Gulf Power Working To Keep Those Air Conditioners Humming

August 4, 2011

This week’s high temps and heat indexes are causing air conditioners to work overtime along the Gulf Coast, and Gulf Power Company says they are prepared for record electric demands.

“We work hard to anticipate additional demand from our customers in the summer,” Jeff Rogers, Gulf Power spokesperson, said. “Through careful planning, we forecast demand years in advance to provide ample, reliable electricity for our customers. That includes planning for future power plants and other facilities. And, as part of Southern Company, we work with Alabama Power, Georgia Power and Mississippi Power to help ensure we have sufficient capacity.”

The utility can generate 2,659 megawatts of electricity on its own and purchase more electricity if necessary from sister companies and neighboring utilities. The all time peak record occurred in August of 2007 when Gulf Power customers demanded 2,634 megawatts. This year’s peak summer demand of 2,432 megawatts was reached on July 2, however a new summer peak is expected this week.

“What this means is our customers are buying more electricity to stay comfortable in the summer heat,” said Rogers. “About half of the electricity a customer consumes during the summer is for air conditioning.”


One Response to “Gulf Power Working To Keep Those Air Conditioners Humming”

  1. Cathy on August 4th, 2011 9:03 am

    Thank you, Gulf Power! Thank you, employees of Gulf Power for your time and efforts! We should all appreciate the fact that if we did not have the abliltiy to keep cool in these extremely hot temperatures, we would all suffer. It’s nice to know that GP has planned ahead for us. I cannot imagine a black-out or worse…

    I know people complain about the cost – But, cool temps inside are a luxury that we must pay for. My household has turned the temp higher x 3 degrees and are using fans more. Maybe that will help keep our costs down too. There are other ways to keep cool during the day, but there is nothing better than knowing we can sleep comfortablly in cool temps at night.

    Our family appreciates GULF POWER. Thank you!