New Jay High Won’t Be Ready For First Day Classes

August 11, 2011

Students won’t begin the first day of school in the new Jay High School later this month; instead, the school’s nearly 500 students will attend classes in the old buildings as crews work to complete the facility.

jayschool.jpgThe new target completion date for the project is October, pushed back due to rain and unexpected construction delays.

Hurricanes Ivan and Dennis caused extensive cracks to appear in the walls of Jay High, prompting the installation of over five dozen braces in the school’s 48,000 square foot main building north of the gym.

The new phase one that will open in October will include classrooms and administrative areas. Once it opens, phase two plans call for the demolition of the old school building and the construction of more classrooms, a band room and cafeteria. Bids have not yet been accepted for  phase two.


One Response to “New Jay High Won’t Be Ready For First Day Classes”

  1. Scott Lowery on August 11th, 2011 6:41 am

    It is said to see that one day all the old buildings will be demolished, I have years of memory’s at this wonderful school. I Started first grade in 1991 & Graduated 12th grade in 2003. Lot’s and lot’s of good memories. And a lot of good life long friends of mine were made at this school. I’m glad that there is a new building being built for the school, but it hurts to see all the old go away. Dust in the wind I guess. :(