Superintendent: We’re Ready For First Day Of School

August 22, 2011

Today’s the first day of school in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, and school officials say they are ready.

“We are off to a good start,” Escambia Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said. “Summer has flown by so fast, it feels like we are just picking up where we left off.”

Thomas said he looks forward to a successful year, with last year’s school grades rebounding overall across the county. “The sets us up this year to continue our strategy and have another great year,” he said.

Northview High School Principal Gayle Weaver agreed.

“We are looking forward to a great year,” she said. “We are ready.”


2 Responses to “Superintendent: We’re Ready For First Day Of School”

  1. Michelle on August 22nd, 2011 1:35 pm

    To Dols
    Apparently you haven’t performed this task or you would know. Just think about how many kids there are in the school system. Maybe you live in an area that has not had a student picked up before and in not in the system. If you would go on the website you could figure out the closest place to have your child at and then work on getting it closer to you home. Before you JUDGE walk in their shoes.

    If not drive them yourself!

  2. Dols on August 22nd, 2011 9:07 am

    Well I hate to be the one that has to break the news to them, but, they WERE NOT as ready as he claimed… The transportation department for the area schools (which I assume handled from Pensacola) is a joke at best! Come on guys, how hard is it to successfully determine which bus you have traveling to or near a persons address or destination from the school and simply letting the parent know which buss number their child should be riding? Apparently far to complicated for them….