Final Local Defendants Sentenced In Federal Drug Case

August 4, 2011

The last of a dozen North Escambia area defendants have been sentenced on federal drug charges stemming from an undercover operation.

The 12 were indicted and arrested in February for conspiring to obtain pseudoephedrine in order to manufacture methamphetamine. They were arrested in a day-long law enforcement sweep on February 22 as part of a federal effort dubbed “Operation Blister Pack”.

The most recent sentences handed down as a result of the operation were:

  • Rebecca Jernigan, of  Still Road, Century — eight months home detention without electronic monitoring, five years probation
  • Particia Love, of Eastman Lane, Cantonment — 36 months in federal prison, three years probation
  • William Robbins, of Duxbury Avenue, Molino — five years probation with first six months at the Keeton Correctional Center followed by six months home detention

The longest sentences stemming from the operation were handed down to Matthew Ramsey of Duxbury Avenue in Molino, James N. Brown of Molino Road in Molino and Terry D. Wolfe of Robertsdale, Alabama. Ramsey will spend the next 20 years in federal prison, while Brown was sentenced to nearly 16 years and Wolfe received 10 years.

All of the dozen defendants entered into plea agreements with federal prosecutors over the past few months.

Those sentenced earlier were:

  • James N. Brown, of Molino Road, Molino– 188 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Tonya L. Foster, of Vaughn Street, Cantonment– 72 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Aarron V. Hendrickson, of Hwy. 95A, Cantonment — 36 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Raymond E. Love, of Highway 29, Molino — 54 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • William T. Neal, of  Williams Ditch Road, Cantonment –  40 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Terra C. Palmer, of Daylily Road, Cantonment — 60 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Matthew M. Ramsey, of  Duxbury Avenue, Molino — 240 months federal prison, 10 years supervised release.
  • Nicholas D. Scott, of Rumford Road, Molino – 87 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Terry D. Wolfe, of Robertsdale, Ala. — 120 months federal prison, five years supervised release.

The case resulted from a long-term investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration


11 Responses to “Final Local Defendants Sentenced In Federal Drug Case”

  1. donkey dragger on November 17th, 2011 2:58 pm

    Now after most of these people are gone , Molino has ridden itself of alot of crime. These people along with the others involved in all the meth bust backin early 2010 are in jail where they belong…Going back and reading all the comments supporting these folks are crazy….molino has some good folks but still alot of people wanting the easy way out!!!! I pray everyday that the ramseys and loves of the world will never get out of jail…and i laugh when i go back and read patricia love comment about she didnt know what was going on…and she put her cell phone on here hoping people would donate money to her…What trailer trash….The people who goto work everyday sit back and enjoy knowing that some of the trash is gone outta of molino….

  2. Relative on August 7th, 2011 8:05 am

    @Did what anyone would do,

    No, Tammy never did what anyone would do. If you know her as you seem to imply that you do, you’d know her past history as a mother and you wouldn’t be defending her so vehemently. I’m not going to go into details here because William wouldn’t allow my post, but believe me, I could.

    Everybody in the neighborhood knows Tammy and her addiction problems. She’s not the perfect person you’re trying to paint her to be. It’s far from the truth and doesn’t make you look like anything but a member of this whole thing who was lucky enough not to get caught.

  3. DID WHAT ANY ONE WOULD DO..... on August 6th, 2011 7:37 am

    As far as I’m concerned Mrs. Tammy Sheffield Rothe did what she needed to do, wouldn’t you? Anyone one in her situation would have done the same and i know for a fact that most of them did. And as fas as Step Daddy Lambeth, she did not turn on him, He quit buying these so called boxes a long time ago…he unfortunatley got caught up in the investigation, and was snitched on by i’m sure more than one person. Tammy was not the only person in trouble here…. There were several people trying to save there own ass. I’m not saying these people did or didn’t get what they deserved, but I do know that each person had different charges and were caught more than once. Tammy is a a good person and is loved dearly…anyone with a problem with what she has done,,,, well that sounds like a personal problem. Anyfuther comments about Step Daddy lambeth or Mrs. Tammy Sheffiel Rothe are really unneccessary and a waste of your time. She will be and always will be a wonderful Mother, Daughter, Sister and Friend.

  4. Baebae on August 5th, 2011 12:26 pm

    The DIRTY DOZEN…about to be cleaned up…a shame whats happening to the people of our community and country…DRUGS are ruining this country….and the devil is at the root of it all…need us a good sermon callled….the ROOT….the RUIN…and the RECOVERY…or how about….the DEVIL….the DRUGS…..and the DAMNATION…..

  5. S MCghee on August 4th, 2011 7:19 pm

    Jernigan and Sheffield how fast can you say snitch…….. Florida residents beware snitches and have been for a long time……. Do loritab you get 15 years do meth a slap on wrist what has our government become>>>>>>>>>>>

  6. William on August 4th, 2011 4:54 pm

    >>so what happened to the (3) in the flowers family that was arrested in this deal???

    They were arrested on state charges. The story above is about the ones arrested for federal charges.

    At least check, the cases were still open on the three you mentioned arrested on state charges. We’ll report on them again after their cases are resolved.

  7. waldo kims on August 4th, 2011 4:45 pm

    so what happened to the (3) in the flowers family that was arrested in this deal???
    i guess they ratted on all the others!!!,but they should not get away with this they are just as guilty as the others,if you all remember correctly the bust was @ one of the flowers home on molino rd???? none of the three names have been mentioned again????????????????

  8. All our tax money on August 4th, 2011 9:51 am

    to apprehend the people and they will be back out on the street before we can
    say, “how much did that cost us?”. With the drug scourge on this town criminals
    still get a slap and the people who work hard and try to live a decent life can pay
    for it all and get the shaft. When these people get out they will be smarter and

    God Bless Our Law Enforcement

  9. 429SCJ on August 4th, 2011 6:32 am

    Meth is obviously something to avoid. I despise anyone that would try and shift the burden of their problems to the shoulders of another. What a pack of idiots.

  10. disappointed AGAIN on August 4th, 2011 6:03 am

    Rebecca Jernigan, of Still Road, Century — eight months home detention without electronic monitoring, five years probation

    WHAT?????????? Wow I gues her and Tammy Sheffield became partners HUH

  11. Just sayin' on August 4th, 2011 6:03 am

    Can you say “snitch”?