Powerful Photo Gallery: Fallen Marine’s Remains Arrive In U.S.

August 24, 2011

Fallen local Marine Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson arrived back in the United States Sunday night from Afghanistan.

U.S. Air Force photographer Steve Koteciki captured the somber dignified transfer ceremony at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware for NorthEscambia.com. Click here for the powerful photo gallery of the ceremony.

Pictured top: The remains of Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson (left) and Army Pfc. Douglas Cordo (right) as a prayer service is conducted. Pictured below: Nelson’s remains are transferred across the tarmac at Dover AFB. Photos by Steve Kotecki, U.S. Air Force, for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Powerful Photo Gallery: Fallen Marine’s Remains Arrive In U.S.”

  1. Seth Dunbar on August 25th, 2011 2:01 pm

    My brother was one of his best friends and was truely effected while he is in Afghanistan also. If my brother was only his best friend I cant imagine how Lance Crp. Nelsons family is taken it, God Bless this Hero and Bless his family and friends. I keep his family in prayer. One good Marine…

  2. Ken H. on August 25th, 2011 8:49 am

    Honored and Proud to have taken part in his escort !!
    Ken H,, A fellow Marine, Vietnam Vet, Patriot Guard Rider

  3. Lawson Hill on August 24th, 2011 7:43 pm

    May God give peace to the Nelson family. No one made Travis serve, he did it on his own. He died for us and only Jesus Christ and the American soldier have done that. I was one of the over 200 Patriot Guard bikers escorting Travis from NAS to Atmore today. I was touched by all the people and communities that lined the highway from the time we left NAS till we arrived at the funeral home in Atmore. May God give rest to your soul Travis. And may the Grace of the Holy Spirit bring peace, comfort and understanding to Mr & Mrs Nelson.

  4. Nancy Peters on August 24th, 2011 4:59 pm

    My heart breaks for you Nelson family! My own firstborn son was a combat medic in Iraq. It was torture for me while he was over there. You have experienced a nightmare come true. I am praying for you all. I pray you will look to Jesus to be your help and comfort during the years ahead. He is the only one Who can heal us everywhere we hurt. Jesus loves you and when you hurt, He hurts. God bless you all.

  5. Camdenrenee on August 24th, 2011 12:54 pm

    Praying for the familes of both of Heros!! RIP

  6. Nancy on August 24th, 2011 12:34 pm

    My prayers and thoughts are with the family. Thank you for bringing up such an outstanding young man, who at such a young age “Gave All”. May God bless you and comfort you.

  7. angie on August 24th, 2011 10:14 am

    just wanted to say to the family that I’m so sorry for your loss and know god will help you through this……may your son rest in peace.

  8. Ed B on August 24th, 2011 8:58 am

    HUMBLED! Semper Fi!!

  9. Lisa W on August 24th, 2011 8:32 am

    Thank you, Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson for your service and the highest form of sacrifice to your country. May God be with your Family and Friends.

  10. Kay Moore on August 24th, 2011 4:31 am

    I am SO thankful to you, Travis M Nelson, for giving YOUR life to maintain OUR freedom. Rest in peace, dear brother! Praying that your family is comforted beyond
    their highest expectation by Holy Spirit.

  11. kelli on August 24th, 2011 1:25 am

    May you rest in peace travis. I remember u as a little boy, I never knew the adult u grew up to be..may god be with your family. Thank u for your services..