Scott To Get To Work At Ordinary Jobs

August 2, 2011

Taking a page from former Gov. Bob Graham, Gov. Rick Scott plans to spend some time doing the jobs of ordinary Floridians in what the governor is calling “Let’s Get to Work Days.” Scott’s twist on the “work days” that Graham made a hallmark of his time as governor is to do jobs he’s done before.

Scott portrays himself as in touch with the common man – despite being a multimillionaire – because he rose from poverty to where he is now through a series of ordinary jobs.

So, Scott will start on Wednesday making doughnuts at a shop in Tampa. Scott got his start in business running a doughnut shop with his mom in Kansas City.

“Like most Floridians, I have worked hard all my life,” Scott said in a statement released by his office late Monday. “I started school in public housing and my family struggled financially. For that reason I went to work at a young age doing everything from delivering newspapers and cleaning phone booths, to selling groceries and working on a ship in the Navy.”

Graham applauded Scott for taking up the idea.

“I found the workdays to give me an unusual insight not only into how people earn their living, but how they live their lives, pursue their dreams and confront their challenges,” Graham said. “I hope that Gov. Scott will have the same rich experiences as he commences workdays.”

And yes, there are still some phone booths around for Scott to clean, though not that many. According to the Public Service Commission, Florida still has 51,000 pay phones, though there aren’t any statistics on how many of those are actually in a booth.

Pictured Gov. Rick Scott speaks to reporters at the Capitol on Monday. Photo by David Royse for, click to enlarge.

By The News Service of Florida


14 Responses to “Scott To Get To Work At Ordinary Jobs”

  1. Sara on August 4th, 2011 10:11 am

    After getting elected Gov. of Fl (a political heaven of electoral votes) I am no longer surprised at the lack of common sense of a people to elect a person that by taking the 5th (umpteenth) times on trial for Medicare fraud, accused of stealing Tax dollars while CEO of one of these Made to profit healthcare BUSINESSES. People will watch these shiny commercials paid for by Corporations that need a Republican in the office to continue their dirty deeds & they FAll for it…These new tea party hoodlums think that u can have police, fire, education, etc. at top notch level without anyone paying TAXES…I like to say TEA party stands for Tax Evading Americans…

  2. 429SCJ on August 4th, 2011 6:59 am

    I guess the pickins in Kansas must be pretty lean.

  3. Freds Mom on August 4th, 2011 2:53 am

    Amen, ProudArmyParent!!!!

  4. Escambia County Teacher on August 3rd, 2011 1:05 pm

    I invite him to spend a day teaching at one of our schools. I want to see him teach a class of 21 students while a chair is being thrown at him and curse words flying at him. I teach at one and it is my job to teach, counsel, control and be a “parent” to some out of control children.

  5. Poison Ivy on August 3rd, 2011 11:03 am

    Awwww But hes A good boy!!!Like to see him work in this hot weather.out side!!Well said RMD. Two donuts in the face.

  6. Bob on August 3rd, 2011 10:19 am

    Are there any people out there to give him credit for the task he has undertaken. A balanced budget is what he was elected to give the citizens of Florida. He will complete this task as time goes on and he will be appreciated by people like myself. Times will never be as we once knew them. Get up go to work and help make a difference and stop complaining.

  7. DOC on August 3rd, 2011 1:23 am

    Yes he is good at stealing money, you better watch your purses and wallets.

  8. DOC on August 2nd, 2011 9:01 pm

    He rose from proverty!!!!!!!!!!! WOW he has obviously forgottenwere he comes from but he should maybe come work at a florida prison for a week or two and see what we go through with maybe he would have a whole different outlook

  9. Scott Lassiter on August 2nd, 2011 2:12 pm

    I can’t wait until he does something he is good at, like stealing money from the Federal Gov. Or pleading the 5th amendment.

  10. Just Sayin' on August 2nd, 2011 9:23 am

    Let’s invite him to teach a class of 7th graders how to do quadratic equations last period of the day, when they are stressed, overwhelmed, starving, hormonal
    and exhausted! Or, during the first week of school, get a class of kindergarten children to line up quietly and proceed to lunch, get their trays, produce their lunch cards, make it to the table without dropping the tray, open 18 milk cartons and straws, make sure everyone eats lunch instead of throwing it at their friends, eat HIS lunch standing and patrolling (while needing a potty break since 9am), get trays emptied and replaced, kids lined back up and on their way back to class, all in 25 min. or less! THEN go back to the classroom and teach FCAT math skills!

  11. ProudArmyParent on August 2nd, 2011 8:33 am

    Tell him to try Correctional Officer at Century Correction! Let’s him see what it it like to have to work a double shift with a pay cut!

  12. Kathy on August 2nd, 2011 7:38 am

    The guy is so fake. Maybe he ought to consider taking the 13.17% end user tax off the programming tax for cable and Sat TV. I thought he was making jobs not doing someone’s job.

  13. dad on August 2nd, 2011 3:45 am

    Can we say “photo ops”?

  14. rmd on August 2nd, 2011 3:27 am

    give me a break. he needs a donut in the face.