August Was Deadliest Month For US Troops In Afghanistan

September 1, 2011

August was the deadliest month yet for American forces in Afghanistan, with 66 soldiers killed — include a local Marine.

The number tops July 2010, which was previously the deadliest single month for the U.S. military since the September 11 ,2001 terrorist attacks and subsequent invasion of Afghanistan.

The death toll includes LCpl Travis M. Nelson, a local marine who died August 18 in Helmand province, Afghanistan, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Survived by his family in Bratt, Nelson was laid to rest last Friday in Atmore.

Almost half of the deaths came August 6 as a Chinook helicopter was shot down, killing 30 American soldiers, many of which were elite Navy SEALS.

Pictured top: Funeral services were held last Friday afternoon for Lance Cpl. Travis Nelson at the First Baptist Church of Atmore. Pictured inset: The flag presented to the Nelson family. photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “August Was Deadliest Month For US Troops In Afghanistan”

  1. 429SCJ on September 4th, 2011 6:42 am

    David I suspect if I had seen what you did in Vietnam, I would probably feel the same way. I will choose my words more carefully.

  2. David Huie Green on September 3rd, 2011 11:07 am

    “When the U.S. was attacked by Alqaeda, and they were located in Afghanistan, Mr Cheney had the option to use heavy bombers and nuclear munitions to crush the enemy. People forget the use of incendiaries to destroy the axis cites of Berlin and Tokyo. ”

    al Qaeda wasn’t in the cities and our bombing of cities just to kill population would be among the worst of war crimes — killing small children and old people out of anger over crimes committed by other people hundreds of miles away up in the mountains, living in caves.

    If moral grounds wouldn’t dissuade you, please consider that radioactive material released in nuclear detonations would be airborne and would fall on other countries, including our own.

    Finally, no matter what he seemed to think, Cheney did not have the authority to go to war or to make war. Congress gave authority and GWB was President.

    David for peace with honor

  3. 429SCJ on September 2nd, 2011 4:06 pm

    For those of you that would criticze, former President Bush, I want to tell you, that as the Viet-Nam WAR, raged, he was flying air national guard, F-102 interceptors over the skies of Texas. During his time on duty, not a single nuclear weapon was detonated on the lone star state. That kind of performace speaks for itself.

  4. ProudArmyParent on September 1st, 2011 5:52 pm

    429SCJ on September 1st, 2011 3:04 am
    I totally agree, if we have to go to war then go to war! Use what we have to take out to enemy from the air, don’t send our ground troops in till we are sure they wont be taken out. Yes there will be causalities of non-combatants but, there is also an old saying, “take them all out and let God sort them out.” We cannot go into a war zone and say your good and your bad, if we do we are bound to be shot in the back! War is war if you don’t want to get killed get the he** out till we clean up your mess!
    You may say that sounds rough, well it is! We were not at war when we were attacked. Innocent people died on 9/11. They were not asked how they wanted to die or if they wanted to die, but still they did die. If your country is harboring the groups that perform these terrorist acts then expect us to come in and clean out these groups! We are only protecting ourselves before they bring their hatred back to our doorsteps once again.

  5. 429SCJ on September 1st, 2011 5:25 pm

    Im not a big fan of President Obama, but he did get old Ben Laden. I hope Ben Laden is shovelin coal right now, but he did keep his word. He promised to bankrupt the nation and he did. President Bush was a victim of circumstance. He was run for office, and the citizenery elected him twice. It was not his fault. As for Mr Cheney, I know the devil is dreading the day of judgement as he will have to clear out his office.

  6. Dan on September 1st, 2011 1:34 pm

    God Bless and Keep These, Our Fallen Heros.

    If George Bush was still president, the press
    would have crucified him for these statistics.

    The press gives Obama a pass on everything.

  7. JimD on September 1st, 2011 7:10 am

    429SCJ…you hit the nail on the head. The UN is part of the problem and if the US is going to get involved in a war, then we should take all of the fire power at our disposale with the goal to win and win quickley. Not by playing around, paying off people that will only use tax payer dollars to purchase weapons to fight against the US.

  8. 429SCJ on September 1st, 2011 3:04 am

    When the U.S. was attacked by Alqaeda, and they were located in Afganistan, Mr Cheney had the option to use heavey bombers and nuclear munitions to crush the enemy. People forget the use of incediaries to destroy the axis cites of Berlin and Tokyo. If we had taken a humanitarin apporach in WWII, we would be speaking Deutsche today. I feel that our American troops, should never be put in harms way by despots, that never served a day in the military. Militaty service should be a prerequisite for any person in federal level government. Wars should never be orchastrated by international bankers and heavy industry. When we are forced to war, the enemy should be destroyed, in such a fashion they will be gone from the face of the earth, requiring no future action. The concept of total victory or total defeat is not in the charter of the united nations. The U.S., since 1948 has been schakeled by this organization, and it has placed our troops in harms way. If the U.S. must go to war, then destroy the enemy. Our ground troops should never be unnecessarly placed in harms way, when the devastating force of air power is available. DESTROY THE ENEMY and be finished! Lord please be with our brave troops Amen.