Deputies Seize $34,000 Worth Of Pot From Hunting Club Land

August 18, 2011

There have been no arrests so far after the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office seized almost three dozen marijuana plants from property belonging to a Walnut Hill hunting club.

The 34 marijuana plants were discovered recently on a food plot at a hunting club on Highway 164 near Lambert Bridge Road. The plants, which ranged in height from about four to six feet, had an estimated street value of about $34,000, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The hunting club cooperated with deputies and no more marijuana was located on the property.

Pictured: Some of the 34 marijuana plants with an estimated street value of $34,000 seized from a hunting club near Walnut Hill. photo, click to enlarge.


35 Responses to “Deputies Seize $34,000 Worth Of Pot From Hunting Club Land”

  1. 429SCJ on August 22nd, 2011 3:33 am

    Donnie this makes about as much sense as Cheney dragging us into Iraq? The tax revenue would far outweigh the funds gathered by fines. The profits are so great, the Mexican cartels, are sending armed grow teams, here to U.S. soil to cultivate pot. Someone is benefiting from this proibition, but who? Its all about money I wonder if the liquor industry fears competition, from pot, we certainly know who they are,

  2. donnie on August 21st, 2011 9:31 pm

    NatGeo is where I learned about the damiana and wild dagga. There were a bunch of other stuff on there too but nothing that looked appealing to me. What I don’t get is they make something illegal, people find a way around it like spice or herbal blends and they try their best to make that illegal too? They don’t want people to stop smoking weed if they did the state and counties would lose billions of dollars a year in fines and incarceration.

  3. David Huie Green on August 21st, 2011 3:07 pm

    most likely NUMB3RS

  4. 429SCJ on August 21st, 2011 10:07 am

    Hello Donnie. I like to watch that tv show called the Mentalist, or is it the one with the Numbers? All this info is available from National Geographic. They cover it all! The planting, the harvest, the arrest and the prison time.

  5. leeann on August 20th, 2011 4:32 pm

    they planted it there, so the deer would get hi , and be easier to shoot …haha

  6. donnie on August 20th, 2011 2:12 pm

    well, sounds to me someone is more in the know than in the know lol

  7. 429SCJ on August 20th, 2011 7:15 am

    Hello In the Know. Those plants should be at least 12 feet high. They were planted late, with little to no care. I doubt if by the time the first frost comes there will be a pound of buds on each plant. The law should have set up motion sensitive cameras, in the area of the plants. If little was disturbed, the grower would most likely, not discover the cameras. I would bet that if you checked around, you would find more plants. I would look for easy water and sunshine.

  8. whitepunknotondope on August 19th, 2011 9:41 pm

    “Marijuana is not legal within the United States at all”

    I’ll take legalizing pot and criminalizing liquor any day. Put it up for vote.

  9. David Huie Green on August 19th, 2011 4:41 pm

    “This brings up a question I never can get a straight answer. Let’s say someone is living in California and is on medical marijuana. They have their little card or prescription or whatever they got. If they go to a state that doesn’t recognize marijuana as medicine they go to jail. Makes sense. But if they go to another state that does allow it, are they allowed to bring their meds with them? If it is legal in Florida and Mississippi but not Alabama would they have to go around Alabama to get from one to the other without risking jail? I can never get a straight answer about that. “

    Your original premise is flawed. Marijuana is not legal within the United States at all. There is an international treaty which makes it illegal by federal law. Sure, there are states which do not have state laws against its use in certain situations, but that doesn’t make it legal — just as murder would be illegal in Century even if Century didn’t have a law forbidding it.

    Our President has given the order to NOT enforce the law in states which allow the use as medicine, but that doesn’t change the law; it just means the chief law enforcement officer has decided to ignore that part of his job.

    It’s even reasonable for him to not do this since he admits he is one of those who have used it in the past. He even said, “–and yes, I inhaled; I thought that was the point.” I think he was making fun of the husband of his Secretary of State who maintained he smoked without inhaling. (By the way, he can pardon all his fellow users if he wishes.)

    David with straight answers
    (more or less)

  10. oh man on August 19th, 2011 3:39 pm

    there steet values are crap

  11. Atmore G on August 19th, 2011 2:55 pm

    @just sayin.. You just made a great point.. If anything, I think the government vastly under-estimates the number of people who smoke pot.. Like yourself, I know a lot of people in high places that smoke pot.. Furthermore, If I choose not to associate with pot smokers, I would live in a very small world.. Right or wrong, this is reality.. I believe that if the true number of pot smokers was known, it would be much higher than what they are saying now, but these stats will never be known.. It’s kind of like don’t ask, don’t tell, and most people who use pot just don”t tell..

  12. whitepunknotondope on August 19th, 2011 12:16 pm

    “Most of my friends are Military or Retired Military, so take that for what It’s worth.”

    It isn’t “worth” anything. However it does say a lot about you. Sorry but that’s just the way it is.

  13. donnie on August 19th, 2011 11:21 am

    This brings up a question I never can get a straight answer. Let’s say someone is living in California and is on medical marijuana. They have their little card or prescription or whatever they got. If they go to a state that doesn’t recognize marijuana as medicine they go to jail. Makes sense. But if they go to another state that does allow it, are they allowed to bring their meds with them? If it is legal in Florida and Mississippi but not Alabama would they have to go around Alabama to get from one to the other without risking jail? I can never get a straight answer about that. All I get, even from LEOs, is if the cop that pulled them over had a chip on his shoulder, they go to jail. If they acted right during the stop it would be up to the cop if he wanted to push it or not. But what is the law? Can’t be just “use your best judgment” can it?

  14. In the know........ on August 19th, 2011 7:25 am

    In their thinking each plant has a potential yield of 1 lb.. Average street value of 1 lb. is estimated at $1000.00. Therefore, 34 plants = $34,000.00, that is how they base the value of the bust. Don’t matter if the plants are only 2 inches high! (according to my uncle, the cop)

  15. just sayin on August 18th, 2011 8:08 pm

    @ patriot, most of my FAMILY are police, or military. I know people retired from the military that started smoking pot in Vietnam. I know Leos as well as probation officers, judges, lawyers, congressmen,ect. that smoke pot. So maybe all your buddies just know you are so closed minded that they would rather keep it from you than deal with your preaching? just sayin,

  16. non smoker on August 18th, 2011 7:16 pm

    I agree with David~ tho’ I never smoked anything in my 62 years and get major migrains around those who just smoke reg. tobacco…it may help some with pain management as suggested by some, but there are a lot more serious drugs out there to be concerned about…believe it or not, there is a whole world of good people out there who do not partake of any of that…guess it’s a matter of whether you choose to deal with life and trust God to help you in hard times or whether you choose to use a ‘crutch’ to escape life and it’s problems.

  17. Bully on August 18th, 2011 7:12 pm

    Alcohol abuse is much worse than weed.

  18. Patriot on August 18th, 2011 5:52 pm

    Jim, you need to surround yourself with new friends. I don’t smoke dope, and I don’t associate with anyone that smokes dope. Most of my friends are Military or Retired Military, so take that for what It’s worth.

  19. Bjay on August 18th, 2011 5:24 pm

    Ive never smoked pot either. Thats 2!

  20. David Huie Green on August 18th, 2011 4:55 pm

    I’ve never smoked anything.

    That’s one.

  21. David Huie Green on August 18th, 2011 4:54 pm

    “Everyone knows that police over estimate the “street value” to make the bust look bigger.”

    I don’t know but could believe it–human nature being what it is. I well remember a few years back the sheriff’s office had an expensive car they had confiscated from a drug dealer of some kind. They painted it up to look like a regular patrol car and drove it around to the schools to show the kids what they had taken from the drug dealers.

    I wondered how many of the kids thought, “WOW! Drug dealers can make enough money to afford a car like that? I know what I wanna be when I grow up so I can buy an expensive car too.”

    If the plant were freely grown, its street value would drop to a price approaching that of hay. As such, drug dealers could make no money off of it and kids wouldn’t be encouraged into criminal trades, or at least not that particular branch of crime.

    David for discouraging crime,
    not proving it pays

  22. Jim on August 18th, 2011 4:50 pm

    You mean there are still people out there that don’t smoke pot? I don’t know any.

  23. RB on August 18th, 2011 3:13 pm

    “I would bet you a million dollars that the vast majority of people who smoke pot will never see the inside of a police car.”

    I have to agree. More people than you know, and most that you do know….that you don’t know (about).

  24. whitepunknotondope on August 18th, 2011 3:04 pm

    “I don’t even understand why people risk growing and smoking pot anymore, you smoke pot you go to jail”

    I would bet you a million dollars that the vast majority of people who smoke pot will never see the inside of a police car.

  25. donnie on August 18th, 2011 2:38 pm

    Everyone knows that police over estimate the “street value” to make the bust look bigger. I am surprised they admitted finding it before they had an arrest on who grew it. I don’t even understand why people risk growing and smoking pot anymore, you smoke pot you go to jail. But there are perfectly legal substitutes out there that are actually stronger than marijuana. And I don’t mean “spice” with chemicals sprayed on leaves to mimic the “high” I mean other NATURAL plants such as wild dagga, damiana, and kratom. Teas from mistletoe, kudzu, and even nutmeg can mimic the “high” you get, without the most dangerous side effect of them all….arrest

  26. flowerpower on August 18th, 2011 2:24 pm

    So that’s why they have soooo many hummers in that area~ hummers love those blooms! That’s probably why they planted them~for the hummers…bet they were nature lovers and were just trying to help all the little critters and make the planet ‘greener’! Poor things~ so misunderstood!

  27. seesall on August 18th, 2011 2:20 pm

    Guess the street value might depend on which street they’re on! LOL!

  28. joe on August 18th, 2011 1:53 pm

    sounds like some extra fund raising was going on there.

  29. paul on August 18th, 2011 10:30 am

    I think their “street value” might be off a bit.

  30. RB on August 18th, 2011 9:37 am

    Imagine that !!!!

  31. Resident on August 18th, 2011 9:35 am

    Alternative farming?

  32. dgh on August 18th, 2011 8:58 am

    Can’t say I’m surprised. Rumors of pot plots in that area were circulating years ago.

  33. uh huh on August 18th, 2011 8:21 am

    Thats one way to get the deer in there.

  34. Cheryl on August 18th, 2011 5:58 am

    Looks like the guys are harvesting more than deer!

  35. 429SCJ on August 18th, 2011 5:43 am

    They must have planted those in June. $34,000.?