Century Candidates Report Little Campaign Cash

September 26, 2011

The latest campaign finance reports are in for Century’s October general election from candidates for mayor and two council seats. And for most candidates, it’s campaigning on the cheap so far.


To date, incumbent Mayor Freddie McCall has raised $2,973 in cash and $498 of  in-kind contributions. McCall has made loans totaling $2,973 to his own campaign and reused $498 worth of campaign signs from his last campaign. No other individuals or  businesses had contributed to his campaign as of the last report date.  His expenditures include $1,504 to Bill Salter Outdoor Advertising for billboards and artwork, $528 to a Brewton company for brochures and political cards and $175 for a sign for his truck tailgate.  For McCall’s complete report, click here.

During the last reporting period of September 3-16, challenger Henry J. Hawkins received no contributions and spent nothing. Through the reporting period, Hawkins has received $300 in contributions and spent $263.04, mostly on his qualification fee. For Hawkins’ complete report, click here.

Council, Seat 1

Incumbent Ann Brooks received no contributions and spent nothing on her campaign during the last reporting period. To date her campaign has received $140 in donations and $450 of in-kind contributions in the form of signs from the last election. She has only spent $48; that was for her qualifying fee. For Brook’s complete report, click here.

Challenger  Pamela MacArthur also received no donations and made no expenditures during the last campaign finance reporting period. To date, she has made a $48 loan to her own campaign that she spent on her qualifying fee and received $23 of in-kind donations from herself in the form of self-made business cards and fliers. For MacArthur’s complete report, click here.

Council, Seat 2

Incumbent Annie Carter Savage received $280 in contributions during the last reporting period, including local contributions ranging from $10 to $75 from Azula C. Johnson, Charlie J. Spencer, Sr., Leola Robinson, Debra Smiley and Lloyd Savage. During the period, she reported expenditures of $194 to a Jay company for campaign signs and $145 in gas from Southern Pit Stop in Century. Savage’s campaign since day one has received $485 and reported expenditures of $486.76. For Savage’s complete report, click here.

Challenger Evelyn Hammond received $100 during the reporting period — $50 from Tammy Lowery of Century and $50 from  Edward R. Hammond, Century’s gas department supervisor. She spent nothing during the period. Overall, Hammond has received $480 and reported expenditures of $342.74. For Hammond’s complete report, click here.


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