Mom Charged With Tossing Dead Baby In Trash Changes Plea

August 23, 2011

woodschristian.jpgThe Escambia County woman accused of throwing her dead infant daughter in the trash and leaving two of her other children alone while she reported them missing  has entered a no contest plea.

Christian Rochelle Woods, 23, changed her plea Monday morning. She is scheduled to be sentenced on October 3.

Woods was charged with manslaughter and two counts of child neglect causing great bodily harm for leaving the children, ages 18-month and two years, home alone for two days in a home with no power or water. The children were left with only a few cups of Jello to eat.

Authorities said that the little girl was found dead in a trashcan, Myleahya Woods (pictured left), weighed just 11 pounds. Prosecutors say she starved to death. The other two children found in the home, Myleahya ’s twin sister, Mykayhala  (pictured right) and Jaterius Woods, 2, were also severely malnourished. When deputies found Mykayhala under a bed in the filthy Escambia County home, she was in a coma. Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said deputies first thought Mykayhala was dead until her eyes fluttered.

babies.jpgWoods called deputies to report that her children were missing. But deputies became suspicious. They found Jaterius and arrested Woods on child neglect charges because he showed what they said was obvious signs of abuse. About 12 hours after her arrest, Woods admitted that Myleahya was dead in a trashcan on the back porch of her home.

Prosecutors said Woods’ family members had no idea what was going on with the children, and that she never asked for help.


25 Responses to “Mom Charged With Tossing Dead Baby In Trash Changes Plea”

  1. shameonyouhighclasspeople on August 29th, 2011 3:30 pm

    How could some of these “HIGH CLASS WORKING” people criticize people that arent working or receiving help from the state?????? Thats no reason for that stupid girl to starve nor kill her kids just because she receive help from the state.Some people are not as fortunate,well im going to say “BLESSED” to have good jobs nor education to be where they need to be in life.Like i said once again the lil sorry girl deserves nothing in life.If she needed help im sure someone even a stranger a safe stranger would have helped her with those kids.WELFARE NOR ANYKIND OF STATE ASSISTANCE SHOULDNT CARACTARIZE A PERSON AND THEIR WRONG DOINGS:)

  2. Amy352 on August 26th, 2011 12:11 am

    And I will strike down upon the with great vengeance those who attempt to poison or do harm to my brothers!Then you will know I am the Lord God! God will not let this deed go unpunished! Believe me hell is a place of fire an torment.The THIRST is never quenched and the worm never dies!That baby is in the care of God.This woman will not find peace. I believe the Lord will reserve her a special corner in hell!May she be childless the rest of her miserable life!

  3. t2 on August 25th, 2011 5:17 pm


  4. What is wrong with this world on August 25th, 2011 9:11 am

    My God. What is wrong these mothers. They have these babies and don’t even want them, yet they keep them to draw a welfare check. I know that some single mom needs assistance from the state and women like this are really giving the system a bad stink. I have watched and heard so many more women killing, abusing, neglecting their children and I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND IT ! To me these incidences are the worst of the worst of crimes. It is unforgivable in my eyes.

    Women if you do not want your children please give them up, because are their are families who cannot have children and would love to adopt one. THEN GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GO TO WORK. But in the end will judge you harshly.

  5. chris on August 25th, 2011 1:07 am

    what puzzles me is that 3 little girls can be starving to death and noone sees them. Maybe she never took them outside the home, but then someone had to go into the home i would think. Where were the grandparents? Does it just seem to me like more and more mothers are killing their children – doesn’t that say that the punishment for such a crime is not enough. These stories are heart -renching.

  6. cflorida on August 24th, 2011 10:56 pm

    This girl is SICK!!!!! I have kids and I couldnt imagine starving nor KILLING AND THROWING my kids in a trash can.She needs nor deserve nothing in life. STUPID!!!!

  7. 429SCJ on August 24th, 2011 9:40 pm

    If this person could do this to her own children, imagine what she could do to a stranger.

  8. Bogia on August 24th, 2011 10:29 am

    @Molino Mom— I agree with you….except, she doesn’t even deserve the cups of jello.

    Why are we going to waste our taxpayers money on her free stay in jail/prison. I say put her to death and get it over with!!! Then let God judge her……….

  9. ASDfg on August 24th, 2011 8:02 am

    From a movie I saw when I was younger. “You gotta have a license to fish or drive a car but any ‘ol piece of crap can be a mother or father.

  10. MolinoMomma on August 24th, 2011 3:24 am

    My heart breaks for these poor babies….I say throw her in a jail cell with no power or water & only a few cups of jello!!!

  11. Just Me on August 24th, 2011 2:16 am

    There had to be someone close to these children. I would die before I sat back and watched a neighbor’s children starve!

  12. just saying on August 24th, 2011 12:05 am

    I agree that the fathers need to be more active in the kids lives, HOWEVER!!!!! who’s to say that she (or some of the loose females) actually KNOW who the father of the kids may be?!?! It’s not unheard of. It’s not just guys who sleep around, girls do it too and there are many who don’t know who the “baby daddy” is.

  13. Polythenpam on August 23rd, 2011 9:53 pm

    Lopki you said it well, fathers who participate in the rearing of their children would have noticed when something like this goes wrong. All too often women get pregnant and get left to deal with it by themselves. Fathers have run off to the next likely victim of their wiles. Young men these days have no clue what it means to put in a hard days work or to ask permission to marry someones daughter. Its the immediate gratification generation, thank you McDonalds. And young ladies who will drop trousers for the first thing that comes along, no morals there….

    Then on the otherhand you have exceptions like Travis Nelson such a tragic lose.

  14. lopki on August 23rd, 2011 8:12 pm

    People in this country are rapidly losing all values. It doesn’t seem to matter anymore if your married or not and have kids. Also it seems like most of the time the father is out of the picture. These women who are on their “high horse” are saying that the father also needs to be held accountable for his actions. Where was the father?Well, I don’t know where he was but I know where he wasn’t. Also none of comments on here blame just the father, they also blame the mother.
    BOTH parents are responsible for the welfare of THEIR children.

    Sometimes it is best to re-read a comment before submitting because I
    would not want someone to see the resentment and bitterness I hold
    towards an ex.

  15. nope on August 23rd, 2011 7:40 pm

    Also would hope that an involved family would no she needed help not that she needed to ask nobody cared not even enough to ask themselves.

  16. Bjay on August 23rd, 2011 3:20 pm

    You women need to get off your high horses and learn some facts. Stop blaming this on the father. You dont know the situation between the parents. Theres a huge misconception that when theres a single mom its because the man knocked her up and left. Thats not always the truth. A lot of the times the women leaves and believe it or not in most of those cases the woman has been cheating on the man. Im not saying this is what happened here because none of us know. But you need to get over yourselves and see whats really happening in society now days.

  17. 429SCJ on August 23rd, 2011 2:34 pm

    Amen PM.

  18. pm on August 23rd, 2011 1:49 pm

    My question is this — Where was the father or fathers of these children. Why are they not held legally responsible for some or part of these crimes. A woman does not make a baby alone and my reasoning is that these males that produce children as if they were just sperm donors need to be punished as severely as the mothers who do these criminal acts to their children. If one could check, i’d bet my lunch money for the rest of the year that no or very little child support had been paid on these children. The mother was obviously a terrible person but so was the man who made her pregnant.

  19. just saying on August 23rd, 2011 10:39 am

    Well as someone who has been trying for YEARS to have a baby, this story breaks my heart. There are so many people in this world who have kids and then toss them away. This female (no I won’t call her a Woman she hasn’t earned that title) obviously knew HOW to get pregnant so she should have known how NOT to get pregnant if she didn’t want her kids. (I wonder if she was receiving public assistance and still not using it for the children? I’m thinking YES!) I have NO sympathy for ANYONE who hurts a child. I hope the 2 living children will be taken care of properly and hopefully raised to become productive members of society and not repeat the mistakes made by their so called mother. I feel bad for the little girl who died, but she IS in a better place where no one can hurt her now.

    Woods needs to be ordered by the court to get herself “fixed” so she doesn’t have anymore children, she is a danger to all children. And needs to be ordered to stay away from children, because of endangerment, just as a sexual predator would be ordered to stay away.

  20. Moilno Man on August 23rd, 2011 9:22 am

    Woods is just a product of the broken system we live in. I just hope the children are in good hands now & Ms. Woods gets long jail term where baby killers don’t get much sleep at night.

  21. Polythenepam on August 23rd, 2011 8:22 am

    No food stamps for her she has to pass the drug test remember? She doesn’t look like she was starving anyway.
    In order to ask for help one needs to be smart enough to recognise that they need help. Some times it’s difficult to know you need help if the issue is mental health….
    She has committed murder through willful neglect according to this report, she should be punished accordingly.
    It sounds to me that no one had very much contact with her or they would have noticed something with those children.
    I speculate that she was hateful to her children as revenge on the father,WHERE WAS HE? he should go to jail to for abandoning his children haul him in to court at the same time, we need to make both parents responsible in these cases. Maybe the children will have a higher survival rate with both parents accountable for them !!!!

  22. another concerned citizen on August 23rd, 2011 7:19 am

    This was all uncalled for. If you need help you can get food stamps. I also believe if you need help you can find someone that will be more than willing to lend a hand. If you don’t want your kids there are lots of folks who can’t have kids that would be willing to adopt them. If she gets slapped on the wrist, then our justice system surely stinks! If I didn’t have the money to help my neighbor I would help them find someone who could help.My heart hurts for children mistreated like this.

  23. talllyho on August 23rd, 2011 6:27 am

    Thia is what this country is coming to. Throwing babys in garbage, Throwing a baby acrosss the room, turning a women loose in south Fl. and no justice for her child. I’m no bible thumber but i believe our nation needs to get back to the principles that it was founded on to believe in something other then do anything you want with no regard for his or her age.

  24. Concerned citizen 44 on August 23rd, 2011 3:52 am

    Sick …. How someone can do this is beyond me

  25. Everett on August 23rd, 2011 2:55 am

    A years probation maybe. Depends on the judge.