New Unemployment Comp Rules Go Into Effect

August 2, 2011

Newly jobless Floridians seeking unemployment compensation and those wishing to continue receiving benefits must do so online under a slate of changes that kicked in Monday that officials say will save the state $4.7 million a year.

Following up on legislation passed earlier this year, the Agency for Workforce Innovation enacted a series of changes that also includes a mandatory skills review and tougher eligibility requirements.

The changes were included in legislation that also reduced the maximum duration of unemployment benefits from 26 to 23 weeks and links future payouts to the unemployment rate.

The new law would reduce benefits once the unemployment rate dips below 10.5 percent, bottoming out at 12 weeks if the unemployment rate hits 5 percent.

By The News Service of Florida


2 Responses to “New Unemployment Comp Rules Go Into Effect”

  1. David Huie Green on August 5th, 2011 2:36 pm

    “Instead of voting for a Democratic opponent that happened to be a woman (no chauvinists in FL) you have bestowed upon us this genius ”

    Some people just don’t trust us Democrats. I don’t trust all Democrats. There’s no reason to believe the only reason to not vote for Alex Sink was her gender.

    Remember if all the potential Democrats had registered and voted for her, he would have lost. So should we blame the voters or the non voters?

    Besides, another woman assured us Ricky was a good boy. Maybe the voters believed her over the other woman.

    David doubting gender was the main reason

  2. Sara on August 4th, 2011 11:46 am

    To all you that cast a vote for Gov. Scott I would like to thank you (NOT)…Instead of voting for a Democratic opponent that happened to be a woman (no chauvinists in FL) you have bestowed upon us this genius (NOT). When all the policeman, teachers, nurses, doctors are AGAINST Scott you would think that there would be some cause for concern…Guess not…BTW..what’s going on with that amendment that allows states to FIRE their Gov??? I know that 17 other states already have this amendment… I hope & pray that FL is #18…