Deputies: Man Tries To Lure Kids Away From Bus Stops

September 7, 2011

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office looking for information about a  man  that has attempted to lure children away from bus stops twice within the past two weeks.

On both occasions, the male has stopped and asked directions. He then drives around the block, stops again, and attempts to lure the child into the vehicle, according to deputies. During one of the incidents the male claimed to have a gun but never displayed one.

These incidents have occurred in the general area of Ensley and Ferry Pass, according to Sgt. Mike Ward, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.

The male is described as Hispanic, with thinning hair or balding, possibly a mustache and tattoo on his left forearm. The vehicle is described as a small, white four-door car.

The Sheriff’s Office is asking anyone with information about this case, or sees any suspicious activity that may be related to this type of incident, to immediately call the Sheriff’s Office (850) 436-9620.


18 Responses to “Deputies: Man Tries To Lure Kids Away From Bus Stops”

  1. 429SCJ on September 10th, 2011 7:30 pm

    Maybe all thats a little too much. Lets just hang em!

  2. DieHardGatorFan on September 10th, 2011 11:38 am

    Thats crazy, i have to get on the bus alone every morning, at my bus stop,& if someone would try that on me, id prolly scream and run!!!

  3. 429SCJ on September 10th, 2011 6:45 am

    Why do we not draw on the services of our clinical research facilities, in finding the causes of this behavior. Scientific investigation of these pedophiles may yield information on how to prevent molestations. Brooks/Lackland AFB TX and the CDC Atlanta have the facilities to analyze every physical aspect of these creatures. I would imagine the medical documentaries alone, would help deter offenders. I say strip them to the marrow, if it will help make our children safer. 429SCJ for Stryker Saws.

  4. just call me mojonia on September 9th, 2011 10:27 pm

    i think that our parents should teach us how to proect ourselves i mean my daddy told me that if a person that i dont know or they dont know tries to touch me i need to kick them between the legs then scream or call 911 he also taughtt me how to fight like a man so u try to mess with me u better look out all u punks out there

  5. puddin on September 8th, 2011 10:03 pm

    Hope they catch the guy. I taught my kids, when they were small, a way to scream that sounded different than the normal playing yelling that they do. That way I could let them play outside and know that I could tell if they were in trouble. Worked great, no one ever tried to abduct them. But when my kid got hurt, I was able to tell right away that he was hurt and not playing by the way his sister yelled for me. Also, they were taught to scream “this is not my mom/dad, help me, I’m being kidnapped” at the top of thier lungs.

  6. Patriot on September 8th, 2011 6:41 pm

    Teach your kids to be aware of their surroundings and how to handle strangers and they won’t be easy prey.

  7. just call me joe on September 8th, 2011 2:13 pm

    A parent or trusted adult needs to be at the bus stop in the mornings and afternoons for pickup and drop-off. This would cut out a bunch of this foolishness. Protect the children. Either do this or drive them and pick them up yourself. Stop giving the predators easy prey.

  8. donald on September 8th, 2011 7:38 am

    all i no is if he comes around me ima hurt the dude i go to tate highschool and if he tries to do anything to me i got friends at my bus stop thatll hurt him just as well as i will hurt him

  9. Amy352 on September 8th, 2011 3:42 am

    Just look at one of the paroled sex offenders around.You will probably see his pic! Hope the law gets him before some parents do! May be in his best interest to turn himself in!

  10. Devastating Dave on September 8th, 2011 12:22 am

    I was just at the Wal-mart on Creighton Rd, (about midnight) and there were about 5 cop cars/trucks surrounding what looked like a small white car at the gas pumps. Sorry, but that’s all I could see. I thought immediately of this story. i hope they caught him! If not, they are on the job.

  11. whitepunknotondope on September 7th, 2011 6:03 pm

    We have the description… let’s go get him, men!

    I want armed patrols around that area, you see the vehicle and the suspect, take him down!

  12. Karyn36502 on September 7th, 2011 4:51 pm

    Please paerents be more cautious with your children and if you can walk them to the bus stop and meet them when they get off the bus. I was a victim of one of these people when I was ten years old. I was so lucky that GOD had an off duty police officer and his wife see this happen to me and follow us and put this man in jail. I was so scared and did the best I could to get away, if it had not been for GOD where would I be. Not because my parent was neglectful, we were just so laxed in our neighborhood and we never thought this could happen. Parents please be more careful and watch over your children the best you can. Don’t let them walk alone.

  13. uh? on September 7th, 2011 4:06 pm

    Way to many perverts out there…my kids r never out of my site for this specific reason! dont trust nobody!

  14. 429SCJ on September 7th, 2011 4:06 pm

    I agree with you gapfkh, send them packing beyound this life.

  15. cantonment on September 7th, 2011 2:51 pm

    Parents this is a good time to remind your children about what to do if a stranger approaches them. It doesn’t seem that anywhere around here is safe anymore. Kids can’t even play outside without parents worrying that someone will drive by and shoot or kidnap their kids. Stay safe everyone.

  16. gapfkh on September 7th, 2011 2:44 pm

    There are too many perverts in Molino and Cantonment. We need to round ‘em up and send ‘em packing.

  17. sick on September 7th, 2011 2:32 pm

    ok..its getting so close to home…if i were to see this sicko I all 95 lbs and all would probably end up kicking his butt making him suffer a bit because im sure this isnt all he has done and end up going to jail myself…..especially if he were to hurt my children…. im sick of pple doing awful stuff getting slapped on the hand and the police can find one little pill that is not written out to you and you go to jail.. so so sick of this justice system MAN you better watch out!!! and get the He** away from these kids….im a woman, small but im tired of it!!!!!

  18. molinomomma on September 7th, 2011 2:11 pm

    Too many sicko’s in this world!!! Hope they catch him soon.
