McDavid Man Gets 2.5 Years In Prison For DUI

August 10, 2011

A McDavid man with a long history of alcoh0l-related driving convictions has been sentenced to two and a half years in state prison after a Molino DUI arrest.

It took an Escambia County jury just 25 minutes to find 31-year old Michael Aaron Killam guilty of his fourth or subsequent DUI.

Judge Michael Allen sentenced Killam to 30 months in state prison to be followed by 30 months probation and ordered him to pay $2,786 in court costs and fines. He was also ordered not to consume alcohol or be in any vehicle or residence with alcohol, and once released from prison any vehicle he drives must have an ignition interlock to test for alcohol consumption. Killam remains in the Escambia County Jail while his attorney has filed motions seeking to modify the sentence.

Several stations of Escambia Fire Rescue were dispatched to a possible accident on Highway 97 near Molino Park Elementary School about 5:40 a.m. on July 18, 2010. Rather than an accident, they found Killam apparently passed out or asleep behind the wheel of a Nissan Frontier truck in the ditch alongside the roadway.

Killam  was arrested by the Florida Highway Patrol after he failed a field sobriety test.

Killam was arrested in late May, 2009 for driving under the influence, driving while his license was suspended, resisting arrest without violence and for threatening a deputy and his family. He was also issued  traffic citations for an open container of alcohol and failure to drive in a single lane.

Escambia County deputy James Gilman was on Pine Barren Road the morning of May 20, 2009, at a brush fire when Killam made a u-turn in the roadway to avoid approaching Gilman’s patrol car and fire trucks. He sped away, prompting Gilman to follow. After observing Killam cross the yellow center and side white lines of the highway several times, Gilman initiated a traffic stop on Highway 164, according to Sheriff’s Office records.

That’s when Gilman said Killam headed for the passenger seat, reaching into the floorboard. After Killam was removed from the vehicle, he refused a field sobriety test and stated that his license was already suspended for DUI.

Killam was found guilty and sentenced to community control for 12 months, 24 months probation, 90 days in jail and community service. He was also ordered to avoid the possession or consumption of alcohol, ordered to use an ignition interlock system to test for the presence of alcohol before driving, and his driver’s license was revoked for 10 years.

Escambia County Court records show the following arrests or convictions for Killam:

  • DUI, third conviction within 10 years after prior conviction
  • Driving with license suspended
  • Threatening a public servant
  • Resisting arrest without violence
  • Driving with license suspended, third or subsequent conviction
  • Open container of alcohol in vehicle
  • Failure to drive in a single lane
  • Open container of alcohol in vehicle
  • Trespassing
  • DUI, third conviction within 10 years
  • Refusal to submit to DUI test
  • Driving with license suspended, second conviction
  • DUI property damage, second offense
  • Refusal to submit to DUI test
  • Driving with license suspended
  • Open container of alcohol in vehicle
  • Failure to display registration
  • Careless driving
  • DUI property damage
  • failure to leave info at accident
  • Unlawful speed
  • Careless driving

Pictured top: Michael Aaron Killam of McDavid is given a field sobriety test during the early morning hours of July 18, 2010, along Highway 97 in Molino. Pictured below: Killam is taken into custody. Pictured inset: A Florida Highway Patrol trooper pours out an apparent container of beer found in Killam’s truck. photos, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “McDavid Man Gets 2.5 Years In Prison For DUI”

  1. very sad on August 11th, 2011 10:41 pm

    I was very sorry to read this article about Aaron! I know his sister and other family members. Many times whenever something like this happens different people from the community wonder what the family could and should have done. Just in case that becomes a topic on her let me take the time to say that he has a very supportive family. They have stood behind him and tried to help him help himself. Unfortunately, at this point and time he does not care enough for himself or anyone else for that matter, because let’s face it if he did he would not be drinking and driving. I do not personally know him that closely only his immediate family, but I do know of the effort loved ones and friends have done to try and make him realize he has a problem. I would also like to take a minute and tell any of his “buddies” that went to the bar with him regularly or “hung out” at the creek having a cold one-yes drinking is a personal decision-however every time you encouraged a beer or some other form of alcohol and then watched as he drove, in my books you are just as guilty as he is for getting behind the wheel. When I buckle my young child in the car before a trip to the grocery store, toy store, or just a drive; I constantly wonder what crazies will be on the road and yes I know accidents happen, but getting behind a wheel in a care drunk is an accident waiting to happen. I pray Aaron/PeeWee find peace and find that his life has a higher meaning than an afternoon and night filled with partying, time will only tell. Life is way to short for this kind of abuse to continue. I know he has a young niece now and I just wonder what he would feel if someone ever endangered her or his sister for that matter. I do not feel he is cold or ignorant I just feel he is like many other people in our communities who think it will never happen to me!!!!! It can and it has happened to toooooooooo many kids. I love his sister and I know that her heart aches I only hope that our community will stand behind her and the rest of his family at a time like this because they need support and prayers. As Terri Sanders said earlier-keep your heads up even though it is hard-his decisions where no reflection of your choices. Always in my prayers.

  2. Michelle on August 11th, 2011 6:29 pm

    Thanks Patriot, I couldn’t remember if it was 30 or 60. What I meant was why don’t the court use this law. That’s what it is there for.

  3. Used to live in Bratt on August 11th, 2011 4:22 pm

    This gives a whole new meaning to “field” sobriety test…yeap, it was a corn-field sobriety test!

  4. Kim on August 11th, 2011 11:32 am

    I can’t believe that this man was not put away before his 4th DUI.. Although I feel for his parents, I can’t help but think of a DUI “accident” in Pace, Fl on June 13, 2007 when 2 beautiful young women were killed. Shana Marie Sanders – 22 and Amanda Pearl Davis – 21,
    I didn’t know Pearl, but she must have been quite a lady to have been friends with Shana, who I have known since she was born. Shana had 2 beautiful young daughters that will never know their Mommy now. Both Shana and Pearl’s family and friends still grieve for them.
    I personally never go a day w/o thinking of the last hug I received from Shana and I will never understand why repeat offenders are often let go w/ a slap on the wrist to potentially kill another human being.

    I do not know Michael Killiam’s family, but I feel badly for them, because sometimes parents can do basically everything right (no one is perfect of course) and still have a child that can not be controlled.
    Thank God he did not kill anyone b/f his 4th DUI, possibly leaving more children w/o a mother and/or father or perhaps worse, kill innocent children.

  5. 429SCJ on August 11th, 2011 7:24 am

    These people say there is no law enforcement in the north end. I bet Mr Killiam would beg to differ.

  6. Patriot on August 10th, 2011 9:23 pm

    Is response to Michelle’s comment, “Why can’t you give them 30 days for a 1st offense.”

    Actually, the current law allows for 60 days for the first offense. Vote the Judges out and elect harsher Judges.
    I think DUI should be a 3rd degree felony, which carries a max of 5 years in state prison.

  7. Michelle on August 10th, 2011 8:41 pm

    Why does it take the courts so long to do something about these repeat offenders?

    They clearly have no respect for the law or human life, that they just keep going no matter what.

    Why can’t you give them 30 days for a 1st offense. Harsh maybe, but it will make them think twice before they do it again.

    I don’t want to die because of a drunk driver, because some bleeding heart keeps telling them… “it’s not your fault, it’s a disease”. No it’s not, it’s a lack of self control!! Get them off the roads, there are enough crazies out there as it is.

  8. sandra on August 10th, 2011 4:02 pm

    Those photos were taken on a road that my teenage girls drive to work and school on. Fourth time getting caught? Put him in a hole and close the lid. When he kills someones kid everyone of you will be singing a different tune besides rehab, give em a chance and the rest if that tripe you’re spewing.

  9. terri sanders on August 10th, 2011 12:44 pm

    rhonda.i know how bad you are is hard for parents not to feel responsible for their grown childrens actions.i know you taught him better.hold your head up high and do not take on guilt or shame that does not belong to you.i have been there and made that mistake.

  10. David Huie Green on August 10th, 2011 12:16 pm

    “I for one do not think alcoholism is a disease. I think it’s a choice to take a drink..”

    The second part is definitely true — the first part not so much. A number of studies indicate alcoholics process alcohol differently from non alcoholics. One part of it is the ability to drink more than others. (The ones who can “hold their liquor” are more likely to become alcoholics than those who get sleepy after one drink.)

    Another study looked at the adopted children of alcoholics. If the children drank at all, they were far more likely to become alcoholics than the adopted children of non alcoholics.

    Again, they had the choice whether or not to take that FIRST drink. After that, not quite as much.

    Since there seems to be a genetic component, the day may come when a blood test can tell individuals they are more likely to become an alcoholic if they ever START to drink. Even knowing might not help since kids tend to ignore wise advice. Or else they listen to foolish advice such as, “Be a man! Have a drink!” as if alcohol produced manhood.

    So it costs us some 75,000 lives per year in the USA, cutting those lives short by an average of about 30 years.

    Even alcoholics can DECIDE to stop drinking. They just seem to have a hard time drinking in moderation.

    David for avoiding the first drink
    or letting the last one be the LAST one

  11. MolinoGirl on August 10th, 2011 12:15 pm

    It is sad to say….but, this is common for alot of people in Molino. I know alot of people drink and drive out here. Thinking that drinking beer and riding down to the river is an okay thing. I know of one person in particular that does this on a daily basis. He has crashed every truck he has ever had due to drinking and driving. I fear that he WILL, one day, kill himself or even worse…kill an innocent person or family!!! The sickest thing of ALL…..he has NEVER been caught!! I have called the law on him several times myself, but he always eludes the police. So for the people living out this way….be aware….there ARE drunk drivers around here ALL the time!! :(

  12. GLOCK17 on August 10th, 2011 10:51 am


  13. hawghead on August 10th, 2011 10:16 am

    I for one do not think alcoholism is a disease. I think it’s a choice to take a drink..Alcohol is addictive but not an illness. A great lesson in life is to do the following, “DO WHAT YOU KNOW, NOT WHAT YOU FEEL.” If you live you’re life with that in mnd you will have a much easier life….

  14. Northview '97 on August 10th, 2011 10:09 am

    Man, I went to high school with Aaron back in the day. He wasn’t really ever in trouble back then, cool dude, but man did he turn into a complete lush. I have to say that I really don’t feel bad for him, he had enough opportunities to get strait, now he is going strait to prison. Like they say in the hood, “Better you than me.”

  15. I find it on August 10th, 2011 9:25 am

    hard to believe that this is an illness. I do think it is just someone who
    wants to do what he wants when he wants no matter the law or who
    else he hurts. It’s a very sad 3 years that he will face and we will pay for,
    when all he had to do was stay home to drink or just find better use of
    his time. It is a waste of our jail cells when we have so many killers,
    gangsters and pedophiles early released because we don’t have room for
    them. Don’t get me wrong this sentence is way over due. I just think
    some family member should have sat on this sucker till he grew up.

  16. jay mom on August 10th, 2011 7:22 am

    Unfortunately this young man will most likely die young and take someone else with him.He obviously doesn’t care enough to stay at home to do his drinking.Knew someone just like him now he is dead at 30 years old because he loved to drink and wouldn’t take a look at the damage he was doing to himself and those around him.Thankful enough noone else was taken because of his foolish actions.He only cut himself short of a long life.It is a sickness but there is also help getting a cure and most of all it takes alot of common sense to just care more about yourself and those you put in danger.4 DUI’s he is not gonna stop.God bless his family.

  17. JimD on August 10th, 2011 7:17 am

    Getting help… drink or not to drink, it is a choice….and to drink to excess is stupid. A little re-hab, geting some one-on-one time or time by themselves to work out their problems…GIVE-ME-BREAK!!!.

    What are the reasons that he was drinking…I do not know the person, but any reason for drinking other than I like the taste and I like what it does to me is an excuse.

    Everyone should be alotted one stupid mistake in their lives, it is called life experiences, but for this to be the fourth offense; just stupid.

  18. 429SCJ on August 10th, 2011 6:38 am

    So much for the luck of the Irish. Its good luck for the rest of us this drunk is restrained.

  19. Concerned citizen 44 on August 10th, 2011 6:29 am

    Well ,he should have gotten a longer sentence .. Be great if they would come get him to help clean up the roads n cars after a deadly DUI wreck . Maybe visit the morgue and see some one killed by a drunk driver and spend about 5 years behind bars n no drivers license ever would be better .

  20. Jane on August 10th, 2011 6:16 am

    Why did it take so long to get this person off the road? He definitely needs some help, and is a danger to other people while driving under the influence. It is sad that he is young but that doesn’t excuse the DUI…he had to know it was against the law.

  21. Everett on August 10th, 2011 2:09 am

    Hopefully he’ll get some help. He’s a bit young to throw his life away on alcohol. Glad no innocent persons were hurt or killed in the prior 4 DUI’s.

  22. sorry to hear on August 10th, 2011 12:32 am

    I went to school with Aaron. It’s sad to see the type of person he has become – one that drives drunk. He was such a nice guy. Maybe this time around he will learn that it is not wise to drink and drive. Hopefully he gets the help he needs.