Florida Timeline For Redistricting Drawing Fire

August 23, 2011

As lawmakers move toward the end of their statewide tour to gather voters’ input on the once-a-decade redistricting process, the timeline for the next step in the redrawing of the state’s political maps is becoming more contentious.

A coalition of voting-rights groups, led by the League of Women Voters and supporters of the Fair Districts amendments, is pushing legislative redistricting committees to move forward with drawing proposed maps as quickly as possible.

Critics of the Legislature’s somewhat vague timeline say mass chaos could follow if lawmakers don’t approve maps soon enough to give the attorney general, Florida Supreme Court and Department of Justice enough time to review the plans well in advance of the June 18 opening date for qualifying.

Otherwise, would-be candidates will essentially have qualifying week — from June 18 to June 22 — to look at final maps and decide whether they want to make a bid.

“That’s not an acceptable amount of time for candidates to figure out where their districts are and to start to run,” said Senate Minority Leader Nan Rich, D-Weston.

Instead, voting rights groups are pushing for lawmakers to tee up the redistricting maps for a vote by the Jan. 13 end of the first week of the legislative session.

“We recognize that many measures come out of the Legislature with little or no public input into the final product,” said a letter signed by the League, the NAACP, Common Cause Florida and Hispanic advocacy group Democracia USA. “But redistricting is too important for a ‘Tallahassee special.’ A timeline without the deadlines we suggest is a guaranteed recipe for disaster.”

Members of the league have also showed up at the redistricting public hearings across the state to pound lawmakers for not setting up an early timeline.

After the letter was issued, House Speaker Dean Cannon, R-Winter Park, fired back.

“Given the League’s complete refusal to meaningfully participate in the redistricting process by submitting any proposed maps themselves, this is clearly another politically motivated ruse that attempts to mislead the public and increase the chance the districts will end up being drawn by the courts,” Cannon said.

Supervisors of elections have also raised concerns about the problems that could be caused by maps being finalized in June.

Lawmakers involved in crafting the lines concede that Florida’s process is one of the latest in the nation. But Senate Reapportionment Chairman Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, said that’s because the state is one of the last to receive its redistricting data from the U.S. Census Bureau. And, he said, some of the states that have already drawn lines either hold their elections later this year or rammed through partisan plans.

Legislative leaders also say that they are captives, essentially, of a timeline laid out in the Florida Constitution, which requires them to approve the maps in 2012. House Redistricting Chairman Will Weatherford, R-Wesley Chapel, said last week that supporters of moving the timeline up had an opportunity to do that, if they wanted to.

“It would have been nice if the Fair Districts folks would have put that into the constitution,” he said.

And lawmakers say they’ve done what they can by moving the legislative session up from its traditional starting date in March to January in an effort to pass the maps as quickly as possible.

“Florida did accelerate the process,” Gaetz said. He added that his committee will take up at least some maps during its first pre-session meeting in September.

As for concerns with qualifying, Gaetz noted that candidates can get signatures for their qualifying petitions from any voter in the state of Florida for the 2012 elections — without regard to district boundaries, as is usually the case.

“If you want to run for office in a redistricting year, it’s actually easier to be a challenger and get petitions signed than in any other year,” he said.

But Rich said she was unconvinced, particularly when faced with concerns from elections officials across the state.

“I think that a supervisor of elections of a major county understands more what is needed to pull off an election … in which the state of Florida can be proud,” she said.

By Brandon Larrabee
The News Service of Florida


4 Responses to “Florida Timeline For Redistricting Drawing Fire”

  1. 429SCJ on August 24th, 2011 4:30 pm

    Bryan Thanks for the interesting history lesson. My ideas are somewhat more streamlined. If the current economic trends continue, who knows .Once more into the breach dear friends?

  2. Bryan Bethea on August 24th, 2011 7:10 am

    West Virginia was created in 1863 when the western most counties of Virginia held public referendums on seceding from Virginia and forming a new state. If you read the history carefully you will find that the results of the referendums were falsified to show support for creating the new state. The US Constitution says that no new state can be created from the territory of an existing state without consent from both Congress and the legislature of the state holding jurisdiction over the territory. In the case of West Virginia this happened during the Civil War when Congress did not recognize the authority of the Virginia legislature. There is still considerable debate to this day over whether West Virginia is a constitutionally valid state.

    For Northwest Florida to become its own state it would need to hold referendums on the issue, get majority public support, and then win the support of both Congress and the Florida Legislature, neither of which are going to allow the most conservative, Republican-oriented part of Florida to break away. Doing so would ultimately add 2 more very conservative members of the Senate and House.

    There are many states today where geographic tensions are evident. California (north and south), Virginia (DC suburbs vs. the rest of the state), New York (everything outside the City vs. the City), Colorado (Denver vs. everywhere else). Utlimately these separationist attitudes are the result of urban vs. rural tension and not necessarily politically based.

  3. Fairlane63 on August 23rd, 2011 10:06 am

    “Otherwise, would-be candidates will essentially have qualifying week — from June 18 to June 22 — to look at final maps and decide whether they want to make a bid.”

    That’s the whole idea– anything to protect the incumbents. Getting rid of run-off primaries a few years ago was done for the same purpose.

  4. 429SCJ on August 23rd, 2011 5:45 am

    If Virginia can have the state of W. Va., why then can Florida, not have the state of NW. Fl.?