Former Councilman, Former Censured Mayor And A Newcomer To Challenge Century Incumbents

August 6, 2011

The final field of candidates is set for Century’s October general election, with a former councilman that wants to be mayor, a former mayor that was once fined and reprimanded by the state ethics commission that wants to be a council member, and a political newcomer — all challenging three incumbents.

The following candidates qualified by Friday’s deadline:


Freddie McCall
First-term incumbent Mayor Freddie McCall was elected to the town council in 2004 before running for and being elected mayor in 2007.

Henry Hawkins
Henry Hawkins is the only person challenging the incumbent for Century mayor. Hawkins was first elected to the town council in 2006. He ran again for council in 2010, but was defeated 174-144 by political newcomer Jacke Johnston during a 2010 runoff.

Council Seat 1

Ann Brooks
Incumbent Ann Brooks is current president of the Century Town Council. She was was first elected in 2007 to Seat 1 after running unsuccessfully for Seat 4 on the council in 2003 and 2006.

Pamela MacArthur
Seat 1 challenger Pamela MacArthur is a political newcomer who has lived in Century for about 20 years.

Council Seat 2

Annie Savage
Challenger Annie Carter Savage was appointed to the Century Town Council effective August 1 to serve the remainder of the term of Nadine McCaw who passed away on July 7. Last year, Savage ran an unsuccessful campaign for Seat 5, defeated by current council member Sandra McMurray Jackson.

Evelyn Hammond
Seat 2 challenger Evelyn Hammond is no stranger to politics in Century. She served as a council member before being elected mayor in 2004. She ran for mayor again in 2007, but was defeated by current mayor Freddie McCall. In 2009, the Florida Commission on Ethics publicly censured and reprimanded Hammond, finding that she misused her position to retaliate against Century Little League and its president when that organization failed to hire her son as chief umpire. She was also fined $3,000 by the ethics commission. The complaint was filed by current council members Annie Savage and Ann Brooks along with Nolan Wilson.


15 Responses to “Former Councilman, Former Censured Mayor And A Newcomer To Challenge Century Incumbents”

  1. sam on August 7th, 2011 4:52 pm

    i’ll vote for freddy, not a circus at city hall, no corruption, and as for getting jobs in century, ha. if it requires getting a drug test before hiring a business would have to import illegal immigrants to work.

  2. Willene Bryan on August 7th, 2011 2:23 pm

    I say AMEN to ArmyCptswife and Felicia Jones Comments!!!!!!!!!!

  3. ArmyCptswife on August 7th, 2011 10:55 am

    I believe Mr. Mccall is doing an outstanding job considering what he has to work with. Have you looked around Century lately? If you were a company would you really want to move in that area? I know my mother worked EXTREMELY hard trying to keep Century clean. That place is a mess is because a lot of people just don’t care or have pride. Not all but some, especially the younger generations. I just cringe every time I have to visit, and beg my parents to leave. Under the circumstances, I believe Mr. McCall is doing all he can to benefit the town as whole, and will continue to do so if reelected. They need more citizens wanting to work as oppose to a looking for a handout.
    As far as illegal drugs and activities, that is for the Escambia County Sheriffs dept. They need to step up and do more not the Mayor. Whenever you see something suspicious call and report it.

  4. Time For a Change :) on August 7th, 2011 8:48 am

    I really hope Pastor Hawkins win because I feel like it’s time for a change in Century and “Henry Hawkins” is it ! Vote For HENRY HAWKINS… :)

  5. wondering on August 7th, 2011 6:32 am

    Everyone needs to do the search on Evelyn Hammond. She should not have come back into the arena trying to get public office after the publicity that she has had. Did she not think all of this would come out AGAIN.? When you have as much against you on record as Ms Hammond has, going public and trying to get voted into something must be what she is wanting and that is publicity. It won’t hurt the other candidates but it sure will her.

  6. Felicia McCaw Jones on August 6th, 2011 10:09 pm

    Lord, I remember how upset my mother was that someone would accuse her of doing something like that. It hurt her badly…… But after a while we were able to joke about it. Folks, you need to realize before you make false staements that those things hurt and hurt badly. If you can’t run a fair race, you are not needed in the political arena.

  7. Resident on August 6th, 2011 4:49 pm

    Thanks SO FUNNY! Read the bottom of that article! Sounds pretty low to me.

    “”Hammond was defeated 341 votes to 241 votes in her bid for reelection by now Mayor Freddie McCall. The race received a lot of media attention after Hammond alleged that McCall and new council member Nadine McCaw attempted to buy votes with money and watermelons, allegations that they both denied.”"

    Anybody that knew Nadine McCaw knows she would never do that, God rest her poor soul. I can’t imagine Nadine looking down from heaven on this mess now.

  8. So funny on August 6th, 2011 4:46 pm

    Wow, just searched the Hammonds lady on here— You guys do know that she has a TON of Strikes against her…….. here is one article where se had to go before the grand jury… Yikes, ummmm, anyone that pulled the illegal stuff she did, should never be allowed to serve in politics, she was serving her family, not the community


    And you can search more by entering her name in the search field on the home page of—–

  9. So funny on August 6th, 2011 4:34 pm

    Seriously???? They have worked on getting jobs int here, but no employers are going to come in there!!! Get real, you are fooling yourself if you think any businesses are really going to come. Be glad you’ve got someone in there that will try to get these dang drug dealers and thugs out of here!

    What is The other candidate for mayor going to do but grandstand every single chance he gets. That’s all he did when he was a council member—-TROUBLE MAKER! If he gets elected in, I pitty your poor town. I don’t even live there, but from the way he has always acted (as reported on this website here) he is nothing but a short fuse ready to explode at any given time.

    Do not know the Savage lady, but I did do some searches on her on Northescambia, and she seems to really be concerned about the town and always at the meetings voicing her concerns, that seems to be a good thing! How many of the other candidates show up that aren’t being paid to be there? That’s a good way to tell if someone really is concerned, or just running to get paid! just saying

  10. William on August 6th, 2011 9:02 am

    >>An article listing the candidates qualifications for the office they are running for, would be nice to help voters make an educated vote and be informed.

    And we run such an article in advance of the election.

  11. jessica on August 6th, 2011 8:36 am

    everyone please go out and vote for a new mayor. we desparately need this! we need someone who will HELP the community. not bring it down, and focus totally on “illegal drugs” & “illegal activities.” we need JOBS AND MONEY AND CAREER GOALS!

  12. wondering on August 6th, 2011 7:48 am

    Lets keep Mayor McCall and Councilwomen Ann Brooks and Annie Savage.

    Public Office is no place for someone that misused her position to retaliate against Century Little League and its president when that organization failed to hire her son as chief umpire.

  13. joe on August 6th, 2011 6:42 am

    I am glad to see Mrs Hammonds is ready to come back and help this small town. She has shore got my vote she was there when my family needed her and she did what she said she was going to. Real fine lady.

  14. Angela on August 6th, 2011 6:35 am

    Seriously?????? Ms. Hammond is ALLOWED to run after being convicted of using her position last time??? What a shame!!!

    Hawkins is running for mayor???? He wouldn’t even show up to the last meetings when he was a council member, and he wants to run the town? He is a bomb waiting to happen!! Glad to see we do have some newcommers maybe if we all use our heads, we can get Century out of this rut.

  15. Century girl on August 6th, 2011 2:49 am

    An article listing the candidates qualifications for the office they are running for, would be nice to help voters make an educated vote and be informed.