Walnut Hill Man Gets Five Years In Federal Prison On Weapons Charge

August 30, 2011

A Walnut Hill man has been sentenced to five years in prison on a federal weapons charge. Floyd Scott Mooney, 39, was convicted in March on one count of possession of a firearm or ammunition by a convicted felon.

Chief Judge Casey Rogers sentenced Mooney to 60 months in federal prison with credit for time served to be followed by three years probation.

Monday, Mooney’s attorney filed paperwork with the court that claims Mooney is not a flight risk or danger to the community and asks that he be released for a 60 to 90 day period before returning to prison. Mooney said he has a farm that he risks loosing without the release, as well as federal tax matters to address. Prosecutors are opposed to the motion. No ruling has been issued on the request.

According to the indictment issued January 19 by the federal grand jury, Mooney was in possession of a half dozen rifles and ammunition in violation of federal law due to his status as a convicted felon that was sentenced to more than one year in prison.

In March 1999, Mooney was convicted on charges of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine and possession of a firearm in relation to a drug trafficking offense and was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison, according to federal court records.

Mooney remains in the Escambia County Jail awaiting a ruling on his request for temporary release or transfer to a federal facility.


19 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Gets Five Years In Federal Prison On Weapons Charge”

  1. lady on September 6th, 2011 12:33 pm

    making a comment about the meaning of “bad luck”. I don’t feel he had ,bad luck, because it is not bad luck when you pay for breaking the law and knowing that you and your family will suffer the consequences if you are caught. To compare this man with a fallen hero and his family is so very wrong. A community is comprised of alot of people, doing what they feel in their heart is the right thing to do. Intelligent people know how to view each man for his own deeds, right or wrong.

  2. Hmmmm on September 5th, 2011 4:17 pm

    I think this community has already forgotten that just a little over a week ago we gathered together and stood by a family that lost their son. There was no meamess on this website, and everyone pulled together in love and support for the family. No, scott isnt a hero or a veteran, but he is a human and he is a son and a father . I am ashamed at the people in my community, I sure hope you or someone in your family never falls on bad luck

  3. Semrites on September 2nd, 2011 7:19 pm

    Okay~ enough being mean! This is why I rarely read your comments. I have NEVER seen such mean spirited people. I thought we were a group of good country folk who cared for one another. You don’t kick a dog because he’s down. Yeah, from the sound of it, the young man made another mistake…probably thought he could get away with it, like thousands of others do every day. So, I guess he will do some more time and probably lose everything he’s worked for…no skin off your teeth. What I’m saying is~ what gives you the right to crusify him and in so doing, his family. They are good people, have worked harder than most all their lives and I’m sure are hurt over this~ you don’t have to keep on hurting them! If you’ve never been there, you don’t know how it feels and have no right to be mean! If you have been there and know what they are feeling and still are saying mean things~ shame on you! Jesus said~ “He who is without guilt, let him throw the first stone”. I say, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Maybe you haven’t done the same kind of stuff, but if you are human, I bet you have done someting in your life you are not proud of. I say, stop fueling the hate and unforgiveness with all these unkind words and let the wounds heal.

  4. ChelClately on September 1st, 2011 4:39 pm

    “Gun Registration”??? lol

  5. Patriot on August 31st, 2011 7:37 am

    Everett said: “As far as the guns go, even if all the guns were registered to his wife….”

    Guns aren’t registered. There is no such thing as “gun registration”.

    Sorry, pet peeve of mine.

  6. Everett on August 31st, 2011 3:42 am

    ” the guy at the bottom don’t know what he is talking about because all those charges were dropped and the guns that he is so called charged for are not even his guns they are his wives.”

    It’s called pre-trial diversion. A person gets charged with several crimes. Out of those crimes the state attorneys knows they can prove the lesser charges without any doubt. The offer a deal to plead to the lesser charges for less time in jail or probation. That doesn’t mean the other crime charges dropped weren’t commited. They were just harder to prove.

    As far as the guns go, even if all the guns were registered to his wife if he has them in his possession knowlingly or not it’s on him.

    ” And just for the record…knew he shouldn’t have married that girl.”

    Love can make folks do crazy things. They were in love and got married. What’s wrong with that if it’s true love.

    He will do his time, get back in society and chose a better path. We can hope so. As for the farm, let his family run while he is away. 60 months isn’t a long time. He’ll do 45 months with good behavior less time already served.

  7. ChelCLately on August 30th, 2011 10:26 pm

    Its funny how the people on here think they know everything and say what they want while they hide behind anonymous names! Just sayin…

  8. a guy on August 30th, 2011 10:02 pm

    the guy at the bottom don’t know what he is talking about because all those charges were dropped and the guns that he is so called charged for are not even his guns they are his wives.

  9. Scott's cousin! on August 30th, 2011 8:35 pm

    I looked and looked and looked and just couldn’t seem to find those court records where Scott was convicted of child abuse. Where was that found? The Scott I know has made alot of mistakes but as for being a threat…well I work at a hospital with bigger threats to society. And just for the record…knew he shouldn’t have married that girl. I never knew we had so many perfect people in this county. I guess I just never have run across them until reading some of these comments. Love you Scott!

  10. Girl on August 30th, 2011 7:14 pm

    Do you people seriously have nothing better to do than judge other people? Maybe you should think about how other people feel about this including his family/daughter before you say something unnessesary.

  11. country on August 30th, 2011 4:17 pm

    There are always two sides; however, he knew he was a convicted felon and he knew he could not have guns. He chose, no one else. He does come from good family. He should have listened to them. It was his responsibility to follow the law. He got what he deserved.

  12. Bob on August 30th, 2011 3:30 pm

    The buck stops here. He accomplished all these problems all by himself. This is his second go around. He needs to pay the fiddler as he has already listened to the music. Maybe ten years would have been better.

  13. mary on August 30th, 2011 3:26 pm

    Cant wait to the judges decision!!!! He can have some1 have “power of attorney” to handle all his STUFF!!

  14. rukiddingme on August 30th, 2011 10:05 am

    How crazy. Time off to go tend my crop. Whatever.

  15. Interested on August 30th, 2011 8:41 am

    How many times do we have to prosecute a drug offender with guns.
    Let them out because they got problems??? You have to be kidding.
    This guy has a lot of nerve to even ask something like that.

    Judge you better think really hard about this before you give this guy
    anymore time on the street. We are watching all of you who are supposed
    to be protecting the public from these kinds of people and this is not
    this guys first rodeo, we know it and you know it.

  16. Really on August 30th, 2011 6:35 am

    WOW really. I feel for wanting to get out for a little while, but who wouldn’t!!!!!!!!!!!! Do the crime, pay the time. His family is “running” the farm and as far as federal tax issues, can all be done while sitting with time on his hands.

  17. 429SCJ on August 30th, 2011 5:17 am

    Back to Lewisburg.

  18. Everett on August 30th, 2011 4:12 am

    He may not be a flight risk but look him up in the clerk of courts. He’s definitely a danger to the community. (Stalking, child abuse, dealing in stolen property, cyber crimes)

    So what if he has a farm. A lot of folks go to jail losing their job, their car and house.

    Let’s see who this guy is related to for this special consideration.

  19. Flguy on August 30th, 2011 2:10 am

    Boofreakinhooo I don’t care if he loses his farm, should of thought of that before he committed another felony, stupid
    have fun in prison