Fallen Marine Travis Nelson Returns Home Wednesday, Funeral Friday

August 22, 2011

The body of local marine will arrive in Pensacola Wednesday, and funeral services will be held in Atmore on Friday.

The body of Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson, the 19-year old Marine killed in action last week in Afghanistan, arrived Saturday night at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. His remains will be flown Wednesday to the Pensacola Naval Air Station. The plane is scheduled to land at 2 p.m. in a private ceremony. From there, he will be escorted by Florida State Troopers and the Patriot Guard to Petty-Eastside Funeral Home in Atmore.

Visitation will be held Friday, August 26, 2011, from 12:30 p.m. until funeral time at the Atmore First Baptist Church on South Main Street.

Funeral services will be held Friday, August 26 at 2 p.m. at the Atmore First Baptist Church with Chaplain Lt. Commander Jeffrey Bornemann and the Rev. George Weaver officiating with military honors.

Burial will follow at Oak Hill Cemetery in Atmore.

Nelson, a 2010 graduate of Pace High School, was the son of Scott and Beckie Nelson of Bratt. He is also survived by siblings Daniel Nelson, 28, Jenna McCall, 24, and Anna Nelson, 11. He was engaged to Madeline Cates, 21.

Pictured: A U.S. Marine Corps carry team transfers the remains of Marine Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, Saturday night, August, 20, 2011. Nelson was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejuene, N.C. His parents and fiance reside in Bratt.  He was 19 years old.  Photo by Steve Kotecki, U.S. Air Force, for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


38 Responses to “Fallen Marine Travis Nelson Returns Home Wednesday, Funeral Friday”

  1. unknown on August 28th, 2011 11:33 pm

    I love someone who loved travis dearly. they were in the same unit. i know his heart is heavy with emotion about this event. and to lose someone so young, bright, and full of great future endeavors makes my heart heavy as well. travis has fallen a hero, and will always be remembered by many – for he has touched so many in so many different ways. a man of this brotherhood holds all my respect in the world. what you have done travis keeps my friends, family, and I safe and promises us a better future. prayers to the family and friends of such a lovely young man. semper fi!

  2. Stephanie Steiff on August 25th, 2011 8:23 pm

    Becky, Scott, Madeline, Daniel, Jenna McCall &Anna,

    JoAnn and I (as well as the rest of our family) wanted to send you a note. JoAnn just lost her fiance in Afghanistan two weeks ago and Patrick (Lay) was buried here in Bradenton, FL last Sunday. I know there is nothing we can say or do right now to make you feel better but we wanted you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Stephanie, JoAnn, Katie & Keith Steiff

  3. Nancy on August 25th, 2011 1:14 pm

    Rest easy young marine; your time on earth is done. Thank you for your service and for watching over your fellow marines from up above. Prayers for family and friends left behind. (3/8 Marine Mom)

  4. Zina, Walter, Kristopher Steinisiek on August 24th, 2011 7:21 pm

    Dearest Beckie, Scott, Anna and the rest of your wonderful family,
    Travis was so very special to all our family. I remember them (Kristopher & Travis) catching the school bus going to Pace High. Kris loved being over at your house with Travis playing the guitar and playing games on the computer. Mr. Walter loved Travis at our home. I think Travis looked at every picture of Vietnam, Italy, and Greece. He loved all the medals and things of the 1st and 26th Marines where Walter served. Travis could not wait to be a Marine and serve and protect his country. He was the best son a mother and father could ever want. He is our Hero! We are so proud of him and of you for being the wonderful role models for him to follow. We feel your pain and loss. May God Bless you and comfort you forever. Love always

  5. Mrs. Al-bayaty (3 Blue Star Marine Mom) on August 24th, 2011 9:51 am

    “…They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them…”
    from laurence binyon’s ‘for the fallen’.
    You are in our Prayers…

  6. Leeahna Noack ( Kevin Wife) on August 23rd, 2011 9:20 pm

    Tears fall for a life cut short. my prayers and warm wishes are with his family and loved ones. I hope that the memories of Travis give you all strength during this trying time. God bless. The fallen hero will forever be in our hearts .


  7. Kimberly on August 23rd, 2011 5:12 pm

    Travis is our Hero..May God grant his loved ones the peace that passes all understanding. My heart breaks for each and every one of you.

  8. Judy Nelson Lacy on August 23rd, 2011 2:27 pm

    Our sweet Travis would be so proud of his community and all the love sent to his parents and loved ones. I ask you to also pray for the Nelson Family and Friends as they make their way here from all over the country. Many will be traveling here to say goodbye to our Hero. May God keep them safe and see them safely back home. Thank you.

  9. Rita Bolton on August 23rd, 2011 1:22 pm

    To Jeff…….that is a beautiful prayer. It speaks for me. Thank you for sharing with this family and with all of us who can’t even begin to express our sadness and sorrow to the family for this great loss of their son, Travis.

  10. 429SCJ on August 23rd, 2011 9:12 am

    William do you know about when the procession will pass through on the way to Atmore. Myself and many others I am sure would want to walk down to the highway and pay our respect to Travis and his family.

  11. CAthy McCurdy on August 22nd, 2011 11:09 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with the Nelson family. May God grant you peace and strength to carry you through the days to come.

  12. Kathy Warren on August 22nd, 2011 10:30 pm

    My heart breaks for the Nelson family. May God give you peace and comfort and strengthen you in the days ahead.

  13. Alisa Hart on August 22nd, 2011 8:40 pm

    God bless each of his family and friends! Thank you Travis for your ultimate sacrifice….God rest your soul………

  14. Jim Pokrandt on August 22nd, 2011 8:38 pm

    Beckie and Scott, Travis and I are truely sorry for your lose. I remember Trav as a great kid (except when he and Travis got lost in the store in Guam scaring the heck out of us). He grew up to be a fine young man doing what he loved. Not only did he serve his country but he made his family and friends very pround of what he did in life. I will be riding with the Patriot Guard Riders Wedensday and Friday escorting Travis.

  15. carl & polly gandy on August 22nd, 2011 8:11 pm

    may GOD cover you with his love and keep you strong

  16. JS on August 22nd, 2011 5:24 pm

    A true American Hero! ! I can only sit here and dream of being the man he was!! God Bless his family!!….

  17. Mrs. BR Hamilton on August 22nd, 2011 3:25 pm

    May you be comforted in knowing your fellow Americans love and honor your son, who was a proud Marine! May God Bless you all.

  18. Jeff on August 22nd, 2011 2:55 pm

    I paraphrase from a letter written long ago since the author expresses his condolences far better than I coould ever hope to do.

    “…I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.” (A. Lincoln 1864)

  19. LuLu on August 22nd, 2011 2:52 pm

    William, If possible, will you post when this young man is brought home? I’m sure there are many people who would like to be present when the motorcade brings this fallen hero home.

  20. wes on August 22nd, 2011 2:39 pm

    God bless Travis a great person but even better Marine!!! You will always be remember as a great person and also a hero. love you man SEMPER FI !!!!!

  21. JIM W on August 22nd, 2011 1:35 pm

    SEMPER FI ! God Bless all our troops! May God lay his hand on the shoulders of your family and comfort them in their loss.

  22. homebody on August 22nd, 2011 1:17 pm

    I didn’t know this young man or his family, but seeing this picture makes me weep. He is home and we thank him for giving everything for our freedom. RIP young man. Your family will be in my prayers.

  23. Samantha on August 22nd, 2011 12:39 pm

    Mr. and Mrs. Nelson,
    My heart breaks for both of you and Travis’ fiance. Having had my family members and several friends over there I could not even begin to imagine what you all are going through. Just know that your son is a HERO in our eyes. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time and will continue to be. RIp Travis! Semper Fi !!!!

  24. James Hare on August 22nd, 2011 12:22 pm

    Travis it was a honor to know you and coach you back years ago. You where a friend and classmate to my son. You have touched many hearts in your journey. Especially now, you have reminded us about what family means here in NWE. My heart and prayers goes out to your family and loved ones.
    Your heart was always lead to serve your Country, and that you did. Thank you for protecting our Freedom. You paid the ultimate price for what you felt was right and you now join other Heroes that have done the same before you. People like you makes us all proud to be a American!

  25. Robert and Janice on August 22nd, 2011 12:17 pm

    Our hearts are broken may God reach down and wrap his arms around Beckie and Scot, RIP TRAVIS

  26. steve sanderson on August 22nd, 2011 12:08 pm

    So very sad for the family. God bless and God watch over Travis. He is our hero.

  27. Tracie Shaw on August 22nd, 2011 12:08 pm

    May God bless this family during this hard time. My Prayers are with you all! Please remember to keep this family, and all military families, and service men and women in your prayers!

  28. Sonia on August 22nd, 2011 12:04 pm


  29. molino jim on August 22nd, 2011 11:48 am

    SEMPER FI YOUNG MARINE. My heart goes out to your family. I still find myself asking, why are we there. The president of the country and his family have made “loans” to so many family member that the national bank is broke—=guess who they want to bail them out.

  30. HUGH WESTBROOK on August 22nd, 2011 11:45 am


  31. curtis turk on August 22nd, 2011 11:39 am

    i watched travis play baseball and grow up with my grndsons. it really touched my heart when i heard the news of his death pray for his family and all that loved him. and pray for all of our troops.

  32. Tina Shipp on August 22nd, 2011 11:37 am

    My son is a Marine. I feel your heartache and pain in this sad time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  33. jessica on August 22nd, 2011 11:17 am


  34. Karen on August 22nd, 2011 11:01 am

    The words will not come, but the tears are flowing, We are going to miss you Travis!

  35. Suzanne on August 22nd, 2011 10:56 am

    Too sad for words. God, please bless this family.

  36. Gina Heist on August 22nd, 2011 10:50 am

    RIP Travis you will be missed..

  37. Tammy McCann on August 22nd, 2011 10:46 am

    My heart is broken looking at this photo, may god bless Travis family. Travis was a wonderful young man. him and my daughter were best friends Travis was the best young man you could ask for. may god bless you and keep you in his loving arms.

  38. ernestine roberts on August 22nd, 2011 10:31 am

    May God bless the entire family..