Special Section: Back To School Info You Need To Know

August 21, 2011


School starts Monday in Escambia County, and we have the last minute information you need to know, including start times, school supply lists, lunch prices, bus routes, and information on free and reduced price lunches.

Click a link to visit that story.


5 Responses to “Special Section: Back To School Info You Need To Know”

  1. Miss M on August 22nd, 2011 10:49 pm

    Most comments I see posted online display very poor spelling and grammar, and the vast majority of them are posted by people who were not homeschooled. Why is little attention paid to the condition of their writing?

    I know “Homeschooled” very well. Her usual spelling and grammar are not as lax as what you see in her comment. It’s pretty obvious that she was intentionally using misspelled words that are commonly used.

    Her schedule is not lazy, just different. Schooling and daily life don’t have to be high-stress situations that cram too much into the day.

    Full disclosure: I homeschool, too.

  2. homeschooled on August 22nd, 2011 7:12 pm

    not lazy…just layed back!

  3. mary on August 22nd, 2011 5:04 pm

    @”hiomschool life..sounds likeyou should take some classes yourself & that your schedule also sounds a bit like a lazy person,,,

  4. Education Needed on August 22nd, 2011 10:51 am

    Homeschooled: Perhaps a bit more time on grammar and spelling…

  5. hiomschool life! on August 22nd, 2011 8:48 am

    homeschool sched…
    .sleep till 8am…breakfast, do a lil school work…hangout with a friend or 2{phone call}…do a lil more school work….get a snack…go feed the pets…do a lil more school work..help mom get supper started..do a lil more school work…hang out outside/waiting for daddy to get home…eat supper…***all with a big smile on your face..no kids fighting around you, not worrying about what eveyone else is wearing, cause your still in my jammies at noon…not having to worry about being late or going to the wrong class room, cause our class rooms are all over the house, and at our own choice….lunch is …well what ever ya wonna get outta the freezer, or sometimes davids catfish..*** ohhh dont forget about the field trips…fieldtrips…3-5 a month! and that dont count the 10 trips to walmart a month!!!…can we say yeah homeschool!!! ***