying and doing and see your pics. I am not a fan of it, there have been to many relationships and marriages broken up over people reuniting with past loves from highs school or college…or just people hooking up that have never met…to many secrets can be held over this facebook …as I said, I am not a fan, but then again, I don’t get on it. Just be careful who you friend and make sure they are who they say they are….and if you want your marriage to end, leave it before go and cyber cheat!

  12. haha just because you are a parent on September 21st, 2011 3:14 pm

    just because you are a parent doesnt mean that you are not allowed to get on facebook? some of you people bad mouthing parents about needing to grow up and be parents ? i am a teenager and my parents stay on facebook to contact me its cheaper than writin a letter faster than writing a lettter, and some times i cannot get a phone call i work 40 hours a week, face book is convienient for alot of us .. maybe you haters should try it ? dont sit there and bad mouth something you probable HAVE NOT tried!

  13. jt on September 21st, 2011 3:04 pm


  14. escambiamom on September 21st, 2011 1:54 pm

    Actually, using Facebook has been a good way to keep in touch with my college kids and those that have traveled to other countries. For some reason, the FB chat works easiest (I used it myself to call back home when I was in Mexico.)

    One of my sons is in Army boot camp and the information that we have received from the various Army FB pages (official and unofficial) has been priceless. I agree that Facebook can be a waste of time but it has also become another important communication medium. I was a skeptic, too, before I had to use it. But like the Internet, I think that it will become common place for many households. There is a lot of product information and reviews on FB, too.
    I don’t have my underage kids use Facebook.

    (I am not a fan of the changes, for the record. Too much info at once!)
    Facebook …you either love it or hate it.

  15. Atmore G on September 21st, 2011 1:09 pm

    Pick up the phone.. Write a letter.. Enclose pics.. I guarantee you that it will be appreciated far more than face book or email entries..

  16. ME on September 21st, 2011 12:59 pm


  17. Daddy on September 21st, 2011 11:31 am

    >>good grief…get off facebook and be parents…no wonder thats all kids care about these days

    Actually, a good parent will be on Facebook. It’s the responsible thing to do — monitor your child’s facebook and the facebook of their close friends. If they want to spend the night at a parent’s house, check out their facebook. Our kid wanted to spend the night at someone else’s house. Meet them at ballpark, ask anyone in the commmunity about them, and they are great people. Look at their facebook, and you find that they live in an episode of “Hoaders” and some MTV party show.

  18. 429SCJ on September 21st, 2011 11:26 am

    I could never understand the purpose of face book. I am just a little selective about who I social network with. If I want to meet you, I will approach you, otherwise I keep on moving. Goodday.

  19. hmm... on September 21st, 2011 11:25 am

    With enough complaints from users, they will probably change it back to the old look (or at least one can hope). Or we will just get used to the new look and move on.

    And a side note, just because a parent is a Facebook user doesn’t make them a bad parent!!!! Kids need to be taught how to maintain a healthy balance in all areas of life, including social media. This day in time social media is a part of “real life”.

  20. Autumn Walters on September 21st, 2011 11:19 am

    If you don’t like it, then just simply stay off of it. It’s not gonna hurt anyone that it has changed. Everyone will still be getting on it no matter what.

  21. William on September 21st, 2011 11:17 am

    >.I CAN NOT BELIEVE FACEBOOK HAS MADE IT ON OUR “LOCAL NEWS SOURCE”!! is this really an important issue?? priceless.

    Yep. Apparently it is an important issue to a lot of people; that why we ran the story. Just like pretty much every other news outlet has or will run the story.

  22. Erin on September 21st, 2011 11:02 am

    hahahahaha!!! so this just made my day! I CAN NOT BELIEVE FACEBOOK HAS MADE IT ON OUR “LOCAL NEWS SOURCE”!! is this really an important issue?? priceless.

  23. mom on September 21st, 2011 10:42 am

    good grief…get off facebook and be parents…no wonder thats all kids care about these days. why do you all have to have a public social life every minute of the day….get a real life!!

  24. Kosher Dave on September 21st, 2011 10:16 am

    Haters gonna Hate!
    If you don’t like the new features.. maybe you should stop logging on to Facebook every 2 minutes.

  25. jay royal fan on September 21st, 2011 9:17 am

    You can go to the bottom of your feed and change the langague to english uk and it will go back to the old look

  26. Stephen on September 21st, 2011 9:05 am

    Facebook is the antichrist. he will take your soul. lol