Former Escambia Contractor Wanted In Five States For Fraud

August 17, 2011

Authorities are looking for a  former Escambia County man wanted in five states  for contractor fraud.

The St. Charles Parish (Louisiana) Sheriff’s Office is looking for Philip Livesay, 64, because they say he was paid a $6,150 deposit to do concrete work at a fire department there.

Livesay allegedly showed up for work a couple of days, doing very little work, and then disappeared. The St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office said the work was never completed, the money was not refunded and no one can find Livesay.

Livesay has outstanding warrants in Escambia County for grand larceny and fraud, and he is also wanted for similar crimes in South Carolina, Michigan and Virginia.

He is a former resident of Old Corry Field Road in Escambia County.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Philip Livesay is asked to call their local law enforcement agency.


5 Responses to “Former Escambia Contractor Wanted In Five States For Fraud”

  1. For Goodness Sakes on August 18th, 2011 11:05 am

    What rock did so many people crawl out from lately?

  2. happened to me on August 17th, 2011 9:58 pm

    I hope they catch him and flush the freaking key….I was robbed by contractors after Ivan and my home has never been the same..The ones that took my money and left my home in crumbles are still out there doing it to others…..NEVER trust anyone or give money until the work is done!!!

  3. me on August 17th, 2011 12:04 pm

    he’s under a rock somewhere!

  4. Atmore G on August 17th, 2011 9:37 am

    @background checks.. You are 100% right! If a contractor is unable to start a job without money up front, I would look elsewhere.. If they are that weak financially, then they must not be very good in the first place.. A lot of folks got scammed by these operators after hurricane Ivan.. It’s always best to deal with established companies that are well known if you can.. They are easy to contact, and they very rarely want money up front..

  5. background checks on August 17th, 2011 8:02 am

    okay, so before you pay someone to work, either do a background check first, or get the work done first…NEVER pay someone BEFORE the job is done.