Fallen Marine’s Family: He Was Our Hero

August 20, 2011

Their world was shattered about noon Thursday at the Nelson home in Bratt as three men in military uniforms stood at the door.

“I just screamed and said no,” Beckie said Friday, just over 24 hours after she learned that her son, LCpl Travis Nelson, was shot and killed while conducting combat operations in in Helmand province, Afghanistan.  “I just went to my knees and said don’t let them come  in. I knew right away that he was gone.”

Late Friday afternoon, Beckie  sat holding a framed 5×7 photo of Travis. She has held onto the photo practically every moment since Thursday afternoon.

“He will always be our hero,” Scott Nelson said of their son.

Travis Nelson’s first love in his young life was fishing. At four years old, he would spend hours with relatives fishing on the Escambia River. No matter how old he got, he never gave up the love for a fishing pole and hook.

“He did not go to the beach to swim or watch the girls in their bathing suits,” Beckie said. “He loved to fish.”

He also loved playing baseball at Northwest Escambia’s Bradberry Park in Walnut Hill. “He couldn’t tie his shoes; he would trip on his shoelaces. But he sure could hit those home runs,” she said with a smile.

The Nelsons knew  that Travis wanted a career in the military from a young age, and they supported him.  At 14, he joined the Young Marines of Pensacola.

“We talked it out for hours, Scott said. “He wanted to serve his country. I was so proud that he had a direction in his life.”

Beckie Nelson, who served in the Navy, also supported Travis’ decision to join the Marines, but she encouraged him to go into avionics, not the infantry.

“I knew he would be safer in a plane than he would with a gun in his hand,” Beckie said.

“But he would not have it that way. He would tell me that it did not always have to be somebody else serving in the infantry. He was not scared.”

Travis Nelson was set to marry Madeline Cates upon his return from Afghanistan. She moved to Bratt after he shipped out overseas, sleeping in his room. It made her feel closer to him.

The family last saw Travis on July 13 as he deployed for Afghanistan. Their last phone conversation was Monday as he requested items for a care package. That package still sits by the front door. It never made it to the mail.

Now the Nelsons, and Cates, await the return of Travis’ body from Afghanistan. His remains are scheduled to arrive at an Atmore funeral home mid-week. In the meantime, they work to comfort each other amongst family and friends.

And they’ve found great solace in the words of the community and complete strangers.

Beckie sat Friday afternoon in the middle her bed with a laptop, reading the scores of reader comments on a NorthEscambia.com story about Travis Nelson’s death.

“The support has been tremendous,” she said. “We want to thank everyone for their comments. When you read what they have say, especially the comments from complete strangers around the country, you know that what Travis did in 19 years was more than some people do in a lifetime.”

“He really was our hero.”

For an earlier story about the death of Travis Nelson and to read the comments mentioned in this story, click here.

Pictured: Scott and Beckie Nelson hold a photo of their fallen son, LCpl Travis Nelson, who died Thursday while serving in Afghanistan.  NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


68 Responses to “Fallen Marine’s Family: He Was Our Hero”

  1. Lcpl Rodolfo Moreno on September 4th, 2011 6:59 am

    Dear Nelson fam.

    I didn’t know your son for to long but what all we went trough together I probaly got to know him better than most people.I loved him.we were rack-mates in bootcamp, i even meet all of ya right there at our rack. Made it trough that okay I helped him he helped me.went to soi together n eventually to the same unit n grew even closer then.I saw him a couple times out there n he was the same as ever.I got hit by an ied a couple weeks before all this happened.

    I gave some
    He gave all

    My hero Lcpl Travis M. Nelson

  2. Kimberley Taylor on August 26th, 2011 10:52 pm

    My heart breaks for your family. But I am so grateful for all your son did for our country. There are no words that I can convey that would do justice to what you deserve, but know that your son will live on forever in your heart.

  3. Seth Dunbar/Jordan Dunbar (Marine in Helmand province, Afghanistan right now) on August 25th, 2011 8:24 pm

    Dear Beckie,

    I am a 18 year old male and i just realized this year in September 10 that being a Marine wasn’t something people did for honor. People don’t see what our Marines do, nobody really shows that they care or that they are grateful. I thank your son a long with my brother, Jordan Dunbar, who is still in Afghan serving and protecting, fighting for our Country as you beloved son did. My brother was a very close friends with your son and was deeply hurt him and i know he misses him as you guys do, but always remember that your son did good things. Your son mattered and still does. I am so sorry for your lose, reading this story made me tear up, I keep you guys in my pray.God bless you guys.

    Seth Dunbar / Jordan Dunbar(Marine and Friend)

  4. Brian Moore on August 24th, 2011 8:37 pm

    My prayers got out to family and friends of Lance Cpl. Travis Nelson. I thank Travis for fighting for our freedom. I never got to meet Travis but i wish i would have. Travis was a brave man.
    R.I.P Lance Cpl Travis Nelson

  5. Mark G on August 24th, 2011 3:42 pm

    Beckie, Scott –

    My sincere condolences (thanks for returning my call Scott). Travis was, by far, the best young man I’ve had the opportunity to meet and talk with and (honestly) know.. I knew his direction in life having had the conversation with him and his friends on multiple occasions. It saddens me greatly at this hour of our lives to have lost such a wonderful young man. There is no condolence that will lessen. Some will say time but, that too, isn’t true. I know my heart, and that of my daughters as well as all the friends that frequented our house on Ponitz Pkwy, will feel this and keep it with them forever. That’s a good thing. Travis brought and commanded respect. He was always respectful (and that’s an admirable quality at any age) and as such commanded respect. He will be truly missed but, more so, greatly remembered as a true American hero!

    Travis – Stand down Marine, RIP, you’ve stood your hitch in hell, it’s time to guard the pearly gates. Semper FI.

    Mark Gromer, USN ret

  6. Sharise (NALCOMIS) on August 24th, 2011 1:31 pm

    Beckie, I love you!!! You know that Travis is guarding heaven’s gate with one eye on you and the family. Thank you for sharing your beloved son with me and the Marine Corps. He will always be cherished and never forgotten. God bless you! Semper Fidelis.

  7. Felicia, Alex, Dylan Amerson & Billy Gilly on August 24th, 2011 9:16 am

    Beckie, Scott, Anna, and Madeline-

    We can not even comprehend the pain that your hearts are feeling at this time. We were looking through all of the boys old ball pictures the other day and there was Travis right in the middle with a grin on his face! As Alex put it, always a jokester! What I remember is how he could hit a baseball out of the park!!! I come from a huge military family and as we know each and every risk that is involved it doesnt make it any easier! As we line the streets this afternoon to pay tribute to a wonderful young man, our hearts are so sad that Travis paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I picture him in Heaven getting God’s army in place for the day that we will see him again! We just want you guys to know that we are HONORED to have known Travis and to know that he fought for our freedom. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we love you Travis and we will never forget your smile and laughter, we will see you again one day soon and you and Billy can continue your baseball games! To our HERO, Travis Nelson, always in our hearts!

  8. sherry on August 23rd, 2011 8:32 pm

    my heart goes out to you. and your family will be in my prayers. my son is in the marine corps. and i can only imagine how hard this is for you. these young men and women serving our country are true heros.

  9. Charlotte and Sammy May on August 23rd, 2011 8:20 pm

    We will never forget the ultimate sacrifice your family has made. You will be in our prayers as you deal with the loss of your son. May God wrap His arms of comfort around you as you deal with the difficult days ahead.


  10. Jimmy Nelson on August 23rd, 2011 3:10 pm

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Scott/Beckie and family/friends/fellow Marines. I fished with Travis just last month in north Alabama at a family reunion over the 4th of July weekend. I enjoyed the fellowhip time spent with him and I will always cherish those moments. Travis, thank you for your service.
    CPO Jimmy Nelson, United States Navy Reserve (ret)
    Altoona, AL 35952

  11. Friction on August 23rd, 2011 2:49 pm

    This man is a true hero…it is well that we have been blessed by having such men to fight and die for our country. I pray for the family and hope God will ease their pain.

  12. Connie M on August 23rd, 2011 8:27 am

    I am so deeply sorry for your loss. God bless you all with peace and sweet memories.

  13. Rebecca on August 22nd, 2011 11:57 pm

    I am so sorry for the loss your family has endured. Very proud mother of a Cpl serving with the 1/6. My heart and soul will always remember your son and the sacrifice he knew.

  14. Cheryl M on August 22nd, 2011 8:16 pm

    We take so much for granted including the Men and woman who serve to keep us free .

    My son is among the men of the 1/6 that left in July . No words can express the sorrow I feel nor the loss for those Men who served proudly beside your son and too will feel the loss .

    May god keep him in his embrace

  15. Cpl Merriman on August 22nd, 2011 5:54 pm

    To the Nelson family:
    My heart truly goes out to you during these trying times. LCpl Nelson was truly a hero and gave everything he could for our country. I along with my entire family send our deepest condolences for the loss of your son and also our most sincere gratitude for his faithful fidelity to God, Country, and Corps. Rest easy knowing that he is now standing guard at Heaven’s pearly gates awaiting the day that your family is once again reunited.
    God bless and Semper Fi
    Cpl Merriman USMC

  16. Crystal on August 22nd, 2011 5:44 pm

    Mr. & Mrs. Nelson,

    I did not know your son but by reading the stories you have shared I see that you raised an exceptional young man!! And for that I say Thank You!!

    I want to make a promise to you…..if can get off work the day of the funeral I will be standing beside the road to show support to you and your family. I have participated in this way of showing support before and it is just as rewarding to the individual as it is to the family. I challenge others to do the same!!


  17. Linda Genao on August 22nd, 2011 4:43 pm

    My sincere and deepest condolences….I am a spouse with 1/6 and I am truly sorry for your lose. May God comfort you and your family and bring you peace. I share in the sorrow as does my husband Msgt. Genao.

    Semper FI

  18. Tammy Amison on August 22nd, 2011 3:06 pm

    To the Nelson family. I am from Century but currently reside at Fort carson Colorado. I want to express my sincere sympathy on the passing of your son. He along with all the soldiers we have lost are true hero’s. My God comfort you and his fiancee at this horrible time and know that your entire family will be in my prayer’s during this time.

  19. Marie Harrison on August 22nd, 2011 12:11 pm

    Becky, Scott and family. I can’t count the times I’ve started to reply on this site only to delete it because I don’t know what to say and I can’t see thru my tears. Travis was truly a hero. A remarkable young man. Every parents dream and he fought hard for our country. I thank you and I thank Travis. Please know that you are ALL in my thoughts and prayers.

    Marie Harrison
    Mega bldg

  20. Walter Morrison on August 22nd, 2011 10:25 am

    I’m sorry for your lose,your son was a brave young man.Wish we did’nt have to fight wars ,not good for our county and our youth.So sorry ,peace be with your family and friends of your son.

  21. Carla Crum on August 22nd, 2011 9:46 am

    Beckie and Scott my heart gose out to you . I did not know your son but my son did know your son well. Nick was with him on thrusday. He call me early saturday morning, I could fill hole in my son heart. I cant stop thinking about you and your family My deepest sympathy to you from me and my son Carla

  22. Laura on August 22nd, 2011 8:59 am

    I am so sorry for your loss. I have a son serving in the Air Force, he’s 23. He returned home from Afghanistan in May. I worried every day and night about his safety overseas. He would say, “Mama, don’t worry, I’m ok.” But I worried anyway. It’s just what mama’s do. I can’t imagine what you’re going through but my my heart goes out to you and your family. Our freedom relies on those men and women who are brave enough to put their lives on the line for us and who put their country first. Thank you for your son’s service to our country. He will not be forgotten. May God Bless you and your family.

  23. Wendy Bailey on August 22nd, 2011 8:33 am

    All our thoughts are with the Nelson family in this very difficult time. Travis is a true hero and will be remembered as such. All of us at FSCJ Pensacola are here for Beckie and the entire Nelson family.

  24. Jarrod Peebles on August 22nd, 2011 8:12 am

    Scott and Becky, you may not remember me but we met trough a mutual friend when ya’ll first moved to Bratt at that time Travis was maybe 4 or 5 years old. i just wanted to say thankyou to the family for his service to our country. I hope as time goes by that this terrible time gets easier to deal with for you and your family. To Anna be strong baby your brother is in a lot better place where there is nothing but love all around and remeber that he loved you and is watching over you now. So sorry for your loss. it has been an honor to know that your son cared so much for all of us that he enlisted to serve us. thankyou

  25. Tim Mack on August 22nd, 2011 5:51 am

    I lost my brother in 2007 in Iraq, our thoughts and prayers are with you and our brave Marines. Stay strong.

  26. Beth Waller on August 21st, 2011 10:53 pm

    To the Nelson family: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I cannot begin to understand how you must feel, but I am sure that your pride and love for your son will live forever. I am a Marine Mom and my twin sons enlisted a little over a year ago. My first son to Afghanistan was seriously injured and the other one leaves in about a month. I know how much the support of the community as well as around the Country means. You will forever be in our prayers. You are not alone and you will find many supportive people at Marinefamilynetwork.com. The Waller family.

  27. Eve on August 21st, 2011 9:29 pm

    God Bless you in this tragic time and Thank You for your sons service !!

  28. Tom on August 21st, 2011 9:06 pm

    Having served in the Navy for 30 years, during some of toughest times of the cold war, I can not begin to express the words needed to sooth the sorrow or explain the whys of how this could have happened. But all of us who volunteer in the armed forces know the risks and are proud to serve our country and God. We believers serve a Sovereign God who gives us a very short time on this earth. We could die in a car accident tomorrow. I have cheated death or seriouis harm many times. We all want to go to heaven but it’s this crossing over that is hard. Time will heal. Travis gets to finish the race just a few moments in time ahead of the rest of us. We will greet him when we too arrive. Sleep in peace Travis. Tomorrow, who promised any of you a tomorrow.

    Semper Fi

  29. The Sanders Family on August 21st, 2011 7:38 pm

    Travis there are many things we thank you for, from the time you moved in next door and became Bubbys first real friend, went fishing with, knocking on our door to ask if he could come out to play… swimming in your pool…we cherish those memories and always will. We thank you for letting us meet your family and becoming close friends. You grew up into a fine young man any mother and father would be proud of. We thank you for being a hero, our very own hero,,,Travis we love and will miss you.

  30. Reader of the News on August 21st, 2011 7:19 pm

    sorry for you loss, praying for the Lord to bring comfort to your family.

  31. Jane on August 21st, 2011 7:13 pm

    This Sunday our flag in front of our church flew at half mast in rememberance of your son and his sacrifice for America, for all of us to remain free. His is a HERO in every sense of the word. My eyes fill with tears for the sadness in your lives and his fiance’s life. You have my prayers and my deepest sympathy for your loss. May all the good memories remain with you and the sadness leave your hearts soon.

  32. Grace on August 21st, 2011 6:45 pm

    God Bless the Nelson Family on the heroic death of their brave Marine. He will never be forgotten…..It is the courage and sacrifice of our Marined that keeps us free. A true American hero always and forever.

  33. Daniel Nelson on August 21st, 2011 4:51 pm

    My Brother, My Friend gave his heart to defend, our country for all women and men…I’m proud to say your My Brother, My Friend!
    My Brother, My Friend always knew just what to say to make me grin, don’t worry for your mother for I will be there until the end… It’s an honor to say your My Brother, My Friend!
    My Brother, My Friend this feel’s like the end, so until we meet again a new life we must begin… I will always love My Brother, My Friend!

    Dedicated to my brother.. LCpl Travis Nelson USMC 1992-2011.. Fallen but not forgotten!!
    Daniel S. Nelson

  34. Gary Coleman on August 21st, 2011 3:25 pm

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I don’t know what else to say and this is my first ever post on this website.

    Your son is a hero unlike any Hollywood Celebrity, athlete or reality show participant. True hero’s are there to serve their country, not to add to their bank account. Find the song American Soldier by Toby Keith and listen to it. Your son is another hero of mine.

    Gary Coleman

  35. randy on August 21st, 2011 10:25 am

    This young man was a TRUE hero. These so called celeberties and sports figures that some people go crazy over are far from heros. The real heros are our military , law enforcment, emergency personel. People that put their lives on the line to keep us safe. May God comfort this family now and in the days ahead.

    LCpl Travis Nelson : HERO!!!!

  36. Interested on August 21st, 2011 8:56 am

    I don’t know this family but have tears as I read this womans pain. I can not
    even imagine how she will cope with such a large loss.

    God be with them all.

  37. John C. Shakeshaft SR on August 21st, 2011 8:30 am

    Beckie, Scott, Anna and Madeline – our deepest heartfelt sympathy and continued prayers go out to you and all that knew and loved Travis . And as all of the family of the Marine Corps – we grieve in the loss. Travis passed to soon. Travis passed serving the call of his country. Travis passed doing more than most in America ever dreamed of doing. Travis gave his life in service to a nation that serves as a beacon to all of the governments of the world. Let freedom ring and let the sacrifice of LCpl Travis M. Nelson, USMC never fade. John & Gail Shakeshaft.

  38. Semper Fi from a Retired Marine on August 21st, 2011 5:58 am

    My heart felt condolences to your family and to the little lady he was to marry. You and yours will forever be a Marine Corps Family.
    Having spent four years recruiting prospective Marines and five years at Paris Island training Marines, I for one can tell by the look in ones eyes what possesses a young man to have the desire of becoming “One of the few.”
    No amount of words said or written can bring your loved one back for it has been tried by myself many times during the Vietnam excursion in my life as a Marine.
    If a Marine has learned his general orders and if you will take a moment to understand what the first one really says word for word then it will scratch the surface of his undertaking. “I am an American fighting man, I serve in the forces that protect our country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.”
    Did he know the sacrifice? Yes and God bless him and those young people that love and cherish our way of life enough to pay that ultimate sacrifice. Each and every time I travel highway 4 from now on, I will think of this young man that gave me the right to travel our roads in this great country without a constant fear of bodily harm. This is in addition to the untold amount of privileges that come with the title of “American” which the average person takes for granite. Again, “SEMPER FI” to you and his close friends and remember that once a Marine, always a Marine. We all gave some but some gave all. M/Sgt Retired United States Marine Corps

  39. Marine Mom from Iowa/Son deployed with 1/6 on August 21st, 2011 5:48 am

    You are in my prayers……my heart goes out to you. Semper Fi LCpl Travis Nelson….

  40. Melvina and Danny Booth on August 21st, 2011 2:55 am

    Our thoughts’ and prayers’ are with all of you during in the days’ to come. There is no greater pain than loseing a child. I am reminded of the words my precious mama said when we lost my sister and nephew. She said my babies are not dead they are waiting for me on the other side with Jesus. Your precious son may be gone in body but he lives forever and waits to be reunited with you in heaven when Jesus returns for us. I have read all the previous post about him. He was an outstanding young man. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts’ for every thing he done for our freedom!!! We pray for the Lord to hold your hands and guide you in peace.

  41. Pam Ferrell on August 20th, 2011 11:17 pm

    I am so sorry for there loss. I am a Marine mother that lost her son,( LCPL. Bruce E. Ferrell. USMC. -11-2-87– 08-10-09) My heart goes out to them at this time, And the days ahead. There are no words that anyone could say right now to help with the pain, but to know that he was doing what he wanted to do and is a true Hero to this Country!! If his mother ever wants to talk please let her know she is welcome to call me anytime. ( 251-423-9875) And God Bless this family!!!

  42. Timithy Gardner USAF on August 20th, 2011 10:48 pm

    Mrs becky and mr scott from a resident of walnuthill and a brother in arms my prayers go out to your family and friends …..but from this man in uniform I salute yall…….

  43. bob on August 20th, 2011 10:39 pm

    Thank you for your sacrifice to our country and sorry to hear of your loss.

  44. Buck Cox on August 20th, 2011 10:22 pm

    Scott, Mrs. Nelson,

    I am so so sorry for your loss. I can only pray for you and yours and hope that all of the others will be ORDERED home soon. Scott, I have come to know you well and can not express my sorrow for such a man …. deep enough. If I can do anything , you have my number. Once again , my deepest condolances.


  45. becky on August 20th, 2011 10:03 pm

    dear mrs becky and mr scott. i just want to said that thank you for let your son service our country and god blessed him and i will keep you and your family in my prayer

    just remember he always in your hearts and your thoughts

  46. poplardellcommunity on August 20th, 2011 8:51 pm

    So sorry for your loss,
    May God comfort you and
    your family….

  47. C on August 20th, 2011 7:49 pm

    Thank you, Travis, and thank you to the Nelsons for raising a hero. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  48. Martin Vance on August 20th, 2011 7:31 pm

    Here’s to Our Heroes

    America was built on faith and togetherness,
    Upon valued relationships,
    And oh how God has truly blessed.
    For at Her birth the founding fathers built,
    A foundation,
    Upon God and reinforced it in His Word,
    One that would forever last.
    Fear was never a part of them then,
    For Freedom flowed in their veins, my friend.
    In courage they pledged,
    To give all until all had been given, even unto death.
    Even now, in peace in deaths rest,
    They know the long line of courage continues,
    For Freedom flows in the veins of America’s very best.
    The ones that hear and answer Her call,
    Duty, honor, and country we pledge to protect.
    Giving all until all has been given, even unto deaths rest.

    Lord, thank you for America’s very Best,
    Martin Lee Vance

  49. Walnut Hill Resident- Juniper St on August 20th, 2011 7:09 pm

    To the parents of: LCpl Travis Nelson

    We the residents of Juniper St. send our condolences to your family. My cousin went to school with him and said he was a great man who served his country. He will be missed by many. May God Bless you and your Family. Prayers from Juniper St. residents.

  50. AlabamaChick on August 20th, 2011 6:24 pm

    My Prayes go out to the Nelson Family.

  51. earnestine gunn on August 20th, 2011 4:33 pm

    becket and scott my prayers are with you. seth is comming home monday. you know we never know when our time will be . we need to live our time the best we know how we are glad to know travis love you ernestine and family

  52. Sgt McKinney on August 20th, 2011 4:30 pm

    Dear Nelson Family,
    I stood in formation as your son’s casket was loaded onto the plane here in Afghanistan. I have participated in many of these formations sometimes even having the honor of carrying our fallen HERO’s on my shoulder to the plane. I want you to know the deep sense of gratitude and honor that your son’s name rings in the heart of all Marines. Thank you for his commitment, and thank you for raising such a strong man and steadfast patriot. My heart breaks for you and your family and I will keep you in my prayers. Your son’s life was not lived in vain, rather a triumphant example of American patriotism at its deepest roots. Semper Fidelis Travis. God is with you brother.

  53. Pat & Chuck Brandich on August 20th, 2011 1:13 pm

    Thank you for your son’s commitment, hard work and love of country. He is a hero and a devastating loss to endure. We, as parents of a Marine, will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers.

  54. Georgia Warrior on August 20th, 2011 12:29 pm

    My nephew is serving in Sangin with the same battalion your son was. I have no words but have many many condolence and prayers for you.

  55. tara smith on August 20th, 2011 12:06 pm

    Prayers be with you during this time. My family appreciates you and your son. He is a true Hero. My heart goes out to you as a Mother. Heartfelt love and sorrow to you. But I dearly appreciate him serving to keep my children safe and free.

  56. PPowe on August 20th, 2011 11:32 am

    The day they told you about your child leaving you behind will be and always be the worst day of your life. Just take some comfort and I know there really is no comfort in anything now, but try to see ALL the lives your boy touched! This not only includes us in the U.S. but the people who were glad he cared enough to help them in Afganistan.
    I do know you are strong… I know it is really bad now… We can not understand why… And we may have to see our Savior before we know why. So take each second, minute, hour , day, week, month, year as it comes. Listen for his laughter in Anna, and look forward to that wonderful reunion some glad day. Time does NOT make it better. The Lord helps you deal w/ it differently. When you cry it is ok for the Savior’s mother stood at the foot of the cross and cried and grieved for her son even though she knew he would live again! So if Mary could cry for the loss of her child, God understands our tears!
    May our mighty God embrace you now w/ his love and give you strength to face this time to come and the future.
    W/ all our love,
    Joy & Family of Kyle Powe

  57. R.G.H. on August 20th, 2011 11:04 am

    I want to convey my deepest sympathy to the families involved. Travis is gone from this world; but , his spirit will be you always. As a citizen this country I want also to say thank you for all of your sacrifices. I know to that the family serves too when a loved one is in uniform.

    God bless all of you and may he bring comfort to you in this difficult time.

  58. SFC Ewing on August 20th, 2011 10:48 am

    Dear Nelson Family,

    My name is Bobby Ewing Jr. I’m a 97 graduate of Northview High School and currently deployed at this time. My heart goes out to your entire family and in time of sorrow. I never knew your son, but from reading the stories, comments and speaking with others that did know him, he must have been an amazing young man. Know that you all are in my families prayers and may our community continue to take care of you. God Bless.


    Bobby Ewing Jr.

  59. Stacey on August 20th, 2011 10:38 am

    My heart breaks and hurts for them. There really are no words to say. He will not be forgotten in our household. Thank you for your service, Travis.

  60. Atmore G on August 20th, 2011 9:57 am

    May God bless and keep you all during this trying time.. I did not know your son, but I am very proud of him.. What a blessing it must have been to have Travis for those few short years.. Our country has also been blessed to have such fine young men as LCpl Travis Nelson.. May he now rest in peace with his Lord and Saviour..

  61. Gerri McDonald on August 20th, 2011 9:42 am

    Beckie and Scott, I am so sorry to hear about Travis. He and Melanie played t-ball together at Bradberry Park. A little over four years ago I too went through the loss of my son Russell, who was also serving in the Marine Corps. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  62. The Brousseau's on August 20th, 2011 9:36 am

    Scott, Beckie, Anna and Madeline, we are so so sorry for your loss! There is no greater pain than losing your child. Madeline I am so sorry, I was just a teenager when David went off to boot camp it was hard to be seperated! Just remember the love that you shared and know he was doing what he was passionate about, serving our country! He is a true hero. All I know is just focus on Anna she needs you guys and together you can pull through! If you need anything please don’t hesitate. God Bless all of you, David Beth and Hannah

  63. jayMomma on August 20th, 2011 9:18 am

    My Grandfather was a Marine in WWII. I want to thank your Son for fighting for my families freedom. I want to thank you for raising a fine young man. I have a son who is 20 and can not imagine the pain of losing him. RIP TravIs Nelson!!

  64. Janice Parker on August 20th, 2011 8:23 am

    You have my deepest sympathy in the loss of your son. I lost my first husband in Vietnam. I have some idea of what you are going through. Love and prayers for everyone.

  65. ThePowerMan on August 20th, 2011 7:50 am

    I sit here in the luxury of my home and think about the scores of service men and women who have paid the ultimate price……..FOR ME. I know so many friends that have chosen the military as a career. It makes me proud to know them. I said before that they are truly heroes. Its not just a job to most of them just as I can tell that Travis loved protecting us.

    God is still a good God. His plan is still being carried out. Although we may never understand until we meet Him face to face, I trust that Travis may have just saved many more lives. It could be through their chose of salvation, protecting our country, or simply changing the direction of their life.

    I hope the details of his return home is published so that us readers can be there upon his arrival. Please help keep us informed!!!!

  66. OldMarine on August 20th, 2011 7:26 am

    Sorry for your Loss , A son is a terrible price to pay.

    Semper Fi

  67. Mickey Powell on August 20th, 2011 6:47 am

    Travis we never knew each other but we have a lot in common. We are both veterens who served. That is whats great about American. We gave, you more than me.

    There are ones out here that only want and take. One day maybe we will not have to go to another country and kill
    Travis bless you and thank you for your service to our great nation.

    Bless your Mom and Dad thru this trying time in their life.

    Mickey Powell

  68. Zach on August 20th, 2011 2:48 am

    I want to thank yall both for fighting for me ive herd alot of good things about hime and im so sorry for the faimly yall are bleesed with gods love now that he is up there watching over yall and he want yall to be happy some of gods greatest gifts are unawsewed prayers god bless yall and thank yall again for surving our country i love yall