Heartfelt Homecoming: Fallen Marine Returns (Photo Gallery: Pensacola, Walnut Hill, Atmore)

August 25, 2011

The rain poured down at  Pensacola Naval Air Station Wednesday afternoon as the body of  Marine Lance Cpl. Travis Nelson, 19, arrived on the final leg of his journey home.

Outside the main gate of Pensacola NAS, people gathered to pay their respects to the young soldier killed last week in Afghanistan. The rain did not send them running; they stood silently — many holding American flag — as the hearse carrying an American hero departed on a 55-mile journey to Atmore.

Along the way, some of Pensacola’s busiest roadways came to a complete standstill as the motorcade passed. Many motorists stood outside their vehicles and paid their respects.

In Walnut Hill, just a few miles from Nelson’s boyhood home in Bratt, the motorcade slowed as it approached Ernest Ward Middle School. Nelson was Golden Eagle, attending Ernest Ward in the sixth and seventh grades.

http://www.northescambia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/nelsonwedpre12.jpgHundreds of Ernest Ward Middle School students and teachers dressed in red, white and blue lined Highway 97, American flags in hand, waiting for the arrival of the motorcade. Other families gathered along the highway, many at the Walnut Hill Volunteer Fire Department where firemen stood at attention by their trucks, lights flashing as a show of respect.

Several of Nelson’s middle school teachers were among the crowd that suddenly grew silent as the first sirens could be heard. As the procession passed, the students stood with their hands over their hearts, waving Old Glory. The thunder of 127 Patriot Guard motorcycle riders vibrated the ground and echoed across the country fields near the school.

Six Florida Highway Patrol trooper vehicles led the hearse past the school. Many broke down in tears at the sight of a flag draped coffin. Others cried as they made eye contact with Nelson’s parents and their daughter  — a sixth grader at Ernest Ward.

The motorcade continued into Atmore, where crowds stood along the route, waving Old Glory. At a local bank on Highway 31, people stood with large flags as the Northview High School NJTROC stood steadfast at attention. Across the way at the iconic Atmore train station, a group of  local veterans stood proudly and saluted as Nelson’s remains passed.

Nelson’s body arrived a short time later at Petty-Eastside Chapel Funeral Home where Atmore Mayor Howard Shell stood alone and silent, his hand over his heart, next to an American flag at half staff in honor of the fallen Marine.

A Marine honor guard ceremoniously transferred Nelson’s remains inside the funeral home as a small group of family and friends gathered for a private service.

A public visitation will be held Friday from 12:30 p.m. until funeral time at the Atmore First Baptist Church on South Main Street.

Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Atmore First Baptist Church with Chaplain Lt. Commander Jeffrey Bornemann and the Rev. George Weaver officiating with military honors. Burial will follow at Oak Hill Cemetery in Atmore.

Nelson, a 2010 graduate of Pace High School, is the son of Scott and Beckie Nelson of Bratt. He is also survived by siblings Daniel Nelson, 28, Jenna McCall, 24, and Anna Nelson, 11. He was engaged to Madeline Cates, 21.


Pictured: The remains of LCpl. Travis Nelson pass Ernest Ward Middle School Wednesday afternoon. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


40 Responses to “Heartfelt Homecoming: Fallen Marine Returns (Photo Gallery: Pensacola, Walnut Hill, Atmore)”

  1. Mrs. Hollingsworth (bus Driver) on August 28th, 2011 2:11 pm

    I was at EWMS when Lance Cpl Travis Nelson USMC came by. All the LOVE was felt. I want to thank my students that I had on my bus You Guys Rock. They were Northview High School Students, so proud. To the parents, God Bless You and all of your family. We will hold ya in pray.

  2. william burton on August 27th, 2011 7:11 pm

    God bless this young Hero and the ones that are hurting. He is a true Hero.

  3. Terri McGhee on August 26th, 2011 1:58 pm

    As a veteran of the military and a mom of a active duty Air Force member, I realize the price that is paid by our men and women of the armed forces. My son was in Afghanistan 2 years ago and recently in Iraq. He made it home alive; however he will be forever changed mentally by all that he witnessed. I cannot imagine the pain his parents are going through. I have tears in my eyes as I write this. He was so young and his adult life had only just begun. Our military men and women sacrifice their lives every day so that we can live free in this great country of ours. I am from Atmore and my sister told me how wonderful it was that the entire city turned out to welcome this young man home. THANK YOU to the citizens from Pensacola to Atmore for showing not only your patriotism but your compassion. Rest in peace Lance Cpl Nelson! My prayers are with the Nelson family and his fiance. Your son is a true Hero!

  4. Cathy Vanderpol on August 26th, 2011 1:51 pm

    I am so moved by the outpouring of patriotism North Florida has shown for our fallen Marine. This display of honor and respect for all of our troops should continue in our hearts, minds and prayers each day of our lives. May our AWESOME GOD continue to bless the Nelson family through this difficult time. In Christian love, Ron and Cathy Vanderpol

  5. MARTHA on August 26th, 2011 9:04 am


  6. pacmms on August 25th, 2011 5:11 pm

    it breaks my heart to see another young man loose his life for his country//god bless and keep his famialy,fiancee,and friends..it was so nice to see all the respect this young marine was shown for the ultimate sacrifice…..

  7. Angela White on August 25th, 2011 4:43 pm

    Thanks for being a great soldier my heart goes out to your family. It is a great sadness to loose one of our great soldier thanks for defending our great country the USA the land of the free. RED WHITE AND BLUE OUR GREAT FLAG. Thanks. .

  8. Dalia Taylor on August 25th, 2011 3:25 pm

    I want to thank Marine Lance Cpl Travis Nelson and his family for his service to our country.
    Although I did not know him, I accidently was part of the procession. It was a privilege and an honor.

    Wednesday I was late running some errands. As I drove drown hwy 29, I saw some people standing on the side of the road with American flags. At first I thought maybe it was a “Tea-Party” rally or maybe some candidate running for something. As I continued driving south on 29 there were more people more flags. Families with children, older people sitting in chairs waving “The Flag.” I saw a father with his young son in the back of a pickup truck holding their flags high looking down 29 south expectantly. It was then that it hit me; this must homecoming procession for our young fallen hero. I had heard on the news he was only 19.

    I thought of my own son soon to be 18. He had faced Leukemia recently and is now well.

    My heart cried out for this young man’s family. I said a prayer for them and continued to my destination. In hurry I was worried I might get stuck in traffic and get back home late to finish cooking dinner for my family.

    Continuing down 29, I saw more small groups and flags. As I approached the Kingsfield intersection, traffic stopped. A fire truck was blocking traffic heading south. I was hoping it wasn’t a traffic accident.

    Then I could see flashing lights coming north on 29. First there were police cars and motorcycle cops with their lights flashing. I put my car in park and got out. Next there were the motorcycle Vets with the big and beautiful stars and stripes waving! I was able to stand and pledge as they drove by. By then tears were in my eyes, and so many thoughts rushing through my mind. At this moment it did not matter whether you were a “Tea Party Republican” or” Left Wing Liberal”.
    This young man gave his all for “Our Country, Our Families.” “We the people” have so much to be thankful for.
    Everyday someone in some way is sacrificing for us. My thoughts turned back to my son who was just one block over at Tate High, practicing with the Tate Band. I wish he could be here to honor what this young man gave up so that we may live in the land of the free .I wished everyone could be here. I wondered if this young man had been in some band practice just a year ago. I thought of all the students at Tate. I thought of my son’s friends who were planning to enlist, I prayed for their futures. Then I saw the hearse. I couldn’t help but solute this young man and his family who had given their all for all of us. God Bless the Family of Marine Lance Cpl. Travis Nelson, God Bless Our Troops and their families. God Bless America!

  9. James Summerlin on August 25th, 2011 3:05 pm

    I was a Motorcycle rider in the procession and it me proud to see all the soldiers and civilians lining the streets in spite of the rain in honor of this fallen soldier. It was a very moving experience for me and made me really realize this country wouldn’t be what it is today if not for the men and women who have made the sacrifice to keep this country The Land Of The Free and The Home Of The Brave!!!! My Thoughts and prayers are with the Nelson Family…

  10. The Stone Family on August 25th, 2011 2:42 pm

    May God give your family strength. I feel very blessed to be an American! We will be forever grateful for your sons sacrifice. May your family feel the sweet presents of our Heavenly Father in the days to come.

  11. NeNe on August 25th, 2011 2:05 pm

    I was so impressed by the turnout on yesterday. It was hot but well worth the time and temp. God bless the family and friends. God bless the USA.

  12. xpeecee on August 25th, 2011 1:21 pm

    R.I.P. Sir!!!

  13. JSCS on August 25th, 2011 1:06 pm

    Lance Cpl. Nelson is a true American hero and I am so glad he received the honor he so richly deserved during the procession Wednesday. Our heartfelt prayers go out to the family. May God sustain you in this terrible time.

  14. GByrd on August 25th, 2011 1:00 pm

    A fallen soldier was driven by my work today.
    We all stood in silence, we didn’t know what to say.
    Tears fell from our eyes as we all stood there.
    And I wondered if he knew how much we all really cared.
    I thought of his mother, his father and future wife.
    He was so young, yet he gave his own life.

    He fought for independence, and our lives to be free.
    For harmony of our nation, for you and for me.
    So when you go to bed, say a prayer tonight.

    For all of the men and women. That they have a safe fight.
    Aug. 24, 2011

    My heart goes out to this family. My son is in the Air Force stationed in Japan. He has been deployed to several different places, and I worry each and every time he is away. May God give you peace and during this time. God bless you all.

  15. saluting you on August 25th, 2011 12:54 pm

    To the family & fiance of Travis Nelson: Thank you for raising such an amazingly brave young man and for always standing by him and supporting his decisions. I did not know Travis but I know that he was truly an amazing person. Our thoughts and prayers are with you through this diffuclt time.

    “There’s only two people who’s ever died for me. Laid down their lives just so I could be free. They both went through hell, bore crosses and shells. And both got back up again after they fell. They never pick the fight, but they’re there to pick up the pieces. And GOD only knows where we’d be without SOLDIERS & JESUS.” (Soldiers and Jesus by James Otto)

    Thank you Lance Cpl Travis Nelson for your bravery and service to our country. You will always be appreciated and never forgotten. Semper Fi.

  16. Billy Gates on August 25th, 2011 12:35 pm

    Cmdr. Heatley, Cpt. Code: All members of NJROTC of Northview and Escambia Co. Thank you for short notice response yesterday. All members of The VFW and American Legion as we honored our fallen brother. To the family of LCpl Nelson, he is in the ultimate corp now God’s. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  17. mom on August 25th, 2011 10:54 am

    For all those that had to work out of town, like myself, my thoughts and prayers were and are with you at this time. I wisj I could have stood in the lines that formed to honor your son. He is a true HERO to everyone in our country and we are honored to know he was one of “our own”. May God be with you and your family through your time of grief.

  18. Kathi on August 25th, 2011 9:04 am

    Another outstanding job by NORTHESCAMBIA.COM! Channel 3 News should be ashamed of their coverage, but thank you William for honoring this Marine and his family!!!!

    Nice Job Mrs. Perry, EWMS and all others who participated in saluting this young man for his desire and sacrifice in serving our country, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We are free every day because of men and women like Travis Nelson.

    To the Nelson Family and his Fiancée:
    There are no words to comfort or ease your loss…but please know how grateful my son and I are for Marine Lance Cpl. Travis Nelson’s duty to his country! I hope all the support (even in the rain) along the 55 miles yesterday tells you how appreciative this community is and give some comfort to you and yours. God Bless!

  19. Stu on August 25th, 2011 6:52 am

    Thank you all for coming our and saluting Lance Cpl. Nelson today.

    To him I say THANK YOU!!!

    To his family I say THANK YOU and I will be praying for you.

    See you all on Friday.

  20. Kim Nall on August 24th, 2011 10:34 pm

    I stood in 100 degree weather this afternoon and had chills all over me as the motorcade passed. I was honored to see the casket in the back of the car and my heart broke for his Mother and Father and Sister and Fiance. I will pray for your comfort. Thank you Lance Cpl Nelson for your ultimate sacrifice for my freedoms! Kim Nall

  21. Scobie Wilcoxon on August 24th, 2011 10:29 pm

    I rode with the Patriot Guard Riders today and will ride with them on Friday. I consider it a great privilege to pay this respect to this Marine and to his family.

    I fear there will be protests by people who seek to disgrace the memory of this brave young man and will disrespect the memorial services for his family.

    I urge the people of the area to show up to show support and overshadow those protests.

    Again, my condolences to the family of LCpl Nelson.

  22. Ward Family on August 24th, 2011 10:04 pm

    My family and I stood in Atmore as to pay our respects to Lance Cpl Travis Nelson USMC. I cried for him, his family, and the great sacrifice this young man has made for his country. I was also overwhelmed at the number of people in the community that showed their appreciation and participated in this monumental occasion. Today is one day that i will always remember. My family and I will always be indebted to the Nelson family and the great sacrifice they have made for our freedom. Our prayers will be with the Nelson Family always. R.I.P. Travis.

  23. Bill L on August 24th, 2011 10:00 pm

    A great lesson learned to our children what freedom cost and also to show respect to those who have to pay the highest price. Thank you Mrs Perry and Ernest Ward for caring and honoring the Marine

  24. RHONDA PHILLIPS on August 24th, 2011 9:37 pm

    As a daughter of a deceased marine I was proud to have had my son to have the honor to stand in front of the school at EWMS today to honor this young man that sacrificed his life for our freedom. To the parents of this young man : Thank you for raising such a wonderfull, bravest of the brave man that was willing to serve our country. May God be with you and your family during this horrible time of loss and pain. I pray God comforts your heart in some kind of way to let you know you will someday see your son again and knowing he is in a wonderfull paradise now. I will continue to have all of you in my prayers.

  25. Riversunshine on August 24th, 2011 8:55 pm

    My daughters and I stood on the side of Highway 29 today to pay our respects to Lance Cpl Travid Nelson USMC. I cried for him, his family, and the sense of pride I had in my community for the outpouring of support from everyone involved. My daughters learned a lesson in the sacrifices that others make for our freedom and the close knit community that I am glad to call home.

  26. Tim on August 24th, 2011 8:54 pm

    As a former Marine, I am proud to see such pariotism from our community. Thanks to the kids and faculty at Ernest Ward and to the Northview NJROTC for this show of American spirit, and for honoring a fallen hero.

    SEMPER FI Lance Cpl Nelson

  27. Tammy McCann on August 24th, 2011 8:31 pm

    i’m a school bus driver out of Ernest ward school. i am blessed to have gotten a chance to take part at Ernest ward . Travis was a wonderful young man who made us proud. Travis maybe gone but never forgotten. hats off to the brave young solder who died doing what he longed to do and that was a soldier. we will be praying for Travis family may god help heal the pain and give you comfort.

  28. Ricky Golson on August 24th, 2011 8:26 pm

    I rode with the Patriot Guard riders today and it was a great privilege. When we were leaving Naval Air Station Pensacola, (~ 150 bikes), it was pouring rain. Not only did folks stop their vehicles for the procession to pass, they stood outside their vehicles at attention, in the rain. God Bless Lance Cpl Travis M. Nelson’s family.

  29. paul on August 24th, 2011 8:22 pm

    I was Honored to be part of the escort and I was wiping my eyes often, it was nice to see all of the people standing roadside waving flags and saluting. R.I.P. Travis

  30. Ronald Hoch on August 24th, 2011 8:12 pm

    As part of the Funeral Honor Guard for LCpl Nelson’s funeral, it was an honor to be out there today, and it will be an honor to be out there on friday!! It was great and made me proud to be a Marine and an American to see the thousands of people from al branches at NAS to people of all ages gather and get out of their cars to pay respect to this true American Hero! Semper Fi Marine!! He is now up stairs guarding the streets of heaven!

  31. Autry on August 24th, 2011 8:10 pm

    Wish I could have paid him with a statute from one comrade to another, Travis gave this country and my family everything as he now rests in the army of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ as he’s now waiting on his command to bring him back from the heavens and reclaim the world from satans evil grips. Thank you my fallen brother, Autry Singleton

  32. GMC on August 24th, 2011 7:48 pm

    Thank you (Principal and School) for allowing the kids to participate today.
    Thank you Procession riders who brought the tears to my eyes for your tribute.
    Thank you all who took the time to drive somewhere and honor this hero and his family.
    Thank you William for the up to date information.
    Thank you Nelson family for your sacrifice for our freedom.
    Thank you God for this country and the good that still exists here.

  33. Delaney on August 24th, 2011 7:20 pm

    Tears came to my eyes watching this young soldier who sacrificed himself for our freedom. So young, but Travis is now my hero. I will have the Nelson family in my thoughts and prayers. R.I.P. Travis, and thank you for all you have done.

  34. Doug Mathews on August 24th, 2011 6:54 pm

    As a motorcycle rider in the precession for Lance Cpl Travis Nelson USMC, it was a great Honor and it made me proud to be American. To see all of the people that were lined up along the entire length of the highway from NAS Pensacola to the Funeral Home in Atmore, filled my heart with strong emotions!

    My prayers are with the family and friends of Lance Cpl Travis Nelson.

    May God Keep his hand upon your shoulders to help support and guide you thru these difficult time.

  35. Joe Hall on August 24th, 2011 6:40 pm

    My wife and myself drove up county road 4 to Hwy 97 And watched the line of motorcycles and cars go by. I stood in awe. People lined the road to honor a falling soilder, and his family. May God bring peace to them. As an old Army Sargent I stood with my hat in hand over my heart and saluted the group and young man as they went by, I remembered a saying I heard while in Vietnam after one of our guys was shot and killed. Their has been two men that died for us. One 2000 years ago on the cross for our souls and the man today that died to save our freedom. May all of our men and women come home soon and safe. Forever with all in our hearts,, Joe & Lauri Hall.

  36. Crystal on August 24th, 2011 6:25 pm

    I was in Atmore to honor him and it was so moving!!!

  37. mom of EWMS student on August 24th, 2011 5:59 pm

    Thank you Mrs. Perry for allowing the students to be a part of this special tribute.

  38. trish on August 24th, 2011 5:59 pm

    I watched this sad day from N. Hwy 97…but it made me “PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN” !!!!! REST IN PEACE YOUNG MAN, YOU SERVED YOUR COUNTRY WELL !!!

  39. Esther Dortch on August 24th, 2011 5:54 pm

    A very moving experience, it was hard to stand there and not tear up, knowing the sacrifice he and his family made for this country. God bless them and continue to keep them in your prayers.

  40. Gerri McDonald on August 24th, 2011 5:54 pm

    I got home from school in time to be a part of the hundreds of people who paid tribute to Lance Cpl Travis Nelson USMC, as the motorcade passed my house. I will be remembering the Nelson family in my prayers.