Controversial ‘Church’ Backs Down On Protest At Marine’s Atmore Funeral

August 27, 2011

A controversial “church” known for protesting at military funerals backed out of a planned protest at Friday afternoon’s funeral of  Lance Cpl Travis Nelson in Atmore.

“Westboro Baptist Church” made a deal with NewsRadio 1620 AM to not protest at the funeral if the radio station gave them airtime to speak about their beliefs. Branden Rathert, afternoon host on NewsRadio 1620 told that the station allowed the group on the air Friday afternoon in exchange for them leaving Nelson’s family alone and calling off their protest in Atmore.

“I hate to do it, but I would rather give them airtime than have the Nelson’s have to endure this…. please forgive me,” Rathert said before the interview with Westboro. spoke to a member of Westboro by cell phone Friday morning. He provided information that indicated he had just gotten off I-65 at Highway 21 in Atmore.

“In exchange for the airtime on 1620, we are going to turn around and head back toward Montgomery,” he said.

The “church” had issued a press release concerning Friday afternoon’s funeral of Lance Cpl Travis Nelson in Atmore.

The press release from “Westboro Baptist Church” mentioned their agenda and viewpoints and stated,  “This message to be preached in respectful, lawful proximity to the memorial of Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson” at 1:15 this afternoon at the First Baptist Church in Atmore. The Kansas “church” is considered a hate group by the civil rights group Southern Poverty Law Center.

Local law enforcement told that they took seriously the threat of any  protest that violates state or local law. In addition, hundreds of Patriot Guard riders were ready to form a “human fence” of American flags to block the view of any protestors from any family member.

Hundreds of people lined the streets of Atmore in support of LCpl Travis Nelson.

Pictured above: A Marine salutes the casket of LCpl. Travis Nelson Friday afternoon in Atmore. photo, click to enlarge.


102 Responses to “Controversial ‘Church’ Backs Down On Protest At Marine’s Atmore Funeral”

  1. joan on August 30th, 2011 6:02 pm

    To Henry –Aug 27 th comment …… you think no one listens to Radio 1620 ….but no other stations made this offer .Maybe more people should support them . Thank you 1620 . You can always turn off the radio to avoid Westboro’s rants not so easy to do at a funeral .

  2. Dan on August 30th, 2011 2:48 pm

    Thanks you 1620 for your sacrifice and to Cpl. Nelson!

  3. J. Reloader on August 30th, 2011 2:10 pm

    All the radio station did was to give these idiots more publicity. They have promised to attend and protest at funerals in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida for several years but always failed to show up. The reasoning for this absence is probably due to several factors, Their cost $$$ to make trip, new laws passed prohibiting these actions, law enforcement presence and the attendance of the Patriot Guard Riders and other veteran groups to form a blockade between them and funeral service if they do show.
    It would be interesting to verify what state the cell phone tower was in, making the interview connection, my guess Kansas.

  4. Jared Berry on August 30th, 2011 11:36 am

    It’s funny how Westboro “Baptist” church was protesting the First Baptist Church of Atmore. Please do no confuse these nuts with the Southern Baptist Convention. Baptists in general simply believe in congregational polity and the independent autonomy of the local church from the larger denomination and only come together for the purpose of missions and ministry by partnering in a convention. From what I’ve seen this poor church was probably dominated by a powerful family that began to control the voting rights, took power, and slowly turned it into their own private cult. Something they actually warn ministers about in seminary. It’s supposed to be God’s church not some radical pastor’s or some families xenophobic tribal meeting house. That’s why (in my opinion) the nuts go out acting alone and attacking even other Baptists.

  5. Susan Proud Mom of Air Force Captain on August 30th, 2011 8:17 am

    It would seem to me that those people have nothing in there life to make them happy or proud, so they go around trying to hurt and demoralize other people. I think that should be a hurting offense. Just because their existence is miserable they want to pass it on. 1620 did a wonderful, selfless thing it is unforturnate that they had to. I say if you live in AMERICA be proud of it and those who give up their freedom of will to make sure we are safe. There is no greater love, than love given to and for others. Maybe someone will burn them down in Montgomery. If they don’t like the way we live, GO AWAY!!!!!!. Stop using the laws that make us great against us. Without those laws they could not say a thing or manipulate people and that is what they did. They are just pitiful and God will get them.

  6. sandy on August 29th, 2011 10:37 am

    Thank you 1620 Radio station

  7. Judy Nelson Lacy on August 28th, 2011 1:01 pm

    As our family sat in the back fellowship room of the First Baptist Church in Atmore on Friday….We did not know all of this was going on at the 113 exit. I do remember coming out of the service and every few feet stood a Patriot Guard. I felt so proud for our family and for our Travis. Then my husband got me on the phone asking if everything was ok. That is when we heard of the “haters”…..That is when I looked again at the over 200 or more Patriots standing ..watching…and making sure no on got to the family and let the service be what it was…. A salute to a brave young son of our country. Thank you for what you stand for and your goodness in your hearts. Thank you community and God Bless each and everyone of you.

  8. Judith on August 28th, 2011 1:39 am

    Bless you NewsRadio 1620AM for your genorosity. You gave the Nelson Family and Travis’ fiance a priceless gift. When we walked out of that church we were prepared to see that heathen cult out there making a difficult time, even more difficult. Thanks again for all that you did.

  9. charles on August 27th, 2011 11:19 pm

    if they showed up they would meet their maker the devil is alive and well in that church. Signed retired military and proud of my country and all the service members. May almighty GOD be with us all. P.S. that so called church of the devil did receive threats if they showed up. so they are scared of us southern pride.

  10. SaddleUpNRide on August 27th, 2011 4:06 pm

    They call themselves a church??? SATAN himself must be their pastor. They don’t represent anything Godly and I dare say that any of them are Christians.
    I prayed all morning that those Demons from Hell would not show up and disrupt Travis’s funeral and I thank God that he made a way to keep them at bay.

    I love you all Scott, Beckie, Anna and Madelyn.
    God Bless and Keep You and May His Face Shine Upon You.

  11. Henry on August 27th, 2011 2:49 pm

    Good move. Nobody listens to 1620 anyway.

  12. 429SCJ on August 27th, 2011 10:56 am

    Those people will push their luck too far one day, the devil always does, and he is welcome to them

  13. dubug on August 27th, 2011 9:31 am

    Unless these people are protesting these famlies for having a funeral for their love ones they have no reason to be there and if they do not like the way these soldiers are doing their jobs then they need to go and tell their boss and the last time i checked he lived at the white house in washington d.c.. and seeing that i dont like the way they are doing their job i plan on telling their boss everynight when i say my prayers and then i will ask him to have mercy on their souls. THANK YOU TRAVIS NELSON for doing your job i could never repay you for the job you did for me.

  14. Good Job on August 27th, 2011 9:02 am

    Well, finallly….it is so good to see this people. When there is a true, just cause, people band together and do the right thing. This young man and his family do not deserve this “church” coming in and using this as an excuse to show off. But what impressed me the most, is that when something is really bad, that we all are ready to form an allegiance to the cause….the spirit in America is not lost for all…because this seems to be a true American spirit….to the Patriot Guard riders…..congratulations….for being true leaders of the American spirit. I think America sorely needs solid people like you to stand true for the right thing. Bless you.

  15. MSGT Burham--Dployed FOB Salerno, Afghanistan on August 27th, 2011 7:33 am

    My friends go to college, I go to war. At the same hour they wake up to decide not to go to school or work that day, I’ve been at work for hours. Their alarms wake them up, my alarms send me to cover. They make plans based on how they feel, I do as the schedule that was put out to me demands. They… can’t wait to leave their homes, I can’t wait to get back. But when we look back on our respective lives, they’ll like theirs, I’ll be damn proud of mine..

  16. Baebae on August 27th, 2011 7:09 am

    Guess we could go and protest at the church members funeral…then see how THEY feel….let the young marine rest in peaceand the family say their goodbyes

  17. Scobie Wilcoxon on August 27th, 2011 2:29 am

    It is a great sacrifice for this station owner to do this for the Nelson family. Thank you, sir.

  18. friend of Travis on August 27th, 2011 1:04 am

    Just goes to show how dumb these people are…Does anyone really even listen to the AM stations?? lol Obviously, not many people had to hear what these idiots had to say…God bless the Nelson-Cates family. You are in our prayers.

  19. JimD on August 26th, 2011 8:58 pm

    The Westbore Baptist Church group is always in the news here. We hear about their antics all of the time. I grew up in Oak Grove and graduated from Ernest Ward…but live in St Louis now. Having served in the Air Force for 23 years, and for all of the military familes out there, we know that freedom isn’t free. There are hardships, seperations and even paying the ultimate sacrifice so groups such as Westbore Baptist Church can have freedom to speak. When we start curbing those freedoms, then we become a closed society.

    The issue is their close proximity to a military funeral. Loved one should have the right to have a dignified service. If we had a government and the courts would place that barrier for these protest groups at a minimum of 1 mile away no one would see them, or hear their posion message.

    The Westbore group desicrate the flag by stepping on it, wipping themselves and causing a general disturbance. I know this was addressed here in Illinios as there were state laws on flag desicration. Of course no one in the police did anyting, as all they want is attention and media coverage.

    One day they will pay for what they have done to hundries of military members (heros) and their families. Maybe not in this life, but they will pay in the end.

  20. Tammy on August 26th, 2011 8:55 pm

    Ummm…it would not be a good idea for WBC to show up in south Alabama!! We Southern’s don’t take disrespect likely !! WBC is not a church..its a cult …Google it ! They were going to protest lady Gaga’s concert…Lady Gaga blasted them !! God loves everyone..he sees no race..or religion..!! God bless all !

  21. littlerainy on August 26th, 2011 8:03 pm

    God Bless that radio station. I am so sick of that so called church. It’s a church alright, a church for the devil.

  22. T2 on August 26th, 2011 6:58 pm

    @ Angela Powell, I was so thinking along the same lines. Why cant they go over there and live like a soldier for awhile, maybe after getting shot at and living in poor conditions, being away from their families, maybe they would think a little more with what we call RESPECT !

  23. t2 on August 26th, 2011 6:26 pm

    Well, they werent as dumb as I thought they were. They had enough sense not to mess with Southerns!

    God Bless you Mr and Mrs Nelson, thank you for your son. He was a true hero! My family appreciates all you and him have done. I am very grateful there are people such as yaw in the World


    Rest in peace Travis Nelson, a hero to us all

  24. just my words on August 26th, 2011 5:57 pm

    those idiots well get their rewards when they enter the gates of hell…

  25. jake on August 26th, 2011 5:54 pm

    I don’t think they would have made it out of atmore if they would have came. RIP Travis im glad they didn’t bother your family.

  26. sam stewart on August 26th, 2011 5:17 pm

    I am glad the church group that was going to protest the funeral of the fallen marine did not show up because they are not welcomed in Atmore Al.So who ever listen to am 1620 turn the station we do not need to listen to it till the idiots from that so called church is off the air.

  27. Polythenepam on August 26th, 2011 4:59 pm

    well lets see the radio station has made it public knowledge that they have been blackmailed into allowing these people airtime, I think somewhere the federal authorities should get these people. I think what they have done by blackmailing airtime would be an act of terrorism under homeland security….. just saying…… anybody checked or called the FBI?

  28. dick tracy on August 26th, 2011 4:30 pm

    # 1, To One of our Heros,….RIP!!! #2 To 1620 radio, at 5 pm tell those idiotic, heartless, moronic demons to stick that airtime you know where!!!! #3 to Father of two, I’d like to attend that “service” with ya bro!!!!! I’m surprised this cult hasn’t been exterminated yet!!!!! Shame on you…….. jerks!!!!!!

  29. Sara on August 26th, 2011 4:29 pm

    These people are morons, giving a terrible reputation to good christian people who would never dream of doing this to the family of anyone who has passed away, much less a fallen hero! My brother is a Marine, and i would have so much uncontrollable anger if something happened to him overseas and THAT was how WBB was to “repay” him. They are lucky they decided to go back, because i have a feeling the people of Atmore, and surrounding areas supporting the Nelsons would not have stood for any of that nonsense!

    I am so thankful for the sacrifice that Travis paid for this country, and i thank his family for standing behind him in his decision to become one of the Best of the Best. OORAH & Semper Fi.

  30. For AM1610 on August 26th, 2011 4:28 pm

    Let’s all be in prayer while this “person” is on the air because we as listeners have the option NOT TO LISTEN but the person at AM 1610 does not have that option and will have to listen to this garbage!!! Heck he may even need a drink stronger than coffee when all is said and done!!!

  31. jenn on August 26th, 2011 4:20 pm

    Thank you 1620 am radio for your service to the community and the service of respect to a fallen Hero and his family and yes I will not be listening to your station at 5:15 but I assure you I will be listening as soon as the broadcast is over! You have found a fan for your station in me.

  32. sandy on August 26th, 2011 4:17 pm

    please fly flag Hafe mask For cpl Travis nelson

  33. Gerri McDonald on August 26th, 2011 4:11 pm

    Proud to see that US Congressman, Jeff Miller and his wife were at Lance Cpl Travis Nelson’s funeral today. If the ‘hate group’ from Kansas had shown up, they would have found that Atmore was more than ready to block them from disturbing the service!

  34. Bryan Bethea on August 26th, 2011 3:57 pm

    I am glad that the community was willing to put up such a show of force to protect the right of the Nelson family to grieve in private without intimidation. Let us all remember, though, that the Westboro Baptist Church has been picketing funerals for over 10 years. They have only recently begun to picket military services. For much of their history they have focused on humiliating and publicly shaming the grieving families of gays and lesbians or of AIDS victims. I am glad that the world has now begun to take notice of these creeps, but I do wish that our culture had spoken loudly 10 years ago when these types of shameful, gut-wrenching protests began. I don’t care who you are or what you did or how I felt about your life. You deserve a peaceful funeral for your family to say goodbye. Protesting such events, I believe, should be one of the very few exceptions to the First Amendment. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court disagrees and has affirmed Westboro’s right to protest at funerals.

  35. MIKE on August 26th, 2011 3:34 pm


  36. kimberly edmonson on August 26th, 2011 3:33 pm

    These immoral religious crackpots make me sick. They have no business protesting at the funerals of fallen soldiers. How they sleep at night is beyond me. Don’t get me wrong- I support freedom of speech-just not the venom these demented kooks spew. They should be protesting at military bases- not trash talking these young people-~Rest in Peace~Lance Cpl Travis Nelson.

  37. Ernest Mallett on August 26th, 2011 3:16 pm

    All I have to say is thank you Mr. Rathert. Anything to keep them out….your self-sacrifice will not go unnoticed.

  38. S.L.B on August 26th, 2011 3:16 pm

    Everyone should protest them on the raidio station at 5:15 pm today and put the shoe on the other foot. They may have backed out on protesting today in Atmore at Travis’s service and funeral, but their still doing it in other places at other soldiers funeral services, which is not right. Americans should put a stop to this hate groups “right by law to protest” non-sense once and for all!

  39. Joyce Perez on August 26th, 2011 3:14 pm

    God doesn’t “hate” anyone. God is love. And anyone professing to love God and believe in God doesn’t hate either. Hate is the province of Satan. So this church is a Church of Satan.

    God Bless the Soldiers who fight and die for our country and God bless Lance Cpl Nelson and his family.

  40. ANGELA POWELL on August 26th, 2011 3:12 pm


  41. Lauren Linder on August 26th, 2011 3:11 pm

    My heart goes out to this Soldier and his family and friends. May they find comfort that their son stood for everything that this country was founded on…love, sweat, tears and blood of the men and women who made sacrafices. I am a mother of an Army soldier in Afghanistan myself and I understand the despair. But also hold onto how proud you are of him and he was doing what he could for our great nation.

    As for the church…you will find your own judgement. What is right in the God’s eyes is not adding grief to others. I will pray for you.

  42. Michael in Walnut Hill on August 26th, 2011 3:04 pm

    Hello All, not real sure about this……..but I firmly believe that if the protesters had shown up in Atmore… this time….with the way that EVERYONE turned out and supported the Nelson family……just suffice it to say, that maybe there would be a procession headed back to Montgomery. Travis was doing his job for his Country. Thank you Nelson family, Travis and family is on our hearts and in our prayers.

  43. Allen Stewart on August 26th, 2011 3:03 pm

    Dear All,
    My first direction of comments are within the direction of Travis. How deep and of a sad nature is the loss of an individual who was born and lived upon the lands which we still reside upon? Simply, the land just ain`t of a cheap price but, there are still some who remain among us who shall go much further. Brother Travis, today I kneel down and say prayers to the above for the good, strong men as your individual selfs` have blessed each and everyone of us with the full strength of understanding that all has been given. Those of us who remain should be of a sincere example of what you belived, fought, and gave the ultimate for! Simply, you have set a path for us to follow. “Semper Fie, Simper Fie”…

    Now? Westboro Baptist Church? I have nothing more than adamanet pity for the quality of morinic behavior which this group displays. Just of an extremely sad degree of mindset that this church displays. Damn You!!!

  44. nancy on August 26th, 2011 2:58 pm

    Amen and amen! Seems like we can all come together and agree on the important things. Those people, I will not call them christians, need to be loaded up and sent to the front line. How do they think they came to have freedom of speech in the first place. Shame on every one of them!
    Thanks to all our men and women who put their lives on the line. God bless them and keep them safe.
    To the family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for raising such a fine, brave young man. You can be proud. I know it must be terribly hard right now but I hope that you can find strength, peace and comfort in our Lord.

  45. proudmilitarymom from atmore on August 26th, 2011 2:36 pm

    Throw them in jail. Send them to the war zone and let them fight it all alone, stand alone, or whatever. Then let them see how this young man along with countless others fought for them, instead of them having to be there. And you call your self church affiliated? A hate group that stands behind a church? You make me sick to my stomach. All of you.

  46. Andy peterson on August 26th, 2011 2:10 pm

    We just buried my dad yesterday and I know the heart ache the family is feeling . It’s a shame that there are people that don’t appreciate the fact a young man gave his life so they could enjoy the freedoms we as Americans have. Thank you 1620 for being supportive of our brave fallen soldier. May God Bless The family and friends of this American Hero.

  47. Megan on August 26th, 2011 2:09 pm

    So thankful for the radio station that allowed those “Christians” to speak on his show. Regardless of them getting attention for something that should not be taking place in the first place, you gave this family a somewhat peaceful day to tell their son, and fiancée goodbye. Losing someone is not an easy situation to cope with, and it certainly would not have been any easier having people standing outside celebrating his death. So thank you, Branden Rathert, for having the heart to keep those people away from the family. However, it is no offense to you, but I pray no one listens to the station at 5:15 in respect to each of our fallen soldiers.

  48. Kevin Bethea on August 26th, 2011 2:03 pm

    These so called “Protesters” need to realize that the Nelson’s did not just lose a Marine, they lost their son!!! Thanks to the radio station for the sacrifice to keep them away!

  49. JWSmith on August 26th, 2011 2:00 pm

    Goodbye Lance Cpl Travis Nelson * I’ll see you in Heaven one day * as one Vet to another *

    I know you’ll be there – God Bless

    To the entire Nelson Family – You’ll be in everyone’s Prayers – Stay Strong

  50. Tracy on August 26th, 2011 1:47 pm

    If you love your FREEDOM Thank A SOLDIER, if it was not for our men in uniform we would not have the freedom we have. so to the protesters I hope you read this. you are recipients of a soldiers hard work and sacrifice even death.

  51. Willene Bryan on August 26th, 2011 1:44 pm

    Prayer Works

  52. Atmore90 on August 26th, 2011 1:36 pm

    Thank you to the radio host who is willing to have his reputation tarnished to deter the Westboro idiots from showing up at the Nelson funeral. It is a shame that these people do not see the value of our military. What would they be doing if we had to be fighting the terrorists right here at home? Would they have the guts to protest the presence of the terrorists? Would they have the guts to fight them or would they run for the hills? Our military personnel are doing jobs that they are paid to do just like anyone else. The only difference is that the military are willing to lose their lives to protect their country. The only thing these people from Kansas are willing to prove is just how anti-American they are. If any of you Westboro people are reading this, GO HOME! You are not welcome here.

  53. Joe on August 26th, 2011 1:34 pm

    no matter the outcome there will be unforseen results. everyone has a right to free, peaceful assembly, no matter if I agree or not. That is part of what this young marine fought to protect. Sometimes things happen that we do not like, but if we know they are allowed by our MAN MADE LAWS, we must allow it. I fear more damage will be done by putting these people on the air than if they protested at the service. if they protest I would walk up to them and say
    ” You are welcome for your right to do this. Just like LCpl Nelson, I have many brothers in arms who all made a sacrifice for you to have this right ! You may not agree, as I do not agree with you, But respect it”

    God Speed Travis, you can stand down now and rest easy, we will take it from here.

  54. taxpayer on August 26th, 2011 1:24 pm

    i bet they will still show up so they will get extra exposure and get on the air and TV.

  55. sad on August 26th, 2011 1:23 pm

    Everyone out there. Tex messages go along way.. Everyone with a heart is praying for this family and friends today..Send the word out. Turn off the radio today at 5:15 pm Especially the Newsradio 1620 in honor of this family today…These idots doesnt deserve the right to be heard…Wouldnt want to be them on judgement day…
    To this family My heart goes out to you..Our prayers are with you..
    Get out there ya’ll and lets line these roads to show our support…….. God bless the Nelson family……

  56. HILLARY'S MOM on August 26th, 2011 1:17 pm


  57. Atmore G on August 26th, 2011 1:15 pm

    All I have to say to this so-called church is that you had better be careful what you lay at the doorstep of the Lord.. In other words, you are doing all of this in God’s name.. I am not your judge, but I would not want to be held accountable for something like this when I stand before Him..

  58. Stu on August 26th, 2011 12:58 pm

    Thanks William!

    I posted the first comment prior to the update.

    Will still be there to support though.

  59. Barrywaskom on August 26th, 2011 12:58 pm

    I am afraid that 1620 has done the equivalent of paying a thief not to rob him

  60. David Huie Green on August 26th, 2011 12:55 pm

    Westboro is a family church and the head of the family (pastor) seems to be overly interested in a particular subject, indicating he is REALLLLY interested in that subject.

    I could be wrong, but even the fact that he demands attention seems to point that way. He kicks at his own desires if so.

    David regretting the loss of loved ones
    in service to country

  61. J on August 26th, 2011 12:45 pm

    Thank you, NewsRadio 1620. A small price to pay to help a grieving family. Still a shame that it come to this. Any HAM operators out there that know how to jam the air wave?

  62. jcellops on August 26th, 2011 12:40 pm

    they tried this same thing in one community and the good citizens ended up stratigically parking their vehicles next to theirs (the “churches”), front and back and side, thus…they never made it to the intended funeral to offer their protests…now, thats some good planning.

  63. Fallen Hero Benefit on August 26th, 2011 12:39 pm

    If this so call church group wants to be heard, then they should do their protesting on the steps of their local government office not at a Fallen Warriors funeral! This just angers me to know a church would stoop so low, SHAME ON YOU!!! Your freedom is not free, Travis and a dear friend of my son named Anthony gave their lives for you just the same as our Lord Jesus Christ did! Maybe we all should do some investigating, find out who these people are and protest what disrespectful idiots they are at their funerals. Our prayers go out to the Nelson family, we ask that God please bring you comfort with each passing day. Sincerely Sarah and the Fallen Hero Benefit Team. God Bless…..

  64. randy on August 26th, 2011 12:34 pm

    I continue to pray for this family. But I also pray for these protesters. I pray that they open their eyes and mind to see that what they are doing is just wrong!

  65. Daddy Of Two on August 26th, 2011 12:30 pm

    I am a father of two in the military. One just come out of Afganistan and one is still in Iraq. Both fought and are willing to give their lives for our country. If this “church group” wants top hold a “prayer meeting”, I’ve got several of my family members( all military) that will be glad to have “service” with you. I have a place off the main path that we will be glad to hear you out.

  66. katz on August 26th, 2011 12:23 pm

    Jesus called us to LOVE one another.If Jesus was here in bodily form, he would be having compassion on the young man’s family. To those that are born again they know what Jesus would do or not do.
    RIP Lance Cpl Travis Nelson
    May the good Lord give his family peace and rest

  67. Armylyfewife on August 26th, 2011 12:21 pm

    God bless you tremendously Mr Rathert for your act of kindness. You could have easily turned away and done nothing. Instead you unselfishly stepped in the gap and made a deal with “them”. You were willing to take criticism and be subjected to their nonsense to give the Nelson family the peace they deserve. In my eyes you are a hero. So from a grateful Army wife Thank you Mr Rathert for doing a wonderful thing on such a tragic day.
    To the Nelson family, my prayers for you and my deepest and most sincere condolences on your loss. May God be with you and comfort you. Rest in peace LCpl gone but NEVER forgotten.

  68. Johnny W Smith on August 26th, 2011 12:17 pm

    I grieve for all the families that have to deal with these protesters. As thankful
    as I am about them turning around today. I would like to know if there is anything we
    could do about them on a more permanent level?

    To have to bribe this (church?) to stay away from Atmore today was GREAT & I do
    appreciate the radio station with all my heart, but BRIBERY in the long run can’t
    be the only answer. — Just Saying

  69. Michael on August 26th, 2011 12:15 pm

    Freedom isn’t free and as a veteran and someone who has been to numerous countries I urge these idiots to travel outside the US and see how they treat protesters and people that disrespect the dead. what they are traveling around the country and doing is the equivelant of biting the hand that feeds you. I think someone should look into who finances these people and protest those individuals and businesses.

  70. Carl & Sylvia on August 26th, 2011 12:06 pm

    Church? This is no church, this is a cult! I can even fathom not having respect for someone who puts their life in harms way for strangers. I would say I feel sorry for them but I don’t. I think that so called church should have to go over there and put their lives up for this country.
    May God bless this family and give them peace and comfort in the days ahead. I would like for them to know I am so thankful for people, like their son, who was willing to die for me to be free. My heart goes out to all of his family and friends.

  71. Faithful Marine Wife on August 26th, 2011 12:02 pm

    Thanks News Radio 1620! Way to step up to the plate! My heart is broken for the Nelson family and friend’s great loss and to have these hateful people protest just angers me!

  72. Sandra on August 26th, 2011 12:01 pm

    I don’t even have a traffic ticket on my record, but rest assured I’d be happy to go to jail to keep these nuts away from this funeral.

  73. Molino on August 26th, 2011 11:58 am

    That man went and gave up his life for us so we can live in peace, and people seriously want to stand there and tell hime what he did was wrong? They should be thanking him for what he has done for us and paying respects not protesting.

  74. mandy peavy on August 26th, 2011 11:54 am

    you know this is a shame! does this church realize that it is these soldiers that are fighting everyday for our freedom? Do they realize that everytime they walk in a church door its because these guys are fighting for that freedom for them? How can you call yourself a christian and be like this. This man paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, his family lost a husband, son, dad, and our country lost him as well. Do these people really understand where our country would be if we didn’t have our military? I thank God for our military, I don’t always agree with some things that they do, but if it was for them and God behind them, we wouldn’t be living in a free country. There are so many things that we take for granted everyday, including myself, for example, walking around, saying what we want, going to whatever church you want to go to, working where you want to, and there are many many more, and it just grips me that this church, of all people, A CHURCH, would want to protest this soldiers funeral. Are you kidding me? I pray for you and your congregation.

  75. Sandra on August 26th, 2011 11:50 am

    Thanks to 1620 the protesters wont be around the family but if I were the radio station, at 5:15 I’d tell them to shove off and renig on the deal. Maybe they’ll get hit by a bus on their way home!

  76. 429SCJ on August 26th, 2011 11:47 am

    A wise move!

  77. William on August 26th, 2011 11:45 am

    >>I applaud 1620! I don’t trust the protestors not to show up though.

    I’ve talked to Branden about this. If they show up, I’ll send them a photo and the deal is off.

  78. Shelley Weaver on August 26th, 2011 11:44 am

    I applaud 1620! I don’t trust the protestors not to show up though.

  79. William on August 26th, 2011 11:40 am

    “Stu” — the radio station is NOT doing this support of westboro; they are making the concession to prevent the protest.

    NewsRadio 1620 and sister station Cat County 98.7 are local owned and as red, white and blue American as they come. My hat is off to them .

  80. Angie on August 26th, 2011 11:37 am

    So glad they are not going to protest at his funeral. Its just wrong to do that. His family should be able to have their last moments with him in peace and not to have all that going on outside his funeral. Travis Nelson deserves respect along with his family.

  81. Stu on August 26th, 2011 11:37 am

    At least I know which radio station not to listen to this afternoon @ 5:15—
    Thanks 1620!!! I’ll see you on the flip side!

  82. So sorry on August 26th, 2011 11:35 am

    Thank you Mr. Rathert, now the Nelson’s will not have to endure the hate of the Westboro Baptist people. I can’t call them a Church. Satan has these poor fools deceived. God Bless the Nelson family.

  83. Stu on August 26th, 2011 11:29 am

    Alright ATMORE / NE,


    See you there.

  84. kt on August 26th, 2011 11:28 am

    This” church” is obviously not a church of God. My heart breaks for this mother.

  85. Vicki on August 26th, 2011 11:23 am

    Thank you, NewsRadio 1620 for doing this for these people.

  86. savannah on August 26th, 2011 11:22 am

    though I know he hates to do it, thank you SO VERY MUCH to the radio host who agreed to let them speak. I know the family will be extremely appreciative as well. That family needs peace and love, not distractions and hate. Again, thank you news radio 1620 for letting the bunch of crazies speak to give the family some reprieve.

  87. A Soldiers Wife on August 26th, 2011 11:21 am

    Why not instead of protesting the soldiers funeral, Thank him for giving his life so that you idiots can have the FREEDOM to protest. Besides, you want to call yourselves a “church”?? YOU are NOT a church of GOD, that’s for sure!!! So just pack your stuff up and go to Iraq or Afghanistan and fight instead of sending our GREAT soldiers over there and leaving their families behind.

    I am getting ready to send my soldier over soon. He is leaving our family next week. It is very hard to send him off and to think that he has to go to defend the freedom of IDIOTS like these just really makes it worse!!!

    So…..the South is protected by the good Lord and a gun…..come around here and you may meet both today!!!! :-)


  88. Sharlee on August 26th, 2011 11:09 am

    Praying for his family; these protesters are ridiculous. This man lost his life defending their rights. Youd think they would show some respect…. Rip travis! god bless your family and friends …let god be with them during this hard time!!

  89. EMD on August 26th, 2011 11:06 am

    Jesus did not call His church to protest, but to Holiness, and the proclaiming the gospel of The Kingdom to this lost world. If all that name The Name had been doing this since that command, there might not even be any funerals to protest by now. This Westboro, so called, Baptist Church is way out of line. They need to be born again and studying to actually do what we are asked to do in Luke 11 and Romans 12:1

    To the family of LCpl Travis Nelson: My deepest sympathy and condolences and prayers for your comfort during this sad and tragic time. Please do not let those who are so lacking in empathy disturb your peace. Psalm 37 helps me when I am troubled by people like these protesters. May the words of this Psalmist help you too.

  90. armycptswife on August 26th, 2011 11:02 am

    So glad to see the Patriot Guard Riders here!!!! I know we ALWAYS show our appreciation for what they do!!!! God bless them all. Prayers for the family!!!
    The protesters are sick and that IS NOT a first amendment right…. Our forefathers did not have protesting military funerals in mind in protecting free speech…… I could say more, but I’ll stop since I’m military wife and what I could say could have ramifications. lol

  91. Mary Jones on August 26th, 2011 11:02 am

    Wish I had known about this before now. I would help block them and their stupid signs! I want to know what “Church” is so unfeeling.

  92. NaturnBornBullies on August 26th, 2011 10:58 am

    These people have some nerve, This young man gave his life stand up for something he believed! The honor of this Country the United States of America if they don’t like that or can not at least be respectful then they can get the HELL OUT!

  93. Brandy on August 26th, 2011 10:56 am

    Our fallen soldiers earned the right to be laid to rest in PEACE! His family has earned that right as well! The protestors have earned the right to be shipped off to a country where they can speak out and “the town will have them hung before lunch today”! NO ONE deserves to have protestors at a loved ones funeral, it is as UN-American as u can get!!! I PRAY that the “good ole boys” of the South, show them some Southern hospitality!!!! God Bless our soldier and their families!

  94. Lorri Williams on August 26th, 2011 10:55 am

    Such disrespect….what a shame…my thoughts and prayers to the family….Let them mourn in PEACE….

  95. molino jim on August 26th, 2011 10:55 am

    Stacey—You are being kind to just call these people “idiots”. I have several other terms that would apply—but William would not be able to put them out on this site. For this young Marines family–SEMPER FI. Our hearts go out to you.

  96. Rita Dagen on August 26th, 2011 10:55 am

    To the Kansas “church”/hate group……stay the hay in Kansas!!!!

  97. PEACEBEWITHYOU on August 26th, 2011 10:54 am

    Westbore Baptist Church, down here we respect the American Flag, Our Country,family and friends. AND WILL STAND UP FOR OUR FALLEN SOLDIER AND GATHER AROUND HIS FAMILY. Just remember you ain’t in Kansas anymore.

  98. Mary Ann Long on August 26th, 2011 10:52 am

    I certainly hope they do not do that. I just don’t understand people that would do such a thing. I certainly don’t see Jesus doing such a thing. WWJD

  99. Rebekah on August 26th, 2011 10:50 am

    I would urge anyone reading this to walk with discretion and peace in dealing with Westboro, should they be in Atmore today. This “church” feeds on hate and chaos, and they should be quietly ignored. They are not Christians; they are attention-starved, evil, sad people. Please, don’t satisfy their sick minds by creating more hatred and distraction.

  100. Atmore G on August 26th, 2011 10:44 am

    I have the feeling that this so called “church group” will not be too welcome in Atmore Alabama.. Why in this world would anyone want to protest the funeral for a young man who gave his life for his country? I think the police should arrest them on the spot! I just wish the family did not have to go through all this..

  101. john on August 26th, 2011 10:40 am

    It will be interesting if they show up, and just how many will leave under thier own power LOL.

  102. Stacey Plant on August 26th, 2011 10:29 am

    I know a few people that would go to jail…these people are idiots…God bless his family…God bless our law enforcement today too!!