No Charges Filed After Jay High Player Attacked At Football Camp

August 3, 2011

No charges were filed after a Jay High School football player was attacked last week at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes football camp near Marianna.

The 16-year was taken to the Jackson County Emergency Room in Marianna to be evaluated for a possible concussion, according to Major Donnie Branch, chief deputy of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. The football player did not suffer a concussion, and was treated and released, the Sheriff’s office report states.

According to Branch, deputies were notified of the incident about 5 a.m. on July 28 by the Jackson Hospital Emergency Room in Marianna. The 16-year old Jay player had been transported to the ER to be evaluated for a possible concussion. He was treated and released to his parents, Branch said.

The incident occurred earlier that morning at a football camp for boys age 13-18 being held at the Blue Springs Baptist Conference Center just outside Marianna. The Jay player was allegedly attacked in his room by players attending the camp from Taylor County High School.

Branch said Tuesday that the juvenile’s parents had declined to press charges in the incident. file photo.


12 Responses to “No Charges Filed After Jay High Player Attacked At Football Camp”

  1. thetruth on August 11th, 2011 2:37 am

    just because it is labeled FCA does not mean anything. Last year at FCA camp Pace high and Wakulla High had a sideline clearing brawl that resulted in Paces Head coach getting punched by an assistant at Wakulla.

  2. mary on August 4th, 2011 12:33 pm

    @ RC Yes you do call the police on elementary children!! most parennts like to “SugarCoat” thier lil darlings…. In todays world, kids start doing everything earlier in life..I see the same names being arrested over & over in the “public records” ..& then they get a slap on the a lil time..over & over…My son will be going to high school this year…I’ll do the same..i do not put up w/Bullying ..KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF..if you touch some1 & its “unwanted” it’s BATTERY!!!

  3. Bam on August 4th, 2011 11:28 am

    The Victim and his parent chose not to press charges but I sure hope the school these boys attend do something about it. Either bar them from playing sports this year or “volunteer” them to be part of a clean up crew. I’m sure the school could use a new coat of paint, or have trash picked up after sporting events.

  4. Yes on August 4th, 2011 10:32 am

    Mary and Dixie Chick are exactly right. You can not let this kind of behavior go
    by unchecked. The children around here already know their parents will
    defend them no matter what and they know the police and the judges and
    blah, blah, but everyone who ever dealt with this kind of incident here in
    happy-ville knows that if you complain and try to do anything to their little
    darlings, then the parents will harass you into the ground. This kid did
    the only thing he knows how to do, he claimed he didn’t even see them
    coming. As long as we have drug problems and bad kids with bad
    parents who will do anything to be their children’s friend instead of a good
    parent, and our judges are so lenient, this will be the result.

    God Bless Em

  5. Dixie Chick on August 4th, 2011 8:40 am

    RC didnt say it was an elementary kid involved in the football incident. SHe was talking to Mary and she said she would press charges against the other kid “putting hands on her kid” which Mary should do. That is the only way to get thru to some parents now because those parents do the same things. Their kids are learning by example!!

  6. wondering on August 3rd, 2011 2:36 pm

    Who said it was an elementary school kid that did it? I thought they didn’t know who it was. The camp was for 13-18 year olds.

  7. RC on August 3rd, 2011 11:58 am

    Mary you don’t press charges on an elementary school kid, you punish them! Have we gone nuts?

  8. jay gran on August 3rd, 2011 9:18 am

    The player was hit repeadly in the head and kicked all over his body so he could not idenify his attackers. The parents were told by the police that since he cound not idenify the attackers there was nothing they could do. The school pursued the incident so please don’s sey what you would de until your child is in the situation. You cannot press charges if you cannot idenify them. Thank you

  9. wondering on August 3rd, 2011 7:50 am

    Will this action the parent took send a message to the teen that he has to take what ever is thrown at him and that he can’t defend his rights? If someone breaks into your room and beats you up and you give them a slap on the wrist for doing it what will happen next? The other kids will know nothing will be done if we “beat up
    ole so and so.

  10. Jarrod on August 3rd, 2011 7:12 am

    Just goes to show you that there are a few people affilliated with the FCA that are only there because it looks good on college applications. this is a very sad thing to mix such a good program up with this mess

  11. mary on August 3rd, 2011 5:40 am

    Well way to go PARENTS…IF you let this happen & dont press charges..just what are you teaching your kid?? that it’s OK to do these kind of things!! I had an incident happen @ an elementary school & my son was being picked on & 1 student “put his hands on” my son ..when the school called to inform of this..I told them that they needed to tell the parents that “I dont play” “i will press charges”…I taught my son a very valuable lesson!!

  12. john on August 3rd, 2011 5:05 am

    Jay folk have been getting a lot of attention lately. Hope the kid is fine. Can’t believe this happened at a FCA camp. Prayer going out to all involved and their families.