Latest Unemployment Numbers Are Mixed News For Local Area

August 21, 2011

The latest job numbers show mixed news for the three counties in the North Escambia area.

Escambia County’s unemployment rate held steady in the double digits — at 10.5 percent in June and July. There were just 64 jobs lost during the period, for a total Escambia County unemployment of 14,833 people. One year ago, unemployment in Escambia County was 11 percent.

Santa Rosa County unemployment increased— from 9.9 percent in June to 10.2  percent in July. Santa Rosa County lost 299 jobs during the period, with a total of 7,481  persons still unemployed. The year-ago unemployment rate in Santa Rosa County was 10.6 percent.

Escambia County, Alabama, had a drop in unemployment — from 12.4  percent in June  to 11.9  percent in July. Escambia, Alabama gained 93  jobs during the month-long period, with 1,780  people out of work.


Florida’s unemployment rate in July remained unchanged at 10.7 percent after state labor market officials revised June’s rate upward, the Agency for Workforce Innovation reported Friday.

The rate, which is still nearly a point lower than the 11.5 percent the state experienced in July 2010, translates into 987,000 jobless out of a workforce of just over 9.2 million.

Included in the monthly announcement was a downward revision in the number of jobs created since the first of the year. Last month, state economists estimated that 85,500 had been created since Jan. 1. The latest update reduces that estimate to 64,300


Alabama’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, at 10.0 percent in July, was up from June’s rate of 9.9 percent and was above the year-ago rate of 9.2.percent.


9 Responses to “Latest Unemployment Numbers Are Mixed News For Local Area”

  1. BAM on August 22nd, 2011 10:35 am

    Part of the problem with those unemployeed is they are waiting for contruction type jobs that will never come back, so its time they get some re-training and move on.

  2. 429SCJ on August 22nd, 2011 5:50 am

    Hello T, you are so very right. Maybe we can slip through the barb wire and land mines, and get jobs as illegals in China. There is a bright side to all this. I see as the government starts to fade, its power and authority diminishing as well. We are going to go for a wild ride, but the new government hopefully will be free of the forgien influence and rot the current and past regimes have been subservient to. We can dissolve the federal reserve and send those people home to their promised land. We can fight wars, out of necessity, not for the international banker, and we can have decisive victories. We can clean house.

  3. t on August 21st, 2011 9:38 pm

    Really not sure how Gov Scott is responsible of all the unemployment in the state of Florida and I guess he’s responsible for the nationwide and world situation also.

    1: Pay someone not to work and guess what, they won’t work. How many people do you know collect disability benefits and ride horseback, go fishing, and do anything they WANT TO DO? I can’t work is code for I DON’T WANT TO WORK. Too many people now sit at the benefit feed trough and don’t have a plan when the Government can no longer pay. Local, State, and the Federal Gov’t are going to go through several more years of contraction. Benefits will be cut. Services will be cut.

    2: The financial default /collapse is coming to Europe soon and it is going to spread over here. The whole world has TOO MUCH DEBT and has promised TOO MANY BENEFITS. There is a coming re-alignment. If you out of debt, stay out of debt. If your in debt, cut back expenses sacrificially and pay off debt. What is going on in the markets are just the tremors and pre-cursers to a big financial earthquake.

    3: If you are out of work from that $15 / hr job, then find two jobs paying $7.50.

    4: The financial situation unfolding in the USA & overseas is causing a hunker down effect and that effect will probably last 2-3 more years.

    5: Raising taxes on the rich will probably not work. For example, If I had a small business and made say 100K a year, if you raise my taxes 20% so I make 80K per year, then I am going to look at which employees I can RIF to raise my standard of living back to where it was. In other words raising taxes will cause the small business owners to fire more workers. The Health Care bill, in all it’s glory, is another reason small business owners are sheading employees. You start pouring on all these extra requirements and expenses to keep employees and I’m going to buy some machines that will replace them and make my business more efficient/productive.

    6: Our political system is broke. The common man has no voice expect at the ballet box. So vote for more change.

  4. friction on August 21st, 2011 8:17 pm

    Poor choices by the electorate contribute to the problems…we got a bunch of clowns in office on both sides of the line. They aren’t trying to get more industry here.

  5. Marsha W. on August 21st, 2011 7:53 pm

    Some people are so fast to judge SSI checks. I work full time and my chid gets a SSI check not because she is crazy but because she suffers from brain damage and with her check she gets the care she deserves. And if everyone would spend sometime trying to get deadbeat parents to do their part maybe help wouldnt be needed from other sources. I think noone wants to do anything about that cause its better to put down people and spend money on drug testing poor people cause that must sure be the answer right poor people are all on drugs. You know I hope one day people who are so fast to judge and look down on people get the chance to find out what its like to feel like they are nothing or better yet have their child look them in the face crying wanting to know what is wrong with them why people look at them funny and talk about them. So lets all hate each other here not help each other try to do better lets just spend all of our money on other countries so they can take care of their children and what ever else they need to be happy.

  6. molly on August 21st, 2011 5:57 pm

    I’d like to now how to get unemployment… I tried but didn’t get it. I was denied. I worked for this one place for 9 years and got terminated. I’ve been looking for a job ever since. It’s weird being without a job… I worked the job before that for 11 years.. the only reason I am not there is we closed.

  7. Bob on August 21st, 2011 2:56 pm

    @ Concerned Floridian
    Please read second paragraph of Florida Weekly Roundup on the front page of North Escambia..

  8. BarrineauParkDad on August 21st, 2011 2:34 pm

    Unemployment benefits are a good thing, They are intended to be a temporary fill gap to assist one while looking for a new job. Even good things must limited.

    Once someone finds themselves unemployed, they usually have a very narrow vision of what they are looking for in their next job. They can say, I have to have a management position, I’m not going to work for under $15 an hour, I’m not working shifts, or I’m not working outside.

    When benefits run out as they should, that vision should widen, as hunger is a great motivator. You take your best option and work to get back to where you expect to be.

    Same thing should apply to welfare and SSI (crazy checks). Cut them off and I’ll bet the illegal immigrants will go home, because there will be some hungry Americans competing for the job they were previously unwilling to do.

    End the handouts and Americans will go back to work.

    I’ve said it before and here it is again. The jobs are out there, those looking for them are either unwilling or unqualified. If employed you will be required to work your muscles or your brain, there is very little employment between.

  9. Concerned Floridian on August 21st, 2011 1:08 pm

    Disappointed are you Mr. Scott? Are you going to reverse the tight regulations you placed on the unemployed and the individuals collecting unemployment benefits?

    The individuals who’ve exhausted their unemployment benefits have fallen off the reported unemployment percentage and replaced by new unemployment claimants, that explains the “stalled” numbers – but it’s not stalling, the number of true unemployment is significantly higher.

    The “real” unemployment rate is more than 20% and 34% in some parts of the country – 1/3 people without jobs, absolutely ridiculous.

    Reported Rate: Once an individual has exhausted their unemployment they’re no longer counted in the rate. (Florida: +10.7%)

    True Rate: The Florida population minus people out of work (Florida: +21%)

    Florida college graduates this year cannot fulfill the open position in Florida. There are fewer jobs than Florida college graduates! This is not defensible and highly unsustainable.

    Rick Scott runs Florida like a prison and it’s time concerned citizens begin their disapproval campaigns against his incompetent Tallahassee gang.