Three Alabama Men Indicted For Sex Crimes Involving Young Girls

August 24, 2011

Three young men from Flomaton are out of jail and awaiting trial after being indicted by an Escambia County Grand Jury for sex crimes involving underage girls.

D’Tavis Devon “TaTa” Ellis, 18, of Flomaton and Michael Dyeneil Knight, Jr., 19, also of Flomaton are each charged with second degree rape for allegedly having sex with the same 12-year old girl. Ellis reportedly had relations with the girl at Hurricane Park in Flomaton, while Knight allegedly had sex with the girl at her home.

Ellis was released from jail on a $50,000 bond and Knight was released on a $30,000 bond.

In an unrelated case, James Darion Jackson, 18, of Atmore, is charged with possession and distribution of pornographic material to a minor. He was released from jail on a $100,000 bond. He is facing felony charges for allegedly using a cellular photo to take and send obscene photographs of himself to a 14-year old female.


32 Responses to “Three Alabama Men Indicted For Sex Crimes Involving Young Girls”

  1. A on September 6th, 2011 1:53 pm

    It really disgust me that so many people are pointing fingers at the 12 year old girl and her parents. What about the men that did this to her? Maybe you should think about that!!!!

  2. Amy352 on August 29th, 2011 11:21 pm

    I just had to say something or I would not be me.I have a daughter of my own and too many nieces to count.I let them know everyday how beautiful they are.They know they are precious,they are needed,and they are loved! I am confident that they have good self esteem. Times are now way different.Look at the clothes the next time you are in a store.Girls are dressing like mini-prostitutes.I loved my father very much.He had 5 girls.I think for a young lady to do this, somewhere something went wrong.I hope they look deeper into this! These are not the actions of a confident young girl.Something else is going on within her life.

  3. REALLY.....!!!!!! on August 29th, 2011 10:05 pm


  4. Ashley Beckom on August 29th, 2011 12:18 pm

    ummm first of all james didnt have nun to do with that just because he had pictures . and idk why he had the highest bond but yeaqh yall rong for that

  5. women of god on August 28th, 2011 11:04 pm

    Guys come on be for real. I no each one of you and you should of knew that wasn’t a good thing to do what so ever.I’m praying for each one of you.Maybe you guys will get a break like your other family member.If god gives you another try you should be a speaker for other young boys.Go out in the world and talk to other boys let them no young is not the way to go.If you have to have sex make sure she is old enough.My prayers go out to you and your family.

  6. ellenb on August 26th, 2011 2:51 pm

    What matters here is that this 12 or 14 year old CHILD CANNOT LEGALLY HAVE SEX WITH A MALE IF LEGAL AGE. These males are not MEN just because they look like MEN. There could be a question of how that CHILD got to the park to do this, could be more charges brought, if you ask me. Real MEN don’t let the wrong part of the anatomy control what they do. When they get to prison, I pray, the fear on their mugshot photos will not compare to the fear on their faces when Bubba says “Oh yes you will”. These CHILDREN DID NOT RUIN THESE BOYS, THEY DID THAT ALL BY THEMSELVES. What is sad is that one family has so many pedaphiles in it.

  7. Amy352 on August 26th, 2011 1:28 pm

    Thanks Huie!I do not know this girl but I know this: Girls today are mislead by television,radio, and musicians!They are more than their chests,thighs,and hips!With all this internet and other nonsense,this is what happens! A woman has a mind and her body is a temple to the Lord!Not to young boys!I hope this girl is helped!If she does not love herself and respect her body now,she has a hard life ahead!I Just think that if she is not brought back to reality,she will still have troubles!

  8. David Huie Green on August 26th, 2011 10:14 am

    “don’t act like you know anything about her.”

    I don’t know anything about her but Amy probably assumes people are the kind of people who do the things they do. For example, a person who jumps off a bridge is the kind who will jump off a bridge.
    A person who refuses to jump off a bridge is the kind who will refuse to jump off a bridge.

    You are what you do, you do what you are. If the girl did the things listed, she is the kind to do the kind of things listed. If so, Amy hopes for change to a better person.

    David for better people

  9. A on August 26th, 2011 8:48 am

    @Amy352…you OBVIOUSLY don’t know the girl, so don’t act like you know anything about her.

  10. 429SCJ on August 25th, 2011 5:22 pm

    With these guys out on the street, I hope the children are in a safe location.

  11. Amy352 on August 25th, 2011 3:26 pm

    I am hoping this girl gets help. She obviously has no sense of worth to do things like this. I know what is right and wrong. All I am saying is instead of cell phones and facebook kids need to be in sports and church. I did not get a cell until I was 22. That is the trouble these days.My daughter knows she is more than her body. Selfesteem and self image start at home.If she had an old school mom like I had you could not have paid me to sneak out and lay up with any boy! These were not the first and won’t be the last if counseling and discipline are not involved!

  12. Interested on August 25th, 2011 10:47 am

    For those of you who like these boys and think we are throwing stones at them,
    Your right I would like to throw them till they die.
    12 year old girls don’t need beat with a belt, they need our protection.
    As for throwing stones, how about you not throwing stones at the
    little girl, nothing seem to stop you from doing that.

    SHAME on these grown men. Send them to hell.

  13. My2cents on August 25th, 2011 9:45 am

    I personally know the mother too. I don’t think anyone has the right to blame her for anything. She took all the precautions she could to protect her daughter. She DID screw her windows shut, she also took away her phone, ipod, and put a lock on the computer. So before you go blaming someone, you might want to know the whole truth! I bet if it was YOUR 12 year old little girl, you would be singing a different tune!

    If you want to be mad and blame someone, blame these 2 young men….they DID know how old she was!!!! They are the adults and she is the child. They knew better and knew it was wrong. If they thought for one second it was right, then why were they sneaking around in the middle of the night?

  14. RealTruth on August 25th, 2011 9:42 am

    These men are grown, this little girl is still growing, that is the difference…..these men knew better, doesnt matter if she threw herself at them, they know that this is against the law. So, yeah their lives are messed up now but her life is too, breaks my heart for her, bacause of ppl like this that wants to lay blame just on her, takes two to tango, just one was old enough to know better, just saying…..

  15. justme on August 25th, 2011 9:19 am

    I personally know the mother of the 12 year old girl, and for anyone to blame the parents, its just pure ridiculous…..all the people feeling sorry for the boys its crazy!! This little girl has her life ruined NOT THEM!!!!! She has to live with what they did to her…And yes they did this to her, These men are MONSTERS!!! I hope they go to jail and get RAPED!!

  16. john on August 25th, 2011 6:53 am

    Orange doesn’t look good on them…But,I bet stripes will…bye.bye……….I’ll be seeing you on the road gang….perhaps others that think it’s ok to do the same….won’t take their direction.
    If it’s found they actually done this…..I hope the general population on the farm,will welcome them with open arms.

  17. cflorida on August 24th, 2011 11:13 pm

    When I say ALL of them knew how old both girls were,they knew it!!! They knew the girls were underage because the weren t in high school were they attended.Maybe the 14 year old girl.But they should get someone their age.My question is “where was the parents of the 12 year old girl when she was slipping out to have sex and sneaking the other boy in their house????????? I know that tay tay’s mom feel so bad after going through this a second time with her kids.Shame on them.And michael should have knew better from what happened to his cousins for messing around with underage KIDS!!!The kid from atmore is just a pervert:)

  18. Amy352 on August 24th, 2011 11:08 pm

    I must say I am shocked. A 12 year old had sex with 2 men. It sounds like to me her parents need to find a belt. Obviously she is no stranger to sex. I believe this lies in the home. Sure they are considered adults, but they are teens. I’m sure nobody made the right choice at that age. I guarantee this child has no supervision. There is no way this happened to a girl that was being supervised! Any kind of raising would show that. They only went as far as she let them. I hate their lives were ruined over 1 girl. I hope the parents open their eyes and bolt her windows before someone else gets caught up!

  19. FHS Alumni '10 on August 24th, 2011 5:09 pm

    This breaks my heart because TaTa was always one of my friends. He always came up to me at school, gave me a hug, and told me everything would be okay when I had days when I didn’t think it would. He was an amazing athlete, just like his older brother Tony. He had a bright future, and this shocks me.

  20. Mom on August 24th, 2011 1:49 pm

    BTW ellenb….Ellis and Knight are related too…I guess it runs in the family!

  21. Mom on August 24th, 2011 1:47 pm

    I really can’t believe what I’m reading. I mean…how could anyone feel sorry for either one of these boys. They are 18 and 19 years old and the girl is only 12!! She is not old enough to consent to anything! These MEN are the “adults” here and should be ashamed of themselves for what they did. I don’t care what sports they were playing, how “nice” they are, or what part of their future is ruined now. These MEN are pedafiles and should be marked for life for the crime they have committed. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of how many more little girls there could be out there that are victims of the 2 MEN! I’d like to thank the parents for turning it over to the authorities. There is no telling how many girls they have saved from being there next victim!!

    Just for the record…you shouldn’t blame the parents. You have no clue what the situation is at home or what the parents have been through trying to protect this little girl. Kids are way smarter now than they use to be and the technologhy today is unreal.

  22. dad on August 24th, 2011 12:33 pm

    Yes, the word for having sex with a 12 year old CHILD is rape. A 12 year old cannot legally give consent to sex with an adult.

  23. southern by choice on August 24th, 2011 12:31 pm

    This is sad for all involved. But I was wondering why there’s a difference in bonds for these guys. If they both “raped” her, why is there a $20,000 difference?

  24. Tracy on August 24th, 2011 11:22 am

    Of course they knew! They didn’t care how old the girls are!

  25. t2 on August 24th, 2011 11:09 am

    Now for the guys, if they would not have done the act, they wouldnt have to worry about the age. And that would have simply be the solution they needed to have done and no trouble would be had. But if you must do the “deed” you should get to know the person better. ESPECIALLY THE AGE OF THE PERSON YOU ARE BEING INVOLVED WITH. And if they did know this CHILD was 12, well that shows they are not men at all, just low life pervs. But like I said, if they would have gotten to know her, her family, her life, HER AGE, they would not be in this problem. Maybe next time instead of thinking lustfully, maybe they should think with something called a brain.

  26. Y on August 24th, 2011 10:58 am

    Seem like the boys from Flomaton would learn to leave the girls alone… Every few years a girl get a couple of boys railroaded!!! Shame on the boys for taking the bait and shame on the girls for throwing themselves on any boy that play some sort of sport!!!! I think better parent control from both sides was needed!!!Just my opinion!!!! Now the man from Atmore just shame on u buddy, sexting is a crime!!!!

  27. ellenb on August 24th, 2011 8:30 am

    P.S….I agree these young girls dress inappropriately, thanks to society & parents for allowing it, BUT if a man truly is a man he will be sure of his partner’s age. This just prices they are not men. In a small town like Flomaton where everybody knows everybody, they knew.

  28. ellenb on August 24th, 2011 8:26 am

    These punks are finally getting what they deserve. This trash that you praise should have taken a lesson from his big brother, who by the way did the same thing. They have a habit of sneaking in the house @ night with these young girls. There are more little girls out there.

  29. me on August 24th, 2011 7:21 am

    My heart was sad when I found out about Tay Tay. I’ve only known him a couple years he was always very respectable with a bright future ahead. I pray he didn’t know this girl was only 12. Surely he thought she was older “have you seen some girls at 12 ” rape is a strong word if some girl had met him to have sex. Her mom was plundering on her myspace or whatever where did she think her daughter was when she was out having sex. As a mother of a son who recently turned 18 my heart breaks. Throw stones if You must but its hard to feel like she was raped if she went to met him know achieving his goals wil be harder but still attainable. My prayers are with you Tay.

  30. Molino-Anon on August 24th, 2011 6:16 am

    For shame, but c’mon a $100,000 dollar bond for sending a picture but the other 2 pervs get out on lesser bond amounts for actually having sex with a 12 year old?!

  31. dad on August 24th, 2011 6:12 am

    So the ones that allegedly raped a 12 year old got 30 and 50 thousand dollar bonds and the one that sent dirty pictures of himself to a 14 year old got 100,000 dollar bond?
    I don’t understand that.

  32. 429SCJ on August 24th, 2011 6:10 am

    Three young men, getting started in the system. Im sure they will do good, up at the farm.