Charges Dropped Against Man For ‘Stealing’ Century Church

September 8, 2011

Charges have been dropped against the Pensacola man accused of “stealing” a Century church earlier this year.

John D. Young, now 73, was arrested in May for grand theft for allegedly signing a Century church property over to a Flomaton woman when he was not authorized to do so.

According to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report, Young signed the property over to Taryn Wright with a quit-claim deed on the small, 1,500 square foot church located at 401 Hecker Road in Century. Officials said at the time the church was reported “stolen” that Young had no authority to sign the paperwork.

According to Escambia County Property Appraiser records, the church property is valued at $14,253.

Pictured above: A church property on Hecker Road in Century that was reported “stolen” earlier this year. photo, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Charges Dropped Against Man For ‘Stealing’ Century Church”

  1. 429SCJ on September 8th, 2011 4:16 pm

    The Rev Young is truly blessed, to have all these, friends and supporters that love him.

  2. Northview T on September 8th, 2011 2:06 pm

    Molino resident and 429SCJ

    Let me come down to yall level. This is truely a man of God. I don’t know if yall understand this term or not but this man is blessed by God and he was going to prevail. All the legal mumba jumba was not going to keep this man down…He is FREE…..Oh yeah why yall are trying to pass judgement and point your finger…notice the three that is pointing back you….shame, shame, shame….

  3. 429SCJ on September 8th, 2011 1:50 pm

    Hello Northview T and Gods Child.. The good Lord had to teach even Moses a lesson. He has given me a few, over the years. I guess we will all be fine at the end of the day, and tomorrow begins anew.

  4. Jack on September 8th, 2011 1:15 pm

    He did not commit theft because the receiver could only receive the ownership he had. He had no ownership to give, the receiver of the quitclaim received nothing, therefore charges were dropped.
    If he was paid anything, that would be a different charge.

    A quitclaim deed only transfers the rights that the grantor has in the property, it does not guarantee that the property is the grantee’s outright. If others with an interest in the property have not signed the deed, then their rights are unaffected by this document — they still retain their ownership. In most cases, the signed quitclaim deed is a simple and effective way to give up all interest in a property.

  5. Christian Lady on September 8th, 2011 1:11 pm

    Actually, Molino Resident, this man has done more for God and communities than you can even imagine. Have you ever broken the law and didn’t face persecution…have you ever went over the speed limit while driving? If so, then that is a crime. I try not to point fingers when I don’t know the entire story or what someone does for people when they don’t even have to do it. It’s sad when we as people want to point fingers and blame…and don’t know the entire story. GOD prevailed in the end!

    Be Bless!

  6. Molino Resident on September 8th, 2011 11:43 am

    To; Northview “T”

    Try following this conversation…..

    LEO: Mr Young-did you own the property?
    Mr Young: No
    LEO: Did you fill out the paperwork stating you DID own the property?
    Mr Young: Yes I did (proven by the quik claim deed that he filled out)
    LEO: Mr Young, did you in fact try to sell this property to Mrs Wright?
    Mr Young: Yes I did

    H E L L O !!! This spells C R I M E

    Did he own the property? NO. Man of God or not, he done something illegal. If you know more about this story than what is listed, please share. All we see is he broke the law and SHOULD have been punished for it. But as usual, our wonderful judicial system dropped the charges.
    I’m not saying this man should have went to prison (jail for a couple of nights maybe) but people are not held accountable anymore which is why people just commit the same crimes over and over…they know nothing will be done about it because it wasn’t a BIG enough crime for our justice system to worry about. And we wonder why the children grow up to be thieves and murderers?
    A man of GOD wouldn’t have done this! Had he not got caught he would have pocketed that money….was he going to give it to GOD? Pleeeaaassseeee!

  7. God's Child on September 8th, 2011 9:54 am

    GOD always prevail in the end! As long as you trust in Him, believe, and pray God will bring you out. 429SCJ, this is a man of God…if you know this man, you wouldn’t have written the comments you wrote. God puts us all through trials, tests, and tribulations to make us stronger so we can depend on Him.

  8. Jack on September 8th, 2011 9:26 am

    Anyone can give a quit claim deed to any property. A quit claim basically says: if I have any ownership, I give it to you.

  9. dlj7000 on September 8th, 2011 8:28 am

    Doesn’t anyone ever want to know why charges were droped? It seems to me part of the story has been left out!

  10. Northview"T" on September 8th, 2011 7:33 am

    No lesson to learn 429SCJ…This is a man of GOD…and GOD takes care of his…There was no crime commited…so therefore charges had to be dropped….

  11. 429SCJ on September 8th, 2011 6:59 am

    And the sun came out. I hope you learned a lesson Mr Young.