County Pushes Feds For Beulah I-10 Exit, Would Benefit Proposed North Escambia Beltway

August 11, 2011

Escambia County is asking the federal government to expedite approval of a new I-10 exit in Beulah — an exit that is part of an overall plan that could greatly change the landscape of some parts of North Escambia.

The exit would serve a northern “beltway” connector proposed from North Escambia to Santa Rosa County and serve the area included in a plan that encourages growth and development on 15,000 acres in North Escambia.

The new I-10 Beulah exit, to be located at or in the vicinity of Beulah Road, would also facilitate the movement of traffic northward without clogging Highway 29, Highway 87 and I-10. It will also aid in economic development in Escambia County, according to a resolution approved by the Escambia County Commission, that asks the Federal Highway Administration to grant approval for the exit as soon as possible.

The interstate exit at Beulah, according to commissioners, would also aid in hurricane evacuation.

The proposed beltway connector would link Highway 90 to the new I-10 Beulah exit through North Escambia, across the Escambia River in the vicinity of Quintette Road to Pace in Santa Rosa County. The new Detailed Specific Area Plan encompasses approximately 15,000 acres of land north of Interstate 10, south of Barrineau Park Road and west of Highway 29. It is a long-term conceptual planning project in North Escambia that incorporates road networks, parks and schools along with commercial and residential projects.

Pictured top: A proposed beltway connector between Escambia and Santa Rosa counties is depicted in red on this map. graphic.


39 Responses to “County Pushes Feds For Beulah I-10 Exit, Would Benefit Proposed North Escambia Beltway”

  1. Lela Powell on January 9th, 2012 1:05 pm

    We are all for the ramp off interstate10 in Beulah it would most certainly help traffic in every direction . It would relieve Highway 90, nine-mile road, Interstate from milton west, highway 29 if the plan goes through to build a road connecting to Atmore road.

  2. bill on August 23rd, 2011 9:54 pm

    how will this effect the 4H site that Navy Fed is buying

  3. 429SCJ on August 15th, 2011 7:58 am

    This thing might be good for early moring high speed runs? We already have I-10 to Wilcox road for that. I would just stick to the Beulah on/exit ramp and scrap the speedway to oblivion. Watch for deer!

  4. a courtney on August 14th, 2011 9:19 pm

    Commisioners probably own the property at tha exit

  5. Tina P on August 14th, 2011 8:38 pm

    We moved here to be away from all the city lights and have clean quiet living for our children. Now we have a home that is going to be in the middle of all the craziness they are wanting to build out here. QUIT BUILDING SELL SOMETHING THAT HAS BEEN FORECLOSED ON OR IS VACANT. Stop wasting our land make use of the buildings that are already there. We teach our kids to be frugal, but then the grown ups around them are developing all the natural resources without using what is already available.

  6. tyom on August 14th, 2011 4:55 pm

    if you dont like i roads here ….move…. we dont need more interstate.

  7. tim on August 14th, 2011 9:31 am

    people act now vote all the commisioners out that support this wastefull spending I am a civil engineer I know how much this will cost it will be in the hundred of millions of tax payer dollars that can go else where in our county action is neede the commisioners have to go we need qualifyied individuals not people that has wholes in the pocket filled with tax payer money & willing to spend it on the first idea someone that is not even from this area throws at them. I have lived in this community my whole life my family has been here for many generations this road would have to cross escambia river & escambia river swamp along with some of the largest creeks in santa rosa county this road would cost a fortune on the backs of suffering tax payers commisioners have to go

  8. MargieLu on August 13th, 2011 10:15 pm

    Escambia County certainly does not need a “beltway,” and if SRC residents need to evacuate more swiftly for a storm, they need a route NORTH, not east/west. Just because the (bankrupt, choking on debt) federal government can make monies available does not mean they need to be spent. What a waste: a wasted of private property that would need to be taken by eminent domain, a wasted of what little public hunting land we have access to in Escambia River area, and a waste of resources. Widen Quintette/184 if you must, but to add a highway the size of I-10 just a few miles north of I-10 is a waste of taxpayer dollars. When is that election? I plan on finding out what candidates and incumbents have to say on this issue, and vote accordingly.

  9. james on August 13th, 2011 9:05 pm

    what I dont understand is this route dosent even go to pace it actually gos just south of chumuckla the commisioners needs their brain examined dear god is these people actually leaders of our community god help us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. sambo on August 13th, 2011 4:24 pm

    first things first this progect would cost hundreds of millions of tax payers dollars & most of this will run right beside existing rd like quinteet, wallace lake rd & beryyhill rd and second thing should huricane routes run Nort & south not east & west this will be the biget waste of tax payers money I have seen in many many years. this is nothing more than anothe failed stimulis

  11. pineville on August 13th, 2011 11:30 am

    Build the connector to I65, with part of my taxes.

  12. pineville on August 13th, 2011 11:28 am

    I’ve lived in the northend all my life. I for one want the connector.

  13. Lillian on August 12th, 2011 6:25 am

    I (and many more) have been to many meeting held by this group, the comments I’ve heard everytime is “NO” we don’t want or need this, but that has made no difference in what is going to happen. When the developers want the roads built for them by someone else (the tax payers), they find a way to make it happen. I’ve said all along it is a waste of money. I live in a rural area because that is my choice. I would like it to stay rural.

  14. Well on August 11th, 2011 9:29 pm


    You need to quit hiding behind annonimity.

    In politics there is something called the Sunshine Law and you may as well get used to people knowing what you are doing and saying.

    Lastly if you want people to follow you they really need to know who they are following.

  15. Just another tax payer on August 11th, 2011 8:09 pm

    Yellarhammer hit it on the head. All you Escambia County Florida tax payers should be screaming NO to your commissioners to halt this. Let these big contractors that own this land (mostly from the Pace area in Santa Rosa county) find another way to fund their developments. This is a huge waste of tax dollars to fund an “economic development” when it is destroying wildlife habitats. Let the developers handle their own funding instead of depending on an already distressed government to fill their pockets. I myself am tired of ‘big business and political bobble heads” hitting me with more taxes to satisfy their own gains. Hell, they’re closing schools in good neighborhoods all over. Why should my tax dollar help build another school in those woods when my kids have one right by us that has been closed. All this infuriates me more than I can put into words!

  16. Future D5 Commish on August 11th, 2011 7:06 pm

    hear ye…hear ye…Taxes who needs ‘em…we all do…who pays them…we all do NOT…what can change this travesty for homeowners and property owners…were you aware a resolution barely failed to pass to either completely eliminate property taxes or drastically reduce them…cut my property taxes, “fees”, assessments and other hidden taxes and tax everyone with a local sales tax on everything…a sales tax is fair across the board…rich, poor, black, white, single moms and dads, commissioners, firemen, cops, judges, criminals…everyone pays it when they make a purchase…yes, we will teach our children how to pay taxes…but how much money will be placed in the general fund on a continual basis…call your State Rep and get this party started…if your a property/home owner and tired of “supporting” the county…get on the phone…bug ‘em…more to follow

  17. baffled on August 11th, 2011 4:45 pm

    A road from no where…to go no where??? That’s just what we need…another way to waste money!

  18. bama54 on August 11th, 2011 1:58 pm

    Safebear if you put a toll on it then it will become a road to “no-where”, just like most of the toll road around here. No one would use it!! I included!!

  19. eree on August 11th, 2011 1:22 pm

    Just the on/off ramp thanks; the rest sounds a bit much. I like the rural life.

  20. truthman on August 11th, 2011 10:07 am

    The Santa Rosa County Commission has shown me plans foe the road system. It will extend eastward all the way to Whiting field, and will use existing ROW on Quintette and Willard Norris. The county has already bought portions of the ROW which is in the woods at the moment.

    If you notice on the picture there is an additional new road – the Bell Lane Connector, North from HWY 90 to Berryhill. Lots of money for all of this

  21. j on August 11th, 2011 9:51 am

    From 10 to 65 sure. That would be great

  22. Cheryl on August 11th, 2011 9:24 am

    I agree w/ Yellarhammer. Access for the developer while throwing in a beltway for the Santa Rosa folks. Hopefullys the county is just window dressing (conducting studies, drawings, plans, meetings, etc.) simply because they’re required to “Plan for the Future!” It’ll never happen……

  23. WELL on August 11th, 2011 9:11 am

    Seeems if we would quit coming up with and engineering all these grand ideas, spending loads of money for nothing, we might could afford one project at a time. Instead we have numerous grand ideas drawn up and no money left.

  24. Yellarhammer on August 11th, 2011 8:56 am

    All this is to get the tax payers to build an access for some developers to make tons of money on development in the northern parts of our county.Shame on our leaders to try and hid this from the public. PS; Jane I hope you have a GPS because your lost sweety.

  25. NotAgain on August 11th, 2011 8:15 am

    There’s already an I-10 exit in Beulah. Gas station and Subway there if I recall correctly. And there is already I-10 access from Milton all the way to the currently-existing Beulah exit. This project sounds redundant and is a waste of tax-payer money.

  26. Safebear on August 11th, 2011 8:09 am

    Good idea and it would facilitate travel to Hwy 29 and other areas north or from north escambia it would be good to go to the west pensacola area. I believe though as Michael Weaver stated, we need a plan to pay for it. As bad as I hate to say it, privatize it. Let private contractors bid on construction and maintenance and then let the people who use the road pay for it. All this would require is oversight from a committee to approve toll charges and such. This way the private contractor also hires more people because it’s not the state or county using what they currently have to maintain another road.

    Many major highways are going this direction now and they put a toll booth out there and the people who use the road pay for it. In event of a hurricane, the tolls are suspended so people can get out of town.

  27. bama54 on August 11th, 2011 8:06 am

    Michael Weaver: Just remember more jobs more people, more people means more revenue to help pay for the amenities the north end of the county needs. You have to look into the future and do what is best for all. I also have a difficult time looking past my nose, but we need to all come together and push for this project to help the north end of the county.

  28. Escambia County Resident on August 11th, 2011 7:58 am

    Help me understand please:

    429SCJ=We should clear cut everything north of Cantonment=Clear cut your place! I live rural because I do not want the Enlsey/Brent lifestyle.

    James Broel=We need to raise taxes or better plan for the money we have so we can afford this project.=If Escambia County raises taxes it will not help. Look at the Unemployment rate with in the county and tell me who is going to pay taxes if they are raised? Also, the county does not have money to plan with or if they do, fix what we have wrong first.

    Jane=I guess if it is supposed to aid in hurricane evacuation it should be going north, not over to Santa Rosa, which is east. Seems strange to me.= You got it! That is the Hurricane route now and when this Exit Ramp/Hurricane aid ends, what are routed onto? A four lane road that funnels to a two Lane road! If you plan to leave in the first place, I stay at home in the north end of the county.

    Cheryl=The new Detailed Specific Area Plan encompasses approximately 15,000 acres of land north of Interstate 10, south of Barrineau Park Road and west of Highway 29=May be to help Santa Rosa commuters,which I must have missed that statement, but the 15,000 acres they are talking about concerns Escambia County.

    Just my opinions and everyone knows how they are….They are like ….. We all have one!

  29. Klondike Kid on August 11th, 2011 7:49 am

    I do believe some additional roads are needed but in my humble opinion, this is not the place. An on ramp to Interstate 10 would be helpful at Beulah Road, but a major highway all the way to Santa Rosa County is a bit much. The mantra of ” If we build it, they will come ” will not work in today’s economy.

  30. Jon Doe on August 11th, 2011 7:39 am

    You do not want this. The commercial traffic will be horrable for the community. The overweight trucks will be exiting the interstate to go around the scale facility. this is a very bad idea for the people in that area.

  31. bama54 on August 11th, 2011 7:35 am

    Jane: you want to be on the West Side of the eye of a “Hurricane” That could/would mean east or west direction depending on where it would come a shore.

  32. Cheryl on August 11th, 2011 7:20 am

    This beltway is for all the folks who live and pay taxes in Santa Rosa so they can drive to Pcola for work.

  33. Cheryl on August 11th, 2011 6:51 am

    Seems silly to build another highway right above Quintette (Hwy 184) when they go in the same direction. I doubt this will ever be built.

  34. Jane on August 11th, 2011 6:46 am

    I guess if it is supposed to aid in hurricane evacuation it should be going north, not over to Santa Rosa, which is east. Seems strange to me. Wouldn’t you want to get as far north as possible if a hurricane was coming? Or am I mistaken and you should just go east along the coast? Hmmmm……..And then once you are in Pace, where do you go? Tallahassee?

  35. barrineau on August 11th, 2011 6:10 am

    I like the on/off ramp idea . Not so sure on the rest. That is a lot of wild life habbitat.

  36. 429SCJ on August 11th, 2011 5:49 am

    We should clear cut everything north of Cantonment. We could all, then enjoy the Enlsey/Brent lifestyle. I guess there is a bright side to the economic collaspe, it will slow this enviromental disaster.

  37. James Broel on August 11th, 2011 5:37 am

    Very well stated Michael Weaver! We can’t just let this project pass off without paying for it ourselves. We need to raise taxes or better plan for the money we have so we can afford this project. And we have a strong need to make sure the current infrastructure is safe and secure as well because there are some very old bridges out there now that need attention. We just can no longer pass the costs of all these wants on to our local or federal debts!! We are COMPLETELY broke!! Gee I almost sound Like a rabid tea party member…nah not really.

  38. Local Yocal on August 11th, 2011 5:32 am

    Pipe Dream!!!

  39. MICHAEL WEAVER on August 11th, 2011 3:36 am