Flomaton Man Busted With 300 Pot Plants

August 17, 2011

An Alabama man was arrested after admitting ownership of about 300 marijuana plants found on his property Monday.

A law enforcement aircraft operating in Escambia County, Alabama, located the marijuana plants in the area of Crabtree Road off Lambeth Road northwest of Flomaton.

Agents with the 21St Judicial Drug Task Force and deputies with the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office were contacted and responded to the scene where they were met by the property owner, Donald Huie. Authorities said Huie admitted that the plants were his.

Agents executed a search warrant and found about 300 marijuana plants ranging in height from four inches to seven feet in the immediate vicinity of Huie’s residence. They also reported finding a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia inside his residence.

The 62-year old Huie was booked in the Escambia County Detention Center in Brewton on charges of first degree unlawful possession of marijuana , second degree drug manufacturing and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.


45 Responses to “Flomaton Man Busted With 300 Pot Plants”

  1. Amy352 on August 26th, 2011 12:24 am

    Just in the last month we have had murder trials and all sorts of crime that make gramps look like Mary Poppins! Which is the lesser evil:Murders or an old hippie growing cannabis? I hope they free Gramps and jail the murderers and wierdos! I’ll take my chances with Smokey McPott!LOL

  2. Surprised on August 22nd, 2011 3:13 pm

    Wow, Angela you already have this man doomed to hell. Its a good thing all people aren’t as judgemental and shallow minded as you are. The only problem is that you are teaching your children to be the same way. I am so glad that our god is a
    an awesome forgiving god. It amazes me how your so strong minded about this yet there are murders, sex offenders, and people building meth labs in the same houses as there children, but every single day you take time to judge this man yet again. What a boring life you must lead. I pray that you find something more godly to do with your time besides cast judgement.

  3. 429SCJ on August 20th, 2011 10:11 am

    Mr Huie is not the first, and will most certainly not be the last. This area has seen pot cultivation for decades, some of the local growers are ledgendary. People come and go in this business. The ones that cash in and get out are smart, the ones that never start are probably smarter. The one thing for sure is it will nerver stop.

  4. poohbear on August 19th, 2011 12:53 pm

    Christan, poohbear is just as real to me as christan is to you. I see you are not putting your name on here as well as so many others don’t. Did I want him to run? NO, I would have preferred that he had not taken his time and energy to grow 300 illigal plants but would have spent that time and energy growing something to eat for his family. Can you imagine the time that was spent petting those plants so they would grow well…………….but he’s disable you say……..yeah right!!!!

  5. poohbear on August 19th, 2011 10:39 am

    Of the two pictures that I have seen of this man the one in Orange looks a lot better than the one in plaid!!!!!

    He will soon be gone down the page and then be off so we won’t have to be looking at him when we check out what is going on in our area.

  6. Christan on August 19th, 2011 9:19 am

    Poohbear….did you want him to run from the law lol.. that would have been really smart run and get shot….of course he was waiting what should he have done…I have a job and I don’t sit in judgment of others..I also find it funny that people say their thoughts but scared to use their real names …If you stand behind your words stand behind it all way…Have a Blessed Day all I will pray for you

  7. poohbear on August 19th, 2011 8:22 am

    poohbear does not have too much time on her hands and she does have a job, Christan do you have too much time on your hands, then maybe you are the one needing a job.

    He knew that it was wrong what he was doing as he was waiting on the front porch when the cops got there. He saw them flying over and knew they were going to come for him. Now that he is in the can who is going to take care of his family? His check will stop. By all of the publicity about this is only giving people someplace else to look for their pot.

  8. donnie again on August 18th, 2011 10:08 pm

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Prohibition, 1920s and 30s. Government decides alcohol should be banned and it gives birth to organized crime. Al Capone would never been known of if liquor were legal then. Fast forward 40-50 years we have mexican drug cartels. And you people keep making excuses for taking away someone’s choice. And as far as the “children” goes, football is dangerous, there have been more children killed on a football field than by marijuana. So we should go after the coaches for teaching our children to do dangerous things!

  9. donnie on August 18th, 2011 8:29 pm

    Drugs are bad. Drug dealers are bad. Selling drugs are bad. Making drugs is bad. Ok, but corn is good. Sugar is good. Potatoes are good. Tomatoes are good. At what point does a plant become a drug?

  10. Amy352 on August 18th, 2011 7:00 pm

    How typical. The country is in recession, there are no jobs, and sex offenders get out in 3 years. Who cares about this old man and his pot? Your kids are more likely to be raped and killed by a paroled sex offender than being hurt by Gramps and his pot. All these so called bible thumpers juke and gamble Fri and Sat .Then they in church Sun. They make deals with the meth cookers and crankheads. They can blow the block up. Grandpa wasn’t hurting anyone. Teach your own kids morals. It is not society’s job. I’d take grandpa being on the streets before a pedophile or rapist. Alcohol kills more people. Yes I do attend church. :

  11. 429SCJ on August 18th, 2011 12:06 pm

    The plant was made by the creator, the fermented grape by the devil.

  12. Christan on August 18th, 2011 11:11 am

    Poohbear you must have to much time on your hands looks like you need to get a job or is judging people your job did not know you was GOD

  13. lol on August 18th, 2011 10:40 am

    Seems a lot of people on here complaining about people who feel this old
    guy is just another drug dealer and needs to go to jail, don’t seem to think
    they are judgemental at all. Maybe that’s what drugs do to your brain.

  14. poohbear on August 18th, 2011 9:49 am

    smokey wrote:

    ~~To people that think like poohbear,Responsible adults that like to partake in the weed or beer or cigaretts or any other thing that is not for children, will NOT give to children.~~

    I believe that all parents and grandparents need to set an example for their children and grandchildren. Not only for their children and grandchildren but also for all the young people that may look up to them for good advice.

    If young people see their parents grandparents growing and selling pot do you not think that they will also smoke some of it? Will they not want to try it because paw paw does it so it must be good.

    As long as he is breaking the law he should be punished by that law.

    To Mike: it has already been stated on here that Mr Huie has already spent time in prison for the same thing. He is just wanting to make an easy dollar so he won’t have to work.

  15. Christan on August 18th, 2011 9:41 am

    Its so funny to read this stuff cause most people can’t say that they have done no wrongs in your own life…You don’t know anything about this man or his family..One person said something about child welfare ..Really sweep off your own front porch people before you go worrying about someone else…If they are both fine and can work guessing him being disabled might stop the working part huh…Go and pray for this family they don’t need your cruel comments your so worried about the kids what about the kids that will read your words …People who judge others will have to answer to God maybe you should be reading your bibles it might help you be more understanding and helpful to others ..What a world we live in ..Guess God doesn’t forgive your sins ?? Good luck to you small minded people …

  16. You Hypocrites on August 18th, 2011 7:33 am

    Judge Judge Judge. Then hide behind god on Sunday. Hide on the liquor isle so no one knows that you are and alcoholic. Stay strung out on your so called prescribed drugs ,and some not prescribed then go to church on Sundays. Be a hypocrite. YOU WILL HAVE YOUR DAY OF JUDGEMENT. There’s so much of this going on in this town its unreal. Yet you are the ones on here taking the time to make your cruel judgement. Prayer is what this family needs. A phone call letting them no you care. We all no them and no there are innocent people being hurt by your cruel words. Let the Lord cast judgement. The rest of you read your bibles and ask to be forgiven…..

  17. Mike on August 18th, 2011 6:39 am

    This is an atrocity that a man will go to prison because he was growing some plants. The mindset of this country is so upside down.

    Just keep swallowing that government propoganda and fight that “war on drugs”.

  18. 429SCJ on August 18th, 2011 6:32 am

    One thing is for certain, as long as there are pot smokers, there will be pot growers. If its not for you, just say no, and go about your life.

  19. smokey on August 18th, 2011 6:05 am

    To people that think like poohbear,Responsible adults that like to partake in the weed or beer or cigaretts or any other thing that is not for children, will NOT give to children. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that everyone who does,passes it out to children.There are plenty of ignorant adults who do give children these things and think its cool or whatever.Everyone who enjoys adult beverages or recreational things are not out to suck your children into something. GIVE ME A BREAK. That sound a little bit like lame thinking to me.

  20. poohbear on August 18th, 2011 5:56 am

    eab wrote:

    ~~~I said…Oh, pooh. You are responsible for your own children and grandchildren. If you don’t want ‘em doing what you think is wrong, then teach ‘em not to. Don’t rely on the rest of us spending our tax dollars to train your kids..~~~

    I did teach my children not to do drugs and they didn’t, but all children are not as fortunate and lucky as my children were. Not all children are taught as my children were to stay away from drug dealers like Mr.Huie.

    Another poster said this is not the first time he has been caught for dealing in drugs so he didn’t learn for his past mistake. Hopefull the judge will this this into consideration.

    To the person saying he doesn’t sell to kids…How do you know he doesn’t, unless you were with him every time he made a sell? If you can stop one drug dealer that is one person the young and old of our community doesn’t have to be tempted by.

  21. I pray for you on August 18th, 2011 4:57 am

    I agree people should pay for there crimes. Have you ever stopped to think and most of you know the TRUTHS are EXTREMELY STRETCHED TO MAKE A BETTER STORY. I myself do not smoke marijuana , would rather be around a room full of people who have smoked it than who are drunk. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED FROM SMOKING THIS? Have you ever heard any stories about anyone smoking it and going on crazy rampages? GOD MADE THIS PLANT. That is the truth. Its already legal in parts of COLORADO and CALIFORNIA. Is it possible that the government is so against this because they aren’t receiving any tax money from its sales? Last of all everyone who has taken the time to cast such cruel judgement should get on there knees and pray for gods mercy and forgiveness. Take the time you are spending criticizing and passing judgment to look at you own lives, and right some of your own wrongs, because no matter how hard you try to hide them. WE ALL KNOW YOU HAVE THEM and I PRAY FOR YOU……….

  22. rmd on August 18th, 2011 3:22 am

    why dont they leave this man alone.do you see people smoking pot get out an kill people on the highways? more people kill on beer and achol than they do on pot.you got to make a living somehow.atleast he wasnt stealing.gov.just wants their cut out of it.he wasnt hurting anyone just trying to support his family cause there arent no jobs around here.

  23. MAD momma on August 17th, 2011 10:46 pm

    I am very upset about the w hole situation he has already been to prision for the same crime a few years ago. You say he’s not able to take care of his family that he is disable but he’s able to get out in the woods at 90 degree weather and work for his drugs if he can do that he can get a normal paying job ..and to josie you say he’s a good man if he was selling are giving your childern drugs it would be a different story..and his own grandchildern was home while he was doing this but i bet the child welfare don’t come and do anything about that…..him and his wife both are fine and they could have got a job.Josie I don’t care how long you have known him he is still a drug dealer and there isn’t anything good about that.theres no way around it he is a drug dealer and i’m glad he’s locked up……..

  24. Baebae on August 17th, 2011 10:36 pm

    Now thats take home gardening to a new level…at least he admitted it…he will be over THE FARM HANDS in prison…..corn….peas….okra…beans….tomatoes…he has experience you know ?

  25. IfShoeFits on August 17th, 2011 9:58 pm

    Gee, maybe he could have grown tomatoes or other vegetables and sold them to supplement his income….what a novel idea!! There are things called consequences and he needs know that.

  26. eab on August 17th, 2011 9:51 pm

    poohbear said…”You need to wake up and see what this man and others like him are doing to the young people of our community.”

    I said…Oh, pooh. You are responsible for your own children and grandchildren. If you don’t want ‘em doing what you think is wrong, then teach ‘em not to. Don’t rely on the rest of us spending our tax dollars to train your kids..

  27. Just sayin' on August 17th, 2011 9:41 pm

    I know this man because he’s close to my family and he’s not a bad guy, of course selling marijuana is illegal but he needed the money to support his family, being his age and him not being well he doesn’t make much and his wife is also disabled with no job. He never sold it to “kids” or “grandkids” but just imagine if this was your grandfather and you were reading all of these comments bashing him when you don’t know all the facts. What makes you think he sold it to kids if you have no proof, especially since it wasn’t YOUR kids? Like I said, I know it’s illegal and wrong but don’t be so quick to judge when your life turns to this.

  28. Tracy on August 17th, 2011 9:41 pm

    Whether marijuana should be legal is NOT the issue here! As of right now it is ILLEGAL and therefore this man is WRONG and a criminal and should be treated as such. Way to go officers! Keep up the good work..illegal is illegal!

  29. poohbear on August 17th, 2011 7:05 pm

    If this man was selling some of his 300 plants to your children or grandchildren would you be so quick to defend him? We need to get men like him off the streets so that our children and grandchildren can be safe from drugs. Drugs most likely start at this level and then go up. You need to wake up and see what this man and others like him are doing to the young people of our community. I am thankful for valuable resources and time that was spent to get one off the streets and so he can’t get our young involved in something that he is in involved in.

  30. Mr Greenjeans on August 17th, 2011 5:41 pm

    To Mr.Powell do you are have you not read in the Bible the King James Version not the reworded NIV, God in Genesis gave mankind every seed bearing HERB. Pot is an herb, such as sage,basil ,oregano.I bet anything you think alcohol is ok.tobacco is also a drug,so is caffeine. Why not regulate and tax it.I should know I suffer from chronic pain 24 seven.But after being hooked on Dilaudid ,Lortab and any other medication my doctor would practice on me.I used the devils weed as you would say and got relief.No I am not a freeloader on society,I have worked all my life.But you are the type that would take a lortab or any other manmade chemical ,to get relief and thats ok.It can and does relieve medical conditions,yes it can be abused not that alcohol or tobacco are ever abused.So saying someone is going to hell because they smoke pot is wrong.So pop your lortabs smoke your cigs and have a cold noe I bet you were a teenager in the 50s too.Remember God made pot man made beer who do you trust.?

  31. Smokey on August 17th, 2011 5:27 pm

    Hate to see all these people happy this man was arrested. Being scared of something doesn’t make it wrong for others. The reason you think it’s so bad is the Government told you it was. LOL! Wonder what else is bad? Another victimless crime. What a waste.

  32. eab on August 17th, 2011 4:55 pm

    This is a complete waste of valuable resources and time. People of legal age should be allowed to grow marijuana, sell it, give it away, eat it, or use it for fish bait.

    This is just another example of big government intrusion upon our citizens and their privacy as well as a waste of taxpayer dollars. All of us conservatives should write Greg Evers and ask him to make sure this type of miscarriage of justice stays in Alabama.

  33. poohbear on August 17th, 2011 1:59 pm

    Josie wrote:
    “I have known this man my whole life he is a good man ..He has tried everything to help his family he is sick and so is his wife but yet no one will help them”

    That does not give him the right to grow illigal drugs. If he didn’t want to do it why was he growing 300 plants???

  34. Just Wondering on August 17th, 2011 12:48 pm

    ff he would give the shirt off his back, would that be to the kids
    he addicted to drugs, and would that be before or after he took
    their money for these drugs.

  35. 429SCJ on August 17th, 2011 12:40 pm

    I bet these hillsides along these area streams are dotted with patchs. I predict as the economic crisis worsens, more people will try and cash in.

  36. donnie on August 17th, 2011 12:20 pm

    step 1. youtube or google search Ron Paul war on drugs.
    step 2. read/watch said article/video
    step 3. remember said video/article
    step 4. vote when you can
    step 5. don’t complain untill steps 1-4 have been completed
    step 6. repeat if 4 years

  37. me again on August 17th, 2011 12:11 pm

    The case with Sheffield is a proven fact that all he will have to do is talk a little bit.

  38. lol on August 17th, 2011 12:06 pm


  39. hawghead on August 17th, 2011 10:52 am

    Another mouth to feed on taxpayers expense…..I have never and will never do drugs, but come on POT……This stuff needs to made legal it’s over crowding our prisons and it’s no more harmful than alcohol……I know this sounds strange coming from someone like me who is very conservative, but there are other more harmful drugs out there that we should be concentrating on besides pot..

  40. Josie on August 17th, 2011 9:50 am

    I have known this man my whole life he is a good man ..He has tried everything to help his family he is sick and so is his wife but yet no one will help them ..Do you think he really wanted to do this NO…Such judge mental people ..This man is like my dad and I will always love him ..Must be nice to have him off the streets well what do you think he was trying to do keep his family off the streets ..Judge all you want I no who he is and I am proud to know that he would give shirt off his back go without or the food from his table to feed any of you he would do with out ..I love you Wayne your other daughter…

  41. mickey powell on August 17th, 2011 8:28 am

    I’m hear again.
    I hate anything to do with illegal drugs, dope heads, harming children. Mr Huie you aught to be ashame of your self. Don’t know but, if you have children.granchildren or great grandchildren didn’t you realize that your stupid, selfishness self-gratification would bleed over on to them. We see it every day out here. You should be on your knees right now and wait for someone to ask you to get up.
    Mariijuana is the stuff that starts someones (Children) on the road to be a full fledged dope head and a failure in life, Thats actualy what you were doing. 3oo plants? How in the world did someone miss this. Some 7 Feet? Do what? Somthing is wrong here. You never had (friends?) over? You never had company over? Just too many questions unanswered. At least one of your (friends?) told on you. You knew what you were doing?
    GET ON YOUR KNEES No shortcut to heaven. When people do wrong things, people fry in hell. We never know when its going to start either

    Mickey Powell

  42. JimD on August 17th, 2011 7:04 am

    While under current law I am glad this individual is off the streets, the government is going about the business of marijuana the wrong way. It should be legalized and taxed and sold for over $15.00 a pack.

    Again, smoking marijuana would be a choice, just like drinking. If you use it stay at home you are not hurting anyone other than yourself….if you drive while using it, what is the difference over a person that drinks and drives. The police would then be looking or people under the influence, just like the do know…ticket them and put them in jail.

    Although this arrest was a BIG HAUL for law enforcement, what would happen to individuals that still and the governmet was not getting tax revenue from it.

  43. David Huie Green on August 17th, 2011 6:22 am

    Cousin Wayne

  44. juggalo on August 17th, 2011 1:47 am

    Now that they got Huie do you think he’ll snitch on Dewy or Louie? Kinda makes ya wonder if you could keep a strait face if his brother’s triplets show up yelling “UNCLE DONALD UNCLE DONALD!” sorry I couldnt help it

  45. Me on August 17th, 2011 1:41 am

    Words cannot express the secure feeling I have knowing that this sick twisted is locked up and off the streets! This is 300 plants of marijuana will not be in our childrens hands! I tip my hat to all the LEOs who had a hand in this sucessful event of bringing swift justice. This guy was so brazen he ADMITTED ownership!!! That is total disrespect to our outstanding drug policies that helped elevate us to the fine economical society we have today! Thank heaven we have officials that do realize it is worth the extra couple of thousand dollars worth of man power and the aircraft with fuel to put people like this where they belong! Just imagine what this place would be like if government would spend a tenth on stuff like cold case files, on going investigations, and hunting down WANTED criminals instead of cracking down on all these nonviolent drug users? I’m just saying, remember THIS story when you vote next time, I know I will