Florida Weekly Gov’t Roundup: Unpopular Scott Now Less Popular; Medicaid Plans

August 6, 2011

The ever-shifting sands of political popularity swirled around the capital city this week as Florida’s unpopular governor became less so, the nation’s unpopular president became more so and undecided Republican voters remained so as the GOP looks for a challenger to unseat a popular U.S. senator.

Florida health officials, meanwhile, submitted their long awaited blueprint to their federal counterparts in the ongoing effort to shift most of the state’s nearly 3 million Medicaid recipients into managed health care plans. The proposal, which backers say will cut costs in the $21.1 billion a year program, has its detractors, including the Florida Medical Association, which came out last weekend to officially criticize the plan.

http://www.northescambia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/floridaweeklly.jpgDoctors weren’t the only group asking Washington for help. Florida Democrats have asked the U.S. Department of Justice to oppose sweeping changes made by the Republican-packed Legislature to Florida’s elections law, while state environmental officials tweaked proposed water standards in hopes of replacing federal guidelines critics say are too rigid.

The state’s economic malaise continued as statewide property values maintained their drift through the doldrums, despite modest improvements in the nation’s employment picture that showed fewer government jobs but stronger hiring demand from private sector employers.

The property value slump prompted state economists this week to warn that there will be less money than expected this coming year to pay for schools.


Nothing better in the dog days of summer than a good poll and Quinnipiac University didn’t disappoint this week as it released data on how Floridians feel about their president, their governor and the recent debt ceiling drama.

Gov. Rick Scott’s root cellar approval rating has ticked up slightly, moving from 29 percent in May to 35 percent in the university’s most recent poll released Friday. Scott’s popularity push came even before the governor donned an apron to make doughnuts in Tampa this week as he returned to his deep-fried roots on his first “work day.”

The gimmick, which takes a page from former Gov. Bob Graham’s playbook, appears part of a larger effort to make Scott more likeable, a push that includes less formal attire and more frequent visits with the capitol press corps and editorial boards around the state.

“Gov. Scott still has a long hike to parity in voter approval, but he has begun the trek,” said Peter Brown, assistant director of the university’s polling institute. “Whether it is the beginning of a serious move or just a blip, time will tell.”

Despite the improved numbers, voters still find the governor’s policies unlikable, with 54 percent saying they don’t approve compared to 34 percent who say they do.

The governor could easily say he’s misunderstood. A full 57 percent say they don’t know whether the state budget signed by the governor raises taxes, while 19 percent incorrectly believe it does.

While Scott’s numbers are moving up, Obama’s looked more like the New York Stock Exchange this week. The president’s approval rating among Florida voters has fallen since May, especially among independents who tip the balance in the key swing state.

Overall, Obama’s approval rating fell from 51 percent in May to 44 percent earlier this week. The president’s biggest drop off was among independent voters, whose 61 percent May approval rating dropped to 47 percent.

Despite his drop in the polls, Obama’s handling of the recent debt ceiling talks was viewed more favorably by voters, who gave the president higher marks than congressional leaders involved in negotiations that ended with a deal to raise the U.S. debt ceiling in exchange for at least $2 trillion in cuts over the next 10 years. Obama also got some help Friday as the national unemployment rate in July dipped 0.1 percentage points to 9.1 percent.

While voters have a pretty good bead on Scott and Obama, more than half of Republicans polled are undecided about the state’s U.S. Senate primary. Retired Army Col. Mike McCalister is the frontrunner, favored by 15 percent of those polled. It’s possible the other 85 percent don’t even know who he is – being a political newcomer in a race hardly anyone is paying close attention to yet.

McCalister is followed by former U.S. Sen. George LeMieux, expected by many to lead the pack after Senate President Mike Haridopolos dropped out of the race. LeMieux is only polling 12 percent. Former state legislator Adam Hasner has the steepest climb. He is holding up the Republican rear at 6 percent, lower than Orlando businessman Craig Miller who polled 8 percent.

At least Hasner can take heart in that he is not Nancy Argenziano. The firebrand former Republican announced this week that she would run as a Democrat to challenge freshman Republican Congressman Steve Southerland, a tea party-backed candidate who rode last year’s Republican wave to victory over incumbent Rep. Allen Boyd.

Argenziano, who represented many of the counties in Southerland’s district during her time in the Legislature, would have given Democrats a credible candidate for the seat in a year that could be less favorable to the GOP. But a new state law appears to require Argenziano to have registered as a Democrat — or at least not be a registered member of another party — at least a year before the opening of qualifying for the seat, now scheduled for June 4. And she is a member of another party – she registered recently as a member of the Independent Party.


Florida’s Medicaid overhaul would not start shifting people into managed-care plans until 2013 and use a controversial pilot program as a springboard, according to hundreds of pages of documents released this week by the Agency for Health Care Administration. The plan would eventually require almost all beneficiaries to enroll in managed-care plans.

Supporters hope the federal government will sign off on the proposal, which they say would help control costs and improve care for beneficiaries.

But opponents worry about requiring Medicaid beneficiaries statewide to enroll in HMOs or other types of managed-care plans. Some, including Democratic legislative leaders, want the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to reject the proposal.

The number of official detractors increased this week as Florida Medical Association officials voted in a closed door session over the weekend to oppose the state’s proposal. A number of doctors have been opposed to the shift of most Medicaid patients into managed care, but few would say so publicly. Likewise, the association has been silent on the issue until now.

FMA leaders passed a resolution to discourage CMS from approving the waiver that would allow the switch. The FMA’s new president, Dr. Miguel Machado, said the group would send a letter to CMS making its opposition known.


Department of Environmental Protection staffers slogged through the details of what they hope will be a slate of water standards for Florida lakes, rivers, springs and other freshwater bodies acceptable to federal officials who have established a set of criteria of their own that many business groups in the state say would be too pricey.

The discussion came as a federal appellate court in Atlanta threw out an appeal filed by water management officials and backed by industry groups that challenged a 2009 consent decree entered into by the federal Environmental Protection Agency that set out numerical limits for nutrients going into the state’s waterways.

If state lawmakers fail to act, the EPA could return in March to its set of rules for state waters, but federal officials have indicated they would be willing to extend that deadline if progress is being made on the state’s efforts. The 11th Circuit of Court of Appeals ruling Wednesday, however, keeps those regulations on the table as an option.

While the state battles the feds over water, state Democrats have asked the U.S. Department of Justice to oppose sweeping changes to Florida’s elections law, saying in a memo the measure passed during the spring legislative session “will result in fewer registered minority voters, fewer ballots cast by minority voters, and fewer ballots counted for minority voters.”

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s memo comes days after Secretary of State Kurt Browning asked a federal court to “preclear” the law, an unusual attempt to sidestep the DOJ after the state had originally asked Justice to give the law the green light. Browning said he was worried that outside pressure might shape the agency’s opinion, which would still be considered in the court case.


Florida’s top insurance regulator said Tuesday the state-backed property insurance pool could lessen the blow of skyrocketing sinkhole premium increases by phasing in the unprecedented rate hikes over time.

Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty said the proposed increase might be actuarially sound, but could still be a hardship for individual policy holders. Citizens last week sent shockwaves through homeowners as its board agreed to ask regulators for rate increases for sinkhole coverage in response to legislative changes made under SB 408.

Pasco County residents, who live at the epicenter of recent sinkhole claims, would see average sinkhole premiums jump from $441 to $4,017, an increase of 810 percent for the optional coverage, which is required by some mortgage lenders.

The proposed rate increases have drawn fire from lawmakers, particularly those in sinkhole-prone areas. Their cries were echoed Tuesday by Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, who said Citizens should develop a “glide path” for boosting sinkhole premiums.


Not all housing news was bad this week. In a sign that Florida’s housing market may be on the road to recovery, the state’s top economist expects an increase in school property tax rolls next year of 1.3 percent. Though that is actually a slight decrease from the original forecast of 2 percent, it is one of the most promising signs yet that Florida’s ailing and hard-hit housing market is on the mend after four years of plunging values.

Florida’s housing market was one of the hardest hit in the nation, the victim of an overwrought housing bubble, loose mortgage standards and a tourism-based economy.

“We turned the corner,” said state economist Amy Baker, who cautioned the economic recovery is still fragile.

“The correction from the housing boom was severe and very dramatic on the (tax) rolls,” Baker said. “Now most of that correction is behind us, but we are still not back to the growth we typically see.” She said that property tax rolls are going to stabilize after four years of decreases, with drops over 10 percent in tax rolls in 2009 and 2010.

STORY OF THE WEEK: A Quinnipiac University poll shows Gov. Rick Scott rebounding from dismal approval ratings while Obama sees his stock fall.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “If they are presented something and the Legislature hasn’t acted, the EPA still has a hammer to hold over the state,” said Colleen Castille, former DEP Secretary who now represents a number of business clients with water interests.”It all depends how close we are.”


10 Responses to “Florida Weekly Gov’t Roundup: Unpopular Scott Now Less Popular; Medicaid Plans”

  1. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2011 12:40 am

    “It sure seems this party is not for us.”

    Besides, I’m a registered Democrat, just wish more of us were acceptable to the American people.

    David remaining loyal

  2. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2011 12:38 am

    “Maybe you rich and don’t have to worry about these things.”

    Now really, aren’t we ALL rich?

    The poorest among us can buy things which a hundred years ago the richest man on earth couldn’t buy at any cost — make that 20 years ago. Great material wealth even as spirits seem to dry up and folks complain about minor problems while living in houses far bigger than our parents dreamed of owning.

    People worry about hunger when pocket change can buy enough corn to feed them for a month if they don’t mind eating deer corn. (It’s still the same corn.) We just don’t want to have such poor fare, so our government makes steaks available to the poorest. (Even the less poor can afford some every now and then.)

    We have medicines unavailable at any price twenty years ago.

    I know people who’s been on social security pretty much all their life who have cell phone Internet access paid for by the rest of us. They’ll never have to look for work or earning a living. Life is good for them. I’m just proud I can do my little part toward their needs. You should be too.

    Some day we’ll realize prison isn’t the solution and let all the inmates out — just as soon as we figure out some way to stop them from killing and robbing us when they’re released. Life is good.

    I have neighbors who earned masters and doctors degrees while in government housing for armed robbery and suchlike. Opportunities are so great people from all over the world are doing whatever they must to come over here and enjoy our wealth, blessings and freedoms.

    David rejoicing over the Lord’s blessings

  3. ocmk46 on August 8th, 2011 6:15 pm

    To David With The Failing Memory.

    Maybe your memory will come back when you are paying thousands of dollars of more for your State Health Insurance Jan 1st. Or maybe when the contined 3 percent decrease keeps coming out of your check from now on. Who knows maybe the next years no raise again together with Privatization of the rest of the Prision System with even lower wages/health benefits will jog your memory of what wehave here.
    Maybe you rich and don’t have to worry about these things.
    It sure seems this party is not for us.

  4. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2011 4:06 pm

    “just don’t vote for someone who says the rights things at the right time.”

    Didn’t Alex Sink say the right things? Lots of things go into deciding how to vote. Everybody seems to think those who didn’t vote the same way they did must be stupid.

    David who voted for Fahreed, the economist
    (or whatever his name is)

  5. tbpcola on August 8th, 2011 7:08 am

    Scott is a one term governor. The sooner he is gone, the better it will be for the citizens of Florida. Think before you vote next time — just don’t vote for someone who says the rights things at the right time.

  6. Gail on August 7th, 2011 12:09 pm

    Re: Picture of Scott frying doughnuts, my goodness, why doesn’t he try working
    where it’s very hard, like in a nursing home where he’s agreed to huge cuts, or maybe he could work helping someone in a wheelchair, residing in their home, fixing them something to eat 3 x a day, (i.e. pureed or chopped), feeding them, brushing their hair and teeth, bathing and dressing them, changing them because of incontinence, doing their laundry putting them in and out of their beds, , etc. etc.
    Or maybe he could just sit in a wheelchair all day (as if paralyzed) for a day or two, unable to move and have someone do everything for him……….then maybe he would stop cutting these individuals nurses or assistants pay rates, maybe he’d understand what these hard workers do for their living every day.
    Scott claims he has to answer to his Maker for the decisions he makes…… and he “will” have to answer for sure on any negative decisions he’s made that affect the elderly, disabled or poor………wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

  7. dad on August 7th, 2011 5:53 am

    All one has to say around here to get elected is something similar to “I’m a conservative, let’s get rid of Obamacare” and their election is insured. Even if they are a criminal, such as Scott.
    Generally speaking Democrats are more for the working man where as Republicans are more for the wealthy. I have to hand it to Republicans though, they have a knack for getting the working man to vote against his own best interest.

  8. 429SCJ on August 7th, 2011 4:32 am

    Hello L, I never forgot what the late chairman Mao said. ” power comes from the barrel of a gun”. I believe thats all that stands between us cattle and our masters. I think hollywood should make a movie about Gov Scott. The Tallahassee Job or I just dont want to talk about it.

  9. David Huie Green on August 7th, 2011 12:22 am

    “- – - think about voting for a Democrat who truly cares about you welfare…not just god and guns- – - ”

    I missed something. At what point did Candidate Scott talk about God and guns?

    At what point did Candidate Sink prove she would be able to improve the welfare of the people of Florida?

    David with failing memory

  10. L.Laird on August 6th, 2011 8:36 pm

    WOW: No Comments by North Escambia Voters: Most of you Voter for Scott..you get what you pay for…maybe, you might want to think about voting for a Democrat who truly cares about you welfare…not just god and guns…wake up folks, before you become jobless and homeless….