New Partnership Saves SightLine Reading Service

August 10, 2011

A new partnership has been announced that will save the SightLine daily reading service for the visual impaired.

WSRE, Pensacola State College’s public television station, recently announced that the service was discontinued as a result of the elimination of state funding for public broadcasting.

UWF Public Media, the public radio station and public access channel licensed to the University of West Florida, approached WSRE with a suggestion – relocate the reading service and coordinating responsibilities to WUWF 88.1 FM but, continue to use WSRE’s SAP (Second Audio Program) channel — an audio channel for TV that broadcasts over the air and over cable TV — to deliver the service, just as it has for the last 19 years.

This is a great opportunity for us to work with our public television colleagues in continuing an important community service,” said Pat Crawford, WUWF executive director. “Long-time listeners to SightLine will still be able to hear it on the WSRE SAP channel, but we are adding an additional digital radio broadcast channel (WUWF HD-3) dedicated to the reading service and will be streaming the service online at , where local SightLine segments featuring the reading of newspapers, periodicals, and books will continue to be available on demand. WUWF will also be adding some new programs. With WSRE’s proven delivery system and WUWF’s access to additional content, it’s a perfect match.”

One new program that will be added to the SightLine lineup is The Radio Reader with Dick Estell, a highly acclaimed daily half-hour public radio program, featuring the reading of newly published books. On the air since 1962, regular listeners to WUWF 88.1FM may find themselves tuning in for each installment on the HD-3 channel. Other public radio programs will be added to the SightLine schedule as well, providing a 24 hour a day service to vision-impaired.

“We are grateful for this partnership with WUWF Public Media to continue and bring new life to the SightLine Reading Service,” stated Sandy Cesaretti Ray, WSRE general manager. “We did not want to see the 19 year service end. This kind of collaboration is a win-win for all involved,” said Ray.


2 Responses to “New Partnership Saves SightLine Reading Service”

  1. Linda on August 10th, 2011 11:01 pm

    I am glad that WUWF realized the importance of this program and picked up the ball that WSRE dropped. I am glad that the cuts did not affect WUWF as much as it did WSRE. This is a much needed service.

  2. 429SCJ on August 10th, 2011 6:41 am

    Money well spent, in my opinion.