Preseason Poll: Northview Chiefs Number One In Florida 1A

August 17, 2011

The Northview High School Chiefs are the top-ranked Class 1A football team in Florida, according to rankings released by the national website

Maxpreps ranked Northview No. 1 in Class 1A, followed by Jefferson County (Monticello) at No. 2 and Holmes County at number No. 3.

Freeport — the Chiefs’ October 21 opponent — is ranked at No. 5. Other ranked 1A teams that Northview will faced this year are Vernon  at No. 7, Chipley at No. 12,  Baker at No. 17, South Walton at No. 20.

The Chiefs will begin play with a Fall Classic against Bay High School on August 26. Northview begins regular season play September 9 on the road at Marianna.

Pictured: Two Northview defenders take down a Trinity Christian Conqueror in the Class 1A Semifinals last December. file photo.


24 Responses to “Preseason Poll: Northview Chiefs Number One In Florida 1A”

  1. G Rock on August 23rd, 2011 12:23 pm

    Well then we better recognize the previous coaching staff at Atmore for last years success coach!!!!

  2. onyr1911 on August 23rd, 2011 11:45 am

    @Jesse Ventura,

    You obviously don’t understand what building a foundation means either. It is just like building a house, you can’t build a strong, sturdy house without framing-weightroom, without materials to work with- tackling dummies, without a slab of concrete- the field, which was already in place before they arrived (granted I know they did without the concrete in the pre-industrial days). Yes, I also know you have to have a plan, a blue print, which is where the current coaches come in to play. But what I’m saying is, all of the things that those coaches purchased are being used today to help build and strengthen the team. Therefore, they helped to lay the foundation! I have never said that the coaches at NHS now aren’t doing a good job b/c they are! I have simply stated that you have to give credit where credit is due and that credit goes to the former coaches (Keene, Heaton, and Smith), which nobody has done.

    They (Saban and Chizik) are using the foundations that were layed down before them to build their programs. Tuberville buying those sleds allows Chizik to have more than just 2-5 players to work the sleds on form and technique at one time. Shula expanding the weightroom allows Saban (not that I know for a fact that he does this but the option is there for him to do that) to get more than just the d-line to work out, it allows the linebackers and db’s to also work out with them to build and strengthen their companionship, their trust, their abilities to know each others strengths and weaknesses. That is also part of the foundation!

    Now, my point has been proven! If you dont understand, by now, what I mean by foundation then you will never understand. Thank you and I look forward to hearing and reading about NHS and their success this upcoming season!

  3. Jesse Ventura on August 23rd, 2011 10:01 am

    Wow! I read these last couple entries and have really been educated on the word foundation. So onry911 let me get this straight the success of a team is linked to the pervious equipement purchases by a coaching staff. I get it!!! So what u r saying is if every team just went out and bought quality stuff that eventually they will win because they laid the foundation. it has nothing to do with the current coaches efforts.
    So what you are saying is that we should give tuberville credit for gene chiziks success because he purchased a sled back in 06.
    Or that we should recognize shula expanding the weightroom at alabama in 05 as a reason why they are having success there now.
    HMMMMMMMMMMM!!! You are a moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. onyr1911 on August 22nd, 2011 11:55 pm

    Hey Moron,

    You obviously don’t understand what “foundation” means? It is the building blocks that it takes to get any kind of successful program started. The weightroom that they work out in, Coach Keene had all new equipment brought in and revamped the room, some of the tackling dummies they practice with, Coach Keene bought, most of their training tools that they use on the practice field, Coach Keene either bought or made. That is foundation! That is what it takes to build a program that is going to have any kind of success! If you want to argue that, then look at all of the powerhouse HS football teams in our area or across the country. They all have had the same beginnings, including the zero, one, or two wins seasons, and most of the kids participating on the football team now were either in middle or elementary school or probably weren’t even born yet. So until you learn the definition of foundation and understand what it means don’t waste your time or breath commenting or speaking on the subject. So I suggest you start studying!

  5. Keith on August 21st, 2011 1:12 pm

    Northview fans and players quit wasting your time commenting about Atmore. They are irrelevant and playing them would gain nothing. I went to a basketball tournament there to watch Northview in 2007 and will never go back. Even if Northview had an away game there I doubt anyone from this area would go. I hope that Northview doesn’t put Atmore on the schedule ever. To much rudeness and racism there for me. It is what it is. Lets get our minds on defending this #1 ranking and showing the state of Florida that we intend to punch our ticket to the State Championship game in Orlando. We tasted it last year now lets finish the job this year. If we stay focused and take it 1 game at a time we will be in Orlando in December. Go Chiefs !!!!

  6. What a moron on August 20th, 2011 11:49 pm

    Ya great foundation!!!!!!!!! 2-8 and 0-4 at home getting blowed out in the playoffs the years they got there. Seriously those guys have nothing to do with the success NHS is having now!! These players were in middle school when Keene was there. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!

  7. onyr1911 on August 20th, 2011 3:51 pm

    Oh and Great Job Chiefs! Keep up the hard work and it will pay off in the long run.

  8. onyr1911 on August 20th, 2011 3:50 pm

    Just in case ALL of you haters forgot, two of the coaches at Atmore are former coaches at Northview, when Northview started its rise. The head coach of Atmore, Coach Heaton, and the line coach, Coach Smith, both are the ones who helped lay the building blocks for Northview championship caliber team. Which is also where current head coach, Sid Wheatley, learned some of the things he is implimenting now. Granted they did bail on us (yes, I am a former football player and alumni of NHS) when former head coach Cody Keene left but they both saw a future else where, which there is nothing wrong with that. But as a sports fan, I understand the rivalry in sports but there is no need to hate on another teams good fortune when the team you are pulling for got some of its own good fortunes from a member of that team. It’s is just like Nick Saban leaving LSU for the NFL and then coming to Alabama. Saban left after winning the championship and still had a championship caliber team when he left, which is a major reason why Les Miles won the championship two years later b/c of some of the thing Saban had implimented into the LSU program. LSU got its good fortune from former head coach and current Alabama head coach Nick Saban b/c of his recruiting abilities and work ethic, which is the same thing that is happening right now with NHS. Granted Wheatley is doing a great job with the team but you have to give credit where credit is due, to the fore runners of the program Keene, Heaton and Smith.

    Now, I do agree with you that NHS and Atmore should play every year or every other year just to keep the local rivalry brewing. Just like I think Flomaton (whom are a bunch of cry babies) should man up and play us in every sport every year, but they, Flomaton, only want to play us when they have a chance to win.

    Hope to see you at some of the games!!

  9. Mom of Twins on August 18th, 2011 7:39 pm


  10. DontHate on August 18th, 2011 3:47 pm

    @Chiefs fan 2 You said that LA’MIKAL KYLES, RODERICK WOODS, and SEAN KNIGHT have a good future ahead of them.. The haters are just motivators, Go Chiefs ! :)

  11. sam on August 18th, 2011 2:01 pm

    still can’t get my hands around this new 1a class. very large disparity in numbers enrolled at the schools. northview would be a 3 or 4a in alabama. some of the other teams in their clasification would be 1a. compare the enrollment of jay to northview. hmmm

  12. chiefs fan 2 on August 18th, 2011 1:37 pm

    northview can beat atmore and day and northview has a couple of players that are going to play division1 football like defensive lineman sean knight and future division 1 athletes limiachal kyles and roderick woods these kids are the truth.atmore just face it yall wouldnt never beat northview in a million years. yall have one good year and now yall think yall can be #1 ranked northview get real,yall have on good year and now yall wanna get the big heads. and uh huh atmore is a 4A team but if they was in florida they would be only like a 2A team beacuse floridas classifications are way bigger,just throwing you facts you hater so that means if nothview was in alabama they would be a 3A or 4A team. And another thing was yall record like 2 – 8 two seasons ago?? when have yall had back to back winning seasons???

  13. uh huh on August 18th, 2011 11:49 am

    Atmore made it to the 3rd round of the playoff’s last year in 4A and return most of the players from that team. They have tw defensive lineman that are committed to play Division 1 football. Atmore has been trying to play Northview forever but its always an excuse with Northview. Northview should play Atmore and T.R. Miller every year and they would see what real football is about. Also it would be two big money games.

  14. Carrie class of 97 on August 17th, 2011 9:06 pm

    Way to go Chiefs! No. 1 that is AWESOME! GO CHIEFS! Can’t wait for football season to start!

  15. DontHate on August 17th, 2011 5:12 pm

    Do I see HATERS?? Haha Atmore aint nothing! Go NHS, Im going to every game this year to cheer them on. When people are doing good someone (Atmore) will always try to bring you down. Come on boys yall have ALOT of haters this year, prove them wrong ! What yall know about them Chiefs??? Not a Thing :)

  16. Cheif fan on August 17th, 2011 4:48 pm

    Atmore wouldn’t stand a chance with northview. They couldn’t be no team in the state of Florida. Northview would beat Atmore by 35pts. Can’t no team in the area beat the area where Northview is can beat them. Atmore, Flomaton, Escambia Academy, W.S. Neal nor T.R. Miller. Northview will beat all those teams. I garentee u that. Chiefs going to State this year. So gone and hate.

  17. former chief cheerleader on August 17th, 2011 12:44 pm

    wow ? really ? you people who are trying to down on northview evidently hasnt got you some…

  18. me on August 17th, 2011 11:22 am

    @ uh huh “i wish they would man up and play atmore”

    We play yall twice last year on JV and beat yall both times.
    Now we are on varsity, so maybe yall should man up and play us.

  19. what a joke on August 17th, 2011 10:57 am

    play atmore!?!? what a joke! atmore was always a warm up game or for a jamboree.They barely can even get to playoffs. Atmore can’t handle losing over and over to a rival school in florida so they always caused fights. Granted Northview has been a bigger school and we played tougher competition when I played. Northview being a 1A is a joke in its self. But congrats to the number 1 ranking, bring us home a state championship!

  20. deer hunter on August 17th, 2011 10:05 am

    We have played them before and found the team to be a joke!! I think we have a couple of open weeks get the Coaches together and lets get it on!!!!!!!

  21. chief fan on August 17th, 2011 9:40 am

    Congrats. Dont let it get to your heads though!

  22. uh huh on August 17th, 2011 9:08 am

    I wish they would man up and play Atmore.

  23. Keith on August 17th, 2011 5:52 am

    Not surprised, we have alot of talent coming back. Can’t wait for the season to start!

  24. SFC Ewing on August 17th, 2011 1:25 am

    Congratulations on the number 1 ranking this year CHIEFS!!! I know you all will do very well and I look forward to all the world highlights here on